HomeMy WebLinkAbout914720 RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: First Interstate Bank Casper Downtown Brancll 104 Soutll Wolcot! Street p, 0, Box 40 Casper, WY 82602-0040 ;," n G ¿ :3 1 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: First Interstate Bank Casper Downtown Brancll 104 Soutll Wolcott Street p, 0, Box 40 Casper, WY 82602-0040 RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 10:50 AM RECEIVING # 914720 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 231 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SEND TAX NOTICES TO: Top Fligllt Properties, Inc. P,O, Box 1240 Alton, WY 83110 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY to U First Interstate Bank / L! MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE ~ THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE dated December 14, 2005, is made and executed between Top Flight Properties, Inc., whose address is P.O. Box 1240, Afton, Wyoming 83110 (referred to below as "Grantor") and First Interstate Bank, whose address is 104 South Wolcott Street, P. O. Box 40, Casper, WY 82602-0040 (referred to below as "Lender"). MORTGAGE. Lender and Grantor Ilave entered into a MOl'tgage dated Septernber 16, 2004 (the "Mortgage") vvhich has been recolded in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, as follows: Recorded with the Lincoln County Clerk on September 28, 2004, as Instrument No. 903183, REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION, The Mortgage covers the following described real property located in IJncoln County, State of Wyoll1illg: Lots 1 ane! 2 of tile Airport Addition to tile Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 672 S Washington, Afton ,WY 83110, MODIFICATION. Lender and Grantor Ilereby modify tile MortgaDe as follows: Tllis Mortgage is modified reducing ttle pr'incipal amount to $469,000,00, CONTINUING VALIDITY. Except as expressly modified above, the tellllS of tile orlÇJinal Mortgage shall remain uncllallgecl aneJ In full force alld effect and are legally valid, binciing, and enforceable In accorcJance Witll tlleir respective terms, Consent IJY Lemler to tllis IVlodiflcation does not waive Lender's rigllt to require strict performance of the Mortgage as cllanged alJove Ilor obligate Lellder to make allY future modilications, Nothing in this Modification sllall constitute a satisfaction of tile promissory note or other credit agreernent securedlJY the fv10rtgage (tile "I~ote"), It is the intelltlon of Lender to retaill as liable all pal'lies to tile Mortgage and aii paríies, makers and emiorsers to the ~~ote, inc:udillg acccmnlodatio:l partios, unless a party is expressly released by Lemler in writillg Any maker or endorser, including accorTllllodatioll makers, shall not be released by virtue of this Modification, If any person who signed tile original Mortgage does not sign tllis rvlociification, then all persons SiçJlling below acknowledge that tllis Modification is given condilionally, based on the representation to Lender that tile nOll-signinÇJ person consents to tile changes and plovisions of IIlis Modification or otllelwise will not be released by it. Tllis waiver applies not only to allY initial extension or modification, but also to all SUdl sulJsequent actions, GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS, THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE IS DATED DECEMBER 14, 2005, GRANTOR: TOP FLIGHT P~RTlES, INcL ' , By:_-~CY~~(2t__~~__ik_L_,~_ Stuart Horn, President of Top Flight Properties, Inc, LENDER: FIRST I~T¿~~T~ BANK, -<-¿/:/ '-1"-( -;/c:z . -"'., x_£~~~",-"cc,---_:,.,;·c"-,:~' Authorized Signer --_.._-~~~ ~:{) MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE (Continued) ! ~ (; ~'~~.~-~~ 2 Page 2 .- .-._._--"------~---~-_.._.._-----------_._--~ ._-~-~~_._._--~~.._--_._-_.,----,_..--.._---_._-,--- CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ! , STATE OF_ _ Ct~LJtJil-~/Vl§ __________ COUNTY of__IJ{J -l;~~UYl L:~-"---_ ) )-1 JJg '.j (/ C , On tllis _ day of __________~ - ~.-/ , 20 'LU.._, Ilefore me, tile urlders!gned Notary PubliC, personally appeared Stuart Horn, President of Top Flight Properties, Inc" and known to me to be all autllmized agent of the corporation tI-IAt executed the Moefilication of Mortgage and acknowledged tile Modification to be the free and voluntary act and deed of tile cmporation, tlY autllority of its Bylaws or IJy resolution of its bOArd of directms, for tile uses and purposes tllerein mentioned, aneJ orl oatil stateeJ that lie or slle is aulllmized to execute this rVlodiflcation,.~nd in,f,ac,t e"xec,/ted tll,~er_ Od.ifi~p)i,~l on. b.' eha,I,.I" of the cmporation, By__ \.j11:::~jtll~-~' ,);2:, L LlA CIl /~ _____ Residing at_~(){}CJj~2_~___('J()_______"____"_"___ Nol"y P~b\iC 10 "d ,,, 'ho 51"0 01_ . Jj.. L¡jCYYLV)f~~- My comm;";o" "r"'" _~ ) - C(j ~ __ ) ) SS ) ~·_",,~,,-,.:"~""~\'___""-.~''''~~'''''''''';':':''-~~4'.c.o-.:~);( ~1 !<':>?'<-,, UOTAf(Y PUBLIC '" !\~ (¡ , . ;,1i{fr.¡ \'. i:" c· Þ ~" r' _ . ~ì~I'~¡'\1 jL),dlA. IV1ILLER '~ kJ ~ j(i:!¡;::lJ!_:'; A Il~, UF ,YP/OI,;ING :~ {\ 'dlt.fi.¡il;'j:7 LC)UI~ ,( Ü¡- ·4p.rhlJr-JA \~ ~~~. My ëqlnmi:.;si,un[:..:< p_ir(;~~_,JI~¡ 01,,70.09. t Q;,2.....;c::J.":,::..:::.,,J2:,;;::.J:,J~;j.~~;~;,]~d~"" :..:J.·.;(.;~~.........:..:4...:-.;..1:J LENDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT I STATE OF _~tJctn UZ\J---- _____ COUNTY OF ....tlL\tì~¿')1~ (~~______ ) ) SS ) , J 21 ;-'Ij ~I ('J '-'5 I r--\, '-, On this ----"',..,.,----,...--...,,-,,-----,,-9?y of ___"._, L. ß,',-.lc_-,' .._,_..,__.._...._..__, 20 .c...-:___, before '(T11', the umj';,rs'~.n(N Not~r(y, ~Ubllc,Cr~er,s"ona.'"lly appeared ---J(".. .' _~.. --l..~,-t~~:ècLj-j__,'-- _______ and known to me to be tile \;, J '''l_' JCt, _ \- II... _____:J.~~LU)l-'-\~~L~_A .1 L_ -~L_, autllorizecl agent for tile Lender that execút8dtfie ~¡,iTtTlìIT and fCJregoingms(¡uílleill iìíid- acknowledged said Instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed 01 the sclld Lemler, duly authorized by tI-le l_ender tllrougll Its board of directors or otllerwise, for tile uses and purposes tllereill mentionecl, and on oatl, stated tlmt lie or slle is autllOl"lzedto execute tillS said Instrument and :'::');Jt;jI;t;;OCP"':j2i1Z{r¿¡;~:", .. . _ R,,;d;"9 'l_elL}¡) Uì j --0---- Notary Public in and for the State of--LLJøLJLllttl¿)J-- My commission expires ,/ v,SER <"Ru :;J.~,;~.".-",d ~¡-:··,:J~·~(J~'.'~I·::;:.':;,';,;~~J"~'~~:,;:...J.....-..;:..<.;.~~~':'O"-::;tJ;.;,j~,.~., , ,:!"){f',:, ,'. .. ~!OT!\HY PUBLIC ;1 {I' (~I';'.,:.i,Ìl",!.fc~", ;V0 v,:: A,:l\! ,I~ .l'iJ ¡ L LEn f? \\"cy·",,'t'l:r' -',IA! -: l)1- VVy OiVllNG fi~ :~;ltti:!li-v " ,~uu:--¿ fY OF i,j;\TF~Oi'JA t "~W$,''''''"'''.'''''·."O;,"' "0,"' '"'' , ~- -= ..'----,,-"'""-' "''':'''':.;;:.r,:::c¡cc'=:l::CO;:;O;;;Jcc::;)