HomeMy WebLinkAbout914717 'in··'·, 0 ':,,!~ ~~) ,,:::,' ;~~, ð K ~t"" " >I ./ RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 1040 AM RECEIVING # 914717 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 228 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Loan # 81081031315480001 Today's Date: 12/2012005 THIS CERTIfIES THAT a certain mortgage owned by the undersigned, an association under the laws of the United States of America, dated 6/5/1995, executed by Richard I Galloway and Myrna K Galloway, husband and wife, as Mortgagor, to First Security Bank of \-Vyoming, as TVlortgagee, calling for $ 60,000.00, ane! tiled for record on 6/20/1 995, as Documcnt No. 803863, Cert No. N/ A in Book 369 of rVJortgages, Page 715, in the Office of the County Recorder or the Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, is, with the indebtedness thereby secured, fully paid and satisfied and the same is hereby released, If required, the legal description is as fo1lows: N/A !) Wells FargM n'.1nl", N.A/'-' /.' .f,. ,(') / (I ! ~. /' 'r" ," .,7' Ii I'>¡ (""J '_-s.., /"(,'.'" ,I, '.'/ "--~ By: .~/I/ ¡'({/LV> c.-".~...:.y:, JtH II> Marilynn LaFountain, Collateral Officer FKA First Security hank of Wyollliug by reason of name change, amendment of charter ancl1l1ergers, STAfE OF MONTANA/COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE ) ss, The tèJregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on 1212012005, by Marilynu LaFountain, ColJateral Officer of Wells Fargo Banl_, N.A., an association under the laws of the United States of America, on behalf of the 3ö:;ociatiDI1. Wimess mv hand ,md otÌÏcial seal p~~':¿' (~. ~-) (? yJÝG\ ~~.~'1~'"''''''~ / ('1- .f \).,.. . ~) , -¡;;yí(!L~ -~lL¡-LL~Y.~~L-r¡ "<-~"¡"{AR ···...0 \ Laci Alvanldo ( :'-.;ç..0 1.1(',) NotdrY Public for the State of Mont.1IJa k : ,... '. . ~,,~ .. ReSllllllg at nilling3, Montana '. ø/. My Commission Expires: 07/0112009 f"··.. ".~ '. ..: ,J';>'.. '-'EA\" ..' ~''\'' TillS lNSTRUrv1ENT WAS DRAFTED BY \~>.~~,........~ 'Ä,'(v'¢ \Veils Fargo Bank, NA ~~_OFMO't".·, PO Box 31557, 2324 OVèrland Ave "'~-:;Q::=,u,<:ß- Billings, 1\IT 59102 g66-255-9102