HomeMy WebLinkAbout914924 G~::~::~:':::::: ~,fll'·'·I~·'-Þ."i" q'I·-,J:',Hf I! ~.~ C00721 Record & Return To: CLC Consumer Services 2730 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, P A 15222 412-762-0536 RECEIVED 1/3/2006 at 11 :09 AM RECEIVING # 914924 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 721 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ",,", '-,.....,,,,", 'This Document Prepared by: CLC Consumer Services 2730 Liberty A venue Pittsburgh, P A 15222 D. JERMALOWSKI *Space above for recorders use only Made this day, December 29, 2005 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE ACCOUNT#: 072-01-10353899 Mortgagor: TERRY RODGERS NAD LYNNE BRAMMER Mortgagee: AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK, FSB Date of Mortgage: 12/06/2004 Original Mortgage Debt: $55,000.00 Î/ t Mortgage Recorded on 01103/2005, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of LINCOLN County, WY, in Book: 576, Page: 315, Instrument/Document Number:. Said Mortgage was subsequently assigned to PNC BANK, NA by assignment recorded on 01103/2005 in Book: 576, Page: 321, Instrument/Document #: . Brief Description or Statement of Location of Mortgaged Premises: 15 CmCAGO ST DIAMONDVILLE, WY, 83116 Parcel ill: TwplBoro/Munic: SectionIBlock/Lot: Group ill: The uiidersigned, ås holder òftlieDeeãõfTniSl:Nóte(or) MoTtgáge Note;hereby certifies that the deb1 secured by the above-mentioned mortgage has been fully paid or otherwise discharged and that upon the recording hereof said Mortgage shall be and is hereby fully and forever satisfied and discharged. The undersigned hereby authorizes and empowers the recorder of said county to enter this satisfaction piece and to cause said mortgage to be satisfied of record. Witness the due execution hereof with the intent to be legally bound. -:"~' ., ".. ~ ';'<ó';. -. II.. to. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PNC BANK, NA, by the officer duly authorized, has duly execute9;'~a'fi:~:4~ a~d' deed the foregoing instrument on this day, December 29, 2005. :/ ;,...., " ,...... , Yo ^",:. «- -.., I ',;. 1,'1;,. .d. '/ <>::::{ ~ ;-,: L. I, , ::"I..... ~/ "-l.J ':1: ''';' .f~.,~ ","':,) , , ,'.. . ':,~ ,\~ >.,~ /.' .~\:-~,-~..'.., ,"~-" '. ,AL) _ ..."....~. -: Q'y: Dave Matuszek Attest/Witness: STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA } COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY }ss. On this day December 29, 2005, before me, Carol Junker, a Notary Public in said State, personally appeared E. Eiter, Asst. Vice President ofPNC BANK, NA, personally known to me, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me, that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, and that such individual(s) made such an appearance before the undersigned in the county of ALLEGHENY, state of PENNSYLVANIA COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL V AN II' Notarial Seal Carol Junkel, Notary Public City 01 Pittsb\Jrgh,A~eghe(IY County My COrnml$¡¡lOrl Expires Oct. 10, 2009 Member, Penn.ylvan1a Al8oclallon of Notaries *Space above for notarial use only