HomeMy WebLinkAbout914784 00376 AFFIDAVIT OF COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF DECEDENT'S PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned, being first duly sworn, on oath depose and state that we are making this affidavit pursuant to Section 2-1-201, W.S.A. (2005), on behalf of ourselves as distributees, and that we make the following statements in connection herewith: 1. That Ronald W. Sax died on September 27, 2005, in Napa County, California, and was a resident of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, at the time of his death; that said decedent died intestate; that we are the sole and only parties entitled to the property of the decedent pursuant to the laws of the State of Wyoming. 2. That the value of the entire estate subject to administration wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, does not exceed $150,000.00. 3. That more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the date of death of the decedent. 4. That no application or petition for the appointment of a personal representative of said decedent is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 5. That the only personal property owned solely by said decedent not otherwise disposed of is the following: (a) First National Bank West, Pinedale, WY Checking Account No. 11061496 RECEIVED 12/28/2005 at 10:51 AM RECEIVING # 914784 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 376 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ':J [] t~ :'. n 0 ') 7 7 '.' \J v (b) 2000 Chevrolet PU (VIN IGCK24U3YE187976) 6. The undersigned request that the remaining balance In said account be distributed to Brandon Keith Sax, so that he can pay all remaining debts, taxes and expenses of the decedent and then divide the remaining balance, if any, among the undersigned in equal shares in accordance with the laws of intestate succession for the State of Wyoming; and that the title to the above-mentioned vehicle be transferred to Brandon Keith Sax, so that he can sell said motor vehicle, pay remaining debts, taxes and expenses of the decedent and then divide the remalnlng net sale proceeds, if any, among the undersigned in equal shares in accordance with the laws of intestate succession for the State of Wyoming. DATED as of this l c::-¿h·\ clay of D' .(~,~, {< "j, (\ ,1..:", ,~'-'- ._ _ '\.:'../v'\..··,__-lV,·, , 2005. I ~J~' . ¡¡r1~~"(~ ~JJ )IV, -, '~, /þ' --.. . WA~t 'Err ~,AX \/, ... .' ~.i lì(/Lu"l ((.{j; C6/Ci.¿/ ) / ì (,/ C~l.-::) :'__~~HON A DEAN " ~¿X,;',,',/ , ' ,/" ' / " /// i. --/'./ 1/ /' -þ'" -- _._~} ~ /~ ~.,.. ..___1...., /' ....._..--- ..-..._) ¿t- r.. y ,,-) ~:'="=7~--" :~..c-- BRANDON KE I TH SAX' -- - 2 ,,", [1: -··U ',; U" (' n 0 ') 7 8 \-, .....J\. J STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ! ) ss . COUNTY OF tv Ö-¡J ':!I...- ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J ~)//.I day of Dc'(::e,>-v\.t-r:::v" , 2005, by Wayne Neil Sax. WITNESS my hand and official sear) Î () J ClL,61L,(,/( Notary Public ¿' ) ,,/ (¡ _. ) ¡¡Lv"___ My COIT@ission Expires: t I, D I" "7, tFZ) G STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF i\J (L\,O~_ ) \ The for~going instrument was acknowledged before me this day of De'-"""-\¡ t'i- , 2005, by Rhonda Deann Sax. \ '"'¡Il\ WITNESS my hand and official seal. fl)",l/Ic Co, ft ' Notary Public III ' ! ¡ ¡-(/"~, .........,._~ My Cormnission Expires: II ' 0 \ - '2, L' U lLI ....c"..... .,...., l!';... ,¡¿A. 1;1.... - .~.,_ ...... - ,.... _..ð, 'i .. ,', BARBARA A ROBINSON ~ COt.1M. # 1:ro26ôO :J.. NOTABY PUauc-CAJJfOOlJIA G) NAPA COUNIY 0 ,~~~~:.9:.t 3 STATE OF' CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF N CLfCL__ ) ) ss. ) (' n rl ') ~1 9 '.' ,j ,_I ,) t The foreÇ{oing instrument was acknow~edged before me this ('2ftl day of O(Yf'1--,,~t~ t!fr~-, 2005, by Brandon Kelth Sax. WITNESS my hand and official My Con@ission Expires: (I~'() (- 2.c(2) ~~ seal. /r) ~ UJ i , ¡}cc-{f¡C,CA Notary Public 21//1 {f - )Clí/Z/h'~~~",-_ ~,.t"n ^ _¢ ~ ~, r.i, ........,.....,_oot ~.... A. '( ..... Ìf: BAHBAM A. ROBINSON :JI' o .' COl.w. ;1# 13(12ôðO ;:. (i) : NOTNW PUBUCtNJFORMAO" ~ NAPA COUNTY COMM. EXP. NOV. 1, 2~ 4