HomeMy WebLinkAbout875891 IN THE DIST.RICT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATER OF THE ESTATE OF: ' ' Probate No. 3827 LO~ZAINE H. McNE8L,' .. Deceased. DEED O1~ :PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE This deed is made thi~::, -day of September, 200'1, by Sally Barber Bruce and Marsha Barber Wolfley, co-pel;'~onal representatives of the Estate Of Lorraine H. McNeel decedent, hereinafter re?erred to as Personal Representative. For good and valuabl:e consideration,. receipt of which is hereby ac~owledged, your Co-Persona[ Representatives convey and quitclaim to Clayton. D. Corsi, a single man, GRA.~.iTEE, whose address is P. O. Box 1224, lackson, Wyomtng 83001, all, of decedent's right, title and i~terest in and to the following described real estate, namely; '~ ,: Portions of the NW1/iNW1/4 (:~i~ Section 3, T36 N, Rll9W and ~e SE1/ISE1/4 of Section 31, T3~ RllSW, 6th P!~M., Located Southwest from the Town of Alpine, Lincoln County. Wyoming, mo:e particularly described as follows: The True Po~t of Beghmtng b~(,ing an Iron Pipe set in theEast Right-of-Way, ~aid point being 106.76 fe~t N2g ~8.34 E from the B.L.M. Wpe Monument found marking the Ell16 Comer on. ~.e South 5ne of said Section 31, s~id po~t also being 1295.79' feet N84°47'23"W from ~he BLM ~ype monument found marking the South corner " dividing Sections 31 nnd 32 of tmid T37N, RllSW; &ence N74°35'05"E 187.39 feet to an Aluminum Cap on a Rebar ~found in a fence line; thence S9°06'53"E, along said fence, 99.15 feet to ~ fence comer and an Iron Pipe set; thence N65°50'32"E, along a ~ence line, 97B2 feet to an Iron-Pipe set at a fence corner, thence S15°41'i7"E, along a fence line, 111..83 'feet to an irot~ Pipe found marking a Northwesterly Corner of the DO~y j. Dalatmm property cotweyed by Deed No. 525629 filed in BooklS~R ~t Page 16; thence $15°41'15"E, along sa::d Dalstrom prope~y, 194.83 feet to an Iron Pipe re,et; thence S60~35'17"W 158.86 feet', along ~aid DalstromprOperty to an Iron PIpe found'at another Northwesterly corner of said Dalstrom proPer~ and a potnt tn the Easterly line of said Highway 89; thence N31o02'56"W, along ~atd Easterly line, 4~5.}2 feet to the True Point o~.Beginntng, containing 1.843 ACRES of land. SUBJECT TO:. A 15-feet wide 'Right-of-Way Easement, alomg the most Northerly boundary line of the a.bOve described property. Subject to taxes, em::~mbrance~, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights, rtgh.ts-of-w~;iay, and easements of sight and record if any', and together with all appurtenano?~s thereto, and .all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and den'tand whatsoever, both in law and equity, which the aforesaid Lorraine H: McNeel, possessed. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the granted premises together with the appurtenances and every part t!mreof, to the Grantees. The Co-Personal Representatives, for themselves and. their successors, covenant with Grantees that t~'~ey are laWfully the Co-Personal Representatives~ the estate of Lorraine H. McNe.al and have the power to convey the above-described property pursuant to a cour~ order of the District Court of Lincoln County, Wyoming, Third Judicial Distri~:t enfitled Order For Sale Of Real Proper~ d.amd and filed August 24 and 27, 2~1, ~',~:spec~vely. IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the Co-Personal Representatives have executed this deed ~e day and year shown below. DATED this~ ~ ~aY~'~'f September, 2001. Sally B~r~ Bruce ' · STA~ OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF MNCOLN ) ~}t ~aW Public 2