HomeMy WebLinkAbout915332 ,::;:::::::f:::~:::::::, !,. ,1'~I·f.~t"f!,¡.~,lt· ·.·I .·.,.t...'.....~..,. .,....-¡..'..,......,.,. ....,;...................... ., '.4" ........,'"',.- n... ~.: .; .,,>: ;..;,,:~. "'~,,~: <:1.' ".... '... . ,~'.'.' ...... '..·.....";;¡';7, "'.....'.. '.' ,~. ....', '~.' """,~'''''.'¡'¡'''!.ó " .' (.....~.;. . ~ RECEIVED 1/19/2006 at 10:39 AM RECEIVING # 915332 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 94 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY \ 1, f --J " '. I ~ Ii V \ : r' I /,'-./' ~' .# I, -J STATE OF WYOMING 'IDWN/CDUNTY: LINCOLN loan No.1000610097 PREPARED BY SECURITY CONNECTIONS INC. WHEN RECORDED MAIL 'IO: SEX:.URITY crNNEX::I'ICNS J:1.r. 1935 INI'EI?NATICNAL WAY :II:JA1D FALLS, ID 83402 PH: (208)528-9895 ATI': XARLEEN MAIXlHAN .r' (\ [) C 9 4 4.....l' \.) t· 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RELEASE OF DEED t) THE undersigned, being the present legal owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, in acknowledgerrent of payrœnt in full of all sums described in and secured by said Deed of Trust, does hereby release and reconvey to the persons legally entitled thereto, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the real estate described in said Deed of Trust, forever discharging the lien fran said Deed of Trust. SEE A'ITACHED LEGAL. (! /1-' ~ Trustee: Recorded in Voluræ 0569 at Page 0109 , Inst:rurœnt No.903394 , Parcel ID No. of the record of r-brtgages for LINCOLN County, WYOMING and oore partiCLÙarly described on said Deed of Trust referred to herein. Cert. #: Borrower: CHARLES JONES, KIM JONES, HUSBAND AND WIFE Property Address: 1570 Bitter Creek Road, AEton, WY 83110 Lender: AMERICAN BROKERS CONDUIT Lender's address: 4600 REGENT BLVD. STE 200, IRVING, TX 75063 Date of r-brtgage: SEPTEMBER 28, 2004 J=AM8080105RE.004011 (RDOl) p .., '.. .:,..........,.... ..'_. ., " '" ~. 0009.5 ;f.;[~ A't ~"33"")I J-..J",-,:l ~ \',,; ,.c._ IN WITNESS WHEREDF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on DEX::EMBER. 16, 2005 AMERICAN BROKERS cr::NWIT .\ ~~-r- ~ SANPY BROUGH V:rCE PRESIDENT :.......~ ~. .".:-~ -.~,-,,-'~,.. ....~-'-"""'" <'--::). ~ ~ M. L. 'MARCUM - ASSISTANT SECRETARY STA1E OF iDAHO ss COUNIY OFBONNEVILLE On this DECEMBER. 16, 2005 ,before Tre, the undersigned, a Notary Public in said State, personally appearedSANDY BROUGH and M. L. MARCUM personally known to Tre (or proved to ræ on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrurrent as VICE PRESIDENT and ASSISTANT SECRETARY respectively, on behalf of AMERICAN BROKERS CONDUIT 4600 REGENT BLVD. STE 200, IRVING, TX 75063 and acknowledged to ræ, that they, as such officers, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrurrent for the purposes therein contained and that such Corporation executed the wi thin instrurrent pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its BQard of irectors. WITNESS MY hand and official seal. 02-16-2007 ) JOAN COOK NOTARY PUBLIC 9TATE OF IDAHO '. -.;\~ J=AMBOB0105RE.004011 (RD02) i:;::::t:::;:::::::::J:;¡ ~:~:~~!ill~J:;¡~:~; :~:1$.1~~ ~ .~¡ ~_~t~.:':'~1':I: Ij" . '.': .....;.:~-;r1,~,~..r.·,v.....,....,...;(.~·¡"1~:.·.-'.-' .,::,:,,':',L' .', "",.'., e,;,'e...i..;a;'!:....$',:.,.·~ .',:';¡'.""~"."'''.!I'~~~'_:! ." :,~~.i:"~&.l':.:~,·"·-';,"':.·:O;õ...i:.::::4L'.i......:-,,>:.:.:;..,-, '': ·~_·:"""~:'::;·:::;::>:!':,:",i'~:;"'.r.. '. S'l'RRBT ADDRESS: 4315 NORTH RICHMOND ClTY: ~ICJ\GO. COUNTY: COOK TAXNUMBER.: 13-13-305-027-1006 LBGALDBSCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: UN T 3S dJJ 00 ~q I bb~ -Am 8060(DSR~ -. 0313711554 Page: 170 25 UNIT 3 -S TOGETHER KIm us tll'IDrvIDIm PERCMAGJI: INTEREST IN RICHMOND ÞLACE CONDOMINItIM AS DEI.INJ$ATIi:D 1IND DI1'INED IN 'l'HK JJOctJM.B!IT NUMBBII. O!l183545, :m SOUTHWEST ONE-QUJ\TER OF SBC'l'ION RANGB 13, EAST OF TIm mIRD PRnlCIPAL MBRIDIAN, IN COOK C PA1!.CBL 2. COMMON ELEMEN'I'S IN THE CLARATION RECORDED AS 3, TOWNSHIP .0 NORTH, , ILLINOIS. .f" 'ì n '... ()L 096 EXCLUSIVE oaB: FOR PARXINa AND STO:RJI.GR PURPOSBS IN AND '1'0 P INO SPACE NUMBBlt 1'-6 ANI) STORAGE SPACE NUMBBR 1;, A LIMItBDCOMMON BLEMBN'.r I AS SET FOR AND DEFINED IN SAID DECIJlRATION 0.1" CONDOMINIUM AND SURVEY A'l'TACHEI) THERETO. IN C It CO~, ILLINOIS. ""r /, I«..~..... ~ -Ji "-,j''-t..:::J':J'Z C1.IaAU> --