HomeMy WebLinkAbout915002 /] I, 1/ J i~<~\ --' '- STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ....................... :.-"-.:..¡,;;¡..,....';. :,,:'- ,- 54 AFFIDA VIT ) ) ss. ) RECEIVED 1/6/2006 at 9:21 AM RECEIVJNGit 915002 BOOK: 609 PAGE: 51 .JEANNE WAGNER LINC01.N COUNTY C.l..ERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW~ Jess Blair Hurd and Ellen P. Hurd, whose liddress is P.O. Box 243~ Auburn., Wyom.ing 83111~ being duly sworn on oath .according to law, do hereby make the following statements of :facts and.affirms: L That they .are owners of the land descñbed under the Certi.:ficate of Surveyor on the plat titled, "DEER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION WITI:IIN THE NE~SW~ SECTION :5 T32N R119WLINCOLN COUNTY~ WYOMING"~ dated:5 October200:5~1lSrevised. 2. That they have reviewed .said :plat. 3. That they have Iead and understand the provisions of the Certificate of Owner thereon and -the implications thereof. 4. That this Kffidavit is .signed.in the .stead of 1U1d has the .same effect 1lS if the original mylar of .said plat had been signed. , (~J I V{ DATIID this ~ day of -.1Qc:.'f.fY\~005. ~BWr~ -;¡¡~ ~,p~ Ellen P. Hurd The foregoing .instrmnent w.as .acknowledged before me by Jess Blair Hurd 1U1d Ellen P. Hurd this \\.R..*'" day of '1::H.{le.1V\be.r~200:5. J~d. ~. ~!)Uu otary Public Commi~~ion:Expires~ Jamie DeCola· NOTARY PUSUO Pwttyof ;a "of 1.Inooi\ '-' Wyaming My Oan.........¡ ~