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ADRIAN L. KOLE and DIANA KOLE, husband and wife, Grantors, of tbe County of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN AND NOll 00 DOLLARS ($10.00) in
hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND 'vV ARRANT to LEWIS L.
BROWN, JR., LORRAINE BROWN, and LEWIS Sf-lANE BROWN asjoint tenants with full right
of survivorship, Grantees, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real
estate, situate in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all
rights umIer and by virtue of the homestead exemption Ia'vvs of the State of Wyoming, to-wit:
Part oCthe NEV¡SWlj¡ of Section 15, Township 21 North, Range 117 West of the 6th
P.M. and more particular]y described as follows: Starting at the Southwest corner of
the NEVI of the SWV1 of Section 15 running in a straight line more or less
northeasterly to the North East Corner of the NEV~ 0 fthe S WÏ<1 of Section 15, thence
more or less westerly in a straight line to the North\vest corner of the NE~'4 of the
SWÏ<1 of Section 15, thence more or less southerly in a straight line to the Southwest
comer of the NEII¡ oftheSEÏ<1 of Section 15 encompassing 20 acres more or less;
Together with aU improvements and appurtenances appertaining anywise thereto.
SUBJECT TO all mineral leases, reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements
and rights-of-way of record in sight or use.
Also subject to the Protective and Restrictive Covenants for the above described
property as recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex Officio
Registrar ofDeecls, which are covenants running with the land and which are bincling
on the Grantee and their grantees, assigns, and successors in interest.
Excepting and reserving unto Grantor, its successors or assigns, a perpetual right-of-
way and easement parallel to and fifteen (15) feet in width and distance from the east
boundary line ofthe aforesaid property; said easement being reserved for the purpose
ofroacls and utilities, together with the right to construct, improve, maintain and use
the same without liability for damages, if any; and further excepting and reserving
an easement and right-of-way for road and access purposes sixty (60) feet in width
over an existing road, [he center line of said easement being the middIe of the
existing road, together with the right to enter upon the above described easement
lands and maintain, improve, grade, [eve], fill, ùrain, pave, buiJd, repair and rebuild
a road together with such bridges, culverts, ramps and cuts as may be necessary, on,
over and across the above described easement lands; and further excepting and
reserving unto Grantor, its successors or assigns a perpetual right-of-way and
easement to and frolll the power poJe, water we]] site, and power panel located on
said property along with the well power line, and water line in conjunction with an
easement to maintain and repair said power pole, power panel, power linc, water
well, and w,)ter Ii ne as Illay be necessary on, over, and across the above described
WITNESS ollr hands this dC) day of
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RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 1 :42 PM
RECEIVING # 914753
BOOK 608 PAGE: 247
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