HomeMy WebLinkAbout914704 \lJ V 'k- c: n ~! C ,1 RELEASE" UF Rhj\{ L"SJATE MORT(;,\CT (DY CO/U'ORATlONj Lo,1ll #cI !)cI 0 12651 KNOW .'III MEN BY DJESE PNESENTS, Thot First ilolI!: oj Jdoho, u (,(Jlj}()rotloll, oj thc Co 1111 ,-\, oj mollie, olld Srotc ojldullO, dOl's hercb)' ccr/ify 1/7111 0 cCr/ulll II/rHIguge, bcurlllg du/cd tIle 3'''doy of Jllne, 200.:f AD, II/(/(Ic und e\el,lIed liy Erin Wielenga ,US III0rls:ugor(s), 10 FIrsl BUllk oj idullO, liS IIwr(t;ugce, convcyillg ccrloilJ reul estutc /herein IIlc'II/Iulled liS secllrit\' j()j' tIle /'u)'lI/ell! of$13,V50.00 os /I/('reill sloled, 11'llieh 1IIIIIIgoge 11'11.1 u','oulcd iI/ IIII' o(/ice of I//(: COllI/I\' Clerk 1II/(1 Er-oj/icio Negistcr of Dced\ Lincoln COUI/ty, Slutc oj W\'(i}IIIlIg, 0/1 Ilu' ](/' day {~t' ./U::L', 2004J lil }1}(S58, [Jg-38J , [{lid iiì{iì?gd/.;¡'1/8 ¡he j()!!o~\'irl.,~ desL'j"¡JJL'â }'eoì cslate in suld Co 1111 1.1', 10 \l'It: ALL LANDS IN S·\ID !\IOJ(rGACE. RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 908 AM RECEIVIf\JG # 914704 BOOf< 608 PAGE 204 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, f\EI'v1MERER, WY is, \l'Ilh U 1IIIIe SCCIIIÙ! Ihercby, uJ/{! Ihe of(¡}"('llIcllllolled debt, .lid!\' fioid, sOlls/ied, reIn/sed uwl dlli'!/(lIsed olld 1/1 cOI/.I/{!emtioll thereof'IIII' sold IllOr/gugee c!u('s hcrehy re/cose 1II/(1 {Jit/lelullll IIl7tO Ihe sold mOr(!iogor Ihe premises tllcrehy C(i}I\IC\'cd oI/{l mOl"lgu,~cd. IN WiTNiè'SS \VIJENEOF, First BOllk {~/ Idoho llUs cOllsed these fJresellts to hc s(~lIed hy lIS LoulI Opemllolls Supen'Isor ulld its ("[))j!()UilL' seu! 10 hc {fjji.lei/, this i9111 doy of J)c((,/J/ber A.D. 2005. olld Dctll'cn:{,t III rile I))I'SL'J/I'C of / .... "J // -;/1 /// ~.' . c-;._~~;~~~_-~~C,{.".,.,. ·Loa II' {)/Jeratiolls Síí IJeìTisur Si:~/lt:-L/ / \\,,'IIIIU'III " \'\ 7' i, .." I' t ! 1 ".~ £ \ G ,·_¡,jV~Q.,,~4~< /~,. ~"'''' "'.{~ ~. " ¡\'uie ((ir is 1I(lf ¡Ics/red 10 deslJilJ(! ¡ollds ill .\j/£lcc (/¡(,U~/{I,I', iny(,,.r fJICji!/lu\I'il/g' "All Iii/uti ¡/t'V.."¡/)cd in sui(! li/()r!t;U\I"~ çy' '4i 0 'rT iifU ~ ":c.;: _r\~" '\, :. ,. .. ,<J¡ , \ G" ~ ~1 .~ J .;# _ ~ : ~ .-" . "". G. - TIlE STiUL OF WAllO,) ~. ~ ,> : 0 ~ iIJI. P \. \ \\ ~. "'-1:: ..~ C'(I[llIl\' (I( B!uIlle ~** "'. ..... '" ,.- Oil /hls /9111 day (!f Dc(c/J/ber, 2005, lJejiHe IIIC IJerSollu!/y o/i/i('ored .ieIlIlUer~fJ..yllq1iyn..'",:" ,'0........ ro /!Ie /J{')"soll(i/ly /01011'11, \1'110, hclllg by /!Ie dilly SI('OIl1, did soy tlwl sill' is Illc /..0011 OpcÍ1lti(lIIs' ..\.... Sl/pen,Isor of First BUll/; of Idol/() wid 1//(/1 tile seu! o!Jired 10 suId illSlIl/lllellt Is II/e corpoulle seo! o/" soid corporolioll, OJ/{l 11/(/1 soÙI 11/\/11/1111'111 \l'OS s(~lIcd WII/I'('(i/ed Oil he/lO!f 0/ soul cOlpom/Io/l h)' ulllhorlly of its Bourd olDIrectors olld soid Chic/" ErecIIIII'e O/Jicer oc!:lIoll'ledgcs sold IIISI/'/llllCllt 10 heji¡cc oct o/ld deed of sold COljiO}(/IIolI, CII'ell IIlIder Ill)' hOI/{! owl /lolol/u! seu! Ihis Iyll day u~PCce,?!icr ,LDj'?f105. .' ,,' .II " (L~~:.:~,';"'.'.~·';::< _ ~,',~'t :í'~--'-"\, " '. ·,__..__c-· '--... --'--.-", -, ';'.::., .---. '~ , ----,------,--~---_.,._-------- NO/ilJ"\' /'lIhlic ill)' COIIIIIIIs,IIolI l'\IJIres Oil tllc 41/¡ du\' (if IdJiIlUIY, i\.D. 2010. Jil/\TST\TE or WYOMING, Co /III Iy 0/'-___ ______)cIs. I/! i.',' ¡;/tJ:-1 ) (, Lt. (:"'l'Uïd uf (j 'cl(ic'·k II/l' litl \ ., 11'1, ¡ n ..';/ ;'U)} Io:.,'lí! (J I ¡' ~VU,\ ---- of_________, AD. 2(}__~ {flld dilly }"('('(mlc{/ I,I Book _._______011 Puy,é' ._. --~~.__.~-~_._.._------_.- -~--~-----_._"---"'-_.. COIIl/ly Cia/; I/llil E\ Oil/clo J(cgl,s[cr o/Deeds B\,___________ _______._ Dc/wly CIa/; I"ii! . Fees, $' --_._~ ~_._,-------~-~-