HomeMy WebLinkAbout914695 r: 1 ',) ~.:~.. J Warranty Deed! Brown Living Trust dated the 18th day of Septem bel' 1996 Norris C. Brown, III and R. Layne Browll, Trustees Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN ($10.00) DOLL.ARS and otl1er Good and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WAR~~ANT TO: Jerold G. Schmidlt Sole oWller Grantee, whose mailing address is 3464 So. Cleveland Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84109, the following described real estate situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby relt:;asing and waiving all rights under· and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State to-wit: Lot 15 in Star Valley Ranch Plat 17, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or in use. WITNESS our hand this _L~i day of ~tp(\/ ~ ,2005. RECEIVED 12/23/2005 at 10:50 AM RECEIVING # 914695 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 151 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Brown Living Trust dated the 18th day of September '1996 -;7 "r;-r/ . /--/ 7' (. C¡_A-L-' c; // ~...~-- / / ;:- ./ Norris C. Brown, III, Trustee Ii //7 . {, ..'- ,// (---.--!"' ( - /! (/~ /~/J(,..~' l"e ~-./;;:)( <- )ljj'V'",. ) ..... ¿yo_;I ~-~" /' --.'\ 'j. j ~ -... , R. La ne Brown, Trustee ~/.. I State of / l J,/ t'ìn i r7q~) u JZ.~'. 0 ) ss. County of I ¡,,!e- f\' ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Brown Livinç Trust elated the 18tl1 day rof SeptemlJ,~r 1996, Nmris C. Brown, III and R Layne Brown, Trustees, this /'/'---_ day of i hie. , 2005. Witness my hand anel official seal. "-::::"::;'::::::-':::-F~:-:'::~'::'::::'-:::::':':;:""~'__" .'..:....'.--; .....,__...~~......_......._ (~EW<I L KITIHEll,-~ ~·;i~-;::71~'-;Uw~iC cOLJ~r{ OF /Æ:jÒr't\ STillE OF Llr'JL;OII'J Q,hMít h WYOMING VIi!¡¿' ,-..,_~~~j.rS:_~~~![~:L~r2-~~Píres FE:bruaryIO, 2U09 ....'"--- ~ .~.-.. -"......... -'-',. ._.--:..-.-':::. "' '::::;-':":-:::-.:::::.::::~~~'~':~::-"':;::".: :."::,~:=-- L<\ c..\ \. / ~ "..~(~~~)}t~JII1JJ - Notary Public My Commission EXPire~_+L b in MY 1'1. ._ ..-