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State of Wyoming )
County of Lincoln )ss.,.
Comes now Daniel J. Schmid and Nancy M. Schmid, husband and wife as Tenants by the
Entireties, of Box 386, LaBarge, Wyoming, who being duly sworn on oath according to law, do
hereby make the following statement of facts and affirm:
]. That they are the owners of all of the lots of the Alleman Third Addition to the Town of
LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County
as Plat No. 332C in accordance \vith that instrument of record in said OfJice in Book 527 of
Photostatic Records on page 724.
2. That due to the following considerations it is desired to vacate the plat Jeaving, however, all
of the lands within the incorporated limits of the Town of LaBarge.
a. The design of the Addition has sma]] lots with a large percentage of the land in streets
and alleys.
b. "l'he cost of inÜ'astructure requirements, sewer, water, paved streets, electrical service,
gas, etc, would make the cost of the lost out of the rcach of the typical LaBarge resident
\vith a multitude of such lots otherwise available within the Town.
c. By v,¡cating the plat the land would become élvai!able for a more suitable use,
d, The tax assessment with no anticipatedusc as residential lots is onerous.
3, That the said plat is hereby vacated in accordance with Wyoming Statutes, 2005 as amended,
Section 34-12- J06.
4, That thc eascment for the electrical power line across the lands is affirmed as is that easement
of record in Book 168 of Photostatic Records on page 220 providing access to the Green
River Bend Unit No, 71-6 well..
1 5. That there are no Ülcilities belonging to the Town within said Addition.
6, That the County Clerk is requested to write the word "Vacated" across the 1~lce of Plat No.
332C in accordance with Section 34-12-1] 0, ancl that the County Assessor be so noti/ied.
7. That the Town of LaBarge approved said vacation in accordance with Resolution No. ______
dated, \yíth, éèJpy attached,Jlcrcto and made a pelrt thereof.
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Dame! .r. Sch!2~(}"-'/ . Nancy ¡,,(Schmid'
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Daniel J. Schmid and Nancy !'v!.
Schmid this 13th_ day of October 2005,
\\fitness my hand and official seal.
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Gal/çZ (Þd{/¿¡~~____~__
Notary Public
¡vry comlllissiol1 expires:_29...ApLiL2.G08__
RECEIVED 12/28/2005 at 1044 AM
RECEIVING # 914783
BOOK: 608 PAGE: 374
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\VHEREAS, the Town of LaBarge has received copy of an Afiìdavit from Daniel J. Schmid and
Nancy M. Schmid proposing the vacation of the lleman Third Addition to the Town of
LaBarge which is of record in the Oftìce of the Clerk fLincoln County as Plat No, 332C;
WIIEHEAS, Wyoming Statutes, 2005 as amended, ection 34-12-106 requires the approval of
the Town of LaBarge prior to the vacation being made of record;
"'I-IERE,AS, t,he stÅ“cts an,d alleys WO.,\!I,d"be grantel to the ai,'iìant in accordance with Section
NO\V, THEREFORE DE IT RESOLVED, that the fawn of LaBarge approves the vacation of
said Alleman ThirdAddition Plat to theTown OfL~
) A TED at LaBarge, Wyoming this ó2! _ day n f l ~, 2005.
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Fik: Schmid Alleman res.