HomeMy WebLinkAbout875887 STEVEN R. FRANCESCHt,,: and KATHRYN FRANCESCHI, ~o~,~o~ ~t 20 Cty Rd; Etna co~,~ot Lincoln
~eby mortgage m
DON M. CORSI, and ELMA W. CORSI, Trustees, ~r their successors in trust
~ot,~a~s or Etna Wyoming 83118
the following descfibcd tract?f)~ndin , Lincoln County · aaunt),, State of Wyoming,
hereby rcleaaing and waiving m ngnt~ unaer and by virtu~ of the homestead exeS, pt on lawn of ~hc S,a/e, to-will
Beginninq at the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, T36N~
6Eh P.~.~ Ehon~&..:r~nnShq.E~$~;~:2fi0' feot~ thence North ~00
thence ~est 268 fee~ to the West line of sa~d Southwest quarter
Section 26, thenc~ South, q00 feet to the poin~ of beginning,
toqether with improvements thereon.
Thi~m°rrgag~i~givent°~°¢um~h:f°l°wik;indeht:dneSS:A Promissory Note in the amount of
Ten Thousand Dollars, (10,000.00)
~mpany approv~ by thc mortgagee, with ln~, ~l~3~ny payable to mortgagee, durkig the ifc ofthi~ mot gage.
.[lOr~y'~ f{O~ ~ha]l bt ~ddod m th~ ~mount dec ca ~i~ mortgage, ~d made a llen on ~hc prcmi~ dc~crlbcd hcrcin, In c~o of default ia Ib~ payment
any sum covenant*d Io be paid, either II',e l~eit~(p~l or i/.:~re~t ~bets the ~me ~11 beeo~,le due and p~yabl~, or {n e~e of default tn the pcffm'man~ of
~y cower herein contained, thc whole um0u,:3~ of ~hi~ indeb[edt,.~ Encored herein may b~ immadiatdy dcedarod duo ~nd payable, and to bcn~
tercel m ~he rate of Iff per~m per ~nom ~om ~hc date of ~uch d~fauh, and/}Li~ metrE%ge far,dosed ~[ I}~c opdon ~1' ~he legal holder. In ~hc cvca~ of
~l:al,, 1077, or ia auceaasar. '
WITNES$ the hand ofa~d
· . ~ K&THRYN F~N~E~cHI-
Count~ 0f
,, A.D. ~ ~ [ pet~on~iy app~red belbro me
· e ~igncr of the within ~t~nl~nt, W[~O duly
~cknowledged tn m~ that he ~&:uted the same_
~e ~nd ~lle ~mpany
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