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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE i~SENTS, That The Bank of Jackson Hole a corporation, of
the County of Teton~ and State of Wy~ning, does hereby ce~ify that a ce~ain mo~gage, bearing date the
28th Day of November, A.D. 2001, made and executed by Rod E. Turgeon
as security for the payments of $99,3~4.00, as therein stated, which mo~gage was recorded in the office of
the County Clerk and Ex-Officio of D~:eds of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on the 29ta day of
November 2000, in Book 456 of Mo~gages, at page 343,
And mo~ga~ng the following described real estate in said County, to-wit:~
"All lands desc~bed in s~d mo~gage'~ .'
Is, with a note secured thereby, and t~e aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged
and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor
the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Bank of Jackson Hole has caused these Presents to be signed by its
Assistant Vice President and its corporate seal to be affixed, this 24th day of August, A.D. 2001.
.~'"~..~4 %. " ITS Assistant Vice President
~ If]~ desi lqo~escribe lands ~ spa~e ~ereof, inse~ the following: "AH lands d.c~bed In s~d mo~gage."
O~ thi~ ]4t~ day of ~uo~t, 2001, bet~['e me persona~O~[e]~an~a ~. ~ogh to me personally know~,
~ho, being by me ~ly sworn, did say that s~e is the ~i~taat Vice ~resideat of
The ~aak of Jack,on [ole~ a~d that t'he seal affiled to ~aid ia~t~ment i~ the corporate seal ~f said
corporation, and that said in~t~ment wa~ signed and ~ealed on beh~f of s~d corporation by aathority iff
it~ ~oard of ~ire~tor~ and ~aid Saa~r~t L. ~ogh acknowledged said i~t~ment to be free act and deed of
said corporation.
Given under my hand and notari~ seal this ~ day of
¢~ Not~Public. - '
My commission expires on the /~r~dayof ~[J~f~,~D.
' This inst~ment was filed for:record at__o'clock__ M., on the day of , A.D. , and duly ~corded in Book on Page
County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deed~
Deputy Clerk · ~