HomeMy WebLinkAbout914955 ,:¡ :';,- ";:~¡.">.:' ·.'l' . ,,' Nov 22 05 04:19p RECEIVED 1/4/2006 at 10:53 AM RECEIVING # 914955 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 830 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY TOWN OF THA YNE, WYOMING, Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN Dollars ($10.00) and other Vã}\iable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to the WHItE FAMILY TRUST, Ralph V. White (Trustee), Caroline J. White (Trustee), dated September 4, 1992, and SCOTT D. WHITE herein after called GRANTEES, together with their heirs, successors and assigns a perpetual 32 feet wide Right-of-Way EASEMENT, for the following purposes and under the following conditions: 1. DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT. A portion of the property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 34PR, on Page 119, wiù1 the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the NEl/4SElí4 of section 23, T34N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Thayne, Linco[n County, Wyoming, being 16 feet all both sides of the folJowing more particularly described Center Line: Llo=tdB EASEMENT r" - : f) r 8 '-! 0 ·"VI... v BEGINNING at a Point in the North line ofsl1id NEJ/4SE1/4, said Point being 506.98 feet west from the B.L.M. lype Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PEiLS 698, 1995 location for the Northeast Comer of said NEI/4SEl/4; thence SOoo5S'13"E 162,05 feet; thence SOlo38'lS"W 106.96 feet. I" ,/ 2. PURPOSE OF EASEMENT. This Right-of-Way Easement is to be for Ingress, Egress and Underground Utilities (Except Sewer) to benefit the propeliy as described for the WhiTe Family Trust, as referred to in the Dced recorded in Book 403PR, on Page 490, and also to benetit the property as described for Scott D. White as refem:d to in the Deed recorded in Book 498PR, on Page 124, with said Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. \-1 3. EASEMENT CONDITIONS. The easement is subject to the following conditions: A. Any improvements made within the easement shall be at the sole expense of the person making the improvement lU1less otherwise agreed to in writing, B. Snow removal shal1 be the sole responsibility of the Grantees. 4. EASEMEl\T RUNS WITH THE LAND. The easement created herein shall run with the land as identified in PURPOSE OF EASEMENT above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have hereunto set their hauds this J ~ day of ~~ ,2005. B~'O~AYNE ACKNOWLEDGMENT On this J.Lj. day of ~of 2005, before me personally appeared Bart Myers by me first dully sworn, who did say he is the Mayor of The Town of Thayne, whose addröss is 1 [5 Peterson Parkway, Thayne, WY 83127, and that the seal affixed to this instrument is the seal of said MlU1icipality, and that said instrument was assigned and s\:aled on behalf of said MW1icipality as directed by it's Town Councíl and he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Municipality. ~ .nd of' ¡.J ...J , Norary Public My commission expires: AARON BUTTERER· NOTARVPUBLlC ty f . 3tãtè of Coun 0 1.t.J~"'.."..rl Uncoln' n J ðmfn~ u"~1M ~çjf§§ :~:1.1 r¿fm ..y ......~~.~~~~...:,.... -. s;: --4 V;}I ---:2 éJt71