HomeMy WebLinkAbout915395 HUG-25-20Ø4 ~:1£ DPT JON DNE MORTGAGE -4256531332 P.Ø? ~ ,- ~{:., :~"", ,,:?'¡ ~:~~;~~:i' C00289 Prepared by- "ddreu. P¡'on(. Pr£porJUl by: Dption 011e Mortgage Corp. '\) &: Wh£J1 ReCDrded 1leturJI to: M.m Dept. I Ame1"ÌClll! DOCJlment ServÜ:2S, Inc. 250 C011lmeri:e2nd Floor Irvine, CA 92602 PRO~-rl, ' (888)477--4780\ \"\.[)y.L.1J ù JJ_._I .' .. -..-..." RECEIVED 1/2312006 lit 2:12 PM RECEIVING #- 915395 BOOK: 610 PAGE: .289 .JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER WY ---'__ ___ ____________' I Loon Number: ~9~D~9B_49 ServIcing Number: DD~-4D29B7-D ¡SpaœAllowc'11üll.åle flm a~:n.a) ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN.BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT CORESTAR F-INANCIAL GROUP, LLC, A MARYLAND LIMITED LTA:BILITY CORPORA'1'ION for .and in consida.ation of the 31lm of Ten Dollin, :.wi other Eood Ed v.alùab1e ronsidcr:ation, the rtccipr of whiI:h is .hereby acknowledged,lw sold, md Dy.these presents ~ ~l, .usign, Ed 1tanSfer 10 Option One Mortgage Corporation, B r:a.liforniB !:Drpor.at:ion .address of 3 ADA, IRVINE, r:A :926~B rhar ceruin Mongs.ge.d4ted August: D4, 2DD-4 MARK L GRISAMER AND RD1ŒJcr'A C GRIS~ 1IDSBAND AND WIFE ,DY .and between ¡J/OjJfl/-/¡¡: 38/1.£· F7AJ4f1{)LiIJ!y I7d. II!), ß7/IJIf,,0!!~3! CORE51:'AR 'FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC, -A MARYLAND LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORAT:I:ON 2S Mortgagee, which MottgJlEt:C I:O~ Jhc followmj; J1escribed plOpcrty locaœd m Lincoln County, Swe of WYOMING 10 wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRJPTION ATI"ACHED HBREI'O AND MADE A PART HEREOF -3ßd which Mongage wu :recorded m.the Dffice Df 1he DistÚa/pnmty .clerk of rc~ I 1-/ DistrÌl:t/Co~. commo.nweahhJSWe of Wyoming on lbe lCl-j1(mr of Ht/f!tI'JY /;JéiJ 7, -"lostromen.t No_ m Book 0(0 £3 '~D?m If/! . 'f IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1he uid CJ tiJl57 / CORESTAR F.INANCIAL GROUP, UC, -A MARYLAND .LIMITED LIAB:I:LTrY sets its hand Ed ~ 1hisrlay Df /" (/7 ~, CORESTAR YINANCIAL GROUP, LLC, A ~ UMITI:D LIA1I. :urn. !DRPORATICN (~¡Ø~. . lSp.a;Jidow'Dùal.ØePor ø.~] ('o-WOD~ltI.'SbIe Df rn~ p.JIAbI{ -':>;~CouurylPerish Df -yga...lhyV\.. ov-<.- On this .9::; rlay of ~ ap~d ~o...ll.~ , -d oö4. . before me, A NOW)'. .penonalJy '7/ .:.;'( ,!/ (0 me pt=TSon.a1Jy known, who,:bri~ by-roe duJy sworn (or ~). .didny wIne/she is me VI ti ~.ð1·~ "1- o~v~ -of c:.o~~t(¿V Pinctv1CJoJ. ~ILLe.. .311d thaI the £eal 4ff!Xed 10 .the insl1'1JIn.enl is the ~orporJUe seal . of the corporation (or -4SSociation)by EÙ10tjrJ of its bœrd of rliru:1Ors (or uusrees),.E1d .a.clcnoU/lerl~ Jhc instmmcnr 10 De w ftte .2C1 .3nd J:ieed of the £.DIpor-B1Ìon. -- - I ,~~~r¡ c,..~:'f,~~~I~r;···,...oo -' Ie ,.' t G hAd -I.þ ". fy ,,', t" '¡ro'.. '. ~,~ .....~ ,.~~ ...~';,;.,;;~.. .....( ;.0.; ~... ,.. .'ç.,f' ,.1..,' Wt.i'..,·. ,( /~t~1';:i:.i:"~ .;. '.,j';., ~ I, ~.. IV....;r 't,,,,, ~',"þ ~'\,:~";W'\;w ~va-: :!:-o , .,:::.z:~.. ë:'~ i;: : "t¡ .' ::c.~ --> -v~ c"'. , ):I, - .. ¥<~ r ., .- \, "~ ~'" (7.rE ~o \"¡.~.' , ~. ~ 7A .... ....... .... . ";', pr;-¡.., ~"...."\c. Ì',' ",PUS\- Wvftnllnø AIu........-- (... . ~ "'11 ' " ,,' ... ,~ -_ 0 ~J!'" , 11/"""",,,,; Pagr J or J ~&wjl.·.·cW(Á~ r . WYMSO~OJ (07-]4-91) P_B7 091.5395 C00290 191019849 116005.dt1 632 . ~ ,,~ ;,. ,,:, Legal Description NYN;œE1,.é·1EI* of Section 26, T3£N JUJ.9W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. LESS .AND .EXCEPT that J..a11d contained.i:nCorrécti Vè Warranty Deed.ret:orderl ~anuary i1, 1994 in .Book 344PR on page 590£ 1:he recOrds of the Lincoln County Cl-erk.