HomeMy WebLinkAbout915039 DDtiDB7:9D46 51228 (01) ,:}¡~;~¡~~~i~I:¡ ':';ll:I~~~jft:;:.!I~ ¡¡1!!~ii¡:,~¡imIm¡!!1¡jtíl 00145 - ---~.~-- - -. ~ .- RECEIVED 1/912006 at 10:43 AM RECEIVING # 915039 BOOK: 609 PAGE: 145 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER,WY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE XNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that :BW KORTGAGE ,LLC for .and .in cnmid~rJl.tinn of the sum of Ten Dollars, .and other ~ood .and valuable rom¡jd~ratinn. the receipt of which .is .hereby .acknowledged. .has .sold, .and by these presents does sell. .assign, .and træ1Sfer 10 ad~J: of 1'lELLS :FARGO ~, NA 2701 1ÆLLS J'ARGO YAY MINNEAPOLIS MN 35467 that œrtain Mortgage dated Nov.EMBER 30, .2 0 OS DSEY C. XDfG, .A BJ:NGLÈ PERSON . , by.and between :BW JIORTGAGB, LLC liS .:mortgagors. .and 1\ \) liS.mortgagee. .wJùch Mortgage covers the following described property located.:inLINCDLN CouiJty. Btate ofWYmaNG t~wit: LOT Jt[GHT (B) O'F:m.pcx ONE (~) OF ~ .D:NCDLN BEIGHTS 2ND BDB.DJ:VJ:BJ:ON TO ~ CITY OF ~i:R, LINCOLN COmITY, WYmaNG, ~ BtJRVEDD, PLAT:l'ED.JWD BEC01IDED. And wl1ich Mortgage WliS Iecorded.in the offICe of the County Clerk· of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming on the3DTB day of .NOVEŒER, 2005 . liS Instrument No. .inBook UOl ,page lobi I IN WITNESS WHEREOF.. .ßCtS Jts hand.and seal:this 3DTJI day of .NOVEMBER . .2 0 DS BW lIDRTGAGE, LLC :RETIJBN ~O: WBM MAC ilX9999-0lM 1000 EDE GENTIAN ROAD L\GAN, MN 55121 By 4-cl~,).· Cnmmnnwealth/State of.NORTB DAKOTA Distrid/COlUltyIPJUisb of CABS :F.RQDUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGER The :fore&oing :instnunent WliS BCknowJedged before me on this S November 30, 2003 by XA1'HY GRINA1ŒR the :FlillDUCTION OPERATIONS MANAGER of JIW .MORTGAGE LLC .Ji LYNEITE GROVE Notary Public state of North Dakota My Commission Expires Mar, 23,2010 , on behalf of said company. Wyoming Aulgnment., 1Iort.¡Ne withAdmow~t '11S7 1)I)C JD WYAS NMFl...ouo 1J7.04 IIIIII~II œg nil