HomeMy WebLinkAbout914708 REL¿SJs11&F ~QÁ~ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) (", ,-, n ." , 1 "-" '~-} tl ¿; ,.l / ----- KNOW ALL !\1EN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Firs~atic~na}~J5anl,--=-lYest ~---- ---_.~~~ a corporation, of the County of I~incoln ,and State oL~-..H)'oIlLÍng ,does hereby certify that a certain mortgage, bearing date the~-ª_____ day of~pten~~.e!________, A. D. 2002 Dahl & Anita Brown nwde and executed by__ as l11ortgagor_, to_First National Rank- Hest ________ as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ 90,618.27 ,as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex·Officio Register of Deeds of___ ___J~inc()l~__~_____County, State of Wyoming, on the 23 day oL Sep_tember. 2002 __, in Book~..~~__of Mortgages, at page~_, and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to-wit: All land described in above mortgage k> ~ RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 10:12 AM RECEIVING # 914708 BOOf<: 608 PAGE: 214 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is, wiLlI a note secured thereby, and tbe aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mort- giiged. IN WITNESS WHEllEOF, the First National Bank-West -_._~-~--_. has Ca\!S8G these Pret18!1ts to be signed by :ts__,_JL1=.aILCJL_}~l'::"~i d~-I-t¡- and its corpoplte ;;eallo be affixed, this_----.-l'L,_. ~___ day of '. \1,'; I.' Signl:!d, S¡;'aJed mí.t},pelivered in the presence of {~t;~~f"t:i5- ( ;~ 2&i~~ ~~~WJ'X December _~, A. D. 2Q05_ ~-:;7-~EI7-£-t-N,a.t-iDn;;¡ I-J3ß-nk--W@-&-G ____ \ / / /f' By-.'-'>-cf~~~.--!:~rD'o:..}a..2_4;;J.=c~L-_-.--_ Its _Bral(;I1- ~'h-'~ent_~=-___~____ Note: l(it·js, not 'desired to describe lands in space therefor, insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage." -----~~--~-_.- ---~--- --~-_._-~_.__.----~_.._~ THE STATE OFJ)!YOtllING, ~ --. / ~ ' ". I £I ' "Jl ss County of~~tLíL-D6L-?;(j .__~. '. .Ô On this / '9 7'Q_ day of , cx:....~¡/'c·;/Z)? /b:"(-L¿____, l~,~YI~_.-before me personally appeared ' (/ ! :'., , . 1\, \)/,¿~ /_._ ,.-.,/'/ I /)(/-_. ", (:-- ,c.... ,.., . . :;J.-- '. , to me personally kn.. own.';h';. be. iJl~ b/.CJ.- Ie .d4~(.¿worn, diJ,;;ay that he is the.---iZ:.;:~IZ-x c/:l_~áJ/(}J â'/;,')L_....___of It 1;/ '-:/ , / /? /)..- ') i I y' ~{,lf ;/ ('?~·/-..é'T)('(f/ p-'---.,,£L-L.¿ (;1 )/,'()/ ~~. I '} and that. the seal affixed to said inst.rument is t.he corporate seal of said corporat.ion, and that said instrument was signed and -!J ',Á -- sealtQ_Q!2.l!êbJtlLQJßJîÜl.çp1])QUltip)1 by aut.hority of its Board of Directors and said_ {:¿L¡";::! 2--¿·t.""~__~'~_____ aclJ)~;j~~~die~-l~t~;iliit:;:Jfuel~~--t,o b~; the free act £lnd d:ed uf said corporatiOl:. f\ /'.J l/! i(' G iv6H"Ut¡)ärer rt--N.·.¡.:.J.¡..f(.'~.\1 <ì11.'P'rìf'¡t.ar\jal seal t.his. /9_. _ __ ¡jay (.).fj'f~::"7e:{,~(::'ìJ}í cE.~Ç;L/---._._ A D ,-.:2L2.{'J5--- ) C.irlCLJII1 \~;..-~"rf¡!;,...~l. \-'. ...\.,......,¡..' fir OJ. )¡..'/ / / . i .. ,/ / ;r -;F"' / \ '<~V) r~ (/ (/.¡ / ('. ( 7:; < ( /~/ ./ ~d:~\:I~;~_~~~~~~~.::::'I~~:0~~:~:(:~:(1:'--d~":~(!IJ,~L . _) ~-'f; - ' - r. (~)" N otury Pu blie. J\ly commission expires on the_cf~____d£lY of_ ((,¡ið f,䣿.{/ , A. D. -.:L:LLC.0 , [ THE STATE Of WYOMlNG, County of This instrument was filed for record aL_____o'clock~M., on the_____day of___~___.______, } ss. A D. 19~_, and duly recorded in Book_ on Page__....________. _._-~_._._~--_._-~- _._-~-- Counly Clerk und Ex·Officio Hegisler of Deeds No. '__~'_____'_'__'_' By ___ Fees, $______.__~.__.____ Deputy Clerk ---.._--~--_._--- ..--._"._----_.._._~-._.._._-~---- -----~--------_._----._-------_._----------~-----~--- , REI ·Oti5 - ~_..._-----_.....-.._-----~._----_._~-------_.._._._--_._~._----_._------~- -------.--.-------