HomeMy WebLinkAbout914713 RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 1029 AM RECEIVING # 914713 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 221 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY <', (1 r'. ,"''''. r"'~ 1.-11 :~. _ '\ j ~.; ,"- ,". ..s ...... ......, ,_'- AFFIDA vrr OF SURVIVORSHIP FRANCES A. BROWNING, being oflegal age and being tìrstduly sworn upon oath according to law, does hereby depose and say that: ]. Ed Browning died on December 24, 2002, in Lincoln County, \-Vyoming, and a certi tied copy of the official death certificate is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Î Ed Browning and Frances A. Browning \vere the owners of certain real property in Teton County, State of Wyoming, vested in them with right of survivorship, L/lJcüuJ . 3. ~rhe folIo\VÜlg is a descri]Jtion or said real property: Lot 45 ofTZiver View I\Jeadows First Addition to the Town of Alpine within the SE/4 of Section 30, T37N, 1<..118W, according to that plat nled July 2, 1993 as Instrument No. 767416 4. Such property \vas conveyed to such persons as grantees by instrument recorded February 13,2001 in Book 459 page 456 in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 5. I do further certify under oath that the deceased, Ed Browning, was the same party named in and whose death terminated his estate in the real property described herein under the vesting instrument. 6. The undersigned is the surviving spouse of Ed Browning. 7. This Af1idavit is made for the purpose ofcompJying with applicable Wyoming statutes providing for the termination ofajoint tenancy in the appropriate statutory manner. The undersigned sL1rvivCJr continues as the so]e remaining joint tenant with right of slIrvivorsl1ip as to this rea] estate. Subscribed and sworn to by the undersigned effective f!S9f t1)e I st day of December, 2005. , --//Í~: //~~.~;¿;'/ .-,- ~, ---", / / /¿~~ - ----------, .>'l( . c>).í~' ,//~~---____c_~.-:--/ - -- - -. FRANCES A. B}Ü\\tNING "Co/ (/ '-....., .----..-" STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) COUnfY OF TETON The foregoiLlg instrument was ackl1O\vleclged before me by FRANCES A. BRO\VNING this '" ;~E!l) clay of, L 2('(:1')/;/) e f'-- , 2005. [" . MARY DIVAN - NOTARY PUBLIC County of ;", State of leton . , , Wyoming My Comm;ss;on Exp;,., 'é1-170 f, ~)'------ . '. My commission expires: '-2 /)' ) I /. . / .... Y-,~j(~LHI" I. ¿()(A/l\..) Notmy Publit UIU\\ IIIII~ .-\ li"ld<l\"11 I ¡ "\\'lld)) ~¡ARRIED FRANKl NAHCON - . - =---r:----------- 11 ~~C~Df~T:::ER IN US AflMED FORCES? 12a. USUAL OCCUPATION _~-~. 11:::: ~e.~ ~::::/,mosI12b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY NO RANCHEH ,. AGIUCULTUHE ;:;~:o;.~c~ "~'"-';oc:~:~'OLN CACI:;~::OC"'~"''0".~~--- C¡:~~"';~::;:':{IVEH DRIVE 13e, INSIDE CITY L.IMITS? 1.. WAS DECEDENT OF lilSPIV-4IC ORl~~-- 15. RACE -Nroi!ric.an Inj¡¡¡r¡ (5p<tcify ye.s rx no) (SçeçUy rQ 00" '(ill it )'ea, 3()ecJly Black., Whita, Etc . Cuban, Mel(~. Þve<1o RÍçM], Etc.) {Specify} ¡'-"'---:_~; ~-, ,/ .J ~ . .~" ("\ n ,:'~, ,~"'. Sl~A TE OF v\rVOIVUNG)u'4:~ r,ì i;.., n '- t}.<, qtLI \ ';) DEPARTI\i1ENT OF HEALTH STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE Fll£ NUMBER 3. DATE OF DEATH (Mo., o.y, it.) ;/ !J D ':' TYPE OAPI....H N PE RMANE: NT BUCK '<K FDA INSTRuenoNS SEE HAN DBOOK LC:X:Al FilE NU'-A8ER 1.0ECEDENT-NAJJE FIRST 2. SEX '-4IDtXE LAST JONATHAN NALE DECENBER 24, 2002 .. SOCIAl SECURITY NUMBER 6 DATE OF BIRTH (Mo-, o.y. Vr) 519-36-5919 APRIL 23, 1937 7A- PLACE Of' DEATH (C~ only ~ ~ ~~-~ Olr'lpa11ð111 OER/~~Nursu'Ql~ tJResdef1ce Oou....r(Spðdfy 7b FACIUTY w.J.4E fff no( ,rntJrutico1 gJ.. ttrfHJII It"Jd rA.ITIÒfJI) -~TOWJ{ OR LOCATION OF DEAfH 409 SNAKE RIVER DRIVE __~~~ ALPINE 8 STATE OF BIfHH (It no( r. u.s.A.., I'I4me cc:xxvyJ 9 MARRED, NEVER WRRIED. 10. SURVMNG-SPOUSE (If """fu, Q';"v rT1ooI,i,)"n ~) W1{)ONfO, DIVORCED (Specify) 7d. C(XJNTY OF DEATH LINCOLN IDAHO YES , 6 DECEDENT'S ECX,.IC.ATìOH (SpecHy crly NQhest ¡)"IoUe ~ðd) No 00 HlIITE ElemenW-Y/$eçCW"'od.ry (0-12 CoIlegoe (1-~ Of 5+1 12 2 YUO(Spttclfy} Middle 17, FATHER'S NAME 19b, RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT Fin! Lut 16 MOTHEA'S NAME Firs! J.4idd~ CHARLES DELIA MAE lib.. INFOAt-.4ANT-NAME (T)pe or Pt~J FRANKl BROIVNING SPOUSE ,. 1\k, M.J,IUNG ADDRESS ZIP CODE STREET OR RFD. NU"-4ßER CITY OA TOWN STATE BOX 3443 ALPINE HYOt-JING 83128 2()ç. C(:METERY OR CREMATORY-HAME 2Dd. l.OCATlON CITY OR TOVm IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO STATE BUCK-NILLER-HANN FUNERAL Num1:>er 2 1c. ADDRESS OF FACILITY SCHHAB MORTUARY 45 -~ l [) MaUe-11 Surnaf'Oð smTll 22c, HOUR OF DEATH 2k. HOUR OF DEATH M 238. PRONOUNC..ED DEAD (/--Iou) M 1,4 EASr',FOURTII AVE., AFrON 2Ja. 0" !h"J w,.,ie 0( eumir.elún «"d/or ifNutiQatio<1, in rr'rf opinion de.at't1 occurrlKl .t the 11.,->11, dt!e v.d p!a.c.e arid due to'the caUS&\1) IIUlIeCl. (SJQn.4rn,"-,arx:JT7tJ4), ..... 230. DATE SIGNED (1.40., D-r, Yr.) H 8~ E:'5 ,20 i ~ I..:) û / µ Q 7 . 00 P M 22d. NAME OF "'Tt~tYSICIAN n:OTHER THAN CEHnflER (Type OT Print) 23<.1. PRONOlHKED DEAD (Mo, 0,,1', Yr.) 2~; NAME AND AOORESS OF CERTIFIER (f't1YSlOAN 00 COAONER)(TtpIII ex Prir() K. PAUL HEAD AFT ON, HYONING 83110 25b. DATE RECEIVED BY AEGISTRAR (Uo., o.y, Yr.) l}ü HOSPITAL LANE 25.. REGISTRAR ~ / L ' :!-C ·-v 2- Enlef lha diSð&Su. ¡~un...a, bliooa thaI cauaed de.th, Do ~ enler the rTJ:Xie 01 dylr'Q, --..:;h u cardlac or ~apir.tor}' lUTul, v.oçk, 0( hN.rl failure. U.t 1=.-11y oroe C*UMI on e..:h ~ne ~..im.l.lot IIn!ervalB&l_1 IO\&frlarldo...lh 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I --"- 1 1 1 IMWE[)lATE CAUSE (final ?LC/rÎ J !2,-V7.;t DUE TO lOA AS A CONSEOUENCE OF ' -~wt~ /j/)/;/:-.... . , 'r ......~i1 - ~-- -' --"______- /,)1 , Irj ......v'-'"(,~ '-?' '7 tkt ,~\ ~ dlrse'"'~ Of cr~.,.j.:·Ü:;;'f1 ~1IIJt1ng il1 doath¡'" C--('~ U-r- Sequent;.)!')' liaI condlliona, W VI'(,ludirlQ' to Immo6í.a.., C8146. Ent.... UHDERLYLUoQ CAUSE (Oi$.ð/l.u Of injury thatl"'tiated~ ruulting in duth) LAST DUE TO (OR AS ^ CONSEOUENCE OF) DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF)' d ~RT II. OTHER SJGNIFlCANT CON0400NS-Condiliooa t.on!ributng b death but r\Qt retated 10 ca<..øð gr..en in F¥<.RT I 29 MANNER OF DEATH 30..-; I1UUAY AT WORK? (Sµ&dfy ,.,S Of no) NO 30a. D.ATE OF INJ~Y (Mo::rJ(h. o.y,~) JOb, TIUE Of ><JURY NallXaJ D PendinQ In-atig4/ioo JO'- UX:,Anoo (51'"1 and NlJmbM or Rurlll Rouk ~ber, Crty or Town, Stahll ><cIdon1 M VR 2'89 11199 15M Suiddo DCQuId ~ be ""'-""" 30e. Pl.&Ce OF f-UJRYcAt homoII, 'arm. atrtIet,/aclory, oI'ficA buiaJiOoJ..lc.. (SpiK;Jf'/J llomicide i 0'1 () -j '1 J j '. _._ fhIS IS a true and ex;:¡ct repruduclion of the document on file in the office of \/ital F~ecorcls Sel'vlces, Clleyerlne, Wyoming DATE ISSUED This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with the dale s¡:¡-I! alld signi1tlllc of tho.: Dt:)JUIV S¡~lle Ro.:Qistrar