HomeMy WebLinkAbout914883 <. <.' ,.,::..·..:.hI~-.........;.r.U.....·..·,;.¡.:,:..·,-~·,'I!"'·.:."-;~........'IIZN~.;...~!\";"":·...t:.:.~:··,t·:··...'~·:-,:,':..:-.'f"...~..~ . . ..:..;..UC'...,~..;".., ...;......-:JI.....,........,.,.. " ~ ·~···'!J':H;·4:1W-~~oe'..: .....;¡."'.-,,..~"",. ''''..;';'':::'.''-'...1)-;.''",. '-'''~'J...".,....,.o:",:.::.U'X7'''''~::-.'''''''.' l~ .:1.......,.,;,'...:1-:....'.",....". . ~. .. -....... ..,'j. ~! è4a f::\.-, _Q ....Ii l.) .8Ð~ tf)';:1g j i I . CORRECTION DEED . J~§ .~: ~ 1"; THIS CORRECTION DEED, Made this ~ day of (f\AR.G 1+ ~ i~' it 200.!:i, between GREGORY P. BARTLETT and HEATHER L. BARTLETT, husband and wife, in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, grantors, and the UN1TED STATES OF AMERICA and its assigns, Wäshington, D.C., grantees, ~ i~':-!1#'M . ~:;~?,; \) 000590 RECEIVED 12/30/2005 at 3:56 PM RECEIVING # 914883 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 590 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEREAS, Gregory P. Bartlett and Heather L. Bartlett, husband and wife did execute a deed for instant tract ofland to the United States of America, dated April 15, 2003, and recorded Apri115, 2003, Book 517, PR Page 757-560, of the records of Lincoln County Clerk; and WHEREAS, The said deed did not correctly recite the legal description of the tract; and '2 r! ~ ..../ ~, t WHEREAS, In order to correctly describe the tract, the said grantors, Gregory P. Bartlett Heather L. Bartlett, husband and wife, do execute this correction deed; r 'p NOW THEREFORE, WITNESSETH, That the grantors, for and in the consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration to them in hand paid by the grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the grantee and its assigns, Forever, all that tract or parcel ofland lying and being in the County of Lincoln, and the State of Wyoming, described as follows; to-wit: t1 Township 23 North. Ranee 119 West. 6th Principal Meridian. Lincoln County. Wyomine L ~, I Those portions of Resurvey Tracts 45 and 49 lying EAST of the centerline of the right-of- v, way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad (Union Pacific Railroad Company), and WEST of the United States Highway Number 30, being the same land as described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Exhibit A of Warranty Deed recorded September 2, 1999 in Book 435PR on page 273 in the Official Records of the Lincoln County Clerk. More particularly described as follows: Section 17: All of Lots 29 and 31. Section 20: Lots2, 3, 15, 16, 19,20,21,26,27, and 28 lying West of U.S. Highway Number 30, and East of the centerline of the right-of-way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad (Union Pacific Railroad Company). Section 29: Lots 3, 5, 6,8,14,15,17, and 20 lying West of U.S. Highway Number 30, and East of the centerline of the right-of-way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad (Union Pacific Railroad Company). . ·lli~i;;tì~;~1:t~:¡¡::i¡:~~ti ....~I.,. ,...1, ~I ~.".' ¡:'.'.~;.'. ..S!\ ,ò~¿~;~;:ú~:<:,~"9 :*::r.:: ::¡:::~~:~~ Ó!~~~~::~~:· \~ '::::::~~l:::::f::::~ ~: i'¡I....:'i'."j}.,..í'.... .~~MI!IM~f! ~~,t~ f;~i~·:;·;;t:~::~::~;~~j ?,! ,t~,'j.;t\~!Î1·' ,~N!.'a '!:.;::3:!.,r'!·~...I~·~!'.i!¡!1 ,;:':i:J¡;I'.;,:1:.,II. .:" '. '; " .~ '.~. ""':1:':·;'.' .' . ·.'_':_H..~-.:::r-.-· ..._,.' ;·:.-..''I:...;,,,..,.\,·,....,;..i,.·....·,···.· ;..."..,.,.......,..-; ,~'. ~. V,k?>. 1{~;1~~';'¡ . 000591 'OSi14883 EXCEPTING THEREFROM any land contained in Warranty Deeds recorded January 4, 1929 in Book 16 of Deeds on Pages 68, 164, and 165 ofthe records of Lincoln County Clerk. Township 22 North. Ranee 119 West. 6th Principal Meridian. Lincoln County. Wyomine Section 6: Those portions of Lots 8, 9, 10, 17,20,21,35,36, the SEY4NEY4 and the NEY4SEY4lyingWest of the centerline of the right-of-way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad (Union Pacific Railroad Company). EXCEPTING THEREFROM any land contained in Warranty Deed recorded September 3, 1915 in Book 2 of Deeds on page 347 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Township 23 North. Ranee 119 West. 6th Principal Meridian. Lincoln County. Wyomin~ Section 31: All of Lots 34 and 32. The above-described tracts ofland contains 672.00 acres, more or less. The grantors hereby confinn all provisions contained in the original deed dated April 15, 2003 except for the legal description corrected herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The grantors set their hands the day and year first above written. ~B~ Grego- . - arlett L.S. ~~ a 8iJ<A1lIf- L.S. Heather L. Barlett This instrument was drafted by Hal J. Graff, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 134 Union Blvd., Lakewood, Colorado ~ii. · .;. ........................_:...,...-............,._.....,~~"T. -.-.=...=.-_.......-.l.~. . ','" -..'_,.............."'oU"O'........, 1'-',' ...."'....."'..~.:',..",..,\.."',,,.,,þ...:.. ". ','''''', .<' ._L..·.· ..)' t 0:0' .þ ~'. ~~i~,:' 000592 05;:2":l:883 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Wyoming ) CfU:x)J . ' ) SS County of Linoeln ) On this ~day of m'fiU)H ,200.£, before me personally appeared Gregory P. Bartlett and Heather L. Bartlett, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons who are described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. CWlTY Œ STATE Œ CAAI!OO W'lCW'IG My Comrrission Expires Dec. 5. 2005 (SEAL) My Commission Expires: I r¿ .6.05 7;;;