HomeMy WebLinkAbout914725 ('. /-; ,r~('\ ,''', r1 ',) i. ! ,:.:::...) l Mail tax notice to: Ruth Elaine Hale 752 Stagecoach Trail Kanab, UT 84741 RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 1102 AM RECEIVING # 914725 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 237 JEANNE WAGNER RK KEMMERER, WY LINCOLN COUNTY CLE , QUIT-CLAIM DEED TI'11S QUIT-CLAI]\''1 DEED, is executed by RUTH ELAINE HALE and CLIFFORD BRENT HAlU(ER, as CO-TRUSTEES ofTIIE HELEN B. HARKER FAMILY LlVINCì TRUST created on November 2, 1979, hereinaCter referred to as CìRANTOR" to RUTII ELAINE I-IALE, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE. WITNESSETH, that the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of $1 0.00 and other good and valuable consideration, hereby QUITS CLAIJ'v'1 unto said CJRANTEE, all right, title, interest, and claim which the GRAN'TOR has in and to the following described property, situate in Alpine, county of Lincoln, State of \Vyoming, subject to the encumbrances owed thereon, to wit: All of Lots 23, 24,34, and 57, PALlS PARK SUBDIVISION, according to the onlcial plat thereofrecorcled in the County Recorder's Office at Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. WITNESS the hand of said GRANTOR this ?g day of June, 2005. 1 //} ~C'''' ,. c..).~ --2/) '. / 1 A G/ ,- Ç2'-'/~ "-ij ¡/ , ./ ,,' " ~ ,," ::c¿/ ~-",- , , GRANTOR, b)1 Ruth Elaine Hale as Co-Trustee of the Helen 8. Harker Family Living Trust ! ,'-' , , í' /) ./1 I - " ( I ;/1' '"' i', I· / /_/ /':/J '. , , , /':-/ ,,/1""'4, ,.( . I -:,~~- ",' .,/..-(,//,<,/ ,/,:',~ ¿...- ( '" :_~_./ ',~-/ I ~. l,' "', ",' t. . ..- - , ,,) ".,. GRANTc'fR, by Clif1èJj:cI Brent lIarker as Co-Trustee of the I-Jelen B, llarker Family Living Trust STATE OF UTAH ) : § COUNTY OF SALT LAKE) The foregoing instrument \vas acknO\vledgecl before me this Z~~ clay of June, 2005, by Ruth Elaine Hale and Clifford Brent Harker, with authority. .-.;.; .............. ..........."" "'-~~ ~'\~I< --.._ l""'-iL~ I.;.¡ l~u[a7Y ~.Jl~i;¡¡¿ "'"-' " CYMTi flA ¡¡Atf I 9 }':XChanV2 Place, Suite 900 1 ;'"111.,,1,;,, Uiah8.1111 j ¡,'Iy Expi;8S . .Jurk 15, ?OO? 1 .., ~= ~" C",-, t,taí¿, of Urall <;-~..:. ;.._..J ;..",'-",-, ~"" .;.;.,...._J ~ --l /) /!->17/ ,> ~~/k::>'L.( c/ / CC~ NOTARY PUBLIC n..esicling at Salt Lake County, Utah My Commission Expires: 6/15/07