HomeMy WebLinkAbout875866 j:~ ,r: r' t::: ) .... When Recorded Mail To: THE A~ERICAN NATIONAL ',~ANK t3~,Z.,,.'~ .,~',I~'.. ',.','~',L~ 9Z3 S. 4th St. , Ste. 1'02 DEKALB, IL 60LZ5 AP~ :. LN~ 2000039994 8PAOE ABOVE THIg LINE FOR REOORDER'8 ASSIG~ENT OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the uddersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to RBHG, INC. P.O. BOX 100155, COLUNBIA, SC 29202-3155 all the d~hts, undersiDned in and to that certain ~eal Estate moFt~aDe dated 02 / 26 / 01 , executed by MARK A. HYSELL and TAR"A L. HYSELL to THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF DEKALB COUNTY , and who~e address is 913 s. 4TH ST. , STE. 1~:,'02,DEKALB, IL 60115 recorded on m]~']/mi ' , and recorded in Boo,Volume No. page(s) ~'~G , as Document No. ~ ~ l ~ ~[ · ~in c ~j t~. County Records, State of w y o m i n g on real estate legally described as foqows: , ALL OF LOT 6 AND PART OF LOT 7 OF B'LOCK 3 OF THE L~NCOLN HEIGHTS 5TH ADDITION. FIRST FI[_ING TO THE CITY OF KENHERER. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOHI~G. SAID P, ART OF LOT 7 BEING HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW"S: BEGINNING AT AN ALUNINUH CAP STAHPED "CLOEY WAL'L L.S. 482" LOCATED AT THE SOJTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 7 AND BEING A COHHON CORNER WITH LOT 6 OF SAID BLOCK; THENCE N 7 05'12" W 81 .88 FEET TO A POINT; ,THENCE N Z 22'44" W, 28.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE FRONT LINE OF S/~';D LOT 7: THENCE ABOUT A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 426.,50 FEET W~TH ALONG CHORD BEARING N 86 11'45" E, 3.10 FEEl TO'THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7..AND BEING COHHON WITH THE N'¢RTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE S 4 00'30" E ~10.0 FEET AL['NG THE EAST BOUNDRY OF SAID LOT 7 TO THE POIN,T OF BEGINNING Commonly Known As' 1912 DEL RIO DR~VE,KEHMERER WY 83101 ISC/*ASM**//0494-L PAGE 1 OF 2 TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to becomo due tgoroon with intorost, an0 all rights accruo~ or to accruo undor sai0 Doo~ of Trust: ~ SIG~ING BI,OW, kondor'accopts and a~roes to tho torres aa~ covonants containod pa~os ~ an0 2 of this Assignment of Me,gage. DATED: ~,-(~.- et THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF DEKALB COUNTY BRUCE MADDEN, VICE PR~ID~NT ~ , - ANGE~A L. bALE, MORTGAGE. ASSOCIATE STATE OF ~ . County ss: On ~- (o ~ 0 / -'/ . before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, personally appeared t B R U C E M A D D E N and A N G E L A L . M A L E to me personally known, who, being duly.sworn by me, did say that he/she/they is/are the VICE PRESIDENT and HORTGAGE ASSOCIATE of the corporation named herein which executed the within instrument, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrUment was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation 'pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors and that he/she acknowledges said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Name: Notary Public for the state of ,. (Official Seal) My commission expires::~ ' ~' ANDRA KAYE WOODSON ~' ~ Notary Public, State of Illinois ~ ~My Cornmi~lon Expires 04/25/03, ISC/*ASM**//0494-L PAGE 2 OF 2