HomeMy WebLinkAbout914692 -'r'''4r~ f )~ f: ; "¡ ') ,- \.... -~. \.. QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that June LaNae Jensen, Successor Trustee of the June Nield Revocable Trust dated January 4,1990, Grantor, of PO Box 1059, Afton, Wyoming 83110, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to June LaNae Jensen, individually, Grantee, whose address is PO Box 1059, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the following described real estate, situated in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: The property is more fully described on the attached Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. /1 j , , ;"./! ¡ / WITNESS my hand this 30th day of November, 2005, ",\.I (1 /~Ov (~) ~y (/) ~/l/ .ø^'_ i .~~/~.I £1.:.</ 'yG'he LaNae 6enseo/JSuccessor ÞTrustee of the June ~,held Revocable Trust dated January 4, 1990 STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by June LaNae Jensen, Successor Trustee of the June Nield Revocable Trust dated January 4,1990, this 30tl1 day of November, 2005, WITNESS my hand and official seal. ''"......~ r ~~~ ¡ Iv1. GALLOWAY - NOTARY PUBLIC County of If,~f.::\\ Llilcoln (:'1:;.·;'~~ State of M " ',,:A't7 WYO[Tlin ~~!=~~!ib RECEIVED 12/23/2005 at 10:33 AM RECEIVING # 914692 BOOK 608 PAGE: 145 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY PfU l':-~:;i(jn(j1 L.:ìlld SWV8)'OfS !);Hd 1,1 Sclwlbel '/f)'CJ rk~F;,lla\IDI1 No, 16'1 Ul.'lft IlcUI~!¡a¡ion IJu 167U ItUl¡c Hegislf<ilion No, 3990 tJe\'ada R(~lslldli[J(¡ No 6805 Scoll A Scïle¡bel i,-',I¡-C) Ht'1jlslli1( c) ) tJo JBß9 Idéillo HeQis!ta!ion t~o. 8026 Lila!] Hegistra!lon tJo 372111 t,,1ARl.O'NE A. SCliCHBEL \-'</yo, !~evisjlalloll No 53tìa SLJIV6'~I(J¡ Srll8luel, LID J\llun, ',"'!YOlillfIQ !JIU PII1'-::/, WJ'ûrning ·tj; I ·r} '~--\ 2;)' ;.(~ 1"_'__·"·' 1,"- '!') 1(:::>' L (',\ 0~ c_~ -~ (ì : ; \ , " to '/ 1..- ~ .. '":t V DESCRIPTION FOR EXI-IIBIT A .JUNI'~ NIELD REVOCAßLE TRUST, DA'TCD 04 JANUARY 1990 FAMILY EXEl\lPT TRACT To-wit: - - ThaI part of the NWJ!INW~~1 of SeCLJon 3Ô, T32N )(] 10\V, linco]n ('Dllllty, WYOIlJing, being part of tbat tract of record in the Office of the CJerk 0 C Lincoln County in r30uk 283 or Photostatic Records 011 page 130, described as fCJ]]ows: BI~C INNING at a spike N89°-48' -36"E, 54936 fed Liol11 the tJOlthwest corner () C s:lid NW~~NW~~I; thence N89°-48'-3CJ"E, 488.50 feet, along the north line o[said N\V~'/¡N\V~(¡, to a spike; thence SOOO_] I '-24"E, 208.71 feel, to a point; thence S89°-48'-36"W, 488.50 feet, along a line paral]el with s;Üd north line, to:\ point; thence NOOO-]] '-24"W, 208.71 icet, to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING; ENCOIvJP ASSfNCì an area of 2.34 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARINCì for this survey is the north line of the N\VI/~ of Section 36, T3 ]<,119W, being N89°-4S'-36"E; IzESERV1NC unto the Crantors, their heirs, successors and assigns :1 tlon-c:\cluSI\L' perpetual right for lItilj¡jes over, under, and across the east twenty (20) [eet of the :tlJU\c: described tract; each "comer" found as described ill the Comcr r.zecord filed or to bc likd in the Orlicc 01 the Clerk of Lincoln COllnty; each "spike" I1lmked by a 3/8" x 12" slce] spike referenced by a 5/8" x 14" :;lcel reinforcing rod with 2" alltminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL 1!'L) /'\FTC)N W'{ PLS 5368", with appropriate deLÙ]s; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod wIth a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SUIZVEYOR SCHEIUJEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with approprì:ltc details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be fiJed in the Ollice of the Clerk of Lincull1 County titled, "JUNE NIELD REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 04 JANUAR\' 19c)() PLAT OF FAl\llLY EXEJ'dPT TRACT W1T] 11N TI IE N\VV N\V~j SEcr] JON 35 T32N / I / ' R 119/~~COLN CO UN 1'Y >W ;Í(~§G'" dated 13 Octolier 20U5, ;1S I cVlsed. II J// ý' ,:/ /11//·#/2 . //~/í!a/Z/to1d /4I/¡7I~ ~1/~~: (/ :A/ . / / ", , ] L~J)ccember 2005 Ý )' ,.':' ,:.,f:i'·' / (,::' /',;,:!/' ) ì;;)J'-ç' \ ;,;/\ \ / """,0\\ )IJ ill)! c-;." -'. ./21.14 /.0:) '^~, \TI("..1':.-J !~)·J(I·Jl;i:L: ~":\l-td j'~C\Ul'il]-'¡L' lJW;\"-!,; [11,II'l "MocJification in allY WdY of tile fOil --' '" JesCli¡JtíOII 11::;111I111all;s 11;\lJìllty of l/w Sur