HomeMy WebLinkAbout914932 (i;f::;:~l~;:~::::~ ~:!:~:;:r:~::~:::::~ . ;"·;.o~;O;-I:';'.";';1 ,;-' ":ro', ',' ,', ,,,,,!-!...,.'...:~ ,..:,·,',.,.....'f'1i'~!f:: _ ,. ,-.~.." . ··c.' ~ " .,.: " ''':,.,~ _ -::'';>;'',Y<z~~:c.o!' .. .,';.:.....:,:.;.;,..,..,.,., ,-'-··'-·'·'''·:n,r...;t¡.>~J'''~· /..:-". ',- Y·'(~I,·JI_i·"__ ':\. ··'f :i"~;';'."'';~''T:S'·.·'.· ,.... "'·;'.f~.;.~.;'~I"...,,;· .: 1ìt"1 I"-! ',',uu (:53 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is hereby made of public record that a Mortgage, dated the 5th day of December, 2005, by and between JAMES OLENSLAGER and JENNIE OLENSLAGER, Husband and Wife, Thayne, Wyoming, Mortgagor, and THELMA DANA, Husband and Wife, 836 Muddy String Road, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, Mortgagee, has been placed on the following described real property situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, description attached hereto as Exhibit A Witness our hands, this 28th day of December, 2005. 1__ ~ÆP!./ t fl1..MES OL~~~ ¡'MORTGAGOR . &~ E MADÀNA- -- MORTGAGEE RECEIVED 1/3/2006 at 11 :52 AM RECEIVING # 914932 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 753 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me, a Notary Public, by James Olenslager and Jennie Olenslager, as Husband and Wife, this 28!hday of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. - CHRISTINA K. ALLRED - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 04/30/2009 ~t<O}M OTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: 4- .3O-oq NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OLENSLAGER/DANA PAGE 1 OF2 _ ' '" _, :' .. "::I"'':j~,·.:':: .::r...::.: ::::::': f-": 1:' .. _':!, ,. -.: ,~,'-:,.' -,f, !."'-';:1 ',.:":1 .~ o.&:i49~Z , r .. ," STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ;- - - :,' ~~.'-~_."'~'~." - -. . to;' -'oJ: "i"f~..t:.ffl'';f·' -,_.(;I~''''. ~:<,.. -~''''!f~,~''~_ .,.'.\; ~,-'-. " ~,~' . -. .. -,' ;, -, - ",'" _ -- ""-fl'!' .,~;.~.....~,~:, :, :' .,¡,,": _ '. _. _.'.. .,: _'.', ._..... .. '.~ ' " ('.. ~n 1-' p6'~~ f/II1I '- " ¡j¡\¡n· f. ~'4 '." \]' V r--\.l ACKNOWLEDGED before me, a Notary Public, by Thelma Dana, this 28th day of December, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CHRISTINA K. ALLRED - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF ..' "" STATE OF LINCOLN '" ,,' WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 04/30/2009 .~~~ ~L.. 1<. m}&J NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: 4- ~':V) - OCt NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OLENSLAGERlDANA PAGE 2 OF2 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~jt; ¡ i~~::::m~:;:::::::::: l;'!::~: ~:':':"N :'ð .."'.¡....',.':, .~.,~,.: .......'.., '.', ',' ·':~""'_\'·~':'~_~'_-:1.."..L-".~·_·~'·~~'1:."":::::';:"·~ :\;.' ,~¡ ','l', 'i~: .~.i"í -,,' ',....! ,;:... ':.r':'.;,,: ,:.: ,)'~.~.::;~,~< 81/83/2886 11:47 13878837889 LUTHI & VOYLES LLC PAGE 81/81 ~vAni~^I'~.T~' DEED ,...r-O11/..1 1-10. 9 , ,... .,~.. ...... :',~\~,·..·:':·t=.·,.":.~.. :":t r:::: '.f"~ :,.",:~,.,.~r'V·.~'_1!'.:o='·;.-"¡;1r1~.~IM11.r...I",:',.-::'I~''='':=:;lr "' "'I::-,"I::.~r':" II"-;.I:,:.:t,"'II'.r.:.tl,T~~.r.;r&7....-::::..'':.~ :" ...::. '. ...1..'...."+:.,...... . JI . 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'whe,.. ILlhh..,,~ I ,,_..2.J..P__WL<lŠ.Y-_S.r,,;;,:I.n.g ..R.'.I P&i....:..kb".:Ulø....__~QDI.:L.,I5.'-a..)_1.2J_____..._:..:.._'- __ ~___...._,,____ ..,_.._,. ~.,-------------------------------------------~~----------_..--~------------------------~--------------------....---..----. the lollowlng' dellr.ribcd real bohte. eltuate In-.TJ!~}~~~_.;,~!?.!_!:.l}!:£'l_1!.,r.~-ªL___~1-1l~9_'ly_____..__..__________County I\nd Slate 01 \Vyolnlh8'. hmeeby .."Icaalng \nd .......lv;"A' ...11 t'lgoht.. \ludor nml by vlr~ua o:C u,. t",ma.t.ad .".mpUon I..we 01. the S~"to. to-wit: In SecU,o)1 18, Township 34..~. .Range 11.8 West of the 6th P.M. Lincoln CO\.lnty. Wyoming. COMMENCI~G at a po1.t\t 200: feet Norl:h of the SW Corne'r of the (N1S~) of sa~d Section 18. and running thence North along the East' edge of: the Muddy String T.:lncoln County Road # ].l7 a distance. of 655 feet.:, thence East 765 feet; thence South 855 feet, thence West 480 feet. ~hence NOT.th 200 xe.et, thence '<Teat 265 feet to the point of beginning. Together. with water & Water-rights ~nd ditch rights and all improvements. Containing a net araa of approximately 13.71 acres. rl\ Ie,co \ . ' He:corc1e~;~~_...F? I, l~,~ -:t":;e,, lZ,: ?l::..._~_~. ' In Br)o()12:L<a__'3...Page..~.~~,_._I\¡~ ,( (ïh!'''', ",' ''\ 'o....c.L.f.ª-.=u..~.ß.........,............,Mðrsha I'vlo,,=. '_'''~I:. ov-,. . ~'t{ . Z}~t.:¿e;rn6'-e..^- ç~th' W 1'1' N J!;SS - -- --- - - -----___ blll\d_,~_____ tl,I.__~:__:....t::!:-::__clny o~_______ ____________________. 11J.L _~. . " ---7l/J~-fJ.7-ijI2~-;::~-~---------------,·-- ~.u~.t4___~__ 0._C2~J,¿_________ _______ _ _",,__ '1'11iilma G. D"i"r.:J'a. ------....--......-------- -- - --- ---------------- --------- - - -... -- --------------------- -------------- ---- -------- -- -- -- -...... Stat.e of __."" WYOMT.NG }as. C';I\llll:y of ~·_LJ..1.l(·nln The iOI'e¡roing instrument WE\S nc1mowledg'Ðd -'before me by ~.~':'''-''''''t>1.1, , --.... THI!:~tJ!fb.G .,~", .~, .fJ;...;, ~__.~IJI.' !" '\, A . ,., ~ -""'.'Af' r·. _,~ // ';Y¿;.- tI¡j''3-=:ë''21~·\&..9¡('y or:. --~ ~·,,\,r..··u-:)~_.__, 19 . fo/ ( l"rrrrJ\]1V ~~ ," '.. Witne~s;,lTI 11}\hll,,;oil,1"~if.~:fi in] ·fleRI. ,~ ::" j;·u,;.:Œ":"·J .\:;;, , 't "'~. ;.!:/ /;/ .,~....':',' ,,'........ ~ ..tJ'- ,,,'f " -....,~...,......-:. I~..t, c~ ..... ..I~; . -c..~~.·Ii' : '...,. '7":... 'J.,..s"Þ'...J~ l'rfy C:onuni.!' siOIl E~~i· :~~;",,·:t:L.!~~!..? 9; {"7.""?~ . VAN H. DANA a.nd ------~-. "- ~-é6'-;r'~ .ß ~"'4:::2...~~ ~ . , '. SIg-nature .' . 0. ~ ~--...> ~4t~_~-, -- ~' (: e 0 o!t I cél'