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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Willard G. Hoopes and Jean K.
Hoopes" husband and wife, Grantors, of 24 Fairview No Rd, Afton, Wyoming 83110,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good
and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIM to Willard G. Hoopes and Jean K. Hoopes Family
Revocable Trust, dated December 21, 2005. Willard G. Hoopes and Jean K. Hoopes,
Trustees, Grantees, whose address is 24 Fairview No Rd, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the
following described real estate, situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby
releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of
LL",\ State, to-wit:
Parcel A - See Attachment Marked EXHIBIT "A" and by this reference made
a part hereof.
Parcel B - See Attachment Marked EXHIBIT "B" and by this reference made
a part hereof.
Parcel C - See Attachment Marked EXHIBIT "G" and by this reference made
a part hereof.
TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all
other things thereunto belonging orjn anywise appertaining.
SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and
restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands.
With respect to W.S. § 34-2-122, as amended, Grantors hereby state, represent and
warrant that the said Trust was established by written instrument executed the 21 sl day of
~¡ I
December, 2005, that said Trust has never been revoked, and that said instrument
transfers upon said Trustees, all powers set forth in the Uniform Trustees' Powers Act of
the Wyoming Statutes.
WITNESS my hand this 21 sl day of December, 2005.
Jean . Hoopes
The above and foregoing was acknowledged before me by Willard G. Hoopes and
Jean K. Hoopes, this 21s1 day of December, 2005.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
County of Il!J State of
Lincoln W ami 9
Commission Expires
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grnnl:orJL_, of _____________________________________Li.n.c.oln. ------·-,--,------------..-------_________County, and State
oL_______F.Y.2.æi-p.E______________, for and in consideration of
Ten a nd no / 1 00 - - - - .. - .. .. - - - -.. .... .. .. - .. .. .. - .. - .. .. -.. .. .... .. _ _ .. .. .. .. _ _ ._ .. _ _ _ _ .. ..
- ---------~--- ------------------- .,---------.. -- --- - -------- ------------- --- ---- -- --------__ _ DO LLARS
in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT 1'0
-- - _ - --------------- ----------------- ___l1!.1Ji b_éioo_ª01cL_wif.e. __b '1_ Jhe....e n.ti:1.: eJj_~_s_,___ ___--_ __ _____ _ __ __ _ _ _ _____,
grantee_P--. of ________________LitLG..Q].n___________________County and State oL_______ ___W~9}nÜ1g__________,-------
the following described real estate, situate in___.._________________Lin.Ç9~ll).____________n____~_______.._County and State
of 'Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving al\ rights under and by virtue of the homestead exempt.ion laws of the State,
Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3 in T.
31 North, R. 119 West oí the 6th P. M., Wyoming, excepting
therefrorn, however, a one aCl~e tract in the Southeast corner
rUl1liing 18 rods East and West and 9 rods North a.nd South.
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WI1'NESS___.._Q!..U:.-:_____._ hand__fL_.._ this___£iHh._____day of-_-,7_-------Ap~U-----------------, 10_9.7__.
1, 1 . 88.
County oj _______~.:. .ll1C_O n._______________-----____
On this________Ünh,_______~____day oL_______AJ2!"_LL___________________. 19_9..? _, before me personl\lIy appeared
to me known to I)e the P!Jr,s~n'-~~",,'-describerl in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged thaL_tJ~.~_y___
,~~'{i~!~·;~~~?f'~~~~ N li.~)~~"i~ '
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grantor ____, of ______K.?-.i!y.i~~__i,nJ:1.!p.~g].}}________..___..__ ______. _. _.. __.._________ ______ ___..____--County, /Iud ~St1\te'
oÎ-_____'Y{yQrg.!J!g,-----------------, for nnd in consideration oL_
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in hand paid, receipt wl1!!1'eof is hereby aclmow1edged, COl',,¡VEY AND W ARR.AN'l' TO___,..________________________-.....-,,--
. Willard G. I-Ioopes and Jean K.' Hooj)es, husba.nd ;,~ Co' C '760
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and wife, by the entireties, ,
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gnint,ee_~__, 01' __·_~lJ?,s:_?_~____~___,___~______________________County and State oL___.:.___ _.Y:.<?~~1!K__,._,..--.:.-------------
the following clescl"ihed )"eal estate, situate i1L___________- Li,nç,Qln________________________________......County IInd State
of Wyoming, herehy 1'e1easing and waiving all rights under and b)' vÎ1'\;ue of tJ¡e homestead exemption lllws of the Stllte,
Sonthwe st Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, T.
31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming,
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WITNESS_..____!~.Y_____._ hand______.__ this_L~!~~_______rla.y oL__~~~~_'0::~~~E_.._________________, lO_~_~_.
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to me,:)mþwþ, ~~ ')~~ t)¡~>I)erS()lL_____clescrihed in and ~11O executed the foregoing' instrument, and nc)mow)eùg'ed thaL__!:~____
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J\1:y commission expires on t,he__.J9_11!'1~~,________dtlv of _~_.._E¿~.p!5':~l?~E.______.___..___________. A. D., lè5'___.
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Lloyd Hoopes and Jean P. Hoopes, husband and wife; Wayne J.
Roos and Gwenneth Hoos,husband ,and wife; Gerald Hoopes and Mae Jean
Hoopes, husband and wife; K~Hh Hoopes and Shirlene D. Hoopes, husband
and wife; Verl B. Garrett and Lucille Garrett, husband and wife; and Lael
Dutson I-:Tepworth a.nd Marilyn Hepworth, husband and wife, grantor s, for
and in consi~Ieration of the sum of Ten a.nd No/lOODollars, the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and WARRANT to WILLARD G.
HOOPES and JEAN K. HOOPES, husband and '1\rife, by the entireties,
grantees, of Lincoln County and State of Wyom.ing, the following described
real estate located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more part:icu1.àrly
described as follows, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under al1.d
hy virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of the SE{SW{ of Section 3,
Township 31 North, Hange 119 West of the 6th P. M., Wyoming,
and running thence North 9 rod's, thence West '18 rods, thence
South 9 rods, thence East 18 rods to the place of beginnÌ11.g,
being a 1- acre tract of land in the Southeast corner of said SE{SW {,
Section'3. '
Witness our hands this
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