HomeMy WebLinkAbout915076 :]~m~~m~m~:~ :, ' ¡:';::.:.::,;:!!iit~tsm""!W"~j'jnn.q-¥-æ.:~iH5ã¡~¡§:~t.:~Þ~+:"~:~'-':'~*:;;-;-¡~~:j....-".;',. ~,. :.--ii:;f~tt~:;;:;";,!;::~~:jl '~':1 :'?1ili:m-d~{'~ç~;',§""t.,~:~~,~.~::+ -:;;'~ -:-::"è:~;::i:1:~!£:'"·:~' , .' . , .,.. '~~ RECEIVED 1/10/2006 at 10:21 AM RECEIVING # 915076 BOOK: 609 PAGE: .297 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK,. KEMMERER. WY C00297 IN ~BE D:IST.RIcr COURT OF ~BE ~.HIRD .;:nm:ICIAL D:IST.RICT IN .AND FOR ~HE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF -wYOMING .Probate .No. PR-2DD5-26DC J:N "THE MATIER OF "THE ES"TA"TE OF: ANNIE ROBER"TS, a/k/a ANN ROBER"TS Deceased. 1_ v:; DECREE ESTn~T.TSHING :RIGHT .AND T:InÆ 'TO 1ŒAL PROPERTY "This matt-er l1aving COIIl€ on regularly to be heard by th-e Court on an Application :for a Decr-ee :Establishing Right and "Title to Real Property :fil ed by JOHN P. ROBERTS, BONNIE M. WESTON,. LAURIE J. MT1 ,1 ,F.B, KATHLEEN A. WAKEFIELD and FABIAN G. MALATARE, the dec-edent's heirs and distribut-ees pursuant to the laws o£ the State o:f Wyoming, and it appearing that notic-e has been published and given to .all interest-ed parti-es according to law and there having been no obj-ections to said Application :fil-ed her-ein; and the Court being :fully advised in th-e pr€1Ilises; .NOW, 'TBEREFORE, IT :IS BEREBY ORDERED, AD.;:nmGED .AND DECREED, that all o:f the decedent's int-erest in and to the£ollowing described r-eal property situat-ed in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to- wit: Parc-el 53 o:f the "Town o£ Diamondvill-e, Wyoming, as shown upon the plat thereo:f dated August 31, 1942, containing 5000 square Íeet, IDor-e or l-ess. . _1::~;:~~f:t:I~(I~~~21.:¡~¡;;~'j:';1 c.:,>:(¡:.:.:.;.:.:,:-: ~': '''-:';:, :!~j&,~...~ '" ,:~, :~:;n"¡'·.~f'f:' "'-i', -i.!j~I~'~:':~'~~ i>j'·.'.·;'ô·~·.::·,' , ~ C00298 09:15076 b€, .and the Bame he.r-eby is, det-ermined to be 'and is B-et over to JOHN P. ROBERTS, BONNIE M. WESTON, LAURIE J. MILLER, KATHLEEN A. WAKEFIELD and EA13:IAN G. .MALATARE, as t -en.antB in common. n IS FDRTBER ORDERED that pursuant to Section 2-1-205, W.S.A. (2005), a c-erti:fi-ed copy o:f this Decree shall be :fil-ed with the County Cl-erk .and Ex-O:f:ficio Regist-er o:f Deeds in and :for the County o:f .Linco~n, Stat-e o:f Wyoming, this Decree being presumpti ve -evid-enc-eo:f th-e till-e to DATED .this ~ day th€~;=d ml PI:~Y. OÍ _ ~~~ DenniB L. Sanderson District Judge . . . 2 ~¡~;~mm~~~ilir;