HomeMy WebLinkAbout914758 (' (Ì 0" ~; Q ,;: ¡ /~ -.) Ö COlJNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) ss. ) RECEIVED 12/27/2005 at 3:11 PM RECEIVING # 914758 BOOK: 608 PAGE 258 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF \VYOMING ASSIGNlVfENT, BILL OF SALE AND CONVEYANCE TIllS ASSIGNlVIENT, BILL OF SALE AND CONVEYANCE ("Assignment"), dnted effective September I, 2005 at 7:00 a.m. local time (the "Effective Time"), is from Cimarex Energy Co., a DeIa\vare corporation, whose address is 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 1800, Denver, Colorado 80203 ancl Key Production Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation, whose address is 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 1800, Denver, Colorado 80203 (collectively "Assignor") to GreenBriar Energy, L. P. IV, a Texas limited partnership, whose adclress is 3000 Richmond, Suite 550, Houston, Texas 77098 ("Assignee"). Fc)r $10,00 and ollJer good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suJliciency of which are hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby sells, assigns, transfers, grants, bargains, conveys to Assignee a11 of Assignor's right, title and interest, in and to the following (all of which arc called the "Assets"): I. The oiI ancl gas leases and other leasehold interests required for the ownership and operation of the Wells, as defined in Section 2.b, including but not limited to those leases ancJ leasehold interests described in Exhibit A (the "Leases"), al1 right, title and interest in and to the oil, gas and al1 other hydrocmbons, whetlJer liquid or gaseous (the "Hydrocarbons"), in, on or under or that may be produced from the lands coverecl by the Leases (the "Lands") after the Effective Time and all other minerals of whatever nature in, on or under the Leases ,md Lands, or described in Exhibit A. 'ì The oiI and gas wells locHed on the Leases and Lands, or lands pooJed or unitized therewith, including but not limited to the oil and gas vvel]s described in Exhibit B, and all injection and disposal wells on the Leases or Lands (the "Wells"), and all personal property and equipment associated with the Wells as of the Effective Time. 3. 'fhe rights, to 'the extent transferable, in and tC) all existing and effective unItization, pooling and cOI11I11unitization agreements, declarations and orders, to the extent that they relate to or affect any of the interests described in Paragraphs 1 and 2 or the post- Effecti ve Time production of lIyclrocmbons front the Leases and Lands. 4. The rights, to the extent transferable, in and to Hydrocarbon S~lleS, purchase, gathering, transportation and processing c()¡¡tracts, operating agreements, partnership agreements, farmout agreements and other contracts, agreements and instruments relating to the interests described in Paragraphs], 2 and 3, excluding however, any insurance contracts. 5. All of tk persona] property, fixtures, improvements, permits, licenses, approvals, servitudes, rights-of-way, easements and other surface rights 10c,Hed on or used in connection with the properties and interests described in Paragraphs I through 4, to the extent that they are located on the Leases or Lands andllsecl in association \vith the We]]s as of the Effective Time. (~- j' '-) ;.A:)58 (' ,~ r' ,", P"' 9 '" ;,_:U~0' 6, The files, records, data and information relating to the items described in Paragraphs 1 through 5, maintained by Assignor (the "Records"), but excluding the following: (i) all of Assignor's internal apprais~tls and interpretive data related to the Leases, Lands and \Vells, (ii) all information and data under contr;lctual restrictions on assignment, (iii) all information subject to a privilege, (iv) Assignor's corporate financial, employee and general tax records that do not relate to the Assets, and (v) all accounting files that do not relate to the Assets, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Assets unto Assignee ;l11d its successors and assigns forever. This Assignment is mack and ~!ccepted expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: a. TIllS ASSIGN1\lENT IS l\JADE \VITHOUT \VARRANTY OF ANY J\.1ND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, EXCEPT WARRAN'fY OF TITLE BY, THROUGH I\ND UNDER ASSIGNOR. ASSIGNOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND NEGATES ANY \VARRANTY AS TO THE CONDITION OF ANY PERSONAL PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES AND ITEMS OF MOVABLE PROPERTY COMPRISING ANY PART OF THE ASSETS, INCLUDING (i) ANY IMPLIED OR EXPRESS \VAIU~ANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR CONDITION, (ii) ANY IMPLIED OR EXPRESS WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, (iii) ANY IMPLIED OR EXPRESS WAIU~ANTY OF CONFORMITY TO MODELS OR SAMPLES OF MATERIALS, (iv) ANY RIGllTS OF ASSIGNEE UNDEr~ APPLICABLE STATUTES TO CLAIM DIMINUTION OF CONSIDERATION, AND (v) ANY CLAIM BY ASSIGNEE FOR DAMAGES BECAUSE OF DEFECTS, WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, IT BEING EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD BY ASSIGNEE THAT SAID PERSONAL PROPERTY, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, AND ITEMS ARE BEING CONVEYED TO ASSIGNEE "AS IS," "WHERE IS," WITH ALL FAULTS, AND IN 1TIEIR PRESENT CONDITION AND STATE OF REPAIR; PROVIDED, nOWEVEn, THIS PARAGnAPH SHALL NOT 1,11\111' ANY OF ASSIGNOR'S INDEMNITY OBLJGATIONS OR ASSIGNOR'S REPRESENTATIONS UNDER THE PUnCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT DATED EFFECTIVE SEPTEl\IBER I, 2005 BE'fWEEN ASSIGNOR AND ASSIGNEE AND THE AGREEMEN'fS AND DOCUMENTS EXECUTED PURSUANT THERETO (COLLECTIVELY, TI-IE "PURCHASE AGREEMENT"). b, To the extent permitted by law, Assignee shall be subrogated to Assignor's rights in and to representations, warranties ,md covenants given with respect to the Assets. Assignor hereby grants and transfers to AssÎgnee, its successors and assigns, to the exlent so tTansferabJe and permitted by law, tbe benefit of ancllbe right to enforce tbe covenants, representations ancl \varranties, if any, \vhich Assignor is entitled to enforce with respect to the Assets, but only to the extent not enforced by Assignor. Assignee shall assume aJl past anet future rights of Assignor for any gas imbalances. c, The references herein to Liens, encumbrances, burdens, defects and other matters shall not be cleemed [0 ratify or creale any rights in third parties or merge with, modify or 2 ~. .....j - {,:~t o ('. !1 f! n r) d' tJ( limit the rights of Assignor or Assignee, ~IS between themselves, as set forth 111 the Purchase Agreement or other documents executed in connection therewith, (I. Unless provided otherwise, all recording references in the Exhibits hereto are to the official real property records of the county in \vhich the Assets are located, e. Separate government~d form assignments of the Assets may be executed on officially approved forms by Assignor to Assignee, in sufficient counterparts to satisfy applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Those assignments shall be cleernecl to contain all of the exceptions, reservations, warranties, rights, titles, power and privileges set forth herein as fully as though they were set forth in each such assignment. The interests conveyed by such separate assignments are the same, and not in addition to, the interest in the Assets conveyed herein. f. This Assignment binds aml inures to the benefit of Assignor ane! Assignee and their respective successors and assigns and is subject to that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement dated the 18th day of October, :2005, by and betvveen Assignor and Assignee. g. This Assignment Inay be executed in any number of counterp;lrts, ~1I1d by different parties in separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original instrument, but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument. 3 - '. ~'- ··:w-·' ,S; ti (" ;\ ['¡ " G· '( ..' ,. \. ~- ....... EXECUTED on the elates containeel in the acknowledgment of this instrument, to be effective for all purposes as of the Effective Time, ASSIGNOR CIMAREX ENERGY CO. --+~/;Z:;{/ NAME: Stephen P. I~eJ1 TITLE: Senior Vice President KEY PRODUCTION COMPANY, INC. ~+~p~ NAME: Step ICll P. Be]] TITLE: Senior Vice President ASSIGNEE GH.EENBRIAR ENERGY, L. P. IV BY AND THROUGH ITS GENERAL PARTNER GREENBRIAR PARTNERS, L. L. C. /5:L It -=- NAME: Bruce K. WiJ1iams TITLE: Manager 4 c- !:,.'~I t·, :,...; ('/ .'. .~~ r"j b ^~ Acknowledgments STATE OF COLORADO ) CITY AND ) 55. COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before lne this 22"!!. day of December, 2005 by Stephen P. Bell, as Senior Vice President of Cimarex Energy Co., a Delaware corporation, on behalf of such corporation. \Vitness my hand and official seal. Nly commission expires: 13 OCl Lv 0/ ~t\\-.... , \~ M. Do~.t'h S'\ "" ,.." ,.z.¡·:Q-h n:::. "'01 A Ñ ·.,.1\'\:-\\. .:2"''¡;;' ì)_'./)J\. / (): \í \¡, : " I¡ " <> (..- , : : lì . . )) tP)" -<J Ü /c·).l1 -'Ÿ ...tJ B L \ -/ ';::i!/ )-" . '"'' . , $' 0 F' ë ö \-0""',57 l\..~';"c-·:s:::/ My Commission ExplrGs 10/13/20mJ JJl// Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) CITY AND ) ss. COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing instrument W;\S acknowledged before me this 22.~ day of December, 2005 by Stephen P. Bell, as Senior Vice President of Key Production Company, 1nc" a Delaware corporation, on behalf of such corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. t-/ly commission expires: ¡ 3 Ocr '¿OJ ~"\. ,-~"-\,, -<\'ì'\ M. DOt:;-'\'r, ~s \ ".'.,'. "Z: /';:t~ ~ ."OT A i"J ',/ \'\ .~"" ' .::z' .',;,. I"'¡ J. '.")., (. (): " ',,~ \ . . J i,; tP.A·'. AJ 0 ':0 A -'Ÿ)-·...ú 8 L \ ,o'-;,~)[ $' '. . . . . . . 0.' ~ OF co\-~,:¿~ '~"~'"'--':-c~' My Commission ExplrGs 10/13/2009 (j~/ Notary Public 5 !.::;." ~~.~] ,,--!J~ :. ;'-; f': l)~-i~) .. '.., i·,"' . ". '..: \.. ¡._, V STATE Or: TEXAS ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF HARRIS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 22."':2 clay of December, 2005 by Bruce K. Williams, as Manager of CìreenBriar Partners, L. L. c., as general partner of GreenBriar Energy L. P. TV, a Texas limiteel partnership, on behalf of the partnership. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 13 DC, k) ~.. Notary Public My Commission Expires 10/13/2009 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: GreenBriar Partners, LLC 3000 Richmond Ave., S. 500 HOllston, TX 77098 6 ~, C N <c t: CD I >< W o i' Æ &~ [j) ~ - " ,,'" ~2 o . 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