HomeMy WebLinkAbout914841 '.. .-. .',' '"'-:!i~i\~~ti':~·' i~;'~";Ú;' :;: .""~:i1.: _:.I.i~;1"~9~:r.;¿¡~.;:'''AI;;'''J!i:~~;E;-.':-: :,rl'.\'-::';¡iI·.iK'i< ':.: r.c ":.::.i'~; ":~".:L;"'!~!1'.ìtj6".""¡¡·if.....~.,. . ~"'.:~ J¡·"\.1M!¡;:¡;}_~.~i¡O:~~~;,!'.!;è:J ~:'."'¡";':~ 4.t"- !,,,. /!<~.' ,-'".~;~A;::·ka.:'~i'ijfr:.~,;.irt!"F, ":;, ,j.:'- .~.~':.;~~.~.t.-t.;.¡;.;;:.::. ~.","<;; "cJ;', ,"' ·~,.:,;~~1- C00450 Probate No. 2005-15 FRANKLIN WILLIAM STONES, III, aka Frank W. Stones, III, Deceased. ORDER AUTHORIZING SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND APPROVING PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOW on this ;;(.~y of ~ ~~ ~(\A ~ , 2005, the above captioned matter comes on for hearing before the Court, pursuant to prior assignment, on the "Petition for Authority to Sell Real Estjð:! Report of Private Sale of Real Estate" dated November 15, 2005, and filed herein on the day of November, 2005, by the Personal Representative, and the Court, having reviewed the file of record herein, having received evidence, and being duly advised in the premises, finds that each and all of the statements in said Petition and Report are true and correct, that notice of said Petition and of this hearing thereon has been waived by all parties legally entitled thereto, that the'proposed sale price of $125,000.00 is an appropriate amount for the property, that the sale of said real estate is necessary to provide sufficient liquid assets to effectuate the requisite distribution to the residuary beneficiaries without a division of said real estate, and In the best interests of the estate, that all of the heirs of the estate have consented to this Court entering an order allowing and confirming said sale, that no objections to said sale ha.ve been filed of record with the court and no such objections have been submitted to the Court upon this hearing, and that therefore the Personal Representative ought to be authorized and Instructed to complete the private sale of said real estate as reported and prayed for in the Petition and Report. -2 7 v '-J( IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Personal Representative of the above caption estate be, and he hereby Is, authorized and directed to sell the following described real estate In Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: ,2 -.J The East one acre of the W1/2N1/4SE1/4NE1/4 of Section 13, T32N, R119W, Wyoming, also described as follows: Beginning at the NE Corner of the said W112N1/4SE1/4NE1/4 of Section 13: and running thence South 0°16' West, 331.16 feet to the SE Corner of said RECEIVED 12/29/2005 at 4:24 PM RECEIVING # 914841 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 450 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK¡.;;t:.!¡:¡::;;:¡!:ERER WY i,~;:;::~'~;:,:~;:~lJ;5rtl · - - -- ~i~;tif~t~~~fJ~¡'ii~ ~':,:.;r. !'-Í!'~"'. :., i:;~,' .:- ,.f.: .', .." '. :.:........: .'. O· "11 ~, 8' "'1, ::Y~'-i: .... ~¡iI~fmm~illmm!~ : - "",. :t.:!':.~: . . ·,·i·;·j1.i~~·.·.·.~;·,·. . ¡.' , '''''.-."1' "" : " ~-\.¡ .. -'I' ,',;-: .:; :~~; :~"'.: . '. ,': ~<"" ~'. '; ; "" ¡ :'!í~i~;.'¡·~' ii,:."14 ~;w I¡'!I;' '. ; ',' ,.- ';'f" :'. ~¡!o~ õ' .~.~" ,..., :.:. . ~~ , ",~:_,: .\ .. ¡.-,'.~ ~. C00451 W1I2N1/4SE1/4NE1/4; thence South 89°22' West, along the South boundary of the said W1/2N1/4SE1/4NE1/4 131.53 feet; thence North 0°16' East, 331.26 feet to the North boundary of the said W1/2N1/4SE1/4NE1/4; thence North 89°24' East, along the said North boundary, 131.53 feet, to the point of beginning. Said land located in County of lincoln, State of Wyoming. to Justin V. Cook and Annette Cook, husband and wife, in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of that certain Real Estate Sales Agreement described in the Report of Private Sale of Real Estate as filed with the Court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that upon the completion of said transaction and the receipt by the Personal Representative of the total amount due under the aforesaid Contract, the PersQnal Representative shall execute and deliver to the purchaser a Court Officer's Deed, and shall thereupon record said Deed and a certified copy of this Order in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County. Doled Ihls~ doy of 2 /