HomeMy WebLinkAbout875868When Recorded Mail To: The Jackson State Bank ~ ~ ...... 112 Center St., P0 Box 1788 Jackson WY 83001 [~}I r .... LOAN NO. 6 8 4 6 9 4 8 . .. - ........... · ' SPACE. ABOVE THIS LINE FO~ ~ECO~DE~'S USE Corporation Assig ent of Real Estate Mortgage FO~ VAGUS RSGSIVSD, tho undorsl~nod ho~'~oby ~rants, assigns an0 transfors to Count.rywide Home Loans, Inc. all the fi~hts, title and intorest of undarsi~nod ~q, and to that cortain Boal Estate Mort~a~o datod ~ a y 9 . 2 0 0 1 , executedby James S. Roberts and'~Leslie Ann Roberts, Husband and w~fe to The Jackson State Bank, a State Bank and wh0se address is 112 Center St.:, P0 Box 1788, Jackson. WY 83001 and recorded in Book/Volume No. ~}- , pa~e(s) '~1 ~ , as Document No. k ~ n c o ] n Boards, Stato of ~ y o m ~ n g on foal ostato Io~ally 0oscribod as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto~and made a part hereof~ IOG[IH[B with tho noto or notos thorain d~:gcribad or ro~orro0 to, tho monay duo an0 to bocoma 0uo thoroon with intorost, and all rights accruad or to ac6ruo ur::~dor sai~ ~oal [stato DATED:May 9 2001 /~Oa~son St, atj ~nk S/ATEOF~0~I~ ) ss. COUNTY OFT E T 0 N ) On M a y 0 9 2001 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, persOnally appeared L i n 6 a M . T r e m e 1 1 i n g to me personally known, who, being duly sworn by me, did say that ~/she is the Vice President o~ the corporation named herein which executed t~e within instrument, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal, of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed onbehall of said corporation pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution el its Board of Directors and that ~/she acknowledges said instrument to be the free act and deed ( / No~y ~u~r t~e state of w yom i ng (OFFICIAL SEAL) ~~ commission expires: [~/ S, Ct ,A'-'IF~;~ q ...... h',utm'F Public ISC/ASMTG//0990-L Part of Section 3, T35N,,RllgW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING' 1390 feet South of the Northeast corner of said SeCtion 3 and running thence South 15Q feet; thence West 726 feet; thence North 150 feet; 'thence East 726 feet to the point of beginning. LESS AND ExCEpT the land contained in Warranty Deed to Lincoln County recorded August 6, 1931 in Book 17 of Deeds on page 159 of the records 'of Lincoln County Clerk