HomeMy WebLinkAbout915389 ·':_:..··..,~~'·...I...."'-'-'.1--"':r__:..'.r.....,.&t..::.&L,..,~'...'''''',.....,.'_.~'.:...."".., ·;:....·'·--·'·....0.:.'.·.·.·...1.." ',:. ~,,,.,,=,,.,,,,...,: ."...--....,.- .,'-....'" ',..'.-...,.., '.. ,. .:...;:,,', :;""-';'" ....,.a,'..·' '. ',...... ,.. .....", '.-; ~,__".......,. ..~ 'i.." C00263 r~ RECEIVED 1/23/2006 at 10:58 AM RECEIVING # 915389 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 263 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Prepared by: PRATIMA SHETTY Ocwen Loan S.ervicing. LLC 1661 Worthington Road Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Loan Number: 32507121 1128 5 Investor #: 2292 . . '- ,_.. - - _ _·_n__ _. -, - .'--. -, -- -- STATE OF WYOMING DEED OF DISCHARGE KNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PRESENTS that MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA TrON SYSTEMS, INC. ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR AEGIS LENDING CORPORATION, holder of a certain mortgage whose parties, dates and recording information are below, does hereby acknowledge that it has received full payment and satisfaction of the same and in consideration thereof does hereby cancel and discharge said mortgage. ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: BOND S. HARMAN AND GEORGETTE HARMAN. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC. ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR AËGIS LENDING CORPORATION MARCH 26, 2003 ~03 Id 1357 MUDDY STRING RD, THAYNE, WYOMING LINCOLN 03200119024500 Booþ:SJb fcr,e :bbS DATED: RECORDED DATE: DOCII NSTRUMENT: PROPERTY ADDRESS: COUNTY: APN - ) .. '0 r '1 I -~ ...... SEE EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. '.'.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ACTING SOl,.EL Y AS NOMINEE FOR AEGIS LENDING CORPORATION, by Paul Neff, the Vice President.~·ón DE,GEMBER 23, 2005 , has hereunto set its corporate name and seal. . ~', ,¡..:' 'a.....:... ,.... . :. i . i.' '. ~:., ";X;;~. ........ .' '. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION ~>.t';·,;.·· ~ ···.~~o SYSTEMS, INC. ACTING SOLELY AS fF ¡"'~'1 '..5'.. . NOMINEE FOR AEGIS LENDING· ;l~.;:; .>'. .....:.. '. J,~ :y~RPORATI<?N "~ ?~iq ~~..;ø ~i~;e ~~~ P~~i en! .} .}' STATEQ. '.'. } COUNTY·\h:. BEACH } The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public, on DECEMBER 23,2005, by Paul Neff, the Vice President of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR AEGIS LENDING CORPORATION, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me. Witness my Hand and eal of Office. When Recorded Mail To: Financial Dimensions, Inc. ..t-.... 1400 Lebanon Church Road 0 - Pittsburgh, PA 15236 %Co~l~L ~ R~Y .~ . _..~ . 1'~:t ~ '> 0; .~o,p Notary Public Stale 01 Florid . NoamI Morales a My Commission DD4 738B4 Expires 10105/2009 1!I'r.~. ......r..,.. ',',', !~·N·:¡: :·:,:':':':':¡ ~:3~~;1:~:~~::?;J.~~, ~-:~:. :::::::::~~::;f::::::~ :::::::;:;:~~1:1:::;: .' ;,¡,;.a...;&.I:.:I¡t..:....·,·..t!, ,',.,>, ','",'..,.~'I,. '·.·~·.:::!;,=~..t·..:t.:',".'" ,,; :o:~:. ':,,~' ,.' -...,':.'.,....._--~.:'..;;;,.. . ...,.:.:.41:..·,.:.,0,".'\.·-, '~ ·'·';Lõ...:.-":'.·O:-.;;.~;O:·':",.J.--"...·.:,s...-';I.,":':"":"'!o;·,·, 4.'_ ."""",...'0..'''..," 031.5389 .() /1 0 /'. 6 4 '··,U ':::' .' .¡,Í Loan Number: 32507121 1128 S EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of land located in the NEl/4NB1/4, $ection 13, T34N, RU9W, tincoln County, Wyoming, and being it portion of. that: record traat .in Book 1.73 P.R., Page 147, in the Lincoln County Clerk's Offi.ce, Cind being JIfC).t'e part:!cularly d.scribed as follow.: BegJ.nni.ng at a spike J.n the cOlmty road, South 39'1.87 feet frDf4 tñ. Nortbeut corner ot said Sect.l0n 13, where .is .fc>und a spike in the county ro¡¡d witnessed 30.00 feet Eut bnd West by 8tH type brass caps SE+ by RLS 578; thence South 402.33 feet .long the east Hile of saM Section 13 to a -,p.tke in seder county road; thence mg· 32' 00 Iff'l, 306.25 feet: to a point; thence North, 397.44 feet (:0 a point; thence lJ99·33 O~JtBI JQõ.25 feet dong a post and polé fehce to the Po.int or 13egirm:tng. -. :t.\. " 10. ;'if~" /