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Lower Va]]ey Energy, Inc., a 'vVyoming corporation, docs hereby stipulate and
agree that the Transmission Line Right-of Way Easement crealed by that
instrument dated September 13, 1954, and recorded on the 16th day of August,
1956, in Book 18 of Public Records, page 22'1, No. 222982, in the Office of the
Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County, 'vVyoming, and attached hereto as Exhibit
A (the "Easement"), is hereby vacated, ane! the selie! Lower Valley Energy, Inc.,
for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which being hereby
acknowledged, does hereby release, convey and quitclaim to the now current
owner of each portion of the property encumbered by the easement, any and a]]
right, title and interest in and to the said Easement, it being the intent hereof to
vacate, discharge and render nu]] and void the Easement, said Vacation to be
effective as of the date hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the penties have hereunto set their hands to be
effective as of this J.} s~_ day of December, 2005.
Lower Valley Energy, Inc.
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COUNTY OF í~êI(nc)
I) '" The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by
I~J,d¡ tl'L{'( ¡{¡U-l.t..J this J.L!:..!day of December 2005.
Witness my hand and official seal.
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Notary Public
Iv!y Commission Expires:
~ County of {;\f,¡;~,é\ State Of,
~ Teton I:'J:,;;c01;¡ W ami '19
< IV!y Commission E~'1;7~s J/ 1(·, / (> {1
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RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 3:06 PM
RECEIVING # 914757
BOOK: 608 PAGE: 256
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