HomeMy WebLinkAbout914710 ,OURHSY RECORDING This document is being recorded solely as a courtesy and . accommodation to the parties therein. Land Title Co. Hereby expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for the accuraC )'JØJ1TI~)r~ POWERS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT ARE BROAD AND SWEEPING. THEY ARE EXPLAINED IN THE UNIFORM STATUTORY FORM POWER OF ATIORNEY ACT (CALlFORi'-JIA PROBATE CODE SECTIONS 4400 Prob. - 4465 Prob.). . L: I 1 (0, (~ f'r'·~., < r'" \../ \~j J._ _t J UNIFORM STATUTORY FORM POWER OF ATTORNEY (California Probate Code Section 4401 Prob.) IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THESE POWERS, OBTAIN COMPETENT lEGAL ADVICE. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO MAKE MEDICAL AND OTHER HEALTH-CARE DECISIONS FOR YOU. YOU MAY REVOKE HIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IF YOU lATER WISH TO DO SO. I, Gina K. Hurley. #11 Eccelstone Circle, Irvine, CA 92604 (your name and address) appoint Michael S. Hurley (husband), #11 Eccelstone Circle, Irvine, CA 92604 (name and address of the person appointed, or of each person appointed if you want to designate more than one) as my agent (attorney-in-fact) to act for me in any lawful way with respect to the following initialed subjects: TO GRANT All OF THE FOllOWING POWERS, INITIAL THE LINE IN FRONT OF (N) AND IGNORE THE LINES IN FRONT OF THE OTHER POWERS. TO GRANT ONE OR MORE, BUT FEWER THAN All, OF THE FOllOWING POWERS, INITIAL THE LINE IN FRONT OF EACH POWER YOU ARE GRANTING. TO WITHHOLD A POWER, DO NOT INITIAL THE LINE IN FRONT OF IT. YOU MAY BUT NEED NOT, CROSS OUT EACH POWER WITHHELD. INIT)Al N'-. (A) Real property transactions. (B) Tangible personal property transactions. (C) Stock and bond transactions. (D) Commodity and option transactions. (E) Banking and other financial institution transactions. (F) Business operating transactions. (G) Insurance and annuity transactions. (H) Estate, trust, and other beneficiary transaction. (I) Claims and litigation. (J) Personal and family maintenance. (K) Benefits from social security, medicare, medicaid, of other governmental programs, or civil or military service. (l) Retirement plan transactions. (M) Tax matters. RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 10:13 AM RECEIVING # 914710 BOOK 608 PAGE: 215 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY '7>JL Ü ('0 1"\ 0-'.~· (~ (N) ALL OF THE POWERS LISTED ABOVE. YOU NEED NOT INITIAL ANY" \; t_.t 0 OTHER LINES IF YOU INITIAL LINE (N). SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ON THE FOLLOWING LINES YOU MAY GIVE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS LIMITING OR EXTENDING THE POWERS GRANTED TO YOUR AGENT. This Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney between myself (Gina K. Hurley) and my husband (Michael S. Hurley) is effective from December 8, 2005 throuqh December 10, 2005. UNLESS YOU DIRECT OTHERWISE ABOVE, THIS POWER OF ATrORNEY IS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL IT IS REVOKED. This power of attorney will continue to be effective even though I become incapacitated. STRIKE THE PRECEDING SENTENCE IF YOU DO NOT WANT THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY TO CONTINUE IF YOU BECOME INCAPACITATED. EXERCISE OF POWER OF ATrORNEY WHERE MORE THAN ONE AGENT DESIGNATED. Signed this ~ day of ~lX-~ I 20 (>~ ~ykjZ/ (your signature) 0 4Ý-2- ~ ~-G {c; +S- (your social security number) r· (\ n·" __ r¡ '.' ,J (.' ':".t i " ',:'lttERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF 0 !ù\î'l-CÐ(2' On 'vrý /' v/(J ) , before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared G- \ .J A K. Ht.tC2- L-'-) \1 (ctt,A"'S\. S rh_t¡¿l-i ' personally know to me (or proved to me on the basis of sJtisfactory evidence) to b the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. [Notary Seal, if any]: r~~ .~';~~~'.;~'.~~~; ~ ':~'.':'- "~'··~1 ...- AlI.¡()()J 38NVdO e'· 't > g; VIt~ <mand mv lON > ' . :<: -< elt~6V~# 'WVW8 ". ..:Il Itj3:!ION3mv ·VE3JINvrlt."",ev I i.,.·~......··......·:.-··~·~'tJ~· .,"~ ~ ll"iL~ t" ,-.,~~~ Notary Public for the State of California My commission expires: b -L ~ - 6 R ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AGENT BY ACCEPTING OR ACTING UNDER THE APPOINTMENT, THE AGENT ASSUMES THE FIDUCIARY AND OTHER LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN AGENT. Michael S. Hurley [Typed or Printed Name of Agent] /hwL!j~~ [Signature of Agent] PREPARATION STATEMENT This document was prepared by the following individual: Gina K. Hurley [Typed or Printed Name] [Sii~Äo/