HomeMy WebLinkAbout914723 :; C ,:3 5 IYlillL1ù,iJw tic e to: C!¡jford Brént rLllker 1717 L ìvlonte ('[¡rlo Drive S~¡ t Lake City, Utah 84] 2 ] RECEIVEDt2/27/2005 atllOO AM RECEIVING # 914723 BOOf< 608 PAGE 235 JEANr\jE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Q1JI'f-CLAIJ\I DEI,:D TlITS QUI'T-CLAlJ'vIDEET)' is execukd by [ZUTI] ELAINE HALE ,tIld CLH'CURD rm,LN'T ITAP..KER, as CO-lRUST[:¡~S 01''1'111: III,:¡LN n I [Arn::ETZ FA íVl1L\' LlVlNC 'TTZLJST creakcl on Novc:~mher ] 979, ilercinai'ler refl'rred to as CR,\NTC)R, to CLlrT'OTZJ) BRENT HAI{J(EI~, he:reinafter rekrrèd to as Cì¡~ANTEE, wrrNESSl:rl], tklt tIle C3RANTC)](, for ,me! in consicler,\tion or the: sum of $1000 ~lI1cl otiler good and valuable considcl,llion, hereby QUITS CI,.''\I1\/1 unto s,lid CìRANT¡:¡':, ~¡ I right, titk, interest, and clLlim which the C[ZANTCH<.. has in [tIlcltu the ()IIlJ\\'ing described properly, situate in Alpine, cOLlnty of Lincoln, Sltlle of Wyuming. suhject to the ('I1L'LIlllbr~lnCes O\\'t'c1 thereon, to wit: 1 All of tots 35, 36, 37, and 58, PALlS PARK SlIßD[VrS[()N, according to thè ollïcial pLlttilercofrecore!ecl in the CULlnty r<..ccorckr's Office at Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, WITNESS the hm1e! of said CìRANTC)R this ~-=L cI~1Y ufJune, 2005, (~ J/,.l (/~'. ~) :.. .. -1:.:tL.L£4,,' ! c:l~h'Le 6L D;" CJ R:\NTCm, by J<..uth Elaine ¡fare as Co-Trustee of the [lelen 13, Ilarker F~1mi]y Living 'frust /,', , , ( . // ' __--::'/ ,/. /) ./! I _______.1-. .J /j, /~~ _//;///,-(../1 -...:C/ .1~~)...c::J"2,/r~>;'.Li¿./ CìRANT'e)l(, by C¡iJILinl BrLÏ1l1larker as Co-Trustee oj' the F!elen B, Harker F'amily Living Trlist S'f/\TE OF lJTAH : ~ C(JUNTY OF SA LT LA KE ) The ÚJregoing instrument W~IS acknowkdgec1 before me this __22? _ delY of June, 2005, by Ruth Elaillc Hale [me! Clifford I3rent I Llrkcr, wllh amhority, l~ ~'" ,..~" k~. "" (h:ié" \' \?¡'H;ìii': ~-~ ~i . ,CnHÍlìþ. ¡¡MI~ ~J l-:: Xi.,'11~21 ¡~¡;, ,.,~ (, __/{;~:ll¿)l / {"~"-ì NCrrAR\' PU IJLIC [Zesiclll1!:, ~It S~dt L~lke COllnty, Ut,\h Í'v]y Commission Fxpil'êS h/ 15/07 H-e