HomeMy WebLinkAbout914699 \\1 ARRANTY DEED ~ '" r', .. ",'", ,... i,,) t) ~l u BINA CRIS'fIENNE JENSEN, also known as BINA CRISTIENNF ADArvrS, a single person, JAI<.1::1) J. ADAMS, a married person, JABEN A. ADArvIS, a single person, and JOliN KILEY ADAìvlS, a married person, all individually and jointly, Grantors, for and in consideration of TI-:N ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby CONVE';Y and WARRANT to COUGAR RANCH, LIMITED P ARTNERSIHP, Cìrantee, of Etna, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the following described real property located in Etna, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: Beginning at a point ]/SII1 of a mile east jì'om the SW corner of the SW I/¡ of the NEill of Section 1], T35N, Rlt9\\!, on the southern boundary and running 1/Stl1 ofa mile east, thence 1/1 of a mile north, thence ]/8111 of a mile west, thence ~I of a mile south to a point of origin, containing 20 acres, more or less, TOCETI TER with any and all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto and improvements thereon, any and all Iixtures of a permanent nature thereon, ane! any and all easements, rights of way, and other rights appurtenant thereto including water rights and mineral rights, SUBJECT to easements, reserv[jtions, covenants and restrictions presently of record in the ollice of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming. 'fhe property which is the subject of this deed is unimproved, and has not been usee! as a home or residence by grantors or their spouses. :J WI'J})ESS the hands of said Grantors as of May ] 9,2005, Á/·~" / /- ..'" /; / r / n, ,. )/ '1/, ,. . ,_ J ,.. ./¡.. /;. / , . ,L-- ); F':-'~"0¿J ¿(~2ü ,'- 'i~, :L....!.~<2:..~!:L--.- _~___ ·.tv (/ / Bina Cristienne JensÇJ¡ ~ also known as Bina Jab~ A, Adams Cristienne Adams f . --- //:4: ~- L/C{/ ~ ç::~~1~k~¿[~=-=--~~ (J9bl1 Kiley Adams -·1' / // -'-'--"'-:-~---===~7':: / -~-- / j' .---- _/, .' -'-~) /\... "x</- ~-è"-'....J--=-__ . ' I' -,¿.' '-------..:-___====_==_~ (,'......._ J artcLL-~~kJm7s ,-'----' ---- '. --J -,/ ~"'- é/ STArE OF ARIZONA // // I COUNTY OF JiJ~~~_ ) ) ss. ) '['he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Bina Cristienne Jensen also known as Bina Cristiennc Adams on this Sir':.: day or~, 2005. Witness my hand and official seaL ~la~~iCJ. ~- .. ¡ DORA S, HENRY \ t'JOTARY PUBliC -' ARIZONA MARICOPA COUNTY 'I My Commission Expires , May 31,2006 \ My Commission Expires:~~JLI.i.~ STATE OF ARIZONA ) ) ss, ) .. COLJNTY OF JY\~Æ'>f{À.. ~ 'rhe foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Jabcn A. Adams on this -.5-- day ofJ~_, 2005, Witness my h~.I.nd.<t....11('¡'..-{').Jliejal"'sefl-:·~I-:'E~Ñ-R.-,;-' .-\~, J~ .--;;,." DORA S. , O~ :, ,;' , · RIZONA , . (/) i ¡;L" D· NOTARY PU81IC--A --- __.a-~.__.__._ ." ----- j It:: . MARICOPACOUNT't'Nomy Public i ~, My Comrniss¡oll Expires j 0.:::;:.. . May~~~.~~~____ , . --., , ..-.-_..._.,_.._..".,..-...-.,.._.~- Wurrall/.\' Deed ¡'age I 0/2 pages. a:: ~ W 4: ffi ~ LO ~ ...- t- ct ~ ...-Q)..-WW Q) . Z ~ WWl9 . '<:tl94:~ .....4::> a:: Q)(L:>W W ...J Z 0 Z ~ co ~ Z 0,::> <D 0 o Z ...J o o Z ...J +-' (IJ L() o o N «¡ =It N N 19 z 02: ww >ü:;¿ -W Wa::O U 0 W (Ü ¡y: >- S · ,r' C (t~_ '_oj ._~. ~,--'.J....J' My Commission EXPires:_m~.-lLj__~9_~l¡ STATE OF CALI FORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF I) I~':;~/I ~'rQ ) ¡:... :,) , ., ."j ,-, .t , ú The f(wcgoing instrument was acknowledged before me by .Jared J. Adams on this /e (, "''Cia)! of/!¿('-'lI> t, 2005. -~ --~~ Witness my hand and oJlicial seal. My Commission Expires:_~~~i-_2. 2.-2::,,::.-,:)6 STATE OF UTAIT ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF __ Sr~lt la.te> \, /" ,/ / c·(" - / ---....._.,) c· \, ~_ //~J _;> "'\ ./ .,) '----.. 1 Notary Public ~~'~'~~~ ;or~~~~~~~~i;'~7~~;:Æ-l :f ~Iotory f)ul)lic - California ~ J OrClrige Cour:ly d-c ! My C:olTlín Expires Oct n 2l\')Ó 1:.'1VC~lo..i~~~"'"~:¡':';~~~~~:?.-\..;'':¡:~!,<=~~~;;>I.'';Y~''4~.' . The ()regoing instrument was acknowledged bdè)re me by John Kiley Adams on this~),;i_ day ofJ)ùj:-'__' 2005. W¡tness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires:__.l-=Jd.,ú.£t_____ , () -(/~X~ CJtLL.L.-.l1 ( NO!al'OJUbliC :P)-U/l1C~) ~1~¿·::.>::;~J:~::2:i:ò:'"'2."?.:;:~<:::"':2~:,<ò~:22<?2P'">- .) ,1<..... ..' . '..':':". NU I I'.I<'( ¡'U"I.IC -,,-¡,í "_,', i..... C,',;, _y, .. . . À~ ~0 iJ,,~l;.x~"t \~: .lUll!: A rnll,jt'[ \~ w \~\.'lJ~~:~µ'A)')(:;j ç. 5L?E.·.j~oos\.I.· - ~~ ç~ ",.::~':<.:t 'j); .:~_~~/ iu I ~ ~~it L~!\e c¡¡y, UT b'll 07 (~ ).'~ ·-.~.:x~~·~_.,,/ ) CGI111ì!,::;~I~JIl. f~\p r~s: 7.22.20(19 uJ c\.:;,,-·-.·,···-- _.,-- :::;1,]le or LJ!Jtl ~\~ ~--:::;·~~~~--¿.222:::,~·<~.<;:.:~:¿8~~~222~::~:& !Vur,.unty Deed Puge] of] poges.