HomeMy WebLinkAbout914693 1'-1 (\ n ';" ,I . ,', I r "'i -} \,.. ,...;.¡.. /-1 TRUSTEES QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that June LaNae Jensen, Successor Trustee of the June Nield Revocable Trust dated January 4, 1990, Grantor, of PO Box 1059, Afton, Wyoming 83110, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS a one-fourth (%) interest to Troy Nield, a one-fourth (%) interest to Trina Lancaster, a one-fourth (%) interest to Toby Nield, and a one-forth (%) interest to Tara Erickson, as tenants in common, Grantees, wllose address is 601 Lincoln Street, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the following described real estate, situated in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: The property is more fully described on the attached Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. ,j ../(-,17 STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) RECEIVED 12/23/2005 at 10:36 AM RECEIVING # 914693 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 147 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COUNTY OF LINCOLN The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by June LaNae Jensen, Successor Trustee of the June Nield Revocable Trust dated January 4,1990, this 30111 day of November, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. r"--"~~~--"'-"·-"""-~~/""'\..~"'~~~~ ~ M. G/\LLOWAY - ~JOTAFiY PUBLIC ( < County of State of ~ Lincoln Wyoming l~~~~~.)(ì (Ie) )'\J'\<:' () '\ l-r- / . ·-)Cl.i.lJ II (]~t \-_ Notar, ·.Public 7 / o ,', /"\ ,., .,' ,j () .:.. :,) t.; i. if 0 EXIIIBl'r /~ PARCELl C(Jllill15I'-[l.="I Ì'·)(J ~ L th;.~ llc',T.:clj::?¿:.s [ CCJrner of th e H cJr ch ",; ;~~ s t ¡~.)U 2.. 2-- ~:_ c':- t_;:' ::n,3 No=- th'-1¡'e"~3 t: C' u ,;:¡.~. t ¡~:.- ( 1 {h' 1 / ..~ 11: h'l / .j ) 0: S!:3C ticrl Thi2- t:/ - -'-.... (3 G) 'I'C'l((flShip ~ - t\','l:) (~j:2 ) l'I·._:~, J.: ~=} 1 / ~~2.nS-3 l~L9 \',{es :: of t.he fj th ~? . !;1, I 'd~"c¡nil-lg ( c,[]\:.=ì 2-."1.1 [";!'1 thenCt3 7~~ 1 I-I --I ., 2.:c>ds 't'-es t í thence 160 2.- (."::<..1 g South; then(~e ~7 'J , - 1/2 ~L.J'; s¿~:) t / thence lDlJ :;"-C<23 IkJT th Co th!:-3 plec2 C).L he';:.Lnn~~ng I CC1C) L:¿:::.L nin'j '/:; -: /-¡ _.,' LJ aC!:~=-~~J 0'-:: lc:~nd( b,~ the.:-e Jí1()..ì.."C or Je3:-J. l>::(C'}~ ?THIG TEE El!: F ¡':Ol, ; -'\ t~C2ct Cì{ lc~nd 1ying in t;-1'2 HOLtf"l\'y'¡2~::'L (]uE:..rte.:.- of L:~::'-: Nc<:..t~[rn'eSl~ IJué:I'[e,i~ (N'riJ./'Jl/'ril/'l) of Section Thj.rt~'-six (36), 'l'O',.¡nship Thirtjr- t",c> (32) lIon.h, i~~~I1ge ll9 h'est of t¡-le tJth ?:rl., 1YY~':'1!1i:-;';f, mo.::..-e p~~~-tic!_Ll,:-_rJy (J'23cri~:I!.:!d ,:::5 £0J.10',,'3 ; S2GI1J11D1G at 2 poin~ which is JJ feeL: :3cluth ~nò 10:21 :. e,l:: 7: Tn~ e s ~ J (J l... "Che N()rth-:::E..s t.= Cc'=-r '22..~ or the I'1":)r-th\1~'es t C)!_l~rtEr (.)£ tll€;; l[c!:th\o':;2::..:;t QU2.2..-ter (U\'ì:l/4ln'il/'J.) C1}_ E,éiid Sectic'l1 Thir·ty-si~~ (3(j), ~1¡1d p~oce~~din':J th~nc~~ :3()u~':h 2G,'~ fe~ci th2r-JC~ h(~:st 165 feet; thence flclTth 25'~ :re¡~tj thence :2,=:~t 2.tj5 l~et:1t= to t£l':J Pl-:):int (;l~ be'~-ir~nin';¡i 5éid trc:ct c(-;'ntaj.ning Onr:.J (1) êlCl-¡:-3, IHC:~~-d L;.~. J..C~:j5. ALSO E_\~Cl£?TINL~: 3.2'] lIlll ITI(, ~'J ~LJ f ¡,:l; t ::-~ou Lh of the llo::-t.heë~3t Co:rner nf th:3 lie..:: t.ìTd £~:3 :.: 1:\l.l,::T C(::J: _ oJ: UL UH3 ¡·lorUl'",c:st (Ju.3.J:tc,r (Nh'1/'Uro'il/4) or S;èJction Thi.rty- sLc (3<.;) (T\~) ~,',' r1 s hip Tl-:.il-t-:/,,- t'a'O (32) l~,~'lr th ( 2el~çe 119 1'?sst c~ ~~h2 G ~h D )._£ .. ,...' ~. 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I }ünlt \\,c1;l COI11CI' 0 r ~; ~l id ~; c;c Ii u n J ()' . , thellce SOO"-:21 '·,30"W, 52H.OO kct,lIlul\g tllc wc:,llil1c of ~!\id NW~/IN\V~\ \0 tile :;o\1tlll'lI:;\ puill! of'tlllllll:lcl urlccolll il\ snid (JII-lce illlìuuk19~j urp[¡()!USlalic I~CCilld'; (Ill Jia)y~ -j'F); lJ\cm;c N~)\)')_'II)'-J(¡"h, (¡O.OO kct (0 the JJOI~T 0[1' BEGINNINC Oil tile castell)' liglll-O¡~ W(1)' !í11G or the AI Ired Suuth County Il(J¡¡d Nu. 1;- \ 9B; ¡IICIICe U)I\(iI1Ui¡lg, NW)')-i,\13'-J(j"L~, '115.0ü reCI, alung thc ~uutlJ ¡UIC ul'lllallldLl Ul'lCLUld II} :;did Ulfl(:(; ill Huok JV!\ ul' jJllotU;jl;\lic l\ceurds Oil pagl~ '¡'Il) awl Ilw ca~;[cll)' extCJlSIOII \!iCJL'UJ', 10 ,\ pUíl1l, 1/¡C1\(;C ~;UU"<~! '-:lU"W, 210 OU leCl, parallel wil/¡ C]\\id wcstlil)C, \1) ,\ PUii1l, 111cIICC Sg9",'Ig'~J(/'W, L1 1 5.00 kCl, pu¡ulll'1 with s:lid sOlll1l lilll', to a point 011 said l~;\stelly righl-o[~way lil1c; (11('llce NOQu·21 ',30"J:, 210.00 [l.TC, ¡lIcJIIg said castcrly ¡ìgl\l-Ur-\\'ay [ilIC to lhc PO INT 0 F lŒGli\jN1NG: ¡,:Ncor\'IP/\:)SI \j(ì illl ;\lC:\ 01' ',U) 0 ac[cs, ¡IIUle 01 k\js: (hl~ BASE UL'¡\IUI\iC ,'or tlli:J slIn'c)' i:; ¡JIC null\¡ lillC uf tile )~WI/1 of Sccliol\ ]C;, T:¡:2['~, 1\.11')\\1, bcil1{1. Ni\l)(j,'!i1'-JÖ"L; cae\¡ "cmllcl" i'olll1l1 a:; dl.'scribcd 111 the COllIL:r llccurd riled ¡II (he Ollicc of' tllC Clcrk ur L>il\l~oI11 Cuunty: CilC/¡ "jluifl!" m:\Jkcd by a )/ö" X:>!" :;tcd I ci¡d[JICíllg lod wit Ii :\ )" allllllinlll1l Cdp inscribed, "SURVEYOR ~;CI1EltlH{L" ¡,TD UIG PJNEY WY PLS 53CJn" 01 "SlmVLYOK SCllli!U~EL LTD A¡,"IO['J WY PLS 5J6i\", \\illl ,\p¡Jlo!HiaIC detail:;; all il\ ;ICl.oll!allU'. will} lllc plat plCp<1lCd to 1)[; lílcd in \hl'. Ollie\.' or the Clclk 0[' L.iIICull\ Cuuld)' titled, IIJUJ'~E NILIJ) ¡U~VOCI\UU; TIUIST, 1)XI'I:1) Oel JANU¡\ll YI90U PI.!\l e)l: L\OUNUAlt'{ /\DJUST[v\[NT WITIIIN TIU:: NW1/1N\\,'/\ S[ClJUN~)() TD.N ¡Z \ I')\V LINCOI.N COllI\J["( WVUI\1INC", d¡dl'd l~; ScpLcl'lbcI1C)C)l) ); ! //), /.- / I 0' /" /J //1·· / / II /') / / /.'i >'./ / / // ,,'-7'7'---., ~/ /;;~? //o'/!. ///."~;.~<':~~\?\/LlJ/;;>""',\ / / //~//. .:, j/, ..~ /// ~ (~~' ¡51? I';J~~_>Y,..,«~·L_--....",... J \.('\ \ l· f>(é /1.r{0L/'~ )~/ IlÆ!i ;!-{/}-íp~-J\ (. ", ,\\ > /;/ {.> 1./ (/ / ~/i/ _.-/ / "~.., .,0' ,:,' uC>¡' v>, '\ :/1 St: )kJlll)(.'r 19S)') ( ;'.-1 ". ,.:'t'. o. ,J.(jU '(~~(;.J...' / ':, ,.,1, "-0\ (J wI, \. (-)1. j [-~) !.". )'.~), Jf " , f I '\ \ \j' 10' / \ . ~J:'l/)C < -~ éll. \"" ¡I~:;~;~\~ :.v / '''-. ._ I II,. 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