HomeMy WebLinkAbout915327 . ... ...,....,........: ,,_,._ ._"", _L .., .,-,~,.,:;'-':'-;~ , '."...,...','.',.;.,.".\>,;\ 51270 L/7zcm2."l57 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE ,r' (\ C. r t<1 8 .....v ;V I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, That it is hereby certified by the First lnterstate Bank, mortgagee named .ill that certain TIlortgage between PATRICIO BRANDON SAINZ AND TERI LEE SAINZ and First lnterstate Bank, dated on the 6TH day of APRIL, 2005 and recorded .ill the offiC€ of the County Oerk of LINCOLN, State of WYOMING, on the 3RD day of MAY, 2005 .ill book 584 of Mortgage Records, at page(s) 355 as .Instrument No. 908081 covering the followmg described lands: SEE EXHIBIT A Tax identification number: That the TIlortgage described herein has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby canceled, released, and discharged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Interstate Bank , has caused its name to be signed hereto by its pIOper officers, pursuant to due authority given, this 17TI-I day of JANUARY, 2006. iYYLK. 'f7 rílJ2/C RECEIVED 1/19/2006 at 10:22 AM RECEIVING # 915327 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 78 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY -,-.- .--.- ,--~- -) U ,..J :; J. STATE OF Wyoming County of jÅ~~ 155. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by,JAKE HANSON, Lender for First Interstate Bank, on this 17THday of JANUARY, 2006. SARAH B. HAlM NOTARY PUBUC IETON COUNTY, WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 7, 2008 ~:g¡ÇÕffi- . .. Notary Public 8~;illtU / / EXHIBIT "A" C00079 ,. Oo(-·..;t e ~ ....)17 :::J¿,,~ÿ-'" '.... A parcel O{Jand ¡Dcated in the NE 1I4NE 114, Section I3,T34N, Rl19W, Of the 6th P.M., Lincoln Cpunty, Wyoming, !)cing n portion of the record' Tract in Book 173PR on 'page 147 in the LincÓln COllnty-CI~rk's office and Being more pal:ticuJarIy descrÏqed as foJIoWs:' Beginning at ih~ NE ~orÍ1ef,of said SecUon 13, where is found <1- sUI:Yey cap And spike in the county road, 'witnesses]O,oo feet e~st'and west by BLM Type br~ss caps set ,by RLS 578; :thence SOL;'/¡ 145 nloág tl:ie-east line of :SecHon 13; thence S89 degrees W, 306.25 fe~t; thence N 145 feèt to-a pOJnt 'On ,the north 1in~ of said Section 13; 'thence S 89 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds ' ~. 306:25 feet along said north, line, to the point of beginning. . The basis bearing being south a!o~g east line of Section 13. .. Land Title Company Underwriter - Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company Commitment Schedule A Page 2 of2