HomeMy WebLinkAbout914928 , ,.."_.._,,._.... ..'."·~_h,_ ..__.,,_----'-___~ ,,_.._..,._., ",..., '" .,.. ,.~ ._." , -" .-.-..--',...............--........, ""~."'. ..~___,...._O-.·h......,,_,.,....,~ ~'\ RECEIVED 1/3/2006 at 11 :19 AM RECEIVING # 914928 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 726 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY .- ------ - --,-- ---.--". AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS .. .___~~..u -~~- -~---- THIS AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS is entered into by and between JOSEPH H. SENDER, of P.O. Box 3263, Alpine, Wyoming 83128 (hereafter "Sender"), and ROBERT T. KASTNER and JACKIE L. KASTNER, of P.O. Box 3728, Alpine, Wyoming 83128 (hereafter "Kastner"). WHEREAS, Sender is the owner of the properties identified in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on September 13, 2001 in Book 472 PR at Pages 718 through 719 as Instrument No. 875932 (hereafter the "Sender North Property"), and in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in said land records on February 17, 2004 in Book 548 PR at Pages 257 through 260 as Instrument No. 897274 (hereafter together the "Sender Properties") (copies of said deeds are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and : ,/1 WHEREAS, Kastner is the owner of the properties identified in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on July 29, 2002 in Book 495 PR at Pages 283 through 284 as Instrument No. 882836 (hereafter the Kastner West Property"), and in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in said land records on July 17,2002 in Book 494 PR at Pages 394 through 395 as Instrument No. 882571 (hereafter together the "Kastner Properties") (copies of said deeds are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and ! \ ,j / WHEREAS, Sender and Kastner have agreed to exchange nonexclusive easements benefiting their properties, providing non-exclusive ingress and egress, and the right to install underground utilities, from u.s. Highway 89 across the Sender Properties to the Kastner Properties, and nonexclusive equestrian and pedestrian access from the Sender North Property to the Kastner West Property providing whatever access may be legally allowed to the abutting Wyoming Game and Fish Property. NOW, THEREFORE, Sender and Kastner, for themselves, and their heirs and assigns, hereby agree as follows: A. EASEMENT BENEFITTING KASTNER PROPERTIES. A nonexclusive right of way easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities from U.S. Highway 89 to, and in favor of, the Kastner Properties is hereby created over the southern fifty (50) feet of the Sender Properties. B. EASEMENT BENEFITTING SENDER NORTH PROPERTY. A nonexclusive fifteen (15) foot-wide pedestrian and equestrian easement for ingress and egress by AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS SENDER/KASTNER PAGE 1 OF4 ¡¡¡~;;,! ~ íi:;::::r;r;w~ ¡~:¡i:¡:::%:!:!:::!::::~ ~::';~I .' -. ' ~:> ',- , . -,' '.' '¡ ;~ ~:: :',; ~;:r-~::::;::~ ~·928 .~"t: \~1 foot or by horseback only from, and in favor of, the Sender North Property extending fifty (50) feet along the northern boundary of the Kastner West Property for whatever access may be legally allowed to the abutting Wyoming Game and Fish Property. C. CONSIDERATION. Sender and Kastner hereby acknowledge that each of them has received consideration, for the easements, including TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, and the easements granted herein. D. EASEMENTS NOT TO BE OBSTRUCTED. Except for temporary obstructions required for the purposes of maintaining and improving the Easement areas, and installing and maintaining underground utilities within the easement benefiting the Kastner Properties, the Easement areas shall not be obstructed in any manner that would impede free ingress and egress. E. IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE. Any improvements made within the Easement areas shall be at the sole expense of the person(s) making the improvements unless otherwise agreed to in writing. F. EXISTING FENCES. Nothing in this Agreement shall require the removal of any existing fences within the Easement Areas, and the parties hereto shall only be required to move such fences if governmental authorities require such fences to be removed from the Easement areas. G. EASEMENTS TO RUN WITH THE LAND. The easements created herein shall run with the lands identified herein, and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement, and their respective heirs and assigns. H. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement. I. WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD RIGHTS. The parties and their spouses, for themselves and their heirs and assigns, hereby waive any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purposes of these easements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Sender and Kastner have caused this Agreement to be executed on this ~o~day of December, 2005. \ J~ uS~ JOSEP H. SENDER QQ~~b9~~a... \6..\)D~~~ DEBORAH ANN PAULSEN SENDER AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS SENDER I KASTNER PAGE 2 OF 4 üS~4928 C00728 ~ ROBERT T. KASTNER vb~/<~ JACKIE L. KASTNER STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by JOSEPH H. SENDER this ~y of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. dJ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: q- [;)-/61 LAURIE COE . NOTARY PUBLIC County of ~ State .of Teton ~ Wyommg My CommIssIon expIres 9/12/2007 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by DEBORAH ANN PAULSEN SENDER thi~ day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~Q'~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: G¡-Id-DJ AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS SENDER / KASTNER PAGE 3 OF 4 , ^URtE COE· NOTARY PUBLIC IJ"\ O· State of County of . ". Wyoming Teton . /"'r . 'C .sslon ExpIres 9/12 dU. My comml m¡~~l~¡~flm :;::;:i.;~:::+::f¡ì¡¡~ t2~:!:~:::~·: f;ft~.:, ljIii!~~\¡~1 --- - .." '-'- ..---. ..... OS~4928 000729 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by ROBERT T. KASTNER this 27-#1 day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBUC County of 4\ Stat8.01 Lincoln ,. Wyoming My Commission expires July 16, 2007 My Commission expires:· 0; f¡6 /07 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by JACKIE L. KASTNER this 10Ü day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC' County Of. State of Uncoln ,. Wyoming My Commission Ires July 16, 2007 My Commission expires: D7 / /11 107 I c~ NOTARY PUBLIC AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS SENDER ¡KASTNER PAGE 4 OF 4 1,',','.",I)':,'.,.,.',.:f'· ,..:' , ,,'.'~,""'" ',' . \NÇJV.15.2005 3:09PM WTON PLANNING OFFICE,.,... r),' . t~.:.:'.:w' !I I' '1'10.425 1'" :~~f' 1....~I~...:2 " .' I . RF.CEIV£D LINCOLH COUNTY OLERK O! $f.P 13 MI \1: 26 JEANiŒ \1A(iNER KEMMERE[i, WYOMING, C00730 0<: "T' h 4Q; ''':) C) oJ~~'-t;::¡;""'a \~Jl~;R~t~ 3ÙE~D .: , .' . . '-tA~K l', IQ¡,STNER. AND NICOLE P " KASTNER, husband and wife ~JqOK-47.Z.i'R l'A.<m '7 IlL ~~antor6 of Alpine¡ ?oun~y o~ LinQoln, State of Wyoming I Þer~by CONVEY £nd WARRANT '1'01 ¡J"QSEI'IH ij¡ SENDER, a ,married \'f\an Grantee", of P,o. 3~63 , , Alpine, Wyom.ing. B31~å . for the ~m o~ Te~ Do¡lar~ and othér good and,vaXuable oons1de~ation---w~w~-- tbe fO¡¡Qwi~g described tract of la~d in Linooln county, State of Wyoming, hareby rel~asing and waiving all ~i9hts under a~d by virtue of the homeatead exemption law~ of the state, to-wit: : 1 \ See Att~ched;, ! ~ubject ~o rase:t:'Vat::ions and :J;'eet:.rict.i.one oon#ained in the unil=.ed States ~~tent and to eAseme~ta ~nd ,rights~of-way of ~éoo~d or in use, Togethe~ with all improveme~s and appurtænancea tþerecn. , WITNESS, the hand of .. , sa¡ld grant.or t ': I I' 10t~ day of Sept:.ember, A,D..200~ . :~,¿~ ': Mark .2', ~l3tne:r . " ~~£ ----. -,.- -- -- -_: w _'. - _w ww - -. wu w. - .~!. -~_-_ -___ _ __~~~::1:_ ~~~~:: u. n _. _. _ n_ S\l'A'I'E OF WYOMING ¡ I !IS ! 11 Qounty of 'rE~O~ On the 10TH day of ~eptember , A.D. ~ooi., per~onally appêa~ed before' me, Mar~ P. Kastner anQ N~cole P. Kagtner, known Or identified to me t.o ba t,po perl'¡lons wh,ose naTl\a~ a:l:'e ¡¡u.bs::;!:dbad 1:0 'the within .:!:nstrument, and acknowledgeä ;0 me that t~~y executed the same;, (!aY;/?111'; ¡'1f¡f1.k~/ Notary PubJ:ff': r O' I My c~mmi~stcn expires on f I ~ / 05 . J LAND:'TITLE COW ANY ~t11~.TEftieNS. NOTARVPUB .IC .~cf & SII\t.ol ¡ TI'an ~ Wyðmlno MrCcrrmla.ID(I~11't'I '. ;lliIDß~E ~~¡~milili!mm~¡i~ "-'~""...'''''''''-'' ,·····'_..,'-...:.:.&..~,:,,~:.<~:.:,~-"'~'-1..-: .".:'.:::.~~;.,~.,. ,.,. ",.....<4......,..............., n:~,~..........·~'L'.-,40,.... - ~.::..,~,....,..".¡j¡:,:;.!:~ ',',',.," "-,.-¡¥.""". . .......;.~...' . Oiov .15r.:?~~'~,~r 3: 10PM >1'h ...¡,. 1 '~I . ''''z·;' /':,928 ' U '...I...""-": 'AFTON P~ANNING OFFIJ~;~l . NO. 425 , P.3 I Ç0073~ ,I " 'j I~i '" , !' .,. '!l ~i I: ,: ~, ., ,I ,¡ .,' ;: .EXHIBIT flAil '719 087S93Z ~', L 'j ..... . '.' ~ ~Qrti~ of th~ ~4/;NWli4'of S.cti~~ 10, T3~N/ ~ll~W, ot the' ' 6~b P. M., t4hQoln C~~~'ty, WyO!rÚ.D,g, bdna more Pa.rticuh:J:'ly de~cribe~ a. '£ollow~: . '. . BEG:U·JNrNG at, t;he Bi:tf.t-4·. tyPe lTtQnum6n~ :l!ou.nd ma:rkiX!.S the ' $outh~~s~ QO~c~ of ~a1~ NEl/4NW~/4 (CN1!1' ot S10); theno& NS8Q~9'12nw, alcng tbe Jout~ line at ~ai~ NEl/4NW1/4 734.20 'tel!!t. to a:,.: I:ro~ Þ~e.1 found ~t a. po~n!: in tb= :eiitsterly Right-o:l!-Way .f~~ u.a·~ ìUghway a9; I:henclS N3Øl6'lbIlW, along said Ri.~ht-o;f-We.y r 'U. 05,' fe.et tQ a.n AlUmin\.lm Cap on RclJar found; th..Me Sß,g°24' n"B" I¡Oa. 54 f~l!t: to ah ÄJ:u.min,UI1\ Cap on Rebar f01,ÌIJ.d. at ab, ~,!t1ng:;fenc~ OOX'IJ.a~; thanc& Sa~o13/23"J¡¡, aJ.O!1g. an ~xist1hg B~st-Wœ~~ f~nce, 6~7.S0 feet to anAlumln~m Cap on . R,@at found: at: ~ fen~e 'QQX"l1e:t', 'thenl::e' SOG30'4óIJW 493.37 t:eot, , to tþ~ ~oint of Begi~nine, EXCE!?'l'niG 'I':¡œR.BJ?~o~; :;TnQ T:ruo PO~1: of. :a~ainrs,:l.ng being au. .t:r;on ?ips se~ ~t.a PO~nt in tbe North ~~~ht-ot~WaY.l;n~,of the , eXi.st;!.ng P:rJ.Vð.l1e :aoa.QI .a.id, 1;I01n1: .b6$.ng 4.5 .1<1' 1:$et ~8 a GO'1211W I . ..;¡'o:n.g 1iIa.j,~ South 1i~er, 'to 21;\ ;tX'Q;n Pipe, found and 4.0. a,56' :faet . .. . ,-... ..' ." " . "...., N1Q~34.('OQnw from J!I,d,1$ B,II.t¢. t~ Nðn~t fQund tmlorJdng the South&~~tt Qq~a~ ot šaid NEl/4~/~ (CN¡/l~ Qt S10); then~e " N8ao4~/l:;¡IJW 3S?,'$.'s f~'et'to an Iron Pi:\:le set,; the:no~ N':I;po304'QOIIW 1:::4.33 teet to an I2;'on J?ipe set:; th$:c.c:~ SSaG49'l.2";E! 357.95 feet tQ .n~ !~~n ~i~e ~~~d; ~~~nc~ S10'34'OO"a 124.33 teet, ~o the ~Ue po;nt Q~ Begi~ng. I I" II 'i !'I .. I, " " " '. ·t·, "'¡'j ',"j''',.,.., ,'j', ',','" .. :' ~" , ,:'~: C,', ',:' _~, -, '; ::-'~~, 1 ;,:':,. ~.:;.::.: -, '-', ,~:, "'~:;'j~.r~ ~'."~~' " ' .' ......!......à!....-........;., . '''''1~j':~~i·;..,',;.·i~·,._;··,·.!..!:::':~í:a6l.~·;,;,· _;¡:::,¡:'_;:;,;~:.."it-' ".." . f" t,:·.~· .;' ~!·I~!·;U¡:·.j,W". '.' . ,.:::."';:, :...;~.~,:.:."._~: " ..!ìiQ.v .15.2005 3: 10PM '!=1FT ON PLANNING orFICE' . 'NO.425 P.4 89727(. , RECEIV~O lINCOLN COUNìY CL!RI( , . . 04 FE'ß Ii, A/lID: 3 I JEANNE WAGNER t<,r:MMF.m:lt 1fI)'1)i,"ING CD ,000732 .r~,-C.,.(', i.1 '-Oi.J')J8 ~.J"";¡..J.,~J~ FileNo.; 30214 (01),' . WREN lttCORDED RETURN TO: ", NnlXle: Adùrcss: Josepb. It Sender PO Bo~ 32~3 Alpjn~, WY 83128 BOO~c;"'<I? rrip~oB2~~ I,. WARRANTY DEED (Individual Fotm) M~rja. $. James and Bi11 James, Wife IIJ\d hUfbMd, GRA,NToR('S) of1..incol.r1 Coumy, State o~ WYOm.Ù1f¡, CONVEY(S) AN!) WARRANT(S) to Joseph H. Sender, /I married n1t1:n., GRANTEE(S) who~~ address is PO Box 3263, Alpine, WY '83128 fOr the sum ofTen DoJlars and ather goad ~d valunble considcn.tlo~, the following da,scr\hed real estate, situa.te in Lincóln County, State of . Wyoming. hereby tele¡1Sing and wa.ivinS aU rights under;u¡d by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Lllws of the State, to-wit: ' , . , , See "Exhibit A" attached hercto ~~ " f~' Subject to reservations and testrictioM c.ontâh\cd in the United States Patent and to easements and fights-or-wa)' of re~ord or in \lse. , .,', :.' " . ' , TQgclhc~ with áll iI1lprovemc;nts ~d I!.PPul1en~ces therøon. . , ,WITNF,SS, the hand ofsa.id grantor ~his 11th day ofFebl1lary, 2004. ~.6?þ M '8.S. James . , . '. . " EiIl ]~no.s I)TATÈ OF Wyoming Cmm'rY OF Teton . . . ( .. . The fore¡oing instru¡nent was a.ckn~V(ledged be~ore me this ¡ 1tb day offebl1låry, 2004, by Ma.lia S. .pC JÐin~~ <>.'l1lI11, [ I I ß --::the signerör,) of the within instrun1en~ who duly acknowledged to me !hat O~' ~sl'\e/~ executed '[he snm~. .' WITNESS MY HAND A1;fD OFFICIAL ~EAL, ' dJ.cw~~ 1-1'otary Public: . . My commIssion' expirçs .q~ l ê>-01 ' "N AI~ coa· NOTAA'r' pueuc CowItyo a Slaln!)f 'Talon .' Wyoming My Commlu1ð/ IÐcplras /'~Q07 , , '1IoJllul lbpr; ~on4 . I,ftnd Title (10tl\rl~n:r 'I' Wftrt&nl < 'D..4 - (Ind¡vidUIII Pa¡:o I Qr~ .~ ~..~.:,~,..j. ~(o~~~~~~t~: : 'f,:~¡:::~~~::~W!¡:¡1 ~~~~, ~.'"7] . ".' i'i~' ,~W:~~ljiI@~;if;í~ij ~~;:æ:~ ~:Jj'~~:!:,:!:i>':'~í! ,', ',' ,·.'ηi~ ! '! ...... ,. ..+.~,' . - ,\-.: '-~, .:--:" , -':I;I:';'=,j,o~';':I;':','. ',' -'.' ,·.Y<~;""~" :.: :.....;,. .¡..r.'<'¡~'.t,,:·j~~~,'~:i:-:Ç.;.·,:,',·,' ~ . , . ;': ,,·,~\.·¡t.1.i'¡' ;'i!,'.~,';,~'j¡,'¡".. 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"I"~, rt(~;';~:~~:(:.~·)~.l l"t.~:·,: :t'.'~}r:t.i:·,!.1:~~~;.~'~, .':~~ ¥¡.Ij"\,::f~'t'i!~:;::,.;~;-¡: '¡ir:!I\'"<'~,,, ~;I, \:" ~·.r~·I~~~J '. lfi¡;'j~~;'~,Li.)~'$~.:~~t.~!f:'~:io:, " ...., f~ß~.1 f -n 4 II ;&B^ ,I F~CM-Ln"d 11118 CølllPlny 301-733-6186 1~18& P .~o~/on3 F·I~2 ',' ~56 , . I' n.c A." ;;'.;Qj~)¡ ¡¡) "-V'-.J....:.,~~>1.øa . , Pile 'No,: 30214 08972Þ7~ ~N RECORDED P.ET~ 'rO~ NlII11c: AclcLrC$s ¡ "., 'o£cJ>h H. S.nder PO Box 3263 ~P!I\C, W"( 83128 I , ' WARRANTY DEED (Individual FOIm) M1ri~ s. T:smt:Í e¡¡~ ÐiP J&mer. we IInd ~usblllJ\d, G]t,~OB.(S) otLlI1~ohJ OP\.ll ~1 Slltœ Qf Wyoll)Ín£¡ CO'NVEY(S)AmJ WAFJ!.M'T(5) to Josapll H. S'lIder. a married !DIU!, GlUNTEJï:(SJ, Whosc adclre.s~ Is 1'0 Box '263. Alpme, WY S3 L23 for 1111: sum c fTen PoUan !:Ie! omor load iIId "'lÙuablc i:QMd=:dtlol2t 1h~ foUowiJl,S dcJC.tibec:l reeL Cstate, situate Úllj¡;¡eo u CO\.1I1Iy. Stille of Wyoming, þ~by nloJ.Sing and WO¡vÌI1 : ~IJ ¡¡11m., WIder mI by vlnuc orth~ Hcmcmad Exemption Laws or the SllIt!, to·.....lt: , . : See "Exhibit A" cttached. h~rc¡o Subj~o::t 10 reJe¡:vat!QJ\> .....d "'~iCÙ( J1S con!AÍnod in !he Ullllcc!. S'ILWS PI\ICDt one! to còl,tcmCn\= and nS\1IS-gf."",y ofncœ¡ or i[ , U$t, , " " Tocc:¡hcr "!'/ÌÙ1 aU ltuploVcnleulJ IIDd I~unenanct¡ thereol!. WITNESS, thQ hAn~ of uir1~tor this 11th d~ ofP~r\l1I.!Y1 200~, S'J;'A Tt OF W~g~n; COUNTY OF oLol1 / The (oTe¡¡oln¡¡ !llstrun;¡;tltw.s ';knõwlcdrcd bc!olc me litis l11h tlay aIFeÞ:\Jnry. 2004. by MllÌia S. OPt J~1nC:S ~.,;., ---.:tM ~u¢r;l ø(1hc wiìþiI¡ ÍD.sf:Uq\C l1, W!¡o tluly ackaowl<:4gtd Lo tIle lilac (J'~ Þ/sht{tbo! cICceUlcd th.5mn4., , 'rYJnœSS MY HAND A}{D Ot¡:lO!Ñ. S~ '!'ñQ I L' ,-roL- l'! otar')' Public; My c'gl11nùssioD es:pÏl'CJ q- rrC1 .' , , I..I.UfI ECCa· HOTIJI'fI'O,\JÇ CounITcC _ II1.II11 of ~ W Wy~tqfng "11 CcIJ1l1ll=lo~ ~~ V!JVZDaT , " 1'1!' N""'hr. 'øzl~ kIIIl TiO. ~røpllil' Win'll ) Þ..4-Ø""yif1¡p ) ,. "n-a.1 or~ i·,~;·W ~'¡l1 .r~" \!i~9,.... .., '''' . ~'i L_..,_..2: ,. "';:"';';"~!I:'~'~':f,"r.'~":;:;¡; '~"'~jr, "');i.1'"'....5tr~:'{j~:i:'~"!.''''¡!.-'',::~.(.~'''.,''I-':I'.,,:·¡¡:;;~~:.ttf~'" "',~'." ··"'.~J~ "~~V.ð:':":~~;f;'> ·~;;:,~.·t.;~iMI".i'.lP.k'iì-;o¡;,:.!I."i'd!.¡""!:'¿'~<ti'J!.t1t}:~~~.to.~~ :.' ......, :;·,'J:~":,:~'fäl":'.i'l"'~~m-;·'.\'::-:,:,. ;,;' "':i':;;',. "'..i'. :~:.¡"il;""', ';.' . ,.' , !Nov .15.2005.-. 3: l1PM,': '; .LAnoN PLANNING OFFICE~iJ :' ". t~" ",~ ~;"'" . >"f·' ,," No 4251 " ~~" P 6 \ "i" ,~;. ,....., .......tfJ{., ',' . ...~..; 1..~;a~'~oI~. ':.; I,~.;~~··":''!'a'\· , " ~="4!::O"'~ _,if' ,'. .~. ". .....I~ ,.1'1 ....1.... ~ i-:";~~;":~"':, I¡~f. t·,·· ""~P{'~~\'I" ,,'rf/i>i~\·'~·:'-"")'\'i~":~.·".~~i~I:/;."'~~~:., t. (.1 :..:..-t.)~~... ,', t ·..'i ;",;~,~~.I.':.~:":,:t·:·i:"1 I ""·,.1,1{:'~'-.'''.'\A'~L,,,:..'..· :.~". ' .~1:1~~1¡:~~·tlo~~i~i.:·:~~1~~t~iÇfii~~~~¡':I·4>~~r:I~~i'¡'·I, "I,' '~:: ~.:~~~~~} ~";.. ..: '. ~:.:.~·~j~'¡:7~1~~·;·~~··i..I:,..~~~\~.~.F~:,;:,:; ~~~;',.j~"~'.: 'I"~ ,,,OJ, .J....'....,I)',.." ....~...,'. . ", ""1':1" .".., 1'" ~""'J"J~'"'''''¡;¡''''' ,",,>~A.."" r r .....1\ /~ ,~..rJi:&j' ~', ,'~.~::!- (:~~::'., ..~'.~,~¡.J..ti:h,~:'~~·~~,·¡Jo. ~$·::·..,~~:1~~f:: ":,' i: ~,.F.~ i .., ':01 ,'. .1: .. I; '\:5,·,..J;¡:~:?~~~~~:~:~:·. ·~\'.(:~:i ~~¡:.::~~'j~~,~I;:~~,:'1~_~:?~: . '_' _ !~'ii '..,. ...\f......,'t¡J'~. ... rf1::.... .. 't'. .. I' . !.".~,. .... :1. ,.... 1. ..., ". \').J ~ ~ Ü . .... ·:.~:;~~~~¢~~~'~:)'~~fc~iji~~:(.Jf.~:,~ ~~,~i,,~:· . "" ...~:,:~~,}..;" ';" :", \ :~~)!:~~%~~·:,:.'.'(:'~Iry~',;:.;~~;;\'~~~:;i:'~ ~i~~. .' ;:¡\:<,' ..;i~'~+..Q$N4~\~~it~~·t~~~":';~;~:I~~·'" :',:<: :~~*~:t,,'; ::j',':' ,:~ ',- 'r:~V :;~~:':·Q~·:'::.t¡~ij.;~~,¡~;:!;,\~;}~~".. ¡to .'. '/ ,I~I.~ I "'1I~iJC;",¡:!lI~:~~~~1i, :1~:~'""r,~~~}I:':~irf/' , : ,,',," ,¡~" "': ~. ..'.+ :' }";":' ",'. ~.I','Jr~1,~.\;~~~~"~~i:, t~~r.":'. .{~'~~: :;1·" .'~" ,;~:.~~~·'~~I~:t,f ;~~\(~j~~l~!'~\~~;~~ .: :,,:·~..t~; :.' .., f·;'" ..'... .'.~ .:~~\:~;,~,~£.Nl~;~~,I'~~ilr'~~~~~';~:¥1~~¡·' '.. ~ , .. 1 . (.1' u.·~lf·...·, ~,,;i~. ..,. I. .JI, ~.. . 'I' ',. '~I'''_''''~HI''''.,J... !O\, ... ., . ~:. .~. ','. It~..: ~\.' "I! ~"'ff~ ~':''''~';:.'' , ;';.1/01' ·11·~,r''!~'''A·~~~·:.,j1b~>~I'.~¡';rt''', . ';i~, /.:::' ~~:~~: ,:;~I(' .. I, ~ <¡ (:¡tr~i~,7\' ,¡(~ <,~(~I::"., : t.t·>.~~~:'~"t;;~:·::.~h~~u:~~\·,~~\:.~¡ ~~~i~:,~:~.: .r. '1" 'I '., " . ~,.,. "..' ji,I.\\." '4 ~.~ . !:¡¡~.~I.~:/':~;:'. :~i:' : '~".'."':M~: 't'~., ,:~,;:~,~ ~1~·~~i?';F!~,r!.:i~~Y~'!·~«~,')~,,~· ::. ···I::'.~:~:I;:_I.. . ,',5:7: .::' ".j~' ~I'~ ,\.il,.~. .:~:/, .It:.I,.,~t~'.,.y..... f;~?~~ll:I'!t:~~·."~~:'" '''¡('i~~~,'~~ ~~.... :I,'\)~rk·');' ,,",:,,,.~.,.. .~~..~...,:~ }....l,\!.I...l'.~ijr. r. ,<:..~,:II '~~ ::~i~~· ' .~,-r:f~ :·,~..:.t .':~~ '1,0'1,:",':7,.,,\' ~:J3'~ .:-~!ë:~..,' ..:.......,.I.~... .\..'I~:riJ. 1...,/'...,. ..'r~;.....! ~·~'..~-:(¡.~I .; ""'''·I¡\\~.II .!J: ,~. ··;'I"I~'~~'~ ~ ...~ .\~ . .~ ¡~. .~,,::... ·,':l.i'I;'!If.oI· . ,.....( t '/' '('Iie~' ',:,,/ ~~.. ...~ '..' , I" "" ~ . ..~, ~..'. "'~'" ~.~- ~~,.." ....:;)"..·,:.,,..·..10; '~\' ,~ .-.: ",'., - ,,,: ........ .;...;;....~~.~.,¡''.lJ~ ..../I·:~I""~·,· .....' ..:{\ J. ~.··~;,)'~r ,.!.~~~ ~~~II,:I ., '14:, ~: ~.~ .',': : : !J¡ ~ ';~JIõ ~~~r-;' ·~':·..,...~ìlJ"'1~IC'40,· .I~f.I~~1'f:s.' IÌ 0 ,., r, 4 'J t.) m..II·04 ." 11 ¡SRAI,I F~~'L¡nd wi. CDIIIP10Y m'UN1B6 j-1B5 P.OOI/QD3 Hn oe9172t(~ 1I\'","""'1IJ1111 . i~'~t':ti4lð~'~- ~'~ ~~~~}- ~\ ';\ \' PUBLIC 1. j ~a5'~""""",~Oi' ,~',1~ OF ,Q~,\\\ .~' I"""II\~' '!ha foregoing ins'tnm1e1;1!; Was ac.knowledged before [ Ie t.his 11th day of Februs'!:y! 20041 þy Bill Jarpe5 tbe sigtJŒr of ~he withS.n itlsr:~nt, who duly acktlowledged ~o JIlI!\ tnat he exeç.\1ted t.pe same.. !... ..... . " ~ . ~59 .. STÅ'r'E OF ItWiO , ~S¡¡., /wÀ COlJoty of' ~~~ ~ rl1' 'I ~o ~:ry ~, ¿..d~A- Hy e.ømrn1ssion expires: 5 hi 0 "f , . , . '. , , .' .. . '. \ ". . , .' .' .' . " ~ ~£!~...::~ .~~~'f ~~'¡¡, '~;'\'\";r1!'l : ~~L!I).~ï (~~~!~~~æ~ fM-£:P'!"I¡I;I~ .Vj'~ ~~~iI~! ~¡ImI~i~fm~~m¡¡!I~ .,..........,...."......'..,.., ,.;"." '.~. __,. .-,:::;-:ÍJ~·.:;;;:··_:.::-·l:-:: . :. '.' '...._.~. -,'.' .·~.....!.....~.I..~'...' ,:; '.- ,",Q~~.:;~tl4',::,':' ' ,:....;:i,M:::!1ì1:::.-':!,;:!i~,~,·.·· rNOV.15.2005 3:11PM ~TON PLANNING OFFICE 1'N0 . 425 I'þ. 7 . . ......',-1>8 n,·:c" '~, "-0 t.G ~U1.J -"'" h."'"' . OaS72?~ .,' t ... ~GO . EXHlDIT ,cA" " , , o . A po~tiDn of the NE1/4NWl/4 of SectJo~ 10" TJ6N, R119W. of t!\e 61/1 l' .M..l.tjncoln County, Wyo~in~ being morc,patticularly described as follows:' ' ,". " . "" . 111e Tr~e PCÍl1t of Bcghmhtg bebi~ an Iron Pipe set at a point in the North R.i~ht.of-Way line of1hc . 'existing P¡ivat.e Road, said 'point being 45·14 fect N88°49'12"W. e,!ong said SQuth line. to an Iron Pipe found ond 40.856 feet Nl O<>34'OØ"W &om slÙd B.L,M. type MOI'I\,lrne J.t found tl\arking the Southeast corner of said NEl/4NWl/4 (CN I/G of SI0); thence N88°49'12"W 357.85 í'cèt to an 11'0n Pipe. set; thence NIOD34'OO"W 124,33 feet to an It'Oß Pipe set; thence SSgQ49'Q"E 357.85 fcet to an Iron Pipe:, found; thence S 1 0°34 'OO"E,124.33 feet, to ~e True.l'oint of Beginning. , . , " '. lißF lh'fllh~r: 3Q214 L,~d1';/I. C'JImpAf1Y W'rrnQV D..d- ( ndivi~~nl) 1>.~.,2 Dr,1 "'" " I . !~.'b··. " I ~~'!'I'I.,.." , ,:'~~~';, . !i~?"'~ ~'¡'~. ' ~;~;..;~: :':' ~ 'i.; ,'I;(':'I':I:'j""'-' .:,"','!'J .,. "T ;", :':. :':"";".:~..~~_..~'.'. , .... I ~'. 10""'''' r.::- i.. ) l,j ;) , ' ,....,... ',.,',"~.,..,',',., n r': /-, '~h28 "",f::::J":""-d..¿ I'j~ )D.16052 T'íìi ,~\, f "1 it: t f, ~ " , '. j' ~ .' I!. t~~ " \,- ;"1 ;, , ' r " ',' I; , " '.-""'."',;,:.-."",...:.:-" o,'-".;".I;o;oa:I:I..."".'·,' ;·:""~tf'""""IßMr>'··'··~·!"-·"L·'~,'IIi:I~,:" ,.:"',.~1.'.-.:;" '."".',', ....':.,.,..:,.;.~;:..' NOV. 16. 200S 1:0SPM LINCOLN CO CLERK ,_ NO. 423 P.3 ,..... fÎ n ,.., r~ 6 \.."../0 {J éD 882836 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 02 .JUt 29 PI! ,: 33 JEANNE '.1¡'...'.GNER 1<EI.fI.¡ ER£H, WYOMING BOOK 495PRPAGE 2&3 WARRANTY DEED tÞWARD W. PETERSON and KAREN N. PRTXR50N, Trustees Qt ThB PQ~8røon M1ø~y Meadows Fami1y Trust, under agroomen~ d~ted October 31, 1"5 a.Ancorr of Alpin~, County of LinQPln, hereby CONVEY BnQ. WARRA»'l' TO I ~Oa!~T T. ~STNER and JACKIE L. KASTW2a, husbAnd and wi~e, ~s tenanta by the entireti,s State ot Wyoming GrAn~ees of PO Sox 3729, Alpine. WY &312& for the sum of Ten Dollar. and other goOÖ and vatuabl. oons1d.rAt1on._..... tbe following described tract of landln LincolA coun~y, Sta~e of Wyoming, hereby releasing anQ waiving a11 rights uoQt.'and by virt~e of tho ~etced exemption la~ø of the Btaca, to-wit: Sea ~~b1~ .~. Attachm~nt Hereto Subj act to rð&erviJ,tiona an~ restriotions contained :l.n the Unit:ed Stat,,,¡ PAt~nt and to Ðasements &aQ rights-nf-way of recQrd Qr in use. Tog.chor w1ch all impro¥qmante and appurtenancee thereon. l- «III WI1NESS, 'the hand of Maid ~antors, tbis i2nd'òay of July, i ~'" 'Xiii ~. cera , rust,,; ;--~p-------~---------.._~------.._~-._----------~"...._------~._--~-~. ._-. S'l'ATIii OF WYOMING :.. County of Lln¡¡c~ ' ' On t:he:Z day øi July, A.I). ~002. pel."o~lly appeared before 1116, Ed",a.rd W. Peter.on and X4;ren W. Peurf:on. 'l'rustee., known or 1dan~:l.fied to 1M to b~ the Peraona whoas name. are Aub8cr~bed ~ the with~n instrument, an~ IU:knowledg"d to me that the e ecuted tho¡ sam.a ..-. fi:f~ 'tl tf,-c- /J' i7'¿;'~:;~- ,- 10 - My commie.ion e~ir8s on E COMPANY ttO'S 9tOU ¡~;lli;!mi~:_~, lO:tt roo~,Zr"rM t'¡::n;::i:::::::~mm t,:::·:·:,:,!,:·:.:,:·:·! ..,..........,."........""'.......:'......,o..:o.'.ct¡r~~"..".,.'...o..:.--'_~...~..,., , ,---.., ....~.,''''.:.....,...........;..: ·"'.·.,..·.,.·.L'-."-':...~..:.·.,.~....·.o!o~.....I.'-: '-'.'''_'':''',"",~-'''''"",,,,,-,, '#;,~..;a~~~~""'"':..r..,,"":''-, NOY.16.200S 1:06PM 'LINCOLN CO CLERK NO. 423 P.4 '-·'··""928 "~ ~~ :.d~ U1:.S~~~36 EXBIBlT lA" Description - Parcel1-B Remaining - 6.672 Acres A portion of the Peterson Misty Meadows Family Trust as referred to in Deed recorded in Book 376PR, on Page 335. with the Office of the Clerk of LIncoln County, Wyoming within Lot 2 (NW1/4NE114) and the NE1/4NW1/4 of Section 10, T36N, R119W, of the 6th P.m., Uncoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described 8S follows: BEGINNING at the B.L.M. type Monument found marking the Nelson Engineering PElLS 578, 1980 location for the Southwest Corner of said Lot 2, also being the Southeast corner of the Sender property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 472PR, on Page 716, with said Office; thence NO"40'18"E, along East Line of the Sender property, 493.17 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Rebar markltlg a point In the South line of the McNeel property referred to In the Deed recorded in Book 372PR, on Page 717. with said Office; thence S896S6'59"E, along said South Line, 371.37 feet an Aluminum Cap on Rebar marking a Wyoming Game and Fish Comer; thence 884'P5' 56"E, continuing along said Wyoming Game and Fish line, 360.10 fe9tto an Iron Pipe found marking the Northwest corner of Parcel1-A as shown on Plat 45-A recorded with said Office; thence S14·29' 46"E, along the West line of said Parcel1-A, 41.32 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence NS9°4B'1 1-W, parallel with the South Une of saId Lot 2,165.63 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence SO"E 418.78 fe~t to an Iron Pipe set at a point in the South line of said Lot 2, also being a point In the North line of the Pierce property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 398PR, on Page 572, with said Office; thence N89°46'11'W, along last sald North Una, 580.06 feet, to the Paint C)f Beginning, containing 6.672 Acres of land. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJeCT TO: A 60 feet wide Right-of-Way Eatement, along the South line ofthe above described Parcel. to the Eaat line of said Sender property, also TOGETHER WITH: a 40 feet wide Right..of-Way Easement. along the SQlJth line of said Sender property, to U.S. Highway 89 as referred to in the Kastner Deed recorded in Book 431 PR on Pagé 93, with said Office, also ' TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easement, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of~Way and Improvement of sight and or record. r' "'. 284 1[Gr:\"·:~!::;:;'ill ;¡1_.)\(,1,1,11'1'1"\"1.. _:":::g;':':;¡:¡;¡;'¡!;'¡¡:. . .. '_~' ¡:,-:';.":::_.:':!J:;::,'.'.""'-"""'" ;'~'I ,', ,.,' (\nn""" 7 'v \) ..J I ,J NOV. 16. 200S .,.".1J.,............""."'.,',.".....,~.~.:..-"-'>,:..:..~.::,'_-"""-.....:..'...,...'._ P.S /'. r,¡, ," '¡:¡;");8 (1J::" --4~: rr.Jy Ifd ,. , 02016051 " ~H ", .' :1, .'-..'"-1.....";..,, .:.:-.._.-'-I..;l.-'.~.........,'-",.t...t.,_,_""_.,_ . '"'-'_,.......................·..,··.....,.....~·~.··~....,.,·..""·,-·".f'..4'...,· ".- ""'.!3. ,·,·._'".'...'.'.."-.:...,·.."..·,.._.··....·'-":.·,v 1 : 06PM LINCOLN CO CLERK NO. 423 nO,n""~8 I.., .! I.; I 'J (]) BOOK-4~4. .PR PAOE~ n (¡.., r:' 7 1 '.It'. ;J , f?ECEIV2D L INCOUJ COI'¡./Ty 02 ,1111, Cl£Rf': /7 :,::¡r¡::in , WARRANTY DEED :'!~:,:~~~:,{~,,; ::..:', -5Eii: BDWJ\M W. PETERSON a!\d K1IJU:N W. PETERSON. Tru9te"" of The PeÇCrøOn ~¡,¡(t'y..,I.. L I (;iI!lr,G MeaðQwe ~amily ~U8t, under agreement, d~~.d Ocçober 31, 1"5 GraJ:).tOr3 of Alpine. County of Li~eoln, State of wyoming her.by C:O~, and WAARAN'J' TO I ROBER.T '1!. ¡o,SDmR and JAC:!a¡¡: t.. KASmER, hUllband a.nð wih, ~s ;enante ~y çhe ençiret1ell Grantees of PO Box 159, ~lly. wY 83011 for the sum of Ten Dollars ang o~her good and v~luabl~ co~eidarn~ion-______ ~he'followin9 deaoribed traot of land in Lincoln Coun~y. State of W~Qming, be~~by releasing and ~aiv1ng all right. under and by virtue of the hOmeøtead exe~tion lawe of the St~te. to'wi~ Se. Exhibit "A" A~t;....chrne:nt {areto SWoJðct to reaervacions and re..trict1ons COnt,Uned in the United States Patent And co easem8n~~ ~d rigptc-of-way o~ record or in use, Together with all 1mp~~vements and appurtenancca thereon. WI~S$. the hand of snid grantors, chis 12th day of July, A.D. J002 ~_;:J~'~ '" rd . P..ç~U:ØQn. 'l'rus ee ~~~ -~--_..__._-----~-------------.-----~-_.-----------~.-------_.~_._------_.- STATE Ol' W";(OMING COÚnty ot Linooln '$5 On che 12tb. day of .:r....1y. A, ). 2002, personally "weared befors 1\1e. EdW~rd W. P8t9r..o~ and Karen Q. ~ctcrßon, Truceeea, known or identified to me to be the paraon.. who$e names ~~e subsoribed to ~h.. wi~hin inserumant, and ~~~owledgðd to m~ ~hat they executed th~ same. ,/)..' . . !¡('I?.tl/U~. (..... 'lHd"...... ,- /Ill': i(-,/ NOt9.ry PuÞ1~" ' ..' I' ): My o"/nmu,,:i.on expiX't:" on 17 A,if< ~ ~;,,~") . ~ CIon. sp_1o¡1or ""'0 .t Wy<>m tlg . ~ PubIIo CauntY.' \JnCOIII ,,- ':'J :;1."".J ...-- LAND TITLE COMPANY L10fCTO'd 8Lg U ~¡~i¡~¡;¡mmmf?,~;i GGtOI r:;Ot.Z!·~nr I"~;::::::ifim," !::::::::;~::::r.:!:t: .' ".,...:,.......;..!.... ,'.,.~..' .' ,':"-"',' ;:"., ;.,';i,'" -;::..~..::.:_I:_.._·_! !.~'.!:'...;' _' .:' .,-:;.- -.- ··;~,·,_'":'_c:.,:o."':,...~"" ' ,'~~.i,~·...'_,LL!J..GJ.;.!;.~";.·..õ.!.U~ ' :··'.·,¡¡;~,.,.~~i"'~~I,!,~:,!g::.~.~:;:!;.:.:"·,';..~;_<:.iW·,' ..,.. NOV. 16.zø0S 1:06PM LINCOLN CO CLERK " r~' P,928 0::'; ---",~1L. .' , L ; .a .' I,; .; {'iI' .. 'I .'~'. ': i, ' i .. i :,' ': r : . t, ¡ ¡, " ¡ , !' I I ¡ ,: i ' ! . : ' ¡I ! I, I, i,. I, , : : ' i' ; , ~ . I ì :: ¡,' , ì "," ¡ : , : ¡ : ì ~ ' , . I' ;, .. :" . " i: ! ~'" I, . I: I,' , 1"" :: t, 'j 'i' f.r: : ,: " 'iLl J' ,_ ~ ~, . " F;:í ' : J::i' . " I;:r. , "1 ' t' :~' : ,':" " t:" ,I . .t'~ f. :: '.".' " '~~¡~;;,: ,: ,,~:. , " [1 " '~ '11' 1.;:':, NO. 423 P.6 O~~~:jl·/l1. 395 Exhibit "Art Description" Parce11-B Amended - 2.000 Acres A portion of the P~rson Misty Meadows Family Trust property EI$ referred to in Deed recorde<l in eòok 37ijPR, on Page 335. wìth the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyþming, within Lot 2 (NW1/4NE1/4) and 1he NE:1/4NW1/4 of Section 10, T36N, ~119W. of the 6th P.M.. Uncoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particular1y described as follows; , Bes:linning at an Iron Pipe $et martcing a point in the South Une of $aid lot 2. also being a paint in the NOM line of the Pierce property as referred to in the Deed recordQd in 800k 398PR, on Page 572. with said Office. said POB being 580.06 feet, S89°4~11·e. along said South fine, from the B.LM. type rrJ:Inument found marking the ~elson Engineering PElLS 5'76, 1980 location fer the Southwest Comer of said Lot 2; thence NO°!; 416.78 feet to an Iron Pipe set: thence S6so4ß'1'"G, parallel with said South line, 165.63 feet to an Iroll Pipe set marking a point In tne West line of Pardel i-A as shown on Plat 4S-A; thenœ 514°29'46"1:. along /Said West line, 254.60 feet to an Iron Pipe found; thence S4°11'57'W, contin~jng along said West line, 172.76 feet to an Iron Pipe found marking a point in the North Line of the Pierce property referred to in the Deed recorded 10 Book 398PR, on Page 572, with said Office; thence N29-46'11''W. along said North line, 216.76, feet. to the Point of Beginning, containing 2.000 A/;(es of land. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 60 feet wide Right-of·Way Ea$ement along the South Une of the above described Parcel and e~ding N89046'11"W. along said Lot 2 So~th line, 580.06 feet to the East line of the Sendér property as referred to In th&;Deéd recorded in Book 0472PR. on Page 718, also TOGETHER WITH; a 40 feet wide Right.¢f-Way Easement, alang the South line of said Sender prop¢rt:y, to U.S. Highway 89, a$ referred to in the Kastner Deed recorded in Book4~1PR on Page 93, with said Offiœ, also TOGETHE;R WITH end SUBJECT TO: All Easement, Exceptions, Reservations, Re5trictions, Rigtrts-!of.Way and Improvement of $ight and or record. l:O! IL9t1l :,', : ~IILI":; ~ ~ I~' ','.','~.,'.,!'~..:,'.~'..... <:1. . .;~ '. " .~. " : . ',' i~. '.~..';' ¡:,' ""ìn"'1ng vUvlj