HomeMy WebLinkAbout914724 ,r' n ('. '-', J \ f~ ~,.' ".") t~_) i~ ,~, u ìvlail tax notice to: The IJarker Family Limited Partnership ] 717 E, ìv10nte Carlo Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 1101 AM RECEIVING # 914724 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 236 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUJT-CLAIlVI DEED THIS QUIT-CLAIM DEED, is executed by CLIfFORD BRENT HARKER, hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR, to TITE HARKER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNElzSllIP, a Utah limited partnership, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, WITNESSETH, that the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the slim of $1 0,00 and other good and valuable consideration, hereby QUITS CLATìvI unto said CìRANTEE, all right, title, interest, and claim whieh the GRANTOR has in and to the fo11owing described property, situate in Alpine, county of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, sllbject to the encumbrances owed thereon, to wit: All of Lots 35, 36, 37, and 58, PALlS PARK SUBDIVISION, according to the official plat thereof recorded in the COllnty Recorder's OIJice at Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, WITNESS the hand of said GRAN'fOR this Z"Y day of .rune, 2005, 1 '/ . ¡ ,// /,-' /' / / .!' ! / / ,/ '..'-'.,.. /"..;' ( .-~ ;/' --- p /'" _" .:~.:j I I,.. ,.." .- ..- /~'-'_/:"-'~/í"';:'L" ~ f f L ¡: / t.' { '-- ,~ "j -; ( ~: {( , ; ~ '-' CìRAN'rOR, Clifford Brent Harker STATE OF UTAH ) :§ COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) ]'he foregoing instrument \vas acknowJedged before me this by Clifford Brent Harker. -7\7 '>cJ day of June, 2005, r' ~.., "... "w. ~", ~ r~";;¡;¡'ý f:?:~L','li'~ ~ "'j , , _ CYhJn¡¡A HALE ~ Ù 9 ,_~);Cl ¡~_J/ ~~IO PJé:H;¿, Suite DOO ' " ::-dl¡l.ake lIIJll Uel111 ~ ¡ My jur¡d'i5 t '-_' "~C, ~'."",.", ~}~d::,~)~.~t~:!~ _~, "J /..7, ;7// ~:;(!(J / L/{~~ NOTARY PUßLJC Residing at Salt Lake COllnty, Utah My Commission Expires: 6/1 5/07