HomeMy WebLinkAbout915388 ?IT¡~~~? 0262 RECEIVED 1/231200611110:54 AM RECEIVING=# 915388 BOOK: 610 PAGE: .262 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY BHORT :FORM DIBCHARGE DFMORTGAGElBATIBFACTION 999759248 ll/29/2005 94 ]{now All Men by ~ J>r-esents, that a certain .Indenture of Mortgage / .satisfaction, .bearing the date of .November 06, 2003. :made and EJrecut-ed by "TEHRY WILLTI!.MS and MARY .ROSE .MCXW whose addr-ess is BOJ. .BPRUCE:DR :THAYNE WY 83.12ìof the :firEt part to Martga~ :El-ectronic :RegiBtration Byst-ems Inc ìiB nominee :f= USA EDME LENDING CDRPDRATJ:ON of the .Ðecond pITt and recorded in the office of the :Regi:st-er of Deeds on .Liber 5-4.1. :P§!ge 3 Ol, in the :stat-e of Wyoming, County of· LINCOLN : ---- 35J.924J. 0.1.0020 0 is fully :PAID, BA'I'ISFIED .and :DIBcmÅ’GED. :Dated, December 8th, 2005 Mortgage In-ectronic :Registration Bystems IDc ìiB .nominee :f= 11SA EDME LENDING CORPORATION /- "-,'.' ,/ (' .By/ / /M㣠L Vice Pr-esi / ~~1 \ State DÍ Michigan C=ty DÍ Oakland f J'he for-egoing instrument was acknowledged .before me on DeCember Bth, 2005 by Mae Lyrm CaIJ!Pbell, Vice :Pr-eBident, Mortga~ :El-ectrDnic Registration Eyst-ems Inc as nominee for 11SA .HOME LENDING CDRPOIDITION =ganized ana -existing under the laws of the llnited Stat-es. Q ~ NaTAA~~OF~ My rO!I1IllÍEBion -expir-es: 05/02/20.12 ~ r;4 COUNTY OF OAK1.AND MY COMMISSION EXP~2012 '# ACTING IN COUNTY OF \ ..III" ",;","'" . .Delia A. Corké, otary lie II,,· . ,,\\\ 'J, 'illlll Oakland Co t .......;~~. Oakland .' . ," J T1i)J'''' .. un y a......~ ~ . .;¡.~ +.v.....".h..... ""') _"~, ______________________~~gan_______________________ l JJ.... ~ ~ .~..._:(.. \. . ~ .. ~ '0<tl~ ': When x-ecorded xet= to :B=ower ,. _ (>: ,,-, !;' _.Þ . -;:.:;: "TERRY w:r:LLIAMS lWIT:ROBE MOON I :: .: --... "m . .0:: .lOB ìB:rB AVE ' \ ~~\'i"(~ ~ . 'CI, ~ GREELEY CO B0634 ~~:,:(!~.:tO , ~ /p2 I, ~<>,~~~~4/,~ ...",', ,. -'\' .." ....'. .- "-- :Hall - - :,I~'i..,fl.,:-'·~:·~>~·~·· :'{," . ~/.,i~'·' 0). . "~ht. ~". .; I :Drafted by: .Carol-e L. :Flagstar .Bank, :FBB .5J..5l Carporat-e :Drive, :Troy ,MI -4809B-2639 Mail Stop B-.l5 0- 3 ~