HomeMy WebLinkAbout914778 51372 (On (. /~ 0 ') 6 9 ..'....J \. \oJ WIlEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Bank of Jacl.son Hole Post Office Box 7000 Jackson, WYO)VIING 83002 RECEIVED 12/28/2005 at 1013 AM RECEIVING # 914778 BOOK: 608 PAGE 369 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (Space Above This Line for Recording Data) ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL THESE !\IEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Bank of Jacl.son Hole, its successors and assigns, Post Office Box 70(JO, Jackson, WYOMING 83002 for and in consideration of the sum ofTEN DOLLARS, and other goocl ancl valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has sold, and by these presents does sell, assign, and transfer to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc" its successors and assigns, 1'.0. Box 2026, Flint, I\lichigan, 48501-2016, which is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, all its right, title, and interest in and to a certain Mortgage dated December 21,2005, executed by James C. Phillips and Amy J. Phillips hnsband and wife as tenants by the entireties as mortgagors, which mortgage covers the following described properly located in Lincoln County, State of WYOMING to-wit: {¡ , Lot 95 of the Prater Canyon Estates Unit 4, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the Ot1ïcial Plat thereof. 231 Piute Drive Thayne, WYO¡VHNG 83127 This Mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State ofWYOIVllNG, on the ;;'Ô___ day ofI»~c{\\l~)';:!('___ ,2.{Ü:~) ,as Instrument No. q \¿CrrL_,_ , in Book (J¡bfJ., ,____~, Page _2'JCô Signed on the ._2.L~j:~ clay ofJLe_~~nb~I....~___ ,A.D. _~º,º~,_,_ ß~J~,'" ~,;&,/,? n // -ú:-l~ .:: ./, ,7-)v....~¡.--.:J By: Martha Bunn Title: Real Estate Ofticer State of Wyoming County of Teton On this the ;) I ::::,\' day of \ ''LCC(-T'Ù:,::X:=-- ( ,C:X..::Cl=-:', bâore me, a Notary, personally appeared Martha Bunn, td me personalty"'lnown, who, being by me duly sworn (or afflnned), did say that he/she is the Real Estate Oftïcer of Bank of Jackson Hole anel that the seal aftìxeel to the instrument is the corporate seal of the corporation (or association) by authority of its board of directors (or trustees), and Martha Bunn acknowledged the instrument to be the free act and deed of the corporation. 1-'-.... (-):"1' \ X " - - H.ìCL_\--,y~t.?Cj'--,1..__~ Prepared by: ~==--~~~':'-',c~ BanI. of Jackson lIole DONNA O<:A¡>!::N N01AHY PUBUC Post Ornce Box 7000, COUt·l'fý Or', -', STATE Of Jackson, WYOMINC 83002 U¡~C()LN 'WYO"' "G 307-732-3053 1;, ¡. AU,,,,;"", 1';",,' Doe""w,," D,p,,·'''''''! ~~ Intervening Assignment: This assigllmenl is 1101 subjecr /0 Ihe reqlli,.emclIl.I' ofSeclion 275 oflhe Real P/'Operly Lml', because il is an assignmenl illlhe secondmy morlgage IllOrkel. !\IIN: 100015700062327420 MERS Phone: 1-888-679-6377 WYOMING Assignment of Mortgage with MERS IDS, tne \60U) 554-1872 Page 1 of 1