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BOOK 608 PAGE: 152
CWIÞ.C l'~ort9age Corp.
100 VVitrner Road
Harsham, PA 19044-0963
ATTN: Records Management
[Span' AlJon Thi.> Lint' For Rl'l'onling Datal
Loan No. ')90608907
MIN 1000375-0590608907-6
Wonls used in multiple sectiuns of this document are defined below and uther words an: ddïned
in Sections 3, [I, 13, 18,20 and 21. Ct:rtdirl rules regardillg the usage uf words used in this
du\:ul11ent are also provided in Section [6.
(A) "SeclIdty Instnllnent" means this dl)cnl1lent, which is dated December 1 ~J,
2005 ,together with all Riders to this document.
(8) "Borf!!lrer" is
Daniel Warren Moffat and Helena Moffat, husband and wife
Borrower is the mortgagor under this Security Instnlment.
(C) "!\IERS" is Mortgage ElectflHlic Registration Systems, In\:. MERS is a separate
\:urporation that is ading sulely as a nominee for Lender ami Lenckr's successors ami assigns.
J\IERS is the mortgagee untler (his Security Instrument. ~v1ERS is urganized amI existing
under the laws of Delaware, amI has an addr<:.o;, am! tekpllune nunlber uf P.O. Bux 2026, Flint,
M I 48501-2026, leI. (888) 679-M ERS.
WYO.. !\lI1'\.Q,n singjc"I::"'H~ì.l)' --F~l11¡jt: ~'l:ù:Tr~JJi.' ,\111
ll~lh).l\IINSI,I(lI~II,:.r l·ulI".1051 IUI .. W(fí1f-
(¡age J oj lb) 329'!:e8801 Inltmls: {¡ff, 346
Ci\IACi\t - C\IS,UU42.WY (0001) ~>)¿V\J
r, t-\ (', ~r :::. ~1
\., '\) tJ .1. 0 v
(D) "Lender" is
GIVlJ\C [\1ortgage Corporat ion
Léndér is a Corpora t ion
laws of Pennsylvania
100 Witmer Road, P.O. Box 963, Horsham, pn
organiz<òd and existing lllllln thé
Lendér's address is
1'304 '1
(E) "Note" 1I1éanS the proJllissury no!t: signed by 13o!Tuwer and dared December 19,
2005 . The Note stares that Burrower uwes Lemler
One Htmdred Ten Thousand and 00/100
[)¡)llars (U. S. $ 110, 000 . 00 ) plus interest. Bnrruwer has promised to pay this
debt in régular Periudic Paymenrs ami tn pay the debt in full nul latér than
January 1, 2036
(F) "Property" rneans the prup<òrty that is described below umler thé heading "Transfer nf
¡(ights in the Property."
(G) "LoaIl" means the debt evidenced by rhe Note, pIllS interest, any prepayrnenr charges
amI late charges due llmler the Note, ami all sums due umler this Securiry Instrumenr, plus
(ll) "Riders'l means all Riders tn this Secllrity Instrument that are executed by Borrmver.
The foJlowing Riders are tn be executed by BO!Tower [check box as applicable]:
Adjustable Rate Rider
Ballnnn Rider
Other(s) [specify]
Cnndorninium Rider D
Biweekly Payment Rider D
Planned Unir Develnpment Rider
Second !Iorne Rider
1-4 Family Rider
(1) IIApplicable Law'l means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes,
regulations, onliwmces ami administrative rules and urders (that have rhe effect of law) as well
as all applicable final, nOll-appealable judicial upinions.
(1) IICo/llmuIlity Association Dues, Fees, and Assessmentsll me,UIS all dues, fees,
assessments and other charges that are impnsed Oll 13u!Tnwer or the Property by a cnndulllinillJll
assnciarion, lj()l1leowners associaliun ur sirnilar urganizatiun.
(1\.) l'Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer nf funds, uther than a transactiun
originated by check, draft, or similar paper illstrullJ<:llt, which is jniriatc:d through an eJectHmic
terminal, telephunic instrument, cornputer, or magnetic rape so as to urder, instruct, or autlHJrize
a financial institl1lion to debit or credit an accuunt. Such term includes, but is nut lirnited tu,
point-of-sale transfers, antomated reller tlJachine transactiolls, trallslc:rs initiated by telephone,
wile transfers, am! autumated clearing¡ul\se transfers.
(L) "Escrow Items" means those items (hat are describc:d in Sectiull 3.
(J\f) "!\Iiscellaneolls Proceeds" meaus any compensatiull, sc:ttlemellt, award 01 damages, or
pruceeds paid by any third party (other than insurance prnceeds paid ullder the coverages
describc:d in Stctioll 5) for: (i) damage tu, or deStlllcriull of, the Pruperty; (ii) cUllllellination or
other taking ul all ur any part uf the Pn¡perry; (iii) cUllveyallct ill lieu of cOllllel1matioll; ur (iv)
misrepreselltatiuns of, or omissions as to, the va1l\e alld/or cOlldition uf (he Pruperty.
\\'YO:\UNC -" Sili!.dC' F:..t¡¡¡jJ)' -- FaJù-¡i<.: i\!J(,;:I~'rL'ddiC' I\!JC LI~,~lnJ(Ì\! INSTJ\lI:\I[)\n
1',>\111.1051 ¡¡OJ Q Ly
tlJitiab: V &ff¡;
Cl\L\Ci\1 - Ci\IS.OO-t2.W\' (0001) (l'age '2 ufJ8)
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(N) "Mortgage Insurance" rneans insurance pwtt:cting Lt:ndt:r agaillSt th<: nOllpayrm;nt of,
or default on, the Loan.
(0) "Periodic Payment" m<:ans the regularly sch<:dukd an1lHlllt due (JI (i) principal amI
intert:st under tht: Not<:, plus (ii) any amounts umkr S<:ctilHI 3 of this Security Jnstrumenl.
(P) "RESPA" llJt:ans tht: Real Estatt: Sdtknlt:nt Prucedures Act (12 U .S.C'. ~2601 d seq.)
amI its implernenting regulation, Rt:gulation X (24 C'.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be
amended from time to time, or any additional ur sun:essur kgislation or r<:gulation that governs
the same subject mattt:!". r\S used in this Security [nstrument, "RESPA" rej'c:rs to all
r<:quiremt::nts and restrictiuns that are impost::d in rt:gard to a "ft;ckraJly related mortgage I'Jan"
evt:n if the Loan does not qualify as a "federally rdated mortgage luan" under RESP,:\.
(Q) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" m<:mrs any party that has taken ¡itle to the
Property, whether or not th,lI party has assumed Borrower',; obligation,; under the Note amUor
this Security [nstrlllnelll.
This Security ]nstml11t:nt secures to Lemler: (i) tlte repayment of the Loan, and all renewals,
extensions ami moelific,llions of the Note; amI (ii) the perforrnance of Borrower's covenants amI
agreements under this Security Instrulnent anel the Note. Fur this purpus<:, Borrower does
her<:by mortgage, grant ami convey 10 MERS (solely as nominee for Lemler amI Lenelt:r's
successors and assigns) and to the successors and assigns of MERS, with power of sale, tlt<:
foJlow jng described property located jn the Coun t y
TYJv of R~cof(liHg .lurbdictioll]
of Li.ncoln
[Naill(' tlf JÜ'ctlnlillg .lurbdirtitllll
which currently has the address of
225 Hialeah County Road 405s,
Þ. f ton
, Wyoming
8]110 9759
¡Zip Code)
("Pwp<:rty Address"):
10 t)'J
TOGETHER WITH all the improvelnents no\\' or hereafter erected on the property, and
all easements, appurtenances, ami fixtures null' or hereafter a part nf lbe prupeny. AJI
repJact:lllents and aJJitjuns shall alsu be cuvered by tbis Security JnSlrunlt:nl. All uf the
fureguing is referred to in tllis Security lnstrlllllc:nt as tIle "Property." Burruwer understa11l1s ami
agrees that )vIERS ¡¡ulds unly legal title td tlte interests granted hy Burruwer in tbis St:curity
lnstrulllent, hut, if necêssary to cumpJy witlt law ur custum, )vlERS (as nOJuineê for Lender ami
Lemler's succt:ssors amI assigns) bas the right: tu ex<:rcist: any or all uf t]WSt: interests,
including, bUI nut limitt:d tu, the right 10 furecluse ami sell the PJUpt::rty; and tu take any actiun
required of Lender including, but nut limited [U, releasillg ¡lIld canceling this Security
1'-"",,)051 lIUl n, It/il
tll it ials: _':;_LJJ./lh
'VYO;\llNC n S¡"gk hInD) n htiu,;, ~1",/F"Jc1" M"'IINIHJRM INSTIW~tENI
(;;\L\C:\1 - CI\IS.OOcj2,WY (0001) (J'age 3 (118)
(-. ,-. ,o,.: ,,-...<....
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BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate herehy
conveyed and has the right to mortgage, grant and cunvey the Property and tl¡at the Pruperty is
unenculllbered, except flJr ellcumhranct's of record. BOITuwer warrallts and wiJJ defend
generaJJy the title to the Property against all daims and demands, suhject to any encumhrances
of record.
TI-US SECURITY INSTRUMENT clJI!lbinó unifunn CO\'enants for natiowd use and
non-unifonn covenants with lirnited variations by jurisdiction to cOllstitUk a unifonn security
instrument covèring real propèrty.
UNJFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant amI agree as follows:
1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, alld Late
Charges, Borrower shaJJ pay when due ¡he princ:ipal uf, aml interèst on, the debt evidenced hy
the Note and any prepayment c:harges aml Llle c:harges due under thè Note. Borruwer shall also
pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant tu Section 3. Payments due umler the Note amI this
Security Instnnl1ênt sll:;!! he madê ill U.S. currency. Huwever, if any check ur other instrument
n:c:eived by Le:nder as payment under the NlJk or [his Security lnstlullknt is returned tu Lel1lkr
unpaid, Lxnder IlIay require that any or all suhsequent payme:nts due umkr the Note and this
Security Instrunlent he: made in one or mtlIe: of tIle ldlowing forms, as selede:d hy Le:ndn: (a)
casll; (h) rlluney order; (c:) certified check, hank che:ck, treasurer's chec:k or C<lsltie:r's c:he:c:k,
provide:d any such check is drawn upon an iustitution whose de:posits an~ insure:d by a federal
agency, instrumentality, ur entity; or (d) Elec:tronic: Funds Transfer.
Payments are deemed received by Lemler when received at the location designated in
the Nott: or at such other location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice
provisiuns in Sedion IS. Lender may return any payment or partial payrnent if tbe payment or
partial payments are insufficient to bring the Loan current. Lender may accept any payrnent or
partial payment insufficient to bring the LlJan current, without waivèr of any rigllts here:ulllkr or
prejudice to its rights tu rd'ust: such payme:!Il or partial payme:llts in the: future, hut Lender is nut
ubligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are accepted. If eac:h Pe:riodic
Paymem is applied as of its scheduled due: date, tl¡e:n Lemler need nut pay illlere:st on unapplie:d
funds. Lender may huld such unapplied funds until Borrower makes payment to bring tile Loan
curre:nt. If Borrower dues not do so within a reasunable period of time:, L:nder shall either
apply such funds or return the:m to Borruwe:r. If not applied earlier, such funds will hè applied
to (ht: uutstanding principal balance: undt:r the Note immediately priur tu foreclosure:. Nu offset
Of claim which Borrower might have null' ur in the future: against Lender shaJJ relie:ve Borruwer
from Inakillg payrne:nts due under the Note and this Security Instrument ur perfurmillg the
covenants ami agree:lTlents seclIle:d by this Security Instrument.
2" Applicatioll of Payments or Proceeds, Except as utherwise: described ill this
Section 2, aJJ payrnellts accepted amI applied hy Lender shall be: applie:cI itl the: fullowillg order
uf priority: (a) illterest clue under the Nut<::; (b) principal due umler the Nute; (c) amounts due
unde:r Sectiun 3. Such payme:nts shall he: applied tu e:ach PeriucJic Payment in the: urder in which
it he:carne due. Any remaining amoullts shall he applied first (u late chargt:s, second tu any other
amounts due ul1lle:r this Security Instrument, and (hen lu rc:duCt: the principal balance: uf the:
LOJV~ NO: 590608907
\\,YOi\HNC -- Sin,;!.: ¡-'''lIliJ) -- f'¡utnit ¡\bt:iF'r¡;Jdit; i\1:.iL: tINJFOJU\! ~~STIU_:I\IEN'I
F""IIIU51. .liOI (J» /JI!
hlll,als: _~--'J_
C!\lACi\l - C!\IS.00~2.\\'Y (0001) (f'''g"'¡ ojl8)
1-' (';, r, ,'~ ~~ ~
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If Lender receives a payment from Borruwe::r fur a ddillluent Periodic Payment which
includes a sufficient amount tu pay any late ¡;hargt due, tht payment may be applie::d to (ht
delinquent paymellt and the latt dlarge::. If more:: than one Periodic Payment is uu(standing,
Lender may apply any payment re¡;eived frum Borrowt:r to the rt:payment of tht Pe::ril)di¡;
Payrnen(s if, a Ill! to thtò e::xtent tbat, eadl payme::lJ! Can he paid in full. To tilt ex rent that any
exctòSS tòxists aftn thtò payment is appl itòd to the full paymtònt of Olltò or more Periodic Pay nle::nts,
such txcess may btò applied to any late clwrge::s dUe. Voluntary prepaymtònts shall he:: applitòd
first to any prepayment chargtòs ami tlle::n as describt:d in the:: No(tò.
Any appJication of payme::nts, insurance:: proctòt:ds, or !v!iscellane::ous Proce:e::ds (0
principal due:: unde::r (he:: Note shall not tòxkml or postpone the:: due date, or change till' :lIIIOUIII, of
the:: Pc:riUlliç Paymenrs.
3, Funds for Escrow Hems. Burrow.::r shall pay to L¡;nde::r on the day Pniodiç
Payments are due under thc Nok, until the:: Note is paid in full, a sum (the:: "Funds") to provide
for payrnent of amounts dut for: (a) taxe::s allll assessments and other itnns whidl can attain
priority O\'tòr this Se::cLJri(y Instrument as a lien or e::ncumhrance on the:: Pruptòrty; (b) leasdlOld
payments or ground re::nts on the Property, if allY; (ç) premiullls for any and al] insuran\.:t
requirtòd by Le::nder under Section 5; and (d) Ivlortgage [nsuralH.:e:: premiums, if any, or any sums
payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Insurance: premiums in
accordance with the provisions of Section 10. These items are calkd "Escrow ]tems." At
origination or at any timtò during the tam of the Loan, Ltònder may require:: that Comrnunity
Associatinn Dues, Fees and Assessme::nts, if any, htò tscruwed by Borrower, and such duc:s, f<:ts,
and assessments shall be an Escrow lttòm. Borrowt:r shall prompt]y fllJnish (0 Lende::r all notices
nf arnounts tn be paid und¡;r this Section. B,)rrU\\'e::r shall pay Lender the Funds fnr Escrow
]t¡;ms unless Lendtòr witives Borrower's ohligation tu pay the Funds fur all)' OJ all Escrow ltt:IIIS.
LelllJtòJ may waiv¡; Borrowtr's obligatioll I() pay to Lendtòr FUllds fl)r any or all Escrow hems at
any rimtò. Any such waiver may only htò ill writillg. III tile tò"eIlt of such waiver, SlHroweJ shall
pay dire::ctly, when a III I whertò payahle::, lIlt amounts due f()r any Escrow Ikms fur which
payment of Funds has betòn waive::d by Lellller and, if L¡;nder requires, shall furnish (0 L¡;nder
rtòctòipts tvidelKing such payment within such (imtò period as Lender may require. Borrower's
ubligation tu make such payments amI to provide re::ctòipts shall fur al! purposes htò denned tu he
a covenant amI agretòment containe::d in this S¡;c;urity lnstrumeut, as the phras¡; "C;OVtòIJant and
agrtement" is used in Stòction 9. If Burruwer is ubligate::d to pay Escrow ¡knlS directly,
pursuant tu a waiver, and Borrowtr fails to pay the amount due tlJr an Escrow !tern, Ltòmltòr may
eXtòrcise its rights undeJ Se::ctioll 9 and pay such amount and Borrower sball then he ohligated
under Se::ctiull 9 tu æpay to Lendtr any such amount. L¡;lllkr may rtvoke the waiver as (0 any
or all Escrow lkms at any time by a notice giwn in accordance with St(;[iun J5 amI, upon such
r¡;vocatioll, Borro\wr shall pay to Ltòlldn all Funds, alld in such amounts, that are (hen JeL]uirt:d
uncltòr t]] is Stòct ion 3.
Leml¡;r rnay, a( any time, c;olled alld hold Funds ill an amount (a) sufficient to pelîllir
Lender to apply tIle Funds at tIle timtò sp¡;cified undtr RESP A, amI (b) not tu tòxct¡;d the
maximum amount a kmkr can reLjuire under RESPA. Lelllkr shall tòstimate thtò anH)UI1! ()f
Funds due on tht basis of current data ami rtòasonahle estilll:ltes of eXp¡;llditures of future Escrow
Jrc:ms OJ otherwise in accordanCtò with Applicahle Law.
LOAN NO: 590608907
""YO!\HNC -. Sln~',k F.mlij) -- F1Wlic: 1\\;¡!:,'FrtLldi¡; r.!:.JC UNIHJI(I\IINSTHUÌ\!LN'J
CI\L\Ci\I- Ci\IS,0042.\\'Y (0001) (f'''ge 5 o) fS)
1'""" }051 1'01 illl! j
The Funds shall be held in an institution whl)se (!c-posits are insured by a federal
agency, instrunlt:ntality, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is all institution whost: deposits
are su insurt:d) or in any Federal f-jome Loan Bank. Lelllkr shall apply the Funds to pay the
ESCfL)W Items no latt:r than the tinle specified under RESPA. Lender shall not cllargt: Blnrower
for holding am] applying the: Funds, allllually allalYling the escrow accuunt, or verifying tht:
Escrow It<::ms, unkss Lendt:r pays Borrower inrerest on the f'unds and Applicable Law permits
Lemkr to make such a charg<::. Unkss an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law
r<::qnires inl<::rest to be paid on the Funds, Lemler shall not be rt:quired to pay 13ornJ\\'er any
inlt:rest or t:arnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lt:mler call agrt:e in writiug, howt:ver, that
intt:rest shall bt: paid on the Funds. L<::nde:r shall give to Borrowc:r, without charge:, an aJlllual
accounting of the: Funds as require:d hy RESPA.
If tlH:;re is a surplus of Funds ht:ld in e:scr()\\,, as ddïne:d undt:! RESP/\, Lemkr shall
account tlJ Borrower fur the excess funds in accordance with RES]> A. I f there is a shortage (Jf
Fund., held in tOscrow, as ddïned under RESPA, Lendn shall notilj Borwwn as require:d hy
RES]> A, am] Borwwn shall pay to Lender the amuUIH ntOctOssary to make up thtO sll<Jrtage in
accordance with RESPA, but in Ill) nlOIT than 12 1Il()lllldy payments. [f thtOre is a deficiency
<Jf Funds htld in escrow, as ddïned umkr RESPA, Lende:r shall notify Burrower as required by
R ESP /\, and BO!Tuwn shall pay lO Lemkr rhe arnuunt ne:cessary to mak<:: up tIle ddÏc iency in
accordance with RESP A, but in no mure than 12 nluntldy pay ments.
Uplm payment in full of all SlnllS stOcured by this StOcurity ]nstrunlent, Lender shall
pwmptly rtOfund tu BOITuwn any Funds held by LemltOr.
4, Charges; Liens, Borr<Jwer shall pay all taxt:s, assessments, chargtOs, fines, and
irnp<Jsitio])S attrihutable to the Property which can attain priority oVt:r Ihis StOcurity Instrument,
leasehold payments or ground rents t1ll (he ProptOrty, if allY, and CUllllllunity Association Dues,
FtOes, and Assessments, if any. To the extent that tlltOse itenls are Escrow Items, Borrower shall
pay them in the manner provided in Section 3.
Burrowt:r shall prumptly discharge any lien which has priurity UVtOr this St:curity
Instrument unless Burrower: (a) agrees in writing It) the payment uf the obligatiun stOcured by
the lien in a manner acceptable tu Lt:ndel, bur only so long as Burrower is performing such
agreelTlent; (b) contests the ¡it:n in good Llith by, or defc:lIlls against enforcement of the lien in,
legal p()ceedings which in Lemlc:r's opinion operate to prewnt the to¡¡forcement of the lit:n while
thostO pruceedings are pending, but only until sUl·h proceedings are l'Ollcluded; ur (c) secures
from thtO holder of the lien an agrtOemtOnt satisfactury to Lemler subonlinating [he lien to this
Security Jnstrumt:nt. If Lender deterrnines that any pan of the Prupnty is subject to a lien
which can atrain priority uver this Security lnstrlilllent, Lender Inay give Borrower a notice
identifyillg tht: lien. \Vithill 10 days of the dare Oil which that notice is given, Burruwer shall
satisfy the lien ur takt: one or more of the actiolls set funh above in this StOction 4.
Lender may rtOquire Borrower tu pay a olle-time charge for a rt:al estate tax verification
and/tJr reporting service used hy Lender in connectiun with rhis Luall.
5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall kec:p the improvements nuw existiug ur
hereafter erectc:d on the Prupeny insll1ed against loss by fire, halanls incJudtOd within the term
"extendtOd coverage," and any uther hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes and
floods, for which Lemln requires insllfance. This illsuranœ shall be maintained in the amounts
\l'Y01\I1\1(; . s>!,~" FJlllu)' -- hI"i, ,Ib,'heddi, ,Ib, L¡è:¡FU{,111"SI¡(lI~IF~1
(;,\I\C1\1 - CMS.O()~2,\\'Y (0001) (I)age 60/18)
¡.,,, ,,¡\USlIlUI (-¡ Þtf
IUltIab: ~~
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(including deductible kwls) ami for the periods Ihat Lender requires. \Vllat Lemler requires
pursuant to Ihe preceding selllences can change during the ternl of Ihe Loan. The insura!i\:e
carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject tu Lemkr's right to
disapprove Borruwer's choice, which rigl[ shall not he exercised unreasunably. Lender may
require Bormwer 10 pay, in connectillll wilh this Luan, either: (a) a one-time charge for tllJod
ZOJ](; dete:rminaliun, certification ami tracking strvices; llr (h) a olle-time charge: fur flood zone
dde:rminalion ami certification services and suhstqueut chargc:s each time rnnappings or similar
changes occur which reasonably migllt affect such determination ur certltïcatiun. BlJrrower shaJl
also be responsible j\Jr the payment of any fees impused hy the Fcderal Emergency Managenlent
Agency in cOlmection with the review of any !lood zone ddnminatilJn resulting frlJnl an
objc:ction by Borrower.
If Borrower fails tlJ maintain any of the coverages described above, Lemler may obtain
insurance coverage, at Lemler's o[1liun amI !3orrower's expense:. Lemler is under no lJbligation
to purchast any particular type or amount lJf coverage:. Therefore, such clJverage shall cover
Lelllln, but llIight or might not protecI Burruwer, BorrlJwer's equity in the: PrlJperty, or the
contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liability and might provide: grc:aler lJr lesser
coverage than was previously in ct1'çct. Borrown acKtwwledges that the cost of the insurance
coverage so lJbtained rnight significantly txceed the cost of insurance: that Borrower could have
obtained. Any amounts disbursed hy LtmIer under this Sectiml 5 shall beL'oillt additional debt
of Borrower secured by this Security [nstrument. These allluunts shaJl bc:ar inte:rest al the: Note
rate: from the date lJf disbursement ami shall he: payablc, with such interest, upou notice frum
Lender to Burrower reque:sting payrnenl.
All insurance policies required by Lemkr amI renewals of such p'Jlicies shall be subject
to Lemler's rigI¡t to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard llIortgage clause, and shaJl
mUlle Lender as mortgagee and/or as an additioual loss payee. Lender shall have the right to
hold the policies ami renewal certificates. If Le:uder requires, Burruwer shaJl promptly give tlJ
Lender all rec:eipts of paid premiurns and renewal notices. ]1' Borrowc:r ohtains any form uf
¡¡lsuralKe c:overagc, nut otherwise required hy Lemler, lor damage tu, or destruc:tion 01, the
Properly, sud¡ polic:y shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as
rnortgagee amI/or as an additional loss payee.
]n the eve:nt of loss, Borrower shall give prompt lIo¡ice to the insuranœ carrier and
Lender. Lender may make proof or loss if not made promptly hy Borrower. Unless Lender ami
Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any insrlJ¡u¡c:e proc:eeds, whether or not tIle underlying
illsuranc:e was required by Lender, shall hc applied tu restlJration or repair of the Property, jf tlte
restoration or repair is eCOJ()lIlic:ally feasible and Lender's security is uot lessened. During such
repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such insuranc'e proœeds until
Lender Itas had an opportunity to inspect suc:h Property [0 ellsure the: work has been complded
to Lender's satisfac:tion, provided that suc:h inspeeti,)¡¡ shall he umlertakell promptly. Lellckr
may disburse: proc:ee:ds fur the repairs alld resturatioll in a siugle paymellt or ill a se:ries of
progre:ss payments as the work is cornpleted. Ullless an agreemell( is rnade in writing or
Applicahle Law requires interest to be paid on suc:h illSurance: proceeds, Lende:r sltall not be
required to pay Borruwtr any illterest or earnings 011 suclt proceeds. Fees for puhlic adjusters,
LOAN NO: 'j90C08907
\\'YO¡\UNC .)lJi¥.k LUIIÛ) F;¡jI.lÜ~ !\Lie/Fn;JJi¡; I\bc lINII'OIC\II!\'\TRl!I\If-J\'"[
GI\JAC!\J - CI\IS.OO~l,\\'Y lOOOI) (l'age 70}18)
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or other third parties, retained by Borrl1\\'er shall not he paid out 01 the insurance proceeds allll
shall be the sole obligatiun of Borrower. If the resturatiun or repair is not ecunumically feasible
or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance pruceeJs shall be:: applied to the:: sums
s¡:L:ure::d by this Security InstruIJIe::nt, whetller ur nut then due, with the eXL:ess, il any, paid to
Borrower. Sudj insurance prucee::ds shall be appl ied in the urder provided fur in Section 2.
If BOrrl)Wer ahandons th¡: Property, L¡:lIder may file::, n¡:gotiate:: and settlt: any availahle
insurance claim ami relate::d matt¡:rs. 11 l3orrc)wer does not respund within 30 days to a notice
from Le::nder that the:: insurance carrier has olere::d to seLtle a claim, the'1I Lemler lIlay ne::gotiate
alld settle:: the daim. The 30-day periud will hegin when the nut ice:: is give:n. III eithc::r e:vent, or
if Lemler acquires the Property umlc::r Section 22 or utherwise, Born)wer hereby assiglls tc)
Lellder (a) Borruwer's rights to any illsurallce: pruce:eds in all anjount nol to e::xce::ed the: amuullts
unpaid under the Note or this Se:curity lnstrulllellt, and (b) any other ur Borruwer's rights (C)thel
thall the right to any rc::fund of ullearn¡:d premiullls paiu by Burrnwer) under all illsuranc'¡:
pulicie:s covering th¡: Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the cuverage 01 th¡:
Property. Le::nder lIlay use the insurance proceeds eithc::r to repair or restore the Pruperty ur tlJ
pay amounts unpaid under the Nore or this Security Instrument, whether ur nut then due.
6, Occupancy, Borrower sllall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Burrower's
principal residence within 60 days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall
continu¡; to occupy th¡: Property as Borrower's principal reside::nce fur at kast one y¡:ar after the
date:: uf occupancy, unless Lemler otherwise agæes in writing, which consent shall nt)t he
unreasonably withheld, or unJess exte::nuating circumstances exist which are beyund Burwwer's
cuntw] .
7. Preservatiun, !\Iaintenancc and Protection of' the Property; Inspections,
Borrower shall nut deslJOY, damage ur impair the Pruperty, allow the Property tu deteriuratc:: or
cummit waste un the:: Property. \Vlletller ur lIot Borrower is re::siding in the Prupeny, BlJrrower
shall rnailltain the Property in order to prevent the:: Property frurll deteriorating or ckcreasillg in
value due tu its cunditioll. Unless it is determined pursuant to Sec:tion 5 that repair ur
n:sturation is nut ecunornically fe::asihle, Burrowe::r shall promptly repair the Property if damaged
to avoid further ddt:rioratioJl or uamage. If inSUr¡llll'e: ur lOllcle:mnatiulI proe:t:e:ds are paid in
COlu¡e::ction with darnage to, or the takiJlg of, tlTe J'n)pnty, Borrower shall be rt:spousible for
repairiJlg or restoring the Pruperty on]y if Le:mJer has released proceeds for such purposes.
Le::Jlde:r may disburse proceeds for the repairs aJllI restoration in a single payment or in a series uf
prugre::ss payments as the work is cUIllplt:tc:d. ]f the insurance or conclemnatioJl proce:eds art: not
suffilient tu repair or restore the Property, Borrower is not relieved of Burrower's obligation fur
th¡; e:ompletiun uf such r"'pair or re:sturatioll.
Lemler or irs agent may nmke rt:as01wbJe eJltries upon and inspe::ctiuns of tht: Pmpt:rty.
If it has reasunahle cause::, Lemler l11ay inspt:ct the illlc:rior uf the iIllproveme::JIls 011 the Property.
Lenuer shall give:: Borrowe::r nut ice at the time:: of or prior to such an intt:riur illspectÎun
specifying such rc:asoJlahle canse.
8. BOlTowcr's Loan Application, Bormwer slwll be in default if, during the Loan
application pro(:t:ss, Borrower or any persuJls or entities actiJlg at the directiulI of Borrower or
wirh Borrower's kJlowledge or consent gave materiaJly false, mislc:auiJlg, UI in:lce:urate
illfl)f]nation or stafelJleJlts to Lemler (or failed to provide Lt:mler with materia! iJlfunuation) in
W\'Oi\IINC .. S,",1e r'"Juy n ¡',un,,, ~1"+'"Jdí,, ~l" lìNWOIC\III~,IIW,\IENT
Ci\IACi\J - C\IS.00-l2.\\T (0001) (I'age 8 (1/ IS)
IJlilials:I, Jw~
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cOllne::ctiun with the Loan. Mate::rial re::pre::sentatil1ns include, but are nut limited to,
representat ions cOllcerning Borrowe::r' s occ upancy 0 f the:: Property as Borrower's pri nc i pal
res iuellCt:.
9. Protection of Lender's Interest ill the Property and Rights Under this Security
Instrument. If (a) Borrower fails tl1 perform the Cl1Venal!lS and agreelllents contained in tliis
Security Instrument, (b) there is a kgal prucec:ding [hat might significantly afh,ct Lender's
interest in the Property and/or rigllts under this Security Instrument (such as a pruœeding in
bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeitul\;, for c:nforcc:ment of a lien which may attain
priority over this Security lnstrumellt ur t,) enforce laws or regulations), ur (c) Borrower lias
abandoned tbe Property, then Lemler rnay du and pay for wl¡atever is rc:asonabk or appropriate
to prutect Lemkr's inte::re::st in the Propeny aIJd rights under this Security llJstrumc'I¡[, iIJcluding
protecting anuIL)r ass<::ssing tIle va]ue l1f the Property, ami s<::curing ami/or repairing th<::
Property. Lemkr's m:til1ns Can include, but ar<:: not limited tu: (a) paying any SUIIlS see-urnl by a
lien which has priority over this See-urity Instrument; (b) appearing in Cl1un; and (c) paying
r<::ilsuIJabk attorn<::ys' fees to proteêl its iIJterest in lhe Property ami/or righls under this Security
Instrument, including its secured positioll in a bankruptcy proceeding. See-uring the Property
includes, but is not limited tu, e::ntering the Property ru rnak<:: rtpairs, change locks, replaœ ur
board up doors ami wimlows, draill water frum pipts, eliminate building or other code
violations or dangerl1us cot1Llitions, and have utililits lurne::d on or oil. Although Lender may
take action under this Stction 9, Lender does nut have to do so ami is nut under any duty or
obligatiun lu do SU. It is agreed that Le::nuer incurs no liability for nul raking any or all actiuns
authorized umler this Section 9.
Any anj()unts disbursed by Ltmkr under lllis S<::ctiun 9 shall btcome additiunal debt uf
Borrower secured by this Sc:cnrity ]nstrLlln<::nt. These all10Ullts shall bear interest at the N,)te rale
from the date of disbursernent and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lemler
{() Borrower requesting pay mellt.
If this Security Illstrument is un a leasehuld, Borrower shall cumply with all the
provisiuns uf the lease. If Borruwer acquires fee title to the Prupc:rty, the leasehuld and the fee
title shall not merge unlc:ss Lender agree::s to the mc:rger in writing.
10, Mortgage Insurance, If Lender required Murtgage Insurance:: as a cUllllitiuu uf
making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the prerniums require::d to maintain tlJe Mortgage lnsurauce
in effect. lf, fur any re::ason, the Mortgage Insurance cOVèrage required by Lender Ceases to be
available frorn the llllJrtgage insurer that pre::viously provided such insurance and Burrower was
required tu make separately designated payments toward the premiums fur tvurtgage Insurance,
Burrower shaJJ pay the premiums required to ubtain ,:overage substant ially eLlul\alent tu the
l'vlurtgage Insurance pre::viuusly in effect, at a cost substantially t:quivaleul tu the cost to
Borrower uf the:: Murtgage lnsuranct: prtviously in effect, from al1 alternate murtgage insurer
selected by Lendtr. If suhstal1tially equivalent 1v1urtgage ]nsurance covtrage is nut available,
Burrowt:r shall contiuue to pay to Lender the a1uUU11t of the separately desigwlled paymeuts thdt
were due when the insurauce coverage ceased to he ill effect. Lemler will accept, use amI rc:taill
these paynlel1ts as a l1un-refumlahle loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such Joss
re::serve shall he Iloll-refundable, llutwilhslélnding the fact t¡liIt the Loan is ulrimately paid in full,
alld Lender Slldll l]\)t be required to pay Borrower any iuterest or earnings Oil such Joss reserve.
Lender can no lunger require loss re::serve paynlents if tvlorrgage ]l1snrance coverage (in the
LOAN NO: 590608907
WYO'\lINC u Siflgk F'IIIU) u r"UUt ~1",r"JJ¡t ,\1", I'NIFOl(ol LNSTI(lI~IHn
Ci\IAC¡\J - CI\JS,OO'¡Z.WY (OOOl) (Plllie 9 oj 18)
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amount amI for the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected hy Lemler again
becomes availahle, is obtaint:d, and Lende:! requires separatt:ly de:signatt:d payments tuward the
prernil1lns for tvlurtgage Insurance. If Lender required Murtgage ]nsuranL:e as a conditiun of
nwking the Loan amI Borrower was required to make separately designated payments toward the:
premiums for Mortgage: ]usuram:e, Burrower shall pay the premiulns require:d to maintain
¡Vlurtgagt: Insurance in effect, or tu pruvide a non-refUndable luss ¡-(;serve, UllliJ the Lemler's
requirt:nlent fur fvIurtgage: ]nsurance: ends in accordance with any writre:n agreernent hetween
BO!Towe:r amI Lende:r providing fur such h:rmination or until termiw(tiun is required hy
Applicable Law. Nothing in tbis Section 10 affe:cts Burrower's obligation tu pay interest at the
rate provided in the Note.
Mortgage: ]nsurance reimburst:s Lemler (ur any eutity that purchases the Not<::) for
certain lusses it may incur if Bormwe:r does nut re:pay tbe Luan as agreed. Burrower is nut a
party to (he Murtgage: Insurance.
tvlortgage: insurers evaluate their total risk on all such insurance: in furce from time: to
time, and may enter into agreements witb o(b",r parties that share or mudify their risk, or reduce
lusses. These agre",ments are UIl terms and L:unditiuns that are satisfal·tury tu the Illortgage
insurer ami tbe other pany (or parties) to rllese: agre",m",nts. Tb",se agr",enl",nts may require the
lI1lHtgage insurer tu make: payments using any suun:e of funds tbat tht: mortgage insurer may
have: available (wbicb may include: funds ubtaint:d frum tvlortgage Insurance: prerniurns).
As a r",sult uf these: agre:ements, Lemlc:r, allY purcbaser uf th", NUl<::, another illSure:r,
any re:insurer, any othe:r entity, or any aJliJiate uf any ul the foreguing, may re:ceive (dir"'ctly ur
indirectly) arnuunts that derive frorn (or ntighr be: characterized as) a purtjoIl uf Bl)IrUWer's
payments fur Mortgage Insurance, in excbange fur sbaring ur mudifying the rnurtgage insurer's
risk, ur reducing lusse:s. If such agreenJen[ providt:s that an affiliate uf Le:mler takes a share: of
the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of tbe prt:miurns paid tu the insur",r, the: arrangement is
uften te:nned "captive reinSliraIlce." Furth",r:
(a) Any stich agreements will not affect the arnounts that Borrower has agreed to
pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan, Such agreements will not
increase the amount Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle
Borrower to any refund,
(u) Any snch agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has - if any - with
respect to the Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of J 998 or any
other law. These rights may include the right to receive certain disclosures, to request and
obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated
automatically, and/or to receive a refund of any 1\lortgage Insnrance premiums that were
unearned at the time of such cancellation or termination,
II. Assignment of Miscellaneons Proceeds; Forfeiture, All Misce:llaneous Proceeds
are: lie:re:by assigued 10 and shall be: paid It) Lender.
\VYOi\lJNG u SiHglc r"Hil) u F'Wlie tll.".Freddre tlbe UNIH))(!\lINSl RU,lb~1
Gi\L\CJ\I- Cr\!S,OO·t2.WY (0001) (¡'age llJ (ljlX)
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If the Property is damaged, such Miscdlaneous Proceeds shall be appljt:d to restoration
or repair of tht: Pruperty, if the restoration or repair is ecollon¡jl'~dly ft:asibk ami Lt:mkr's
security is Ilot lesselled. During such repair am] restoration period, Lender shall have the right
to llold such Miscellaneous Proc<òt:ds until Lendt:r has had an oppurtulljty to illspect such
Property ro ensure tht: work has bt:en cUlnpleted to Lellder's .,atisfaction, provided [hat such
inspection shalJ be undertaken promptly. L.::m]er may pay fl)r tht: repairs and restoration in a
singk di,hursernellt or in a series of progress paynJents as the work is cc)npleled. Unless an
agreement is made in writing or Applicable Lall requirt:s interest to bt: paid on such
Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be r<òquired to pay Borrowt:f any interest or earnings
on such Misçellaneous Pruœ<òds. If the restoratioll or repair is not economically feasible or
Lemler's security would he lesst:ned, the Miscellaneous Pruceeds shaJj he applied to the sums
se:çurt:d by this St:curity Instrument, whetht:r or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to
Borrower. Such fvliscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in the order pruvided fur in Secti() 2.
In the ev<ònt of a !Otal taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Pn)pnty, the
!vlisçellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secllrity lnstrumeut,
wh<òther or nut then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower.
In the: event of a partial takillg, lkstrul·tion, or loss ill value: of tIle Property in which
the fair market value uf tIle Prupeny imJlIt:dialL'ly hefore the partial taking, destruction, or loss
in value is equal to or gr<òater than the: amount of tht: Slnns st:curecl hy this Securiry Instrume:nt
innnediately hefore the partial raking, de:struuion, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lenlkr
otht:rwise agree in writing, tIle stllns secured by this SCTurity Instnllnent shall he reduced by the
amonnt uf the Miscellaneous Proceeds lllultip]jed hy the following fraction: (a) the total amount
of the sums secured immecliatdy before tIte partial taking, destructiun, or loss in value divided
by (b) the fair market value of the Property illJIlJe:lkltely before the partial taking, de:struction, or
loss in Vallie. Any balance shall be paid to Borruwer.
]n the event of a partial taking, destructiun, ,)r loss in value of tht: Property in which
the t¿lir market value uf the: Property ilnnlediately before the parti¡d taking, destruuioll, or loss
in vallie is kss than the anlount of rhe sums secured innnediarely befure the parri~d taking,
destruction, or loss in vallie, unle:ss Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the
IVliscellaneous Pruceeds sltall be applied to the sums secured by tllis Security Instrument whether
OJ not the surns are then due.
If the Property is abandoned by Burrower, ur if, after notice by Lender to Borrower
that the Opposing Party (as defined in the next sentence) uffers to make an award to settle a
daim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lemler within 30 days afrel the dak [he notice
is givtn, Lender is authorized to collect amI apply tlte Misct:llaneous Proceeds either to
restoration or repair of the Proptrty or to (he sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether
ur not then dUe. "Opposing Party" means tlte th ird party ¡ltat owes !3urruwer M iscellanelHls
Procetds or [he parry against whom Borrower Itas a rigltt of action in regard tu Ivlisce]]aneous
LOAN NO: 590608907 /l
W\'{)i\II'\G -- Single hmiJy -- 1'",,;, '1"/hdJi, ¡\Iot UNIIOR,\I IN.\TIU I,\ILNI 1',,,,,, .1U51 I/O! ! /1 Ii /1
Cl\ù\Cì\I- CI,IS,0042,\\,Y (OUO]) II'dge 11 u(J8) Initials; vLP'r 1
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BO!Towt:r shall be in d"fault if any action Of pllJCeeding, whetJI<:r civil or criminal, is
begun that, in Lender's judgmelll, l'Uuld rt:su!t in forkitme of ¡he Pruperty or uther makrial
irnpairrnent of Lender's intere:st in the Property or rights under this Se:curity ]nstrume:nt.
Borrower can cure such a default ami, if accekratilJJ) has occurred, reinstate as providt'd in
Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be: disrnissed with a ruling that, in Lender's
judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material illlpainnent of Lt:nder's iuterest
in tht: Property or rights uuder this Se:curity lnstrunlellt. The proce:eds of allY award or L:laim for
daJlJages that are attributable to the illlpairllle:ut uf Lt:nder's interest in the Property are hereby
assigned amI shall be paid to Lender.
AI] tv1iscellaneous Proceeds that are not appl ied [() resturat ion or repair of the PrlJperty
shall be: appl ied in the order provided for in Se:ct ion:!.
]2, Borrower Not Released; ForlJearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of
the time for payment or modification of amurtization of the sums secmed by this Security
Instrument grauted by Lender to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Borro\\'"r shall not
operate to release the liability of Borrower or any Successors in llltne:st uf Borrower. Lender
shall nut be required to cOIllllleuce pmceedings against any Succe:ssor in Interest of Borrower or
to refuse to exte'ud time' fUf payment or uthe:rwise rnodify amortizariun of tIle sums se'cure'tI by
tllis Se:curity Jnstrurne:nt by reason uf any de:mand llJade by the uriginal Borruwe:r or any
Succe:ssors in Interest of Borrower. Any furbearanCt: by Lemkr in exercising any right ur
re:me:dy induding, without linlitatiun, Le:lllkr's acce:ptance of payments frum third persnns,
entities In Successors in Interest uf BU/Towe:r or in anwunts less than the amuun[ then due, shall
nnt be a waiver of or preclude the exercise uf any right lJr re:rnedy.
}3, Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound.
Borrowe:r covenants anJ agrees that Borrower's obligations and liability shall be juint ami
several. However, any BOfruwer 11'110 co-signs this Security Instrument but does not execute the
Note (a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument unly to murtgage, grant and
convey the co-signer's interest in the Prope:rty unde:r [he tt:Iïns of tilis Security Instrument; (b) is
not personally obligated to pay tht: sums securt:d by III is Security Instrument; ami (c) agrees that
Lender and any other Borrower call agree: to eXkml, modify, forbear or make any
acculllmodations with rc:gard to the tenns of [his Security Instrument or the Note: without the
co-signer's consent.
Subject to the provisions uf Section] 8, any Successur in ¡ntnest of BO/Town who
assumes Bornnve:r's obligations umkr tilis Security Instrument in writing, and is approved by
Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's rights amI benefits lIlllle:r this Security In.strument.
BU/Tower shall not be rekase:d frum J3urrown's obligatiuns and liability under this Security
Instrument unless Lemln agrees tu sudl release in writing. The covenanrs and agreements uf
this Security Instrument shall bind (exœpt as provided in Sc:ction 20) aml bC:ik'it tile sucœssors
and assigns of Le:nder.
\VYOJ\llNG -- SiJ¡gk FaliliJy -- F:..LlUlie l\!Jç·l:rcdJie !\L.c t:NIFUJU'd L\'S'IIUI,r-,ILï\'-¡
Fur", '\U51 . JiU()JJII1
lilltIals: ~r f /
G.\IACi\!- C1.\1S.00~2,WY (0001) (Page 12 of 18)
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14, Loan Charges. Lender may cltarge Borrower fees for services perforrnnl in
conneuion with Borrower's defauh, for the purpose of protecting Lender's imerest in the
Prnpèrty and rights undn this Security Instrument, including, but not limilnl to, attorneys' fees,
propnty inspè<.:tion and valuation kes. In regard tn allY other fees, the absellee of express
authority in this S<:curity Instrument to charge a specific fee tn ßorrown shall not be constnlèd
as a prohibition on the charging of such fee. Lender Illay not charge fc:es that are exprèssly
prohibited by this Security InstrllmèJlt or by Applicable Law.
If [he Loan is subject to a law which sets maxilTlumluan charges, ami that law is 1inally
illterpreted so that thè interlOst or other loan charges colkckd or to he collected in connection
with IhlO Loan exeeèd the plOrmitted lirnits, then: (a) any such loan chargè shall be reduced by the
amOUJlt necessary to reducè the charglO to the perrni!lèd limil; a III I (b) auy sums already colkctèd
from Borrower which eXCèeded permitted ]imits will be refunded tu ßorrowèr. Lemler may
chuose to make this refunù by reducing the principal uwed umler thè Note or by making a dirèct
payment to Borrowèl. If a refund reduces principal, [he reduction will be treated as a partial
prèpayrnent without any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for
undc:r [he Note). Borrower's aceeptancè of ¡Iny such refuml rnade by direct paymc:nt to
Borrower will constitnte a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such
]5, Notices, ,,'\11 Notices given by BtJrrower or LendlOr in c()nlc:ction with [his
Sc:curity Instrument must he in writing. Any notice to Borrower in connc:ction with this Sècurity
[nstnlmènt shall hlO deerned to llave bèen given tu Borrower when maikd hy fiht class mail or
Whel1 actually ddivèrèd to Borrower's notice addrèss if sent hy othc:r means. Noticè to anyone
BOI rower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expr<:ssly requires
otherwise. TIle Jlotiee address shal! he the Property Address unless Borrower has lksignated a
substitute no[ice addrèss by notice to Lemler. Borrower shall promptly nt)tify Lemler of
Borrower's change of address. If Lellller sp<:cifies a prucedur<: tor rèporting Borrower's change
of address, th<:n Bnrrnwn shall only rc:pUlt a change of address through that spc:cified
prucedur<:. Thère may be only nile designated notice addrc:ss undc:r this Security lllstrunlènt at
any uue time. Any notice to Lender shall he given by deliverillg it or hy mailing it hy first
class mail 10 Lender's addrlOss stated hereiu unless Lender has designalèd another address by
notice to J3orrower. Any notice in connectiun witb this Seclllity lnslrurnenl sballuot be deemed
to have bèen given to LlOncler uutil actually received by LlOnder. If any uotice rèquired by this
Security Instrument is also requir<:d umler Applicable Law, tll<: Applicablè Law r<:quirement will
satisfy the correspundiug requirlOment umln this Security Instrullleut.
16, Governing Law; Severability; Rules of COllstrtlctioll, This Seclllity Jnstrumeut
shaJl be govemed by federal law aud the law of the jurisdictiou iu which the Pruperty is located.
AJl rights and obligations contaiued in this Security JlIstrurnent are subjèct to any requirem<:llls
and limilations of Applicabk Law. Applicable Law ¡night explicitly or implicitly aJlow Illè
parties to agree by cuutract or it might be silent, but such siJence shall not hè construed as a
LOAN NO: :,";0608907
WYO!\IlNC Sl"gle ¡·"",il).. hJUlle ~1",Fr,dJie .\be ¡r~IIOln,II'iSTIW\IEN[
Gi\tAC1\I- C!\IS.UO-l2.\\'Y (0001) (/'''!:" 13 0/18)
FUflllJ051 ].'01 í) 10[
'Î n ." (' 7~
'.) ;) .1- tJ J
prohibition against agreemt:nt by contrm:t. ] n tile: evt:nt that any provision or clause of this
Se:curity Instrument or tht: Note conílicts witll Applicablt: Law, such conllicr shall not afft:ct
other provisions of this St:curity lnstrumt:nl ur tht: Nutt: which can be: giVe:11 t:fft:ct withuut the
conflicting pruvisiun.
i\S used in this Security ]nstrumt:nt: (a) wurds uf the Inasculint: gemlc:r shall mean amI
include corresponding neuter wurds or words of tht: It:minine: gender; (h) words in the singular
sllall mt:an and include the plural and vice vnsa; and (c) tile: word "¡nay" gives solc: discrt:tion
without any obligation to take any action.
17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this
Se:curity Instrument.
18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneticial Interest in Borrower, As ust:d in this
St:clion 18, "Interest in the Prope:rty" mt::lns any lc:gal or hendïcial intnest in tile Pruperty,
including, but not limited to, those beneficial interests tnlllsferr<::d in a boml for dee:d, contract
for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agret:rne:nt, tile intent of which is the transfer uf
t itk hy Borrower at a future dat<: to a purchaser.
If ail or any part of the Prupt:rty or any lnlc:n:st in the Pruperty is sold or transferred
(or if Borrower is not a natural pt:rson amI a bt:ncficial interest ill Borrower is sold or
transferred) without Lender's prior written cunsent, Lemler rnay require immediate payment in
full uf all SUIJJS secured by this St:curity ]nstrulnt:nt. ]-]uwever, this option shall ¡wt be exercised
by Lemln if such exercise is prohihited by Applicahlt: Law.
If Lender exercises this uption, Lender shall give: Burrower notice of acceleration. The
notice shall pruvidt: a period of not less than 30 days from tht: dat<: the notice is given in
accordance: with Section IS within w]lich Borrowt:r rrlllst pay all SUIllS secured by rllis Security
]nstrlllllent. ]f Borrown fails to pay tht:se sums prior to tile expiration of this period, Lender
may invoke any reme:dies permitted by this Se:curity lnstrumellf witllout further nlHice or demand
on Burrower.
]9, Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration, If Borrower rlleels certain
condiliulls, BlJITower shall have: tilt: right tu have: enforcc:nlt:nl uf rhis Se:curiry lnstrulllé:nt
eliscontinut:d at any timt: prior to the earliest of: (a) five days hc:fure sale of the Property
pursuant tu any puwer of sak contained in this Security ]nstrument; (b) SUcll uther periml as
Applicable Law might specify for the termination uf Burrower's right tl) reinsIate; OJ (c) t:ntry of
a judgment enf')I\:ing this Sec'urity Instrument. Thust: cunditions are that Burruwer: (a) pays
Lender all sums whicll then would be due ullder thi, Sé:curity lnstrumt:nt ami []¡e Note as if no
acceleration had occurred; (b) curt:s any default of any uther Covenanrs or agreements; (e) pays
a]] expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but nut limikd tu,
reasonable aHurneys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees, amI l)[hé:r fees incurred for the
purpose of protecting Lemler's inlc:rest in the Pruperty ami rights llJJder this Security Instrument;
am] (d) také:s SUL:]¡ acrion ilS Lender may reasonahly require to assure [haI Lemlc:r's interest in rhe
Property amI rights under this Securiry Instrument, ami Borrower's uhjigation to pay the sums
secun::d hy this Seeuriry ]nstrument, shall cont inue unchanged. Lender may requ ile that
Borrower pay such reillstalement SUIllS ami t:xpenses in one or more of tht: following forms, as
seleckd by Lender: (a) cash; (h) rnoney order; (c) certified check, hank check, treasurer's check
or cashier's check, provided any such c]¡e:ck is drawn upon an instituliun w]¡use deposits are
insured by a federal agency, instnllllt:ntal ity ur t:ntity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer.
WYO;\nNG u Single r""Û) u r,,",i, ~I,d'r,ddi, ~1" I]NIl:'¡(~1 L'iS) 1([I,\IEN I
(;l\IACi\I, (>\IS.OO-ll,WY (0001) (I'll!;' ¡4 oj 18)
1'0"" J051 1/0.[ () I Ii
tllitialsf ~_
. II \, ,
-- ":"/';j s) '--
:...... r'. 7 ,r¡, /-~
;:_. J_ U U
Upun reinstate:lnent by Borrower, tilLS Security Instrument and ,!hligatiuns se:l'ured here:hy shall
remain fully efkctive as if nu accele:ratiun had uCl·ulled. Howe:v<:r, [his right tu reinstate: shall
nut apply in the case uf aC'ce1eratiun under Sectiun I è:.
20, Sale of Note; ChaIlge of Loall Servicer; Notice of Grievance, The Nl)[ç: or a
partial interest ill the: Nute (tugetller with [his SeclllilY lustrutllent) can be suld une ur Inore
times witlwut prior notice 10 Borruwef. A sale might result in a change in the elllity (knuwn as
the "Loall Servjl'er") Ihat colleCls Periodic PaYlllents due under the Note: allll rhis Seclllity
lustrullle:llt aml perfurms other mortgage 1<1<1l1 servicing ohligariuns ullller the Noll:, [his Security
]ustrument, and Applicable Law. There alsu migllt he tJne or mnre changes of the Lnan Servicc:r
umc:late:d tu a sale of the Note. If [here is a change nf Ihe Loan Sc:rvicer, Borruwer will be
given written nntice of the: change which will stale' rhe name and ;tddress of the new Lnan
Servicer, the: address to which payments slwuld he made and any other infolluatinn r<.ESPA
requires in cOllnection with a notice of trallsfer of servicing. ]f the Nole is sold amI rllere:after
the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchasc:r of the Nt¡te, the: mortgage luan
servicing obligatiolls tt! Borrowe:r will rernain with the Loan Servictr or bt transftned to a
sm'cessur Luan Servicer and are not assumed by the Nole purchastr un!tss otlli:rwise prtJvided
by the: Note: purchaser.
Ne:ither Borrower nor Lende:r may commenCe, juin, or be j'lined to any judicial aClinn
(as eithe:r an individual litigallt or Ihe Inember of a class) that arises from the other parry's
actiuns pursuant to this Security Instrument ur that all<:ge:s ¡hat rhe: other party has breached any
provision uf, or auy duty uwed hy reasun uf, tllis St:curity lnstrume:nt, until such Burruw<:r ur
Lender has notified the uther party (with such ntH ice: give:n in compliance with the requirc:me:nts
uf Se:ctiolJ ] 5) of sllch alleged breach and afforded the other party herdo a reasonable periuel
after the giving uf such nutice to take currective: actiun. If Applicahle Law provides a time
p<:rioù whidl must elapst before certain action can he: taken, that time period will be dêemed to
bt: re:asullable fur purposes uf this paragraph. The: nut ice of accdnation and opportunity to cure
given to Burrower pursuant to Se:criun 22 amI the llt)tice of acceleratiun give:n to Borruwer
pursuant to Section 18 shall be dtellled to satisfy the notice and upporrunity to take corrective
action provision~ of thi~ Section 20.
21. Hazardous Substances, As used in this Section 2]: (a) "Hazardous Substances"
are those substances defined as toxic or hazarduus substances, pullurants, or wastes by
Envirnl\lnental Law and the folluwing substances: gasoline, kernsene:, other Ilanllllable or toxic
pc:trolc:UIII products, (oxic pe:sticides and herbicides, vulatile suh'e:nts, nwterials cUiHaining
asbestos or fornJaldellyde, a III I radioact ive materials, (h) "Envirunll1tïllal Law" lIIeans kckral
laws aIld laws of the jurisdiction where l]le Pruperry is luca(ed fllat relate 10 health, saf<:lY or
environllle:IItal protection; (c) "EnvinJllllle:lHal Cleanup" includes any response actiun, remedial
actioll, ur reInoval actioll, as defined ill Envirnnll1<:ntal Law; allll (d) an "EnvinJllnlenfal
Conditiun" means a condition thar Can caUSt, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an
EIIvirnlJlIleIltal Cleanup.
Borrower shall not cause or permit (he presence, use, dispusal, storage, or rele:ase uf any
Hazardous Suhstance:s, or threaten tu rdeas<: any Hazardous Substances, OIl ur in the Property.
Borrower shall not du, nor alluw anyone else to do, anything aft<:cling the: Propt:ny (a) that is in
vÎt¡lation of any EnvirollJlicnta] Law, (b) which n<:ates an Ellvironl1lental Cunditi(JlI, or (c)
whicll, due to ¡hc presence, ust, or release of a Hazanlous Substance, cre:ales a cundition that
LUlI.N NO: 590G08907
\VYOJ\UNG u Single F"IIIUY -. r·"UU¡j¡; tvb;:/l-='reJJi..: J\Ltc lI.r..1JFO]U\! INSTI<.Ul\lEN·l
GI\lACi\I- C1\1S,OUcl2,WY WUUl) (P,,!;e 15 0}18)
Furt".HJ5I .I/UI /ì I,¡/
f~' -. r.
alh'cISc"ly :tllcds tile vallie (¡j Ihc:: Pldpcrty. 'Iïle IHe:ccdlllg 111't) ';C::llle:m:cs sll:dl ll!ll :Ipply It) Ihe
ncsellcc, use:, UI S(UI,lgc Oil lite Pr!lpnlY !If Slll,dl llIalltilics !II 1'/;¡Z'lld!lllS SlIh.s!:lllc·es tktl are
gt:llclally ICl·t)gllize:d I!I ht: appllJlnialt: 10 IIUllllal IC.\llkllli:d lI,eS :lIld IU mailllell:11lLe t¡J Ille
Pl!ll'CllY (lIIcllldlllg, hlll ll!ll limited It', Ilaz:¡ldtHh slIhsl'111,'e, ill LOlblllllC::1 fn!lLillLI.')
BUIrl>wt:r sltall plomptly give Lelhkr wrillclI ll!llicc lIt (a) allY illl'Cs(ig:¡li!lll, clailll,
dClllalld, I:IWSllit ur ulher aClilll1 hy ,lilY guverlllllelll:d ,'I Icglll:tl!lry a!.'eIKY ,)r I'rivale parlY
illvulvlllg Ihc TJj(lperry alld allY Ilazalduus SUhslallce III l:lIVil!llllllelj[,d Lall' lJI II'llilh BUrrill\'el
lias aclll:d ktlulI'lcdgt, (h) allY FlIvij(lIllllelll:iI ClnldiliulI, ill'~llIdillg hllt 11,'1 lilllitcd I", :IIIY
::'I,illillg, Icakillg, discllalge, rc::ka:;c ur Ihre:11 ul reka::,e uf allY j !:tZ:lldulIS SlIlu:IIIl'e, :llld (L) allY
cOlldltll)1l Cdllsed hy Ihe: presellCê, USe: or Ic"kase: uf :1 l!:tzald!llls SlIhst:¡JICe which 'Idl'uscly
alleu, rhe vallie uf Iht: PI()pe:ily Jt BUIIl>WC::1 1c'¡III', "r i, 1ll>lilied hy allY guve:lL1lllelllal (n
re:glll:llury alllhurilY, !II allY private: IMrIY, Ikll allY It:llluval 01 !llltcl re:ilIt:di:lliulI l>f allY
Ha¡'lldlHIS SlIhstalll'e: anectillg the Plopcrty IS Ilcce,;::,ary, ß('rrl>wn .,ltall plulllpdy lakt: all
Ilccessal')' rCllleclj:d aclilllh ill aC'Ll>ldallC'c widl [111'ir,'lllllclll:d Llw. N()lhillg Ilert:ill sll,ill LLc:lle
allY ()hJìgari'lll !III Lclldel f(11 all EJlviltllllllclllal Ckallllp.
NONnUNIFORlvl COVLN.'\NTS 13uIluwn :¡¡Id Ll:1ldc'l lunltel LtJl'c~ll;llll ;llld aglee a.s
f, Ii I(\ws:
')') Acctleratjun; {vlllulies, Lellder sll:lIl give Ilolin: 10 norrowl'r prior (0
acc('/era[il¡n rullowing Borruwer's IJreaell ur allY (Ï)\ell,lnt ur agn'l'lIIl'lll in Litis Sl'cllrity
IIlStrt1l11l'111 (lwl nut priur to a lTeil'r¡¡(i tll I IlIlllt-r Sec(ion ]1) IIldbS ApplicaLde Lall pruvides
utltenlise). Tlte notice shall speciry: (a) IIII' derallli; (lJ) (Ill' allioll n:qnirul 10 Cllre ¡he
llt-raldl; (c) a tlall', ltol less titan 10 days rruln Illl' date 1111' IIUlicl' is gill"l tu BOITuller, liy
1\'Ilkh tlte derald! IlHlS( /¡e cllred; and (tI) (1Ia( railtlrl' to [lIre Ille deL!ltll un or I¡dun~ (Ill'
dale spI'cilil'tI ill Ille nOlice lIIay rC'SIt!1 in ;¡cU'leraliull ur tlte SIII1lS secllrl'd 1).1' tllis SeL'llriiy
Insinllnenl and sail' or the Properly, Tltl' IJulil'e sltall rllrlher illrUrlll BUrn)III'r ur ¡ltl' rigllt
10 reinstate after acceleraLion alld Ille rigId LO I¡ring a COIIf( actiun (0 a.SSl'rl Ille
Ilon-e\isltnCe ur a deLlnli or any uther de:J'enst oj' ßI)rrOI\'er LO aCCf"ll'ration and sale:. If till'
dt:f;¡ It! t is nOI CIII'l'tI on or lJelÜre lhe d;¡(l; specilietl ill tltc nOiice, Lendl'r al iis uptiun lIIay
relJllirt itlllnl'ili;l!e paYlllenl in ¡'till or all SIIIllS Sl'[llrl'dl)) this SI'CIlril) InsLnnlll'n! \litltollt
rllrlller dl'I11,IIHI and llIa.1 inloke till' pOller or sale: and any otller rUlletlies permillul liY
ApplicalJle LIW. Lender shall he entitled 10 CollI'lL ;ill cxpenses incnrred ill lJllrslling tile
fL'lIIl'tlies provided in litis ScUion 22, illcllHling, I¡¡II nuL lilllited [0, rea5un;iI¡le :¡(IIIILII:YS'
J'l'b and cusl5 of title evidence.
H LI'IItle:r invokes lite IWller uf sale, Lellder skt!1 gill' IIlJtice or ildenl LO rOrl'close
to nO.TUWlT and to rhl' pl'I'5011 ill possessilln or Iltl' I'ropl'rly, ir tlitTc>renl, in acconl:lnce
witll .-\pplicaIJIe LI\I. Lenlkr sllal! giye nOlice or Ille sale III ßUITU\\er in (lie 11l:llllIlT
IJl'ol'itkd in SI·ctiIJlI IS, Lender ,Ilall JliI¡lisll (ill' Ill>lice III' sail', and Ille I'ruperlY shall Ill'
sold ill rill' 1II,Inlll'r prescril¡ed tJY AppliL-allle Lall, Lendl'r or ils dl'si[;lIee nla) pllrcllase (Ile
l'ruperty ,II any sale. Tile prucl'('ds oj' Ille sale shall I)c applied ill IIII' rol!lJlring oniL'r: (a) to
all eXIIl'nses or Ille sale, incllllling, lJllt IIOL limited LO, rl'asonal¡Je aLlorlll'Ys' rl'eS; (II) íu al!
Sllllh sl'Cllred lJ.Y lids Sl'Cllrity InSlnlllll'nl; and (c) any excess (0 (he pI"rson ur persons
IL-g:Jlly Clililll'd to it.
\VYU,\lINC .. S;llt~k j::JllliJ) '~IIJ¡h: i\\:H:l:rc:JLJÎc; ,\\..1i. li~'!lh-il(\! j.\I\JJ(l:Î,[[Î'.'Î
C\I.\(';\1 - CJ\lS.U(J,2.\\ì' (u(JU]) (1'",,0' It! OilS)
1''''''.(0:1 j'()j¡/lJ'vl
,,-.. : 'c-)
i": [-, ' ('\ (')
23. Release, Upun payrnent uf all sums secured by thi, Security Instrument, Lender
sllall release tlJi, Security Instrument. BUITuIVer ,hall pay any recordatiun cust,. Lender may
charge BurruIVer a fee fur releasing this Securiry Instrument, but unly if rIle fee is paid tu a tllird
parry fur services rendered and the charging of the fee is permitted uneler :\pplicahk Law.
24. \Vaiyers, Burruwer releases amI wai\'es all rights under and by virtue uf the
humestead exempt irHI laws uf \Vyollling.
BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts ami agrees tu t!it: tt:rms and covenants
contained in this Security JnstnlUlenl and in any Rider executed by Br)ITmver and rc,curded with
~·'AJ Q, tp{1!\/t.. vVY1c)~b(~··~·
He lenc' 0: m-
- ]Jnrn,wèr
- B"rrl1\\\;r
LOAN NO: 590608907
\\''\'0;\11[\\(; .. Sill¡;!t huJily u h.tj/¡it: l\b~\r:rt(LJ¡ç (\1:.1(' lIN!I:()C','IIi\'STIUI(\!:NI FUfllI.HJ5J J,lÚ!
C\lACi\l- C!\IS.0042,WY (OUOI) íl't¡ge 17 oj 18)
.--., l"¡ " " (ì
) SS
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged hefure me this
December 19, 200',
Daniel Warren Moffat and Helena Moffae, husband and wife
(pL:r~()Jì aCkJhH\'kdging)
Z:~ù:J /)J Ær~
My Commissiull Expires:
ounty of ~,.~,~t;.':~ State of
UncoJnl':,;;-J Wy .
~ M. ~?< omJng
L. Y CommIssIon Expires Sept. 15, 2007
(;1\11\C:V1- Ci\IS,OO~2.WY (0001) (I'uge 18 oflS)
Init ¡ills:
\V\'()¡\llNC .. Slngk r:JJJuJ\' p .'::HU¡je ¡\1:J.:iFr<:udi.: !\bL' LlN¡¡:UI~I\J INSï{lIl\IENl FUrllI J051 litH
r-i (',
("' t\ {~; ~ .' :J
Schedule A
Wyoming f\1ortgage
Given By: Daniel Warren Moffat and Helena Moffat
Page 1
Lot 19 of Hialeah Subdi 'Jis ion, Lincoln County, \'Iyoming as
described on the official plat thereof.