HomeMy WebLinkAbout914929 ----. "...-.-.---.'....,.,----........,.-'-.-.---. RECEIVED 1/3/2006 at 11 :22 AM RECEIVING # 914929 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 740 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENT 2P 00740 THIS AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENT is entered into by and between ROBERT T. KASTNER and JACKIE L. KASTNER, of P.O. Box 3728, Alpine, Wyoming 83128 (hereafter "Kastner"), and ROBERT J. PIERCE and SHERRILL L. PIERCE, TRUSTEES of the RAND S PIERCE FAMILY TRUST dated June 19. 1997, of 232 Peterson Drive, Alpine, Wyoming 83128 (hereafter "Pierce"). WHEREAS, Kastner is the owner of the properties identified in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on July 29, 2002 in Book 495 PR at Pages 283 through 284 as Instrument No. 882836 (hereafter the Kastner West Property"), and in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in said land records on July l7, 2002 in Book 494 PR at Pages 394 through 395 as Instrument No. 88257l (hereafter together the "Kastner Properties") (copies of said deeds are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and WHEREAS, Pierce is the owner of the property identified in the Quitclaim Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on June 23, 1997 in Book 398 PR at Pages 572 through 573 as Instrument No. 839622 (hereafter the "Pierce Property") (a copy of said deed is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and l WHEREAS, Kastner and Pierce have agreed to establish a nonexclusive easement benefiting their properties, providing non-exclusive ingress and egress, and the right to install underground utilities, from U.S. Highway 89 across the Pierce Property as set forth herein. '1 J NOW, THEREFORE, Kastner and Pierce, for themselves, and their heirs and lor successors and assigns, hereby agree as follows: A. EASEMENT BENEFITTING THE PROPERTIES. A nonexclusive right of way easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities from U.S. Highway 89 to, and in favor of, the Kastner and Pierce Properties is hereby created over the northern ten (lO) feet of the Pierce Property running east 1,531.1 feet from U.S. Highway 89. B. CONSIDERATION. Kastner and Pierce hereby acknowledge that each of them has received consideration for the easement, including TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, and the easement granted herein. C. EASEMENT NOT TO BE OBSTRUCTED. Except for temporary obstructions required for the purposes of maintaining and improving the Easement area, and installing and AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENT KASTNER / PIERCE PAGEIOF4 ¡~~~mm~~r~~~;; ~::f:W:::::::::ß :.:¡:,:':':':':~I:~~ ".-_...-",-,--.-, ,. ,'."'....,.,'.'. . .. üS:...!t929 maintaining underground utilities within the Easement area, the Easement area shall not be obstructed in any manner that would impede free ingress and egress. f'l1ì . \.1 \.,1 0 7 4 1 D. IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE. Any improvements made within the Easement area shall be at the sole expense of the person(s) making the improvements unless otherwise agreed to in writing. E. EXISTING FENCES. Nothing in this Agreement shall require the removal of any existing fences within the Easement area, and the parties hereto shall only be required to move such fences if governmental authorities require such fences to be removed from the Easement area. F. EASEMENT TO RUN WITH THE LAND. The easement created herein shall run with the lands identified herein, and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement, and their respective heirs and lor successors and assigns. G. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement. H. WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD RIGHTS. The parties (other than Trustees), and their spouses, for themselves and their heirs and assigns, hereby waive any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purposes of this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Kastner and Pierce have caused this Agreement to be executed on this ~~ day of December, 2005. &rif~ ROBERT T. KASTNER ;;;cÆù~~ JACKIE L. KASTNER fJ!oJ-~ ROBERT J. RCE, TRUSTEE of the RAND S PIERCE F AMIL Y TRUST dated June 19, 1997 Ad/¿¡;~ SHERRILL L. PIERCE, TRUSTEE of the RAND S PIERCE FAMILY TRUST dated June 19, 1997 AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENT KASTNER / PIERCE PAGE 2 OF 4 ... .. ,- .. " ~,.'. ú~~~329 C00742 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by ROBERT T. KASTNER this 30~ day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC County of .. State .of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Exp.lres July 16, 2007 My Commission expires: 07 II, /07 , STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by JACKIE L. KASTNER this 36-JA day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC County Of. State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires July 16, 2007 ~. NOTA My Commission expires: ð7/lfø IV7 AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENT KASTNER / PIERCE PAGE 3 OF4 ¡!;m~fm~iîiili~ii~f; i:'::;¡::*i:;::~~¡:: r·:"':'Nt(.9!·. ~,' r' r ;: t'" ;(}'29 'U~i-.ill~~ . :,00743 ST ATE OF ARIZONA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF MOHA VE ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by ROBERT J. PIERCE, TRUSTEE of the RAND S PIERCE FAMILY TRUST dated June 19, 1997, pursuant to authority provided to him within said Trust, this~ day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OFFICIAL SEAL NANCEE L. CHRISTENSEN NOTARY PUBLIC· ARIZONA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN MOHAVE COUNTY Comm. .245866 My Commission Exp. December 28, 2008 4~i~!/!~~ My Commission expires:Dæ.. .;291 Ç)OO9 STATE OF ARIZONA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF MORAVE ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by SHERRILL L. PIERCE, as TRUSTEE of the R AND S PIERCE FAMILY TRUST dated June 19, 1997, pursuant to authority provided to her within said Trust, this ~ day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 8 OFRClAlSEAl , . NANCEE L. CHRISTENSEN NOTARY PUBLIC· ARIZONA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN MOHAVE COUNTY Comm, '245866 My Commission Exp. December 28, 2008 il~u!(}j;~ My Commission expires-:1)t,~ d~ ;)..00 Þ AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENT KASTNER / PIERCE PAGE 4 OF 4 ,-' .'~.',~~~...'. '¡f',;, ·,,-~.:.!:.· ·.'...,"';~·_(~'.;:!.'·;,:.lli;:l~~.11;;:~'·.~!,:;':.:.:,.;· ,....'-.'''..~¡!!!:,=w.,'' ',' .... '. ......!.~.."..,.Jt...', '.' . ". ': "-:.jo.:,:".~~:. .: ~·';,;~.:·tK,t'\~~·:1f.:<'·~::·.-';,;·,'; " :.,"~".'-";¡'~';.:~' - .... .~' ...~".!".:,:. NOV. 16. 200S 1:0SPM LINCOLN CO CLERK " .' NO. 423 P.3 " .r ." 1'" <C.":)Q U'':''~~~~J ,.,00744 1'1" ,."1'1 Wt,6052 '~I. !.,. . " II, l. ¡t. ¡ 882836 éD RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 02 .1U1. 29 PI1 /: 33 JEANNE '.I;':".i'JNER 1{E:l.!1J1ERl:I? WYOMJNG r r, 110!JK 495pR. PAGB 283 I:. WARRANTY DEED " i~; !"I ÐPWARD W. P~RSON and KAR~ W. PBTRRsON, Trust... ot The pecarson M1s~y Ke.dew& F.mily TrU8~, under ag~e~m.nt d~t.d Octobe~ 31, 19'5 " ",,: '.11 I I, " Granto~r of Alpint, County of L!acoln. State of Wyeqdng hèreby CONV:BY ant;!. WAR1WfT TO I ROB!1T T. ~!NE~ ~à JACKI& L. kAs~. husb&nd and wife, al ~enanta hy tne ont!ret1~ø r " Grantees of PO ßQX 3728, Alpine. WY 93128 fer the sum of Ten ~ollÁr. and othergooÒ and valuable aonø1d.~tion'_""_ tb. follow1ng described tract ot 1~ in L1nc~ln county, Sta~e O!~Wyoming, horahy r81lilõl.81ng and wd"ing all r1~tø unde): and by vi¡:tue ot tho hoIneatead QXemption lAWø of the Sta~e. to-wit! Su ~~b1t oJ>." Attacñ¡nent Hereto 1,". r; Su):,j Ict to rð8erv"t1onø and restrictions cOntained in the United Statu Pat&at and to eas.ments and righcs-at-way of record or in use. ~og.~hor w1ch a¡l improVQmant. ~d &ppurten&ncee tn&roon. 1- .¡HI WItNESS, 'the hand ot Æ~id grantor., chi. ~'da~ ot üu1y, A,D. 2002 ~¿~) :- :;;:~ ~;i-~'" ~~n!í~fo¡ S'l'ATE OF WYQMI)¡Q ~---~------~~----~----.._~------._-.-._--------_.~"...._------~------~. .--. :.. Ceun1:Y ot L¡niQ:t!!-- On t:he::z. day ot July, A.D. 2002, per.onally appeared bafc:re 1nð,' Ed"'iU'd VI. Peter.on and lCa.ren w. Peterson. Tru.t:eu, knoWlL or ida%l\:iHed Ceo 1nð to bQ the pcraon. whoce names ~a .ubscr~bed c ch. within ~.'netrument, gd ~ aokn.owledgl>d to me the.1: the executed the Slime ...., ./' ) /J .-7'"'-;-L ::;.>'(- ,- r¿¿~t. / /~ ...¿:;,'[ ~..:'~~'~ 1e _ My CO~e.ion expires on ECO:MPANY Cf~" 9COU Ú~lliilli~~j~j:: lOIþ( ~OOl,Z~'~n: ~~::~1(i!fN'i~ ~~ f (:::¡::~:~:N,r.i:;1 .. ··..~,....OO..f.iL~.nn:' ",'i '-,' ,~¡.. "'Y', '~'·'··,]17", -~ "¡¡'..1!'-,!.::~..,"ß/:!!.:';';..:.":io:.1:~>=1'.~ :.-"'<~' '., ;",,,,:",.,:.,-..:,..\~.'!::.:,¡,;:;.-,,;;...,,.,. ", :·:··'-i~,·",;-1';··-l;"'" :";";"'J';~'¡'; ¡r.<;o~';':" NOV,15.2005 1:05PM LINCOLN CO CLERK NO. 423 P.4 , "::, :r¡> ':"i'i~oÐjV:t";/'f~-;': -¡rei'!',' ¡.,ql'~':>;; ':.'-T ,: ..-.!-, ¡'¡S; :.~." . ' . : "'1-'~ "!-- ~:~.~,';~l~\!.~!;'<.JI!1 !.,"U:1Î ~!"\' . . '": ~;~.: :.: ,;:;::-.:..: .:o=...,!,~ ;':' ÜS~~S29 01:.S~~2S36 EXHIBIT "A" 284 Description - Parcel1-B Remainillg - 6.672 Acres A portion of the Peterson Misty Meadows Family Trust as referred to in Deed recorded in Book 376PR, 0" Page 335. with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming within Lot 2 (NWi/4NE1/4) and the NE1/4NW1/4 of Section 10. T36N, Ri19W, of the 6th P,m., Uncaln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the B.LM. type Monument found marking the Nelson Engineering PE/LS 578, 1980 location for the Southwe:st Comer of said Lot 2, also being the Southeast comer of the Sender property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 472PR, on Page 716, with said Office; thence NOG40'18"E, along East Une of the Sender property, 493.17 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Rebar marking a point i" the South line of the McNeel property referred to In the Deed recorded in Book 372PR, on Page 717, with saId Office; thence S8S"S6'5S"E, along said South Line, 371.37 feet al"l Aluminum Cap On Rebar marking a Wyoming Game and Fish Comer; thence S84"PS' 56"E, continUing along said Wyoming Game and Fish line, 360.10 feet to an Iron Pipe found marking the Northwest corner of Parcel i-A as shown on Plat 45-A recorded with said Office; thence 514"29' 46"E, along the West line of said Parcel 1.A, 41.32 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence N8S"46'11'W. parallel with the South Une of saId Lot 2, 165.63 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence SOGE 418. 7B fe~t 1.0 an Iron Pipe set at a point 111 the South Iil1e of said Lot 2, also being a point In the North line of the Pierce property referred to in the Deed recorded In Book 398ÞR, on Page 572, with said OffIce; thence N89"46'11'W, along last said North Una, 580.06 feet, to the Paint of Beginning, containing 6.672 Acres of land. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJeCT To: A 60 feet wide Right~f-Way Easement, along the South line of the above described Parcel, 'to the East line of said Sender property, also TOGETHER WITH: a 40 feet wide Right.of-Way Easement, along the Squth line of said Sender property, to U.S. Highway B9 as referred to i" the Kastner Deed recorded in Book 431 PR on Page 93, with 5aid Office, also . TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easemen~ Exceptions, Res9rvation15. RestrictIons, Rights-of-Way and Improvement of sight and or record. r- "', .." ,.,00745 ',,·..;.,1;."<:.'1;·',);.:... NOV. 16.2005 n r.:' Þ'~"?O. UJ~·-~<>.,¿;'~J ,. , OW16051 oJ; I ;1"; '., .' :", , ;:'-~'~'~';'.';'.'.' , ·¡·".~"¡!·U"~,·.~f·" '·'-' .,.,',.;'....,.;.""~ . 1:06PM LINCOLN CO CLERK NO. 423 P.5 o lì n 7 I~ 6 'vv,J "% (1) Boorc4~4..PR JlAGE~ 80;::57/ , f/£CEIV£D L (NCOUI GOI'lfIY CLERf': 62.lIrr. t ì ... , . ..,,'0::10 WARRANTY DEED ..JEf":,Ì"i:;- :. . '~ ".~ I:::~.'I.''' pp. "",': !~:ti( EDWARD W. P£'I'ERSON and !(AA>:» w. PETERSON. Tr>,lneée of 'l'h.e P"'1:crøo.tÍ 'F!;i.itt:'1"'/:, \'tl'Cil!lf;G MéadQwe P~mily ~ust, undor agreQmcn~, d~~ed OccQber 31. 1'95 Qra~Cor2 of Alpine. Councy at Lin~oln, State of wyoming her<Îby CONVEY and liARRAN'! TO I ROBERT T. KAs~ and ~! ~. XA$T!o:ER. husband an4 wit.. as ~en~ts Qy the on~irecie. Grant~es of PO Box 158, ~lly. WY 83011 for the sum of Tsn Poll.rø ang oCher good and v¿luable con9ida~a1:1on-"___._ ~h.'follo~in9 deocribed tract of land in Lincoln County. State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and ~4iving all right5 under and by virtue of the homeø1:ead .xe~tion la~8 of the St~te, eo-wie. s... ExhibLt "A" At\';"c:hrM:nC alllrc:to Suh)ðCt: 1;.0 reservations and reStrictions contained in the United States Patent And to easem&n~a ~d rigptc·of-way o~ record or in use. Together with all impr~vernents and apP~tenancc~ t:herecn. WI~SS. the hand of 8aid grancora, this 12th day of July, A.D. 2002 ~-,,¡;;,a' ~ w rd . P.~erøon T~s ee &~~ee _._---~---------._----~---------._--._-------------._------.--~_._--------- STAT~ OF ~OMING COÜnty of Linooln On the 12r:h day of July, A,D. 2002, personðUy a.ppoarQd before me. Bdw~rd W. Paterson And Karen W, PCCOrøOD, Truo~oec, ~own or identified to me to be 1:he parDons whose ~mes are subscribed to the Within instrument, and ~c~o~ledged to me Chat ~hcy executed ch~ same. "",.~~~=PuI>IIo ,1tl~CLt. / '{¡,Ie".- ,_ '/~i'l': ~(-'/ Caunt\loILJnc;OI/I ," NOtary !>uÞ1~c .' ) ...2 :;1.'''';) t 7 '.' , ...- "''I O<>I'nI11J.11s:i.on ext'irc!S on ',( /(,.1:< <-, ,,\":'(.~")' '1 . ~ :ss LAND TITLE C01v1PANY ~tOfCTO 'd BLB If illmm Bitor ';:Ol.Z!·1M :~m:!k:Þ?-:~:::::* ¡:::;::::~:::~~~::::~ ,··,···......;I.~.."...'.',',·,',....·,',',',·,,·,'..,·...--.,..;<) .~,.~'O::·._·, . .' r " f, 5.129 \~j ~' -.:J ~ ;" : L ; . .' I,! .: t"¡" .. l'~'· ': I:, ' I:" ': r : , ! ¡ ~ ~' , !: I ì, : I ' ¡ . ¡ . i' ! r I, I'; , ' i' ¡ I , ! ' I ! l : : I; , f" '. I ' I: , ' i' i' ¡ i. , . I' i' . (. i: í :". ! . , ,. H::; r ~ I '," H:i:; ~,f: ~-.i ~i;Í, . : W:: f t ' t:~' : .,:" 0, )~I>: '~ lOt ~ o" :: ,...,' " '.'i~r::;.: ' ';' St .: 'r.,..Ir '\,', ........-.,................,'.. "....,.-"-""..:O'~...,,,,,.., ."'-!l' ·v~,.",,· "",r.", .,' . NOV. 16.2005 1:06PM LINCOLN CO CLERK NO. 423 P.6 Ob~~:j"/1. 395 Exhibit "A" Desatptïon.. Parcel 1-8 Amended - 2.000 Acres A portion of the P~l'$on MIsty Meadows FamiJy Trust property a$ referred to in Peed recordeQ in eòok 37êPR. on Page 335, wìth the Offica of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wypming, within Lot 2 (NW1/4NE1/4) and '!tie NS1/4NW1/4 of Section 10, T:36N, ~11gW. ofthe 6th P.M.. Uncoln County. Wyoming, the metes and bounds being ,rore particular1y described as fol/ows: , Beginning at an Iron Pipe s~t maril:ing a point in the South Une of s.aid Lot 2, also being a po~nt In the NOrt/'lline of the Pierce property as referred to in the De$(! recor(!~d in 800k 3S8PR, on Page 572. with said Office, said POB being 580.06 feet, S89°4~11'e, along said South line, from the B.L.M. type I'TÐnument found marking the Jl4elson E.ngineering PElLS 578, 1980 I~on for the Southwest Comer at said Lot 2; thence NO·~ 416.79 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thenÅ“ 669"46'11"E, parallel with said South line, 165.63 ~t to an Iron Pipe set marking a point in the We$t line of Parcel 1-A as shown 00 Plat 45-A; thenÅ“ S14°29'46"E. along /Said West line, 254.80 feet to an Iron Pipe found; thence $4°11'57"W, continl\ling along $sid West line, 172.76 feet to an Iron Pipe found marlcing a point in the North Line of the Pierce property referred to in the Deed recorded io Book 398PR, on Page 572, with said Office; thence Na9"46'11"W. along said North line, 216.76 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 2.000 ÄC:r'.es of land. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 60 feet wide Right-of-Way Ea$ement along the South line of the above described Parcel and extending N89046"11"W, aJor.g said Lot 2 So~th line, 580.06 feet to the East line of the Sender property as referred to in th&;Deed recorded in Book "72PR. on Page 718, a so TOGETHER WITH: a 40 feet wide Right.Qf.way Easement, along the South line of $lid Sender pr~, to U.S. Highway 89, Et$ referred to in the Kastner Dead recorded in Book~1PR on Page 93, with said Offloe, also TOGETHER WITH end SUBJECT TO: All Ea!!iement, Exceptions, Reservations, Réstrictions. Rig~f~Way 811d Improvement of sight and or record. L:O I :LHII ..,',: ~11l1'· :~~ ~,:. ~i¡Y:::«::] ~<,;':':':':.~.:.:':I:.:' ,.¡ H"'" '<'11(':7' 7 '. .,1 \: 4· ':',.!' '1;,¡··.·.\'..~~J"\~·,·~,S~,I'i'~~I>"""~¿: ,<..'..8~-....¡\¡U'm~-;6.'~f.1 \~; .:,..,....-. "",,'~'>,.~~¿,!,",,-:>'" I I I r', r~' H iD:29 \J".::J~~J I ''-.''''.~ ·'~t_,·~1'.¡.'.¡.~!I..r.·~J'''~.~!.·¿~'';~ - -NO.721- P.2/6-' ·;'''·'!;iíIl:'~P.l'fIl'QkK.Ð..C~~5~d\ii-a;;::H~lr.'.c.::';'iL )':!'"t::'.~",ß'.¡o::". ,- ",'f;'.;¡;-·_'" '~¡~';.o·~":';'~l!":f¡'II,!~t :::i.'-·,,~.' I;'·" ',';" '¡'¡i¡,1:'.~.'j. -..,.... DEC. 2.2005 5:44PM LINCOLN CO CLERK QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Robert J. Pietce nnd Slierrill L. Pierce, grantors of County oCLincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in band paid, receipt of which is bereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and forever quitclaimed unto the said R and S Pierce Family Trust, husband I\I)d wife, Te.nants by the Entireties. &rantees, their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, IUI they may hllve or ought to have, in Or to all the following describe4 P§rty, to-wit: Ræò _'I ~~).~)-"ù.:llif. In Book '_.~~~ 1'), Ktzmmerer No .__Q..e~ª-...!·__,."M~r.lh~ M<"e aer Portions of the North half of Lot 3 and the EY.NW~ of Section 10, T36N, RI19W 6'" P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming IInd being more partlcuJarly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot). Section 10. arid running SOoll'46"E along the East \ine ofsø.ld Lot 3.402.99 ice!; thenee SS9oS4'01"W, 1309.99 feet to a point in tlie Wl!$t Une of sall\ Lot 3. IIlso being the East line of said NW'¡' of said Section 1 OJ thenc~ N89026' 3 SoW. 707,46 feet to a point in the East Right-of-way line oru.s. Highwa)' 89; thence N3058'23"W along said East Rlght-oC-way line 394.34 feet: thence S89031'44E, 734.19 feet to the Center North 1/16th comer of said section 10; thence N89031 'E along the North line of Lot 3, 1309.24 fcet to the point of beginning. Together with a right-of-way (or ingrl!$s and e¡p'ess over and at:Joss the existing roadway, being the South 40 feet of the following described parcels: ' Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot 2, Section 10, and I'UMÍng NOoOS'IS"W along the West line of said Lot 2,493.01 feet; thence N890S3'll"E, 371.24 feet; thence S85002'43''E, 940.84 feet to II point in the East line of said Lot 2; thence SOo11 '49"E along last said East line 401.44 feet to a point in the Southeast comer of said Lot 2; thence 589031 OW along the Soutb line of said Lot 2,1309.24 feet to the point ofbeQilUllng; AND Beginning at the Center North 1/16th comer of said Section 10 $I1d running N8903l'44"W, 734.19 feet to II point in tbe Bast right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89: tbence N3057'46"W along said East right-of-way line 489.16 feet; thence N89052'3S"E. 108,74 feet; thence S89053'27"E, 658.48 feet to a point in the East line of said NEY<NWV.¡ thence SOoOS'15"E alone last said East line 493.01 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to reservations and restrictions contaiued in the United States Palllnt and to easements and right.of-way of record or in use. Together with nil water rights, mineral rights, improvements nod appurtcr1ances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining; tbereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions. exceptions, casements IIDd rights-of.way of record or In use. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under IIId by virtue oftlw homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Qrlitclaim Deed· Page I of 2 I '-----' I ------' -. :¡iiKmlffi~~ :.,00748 I I i I I I I I I , :J;;=¡':l1t,,¡~:r.l):· ·Ù~~-i··!'·~"· '~~'-!;~~;:::*'.!-.tï:,'.~'!i;~,.~.-,,;-_'~.. "',''j" -.' LINCOLN CO CLERK I ". r ' "'if""2G (' ,,'.....~. h'_ -il J '..J¡ '-.J --..."" I - ~ ':'~-:'!"-v¡;;¿~ '-:, :.:, :·....·.!CI~I:.:.;.:..<, DEC. 2.2Ø05 5:44PM WITNESS our hands this 19th day ofJune.1997, STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) -~"-.., ·-'NO.721'--P.3/6- ;: ,'. ~.t'¡~~;!,;;;·:l~!;j' ':i ';, .;-.:":'~~Y.:l:J.k::'!~..·~~ .,".~,~i.<~: '. i<',j",: -',: ,L:;;''t;'.; i' i!~:¡'i':; "';,1,-', '; ""'~~-'-"1', :~i;~ 1 .... 5ì3 <jJ,Jtia~-Þß ROBER . PIERCE ~~,tøG2,,;,P~ HER.RlLL L. PlERCE The foregoing instnlment was acknowledged before me by Robert J. Pierce and Sherrill L. Pierce this 19th day of June, 1997. WITNEss my hand and official seal. TUI....iu.1I014t'I PIIIUC coumOf. ITAßDf UllCOUl W'rOMIIII II C.IÙI~..IItI... _¡!,¡1It My Commission Expires: II) -Pl6· o?ðOð ~ Quitclaim Deed - PQge 2 of 2 c1øu .~ NOTARY PUÐUC :.;.' :':'1:¡;·";;'¡~;I:..?;.,,:,, -, .-' C00749 I I I '" I I !