HomeMy WebLinkAbout915403 :~;¡':Q~~; "'.·(;-;:::'."~:i" . ·:;::::.:.:..:::,:.~t:;) ___--';<:::~¡¡¡!¡~r:;:;·. . ~.~, .. :;·;:!:¡¡:~~m¡¡¡~¡\:~~.~~2'L; '··;>··"~'---'r:7r;t:¡'::::'..~~·!J·;'!;~:·~.;'L -,~:'---. ..; ,.' UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU 'OF LAND MANAGEMENT 'OFFER TO'LEASE ANI):LEASE· FOR ,OIL AND GAS, "\',' serial No. " . :~. 00298 '1/6 Fri'3100..Ub-' (October 1991) " wYW164013.. . . ;,:.,-¡ \," : ~:'~(',;t'(:--. ";!: \~~..!;,:( ::~ .... '~~'/ "..;: ¥ . "~ :;\.- ,,:;\ '~"' " .¡"r<.. "'ft"'!.;'" '.' ., , ~ .;,- : ",,', '\"~~'.t""'5d;':':{'.l;,-\~.I,'t...r~.I~. ",".¡J-I" ,'...."1ì..' ;'.... ->:'4:," The un4ersigned Irevme) offers to lease 1111' or any of \lie and$ ·in It~m 2 that are 4yªilabl~ for lease purs~nI tq the. Min~r8) J-easingA,ct pf1920: as amend¢. ~ supplelJ)en,¢ (30 II .S:C.JI! I ., ~:~~Mi~Uu::;~ii~:~r{;~~;~,;1~~~':~~~~:~'~,^;~~~~~~~;,~~'0:¡ij'~, ,~;s£~~~~~~j~~!~t~~iE;t;:'~,P·:E;¡:;:;;~¡f£~r~= .,..; '. .' ."e, '-"':'....,.::'.:...,,; ";' ."".><¡.! ."i" ""':"""~"I"".' ·r,' '. ", ". ." ·,t<.'" ·"I."! "c. ':'.~''A :o'" ··..·;,Ä...... .;,~, .,,, '",,,,,.,, .", n. "(" ."f" .,. "'> ". ~ 'v, <" ¡ Hi:- ""'{;~~~;'"';:'··;~.i"'.i:~"·:~;f~};.~~~t.',,:.;'"~fd;r:;~Y~'f,:Ji..4:~"..~-.r:~ '..__ft.:Ji'....¡t,;·,'~.:' ,''t!, ,I'(r<, . " ..,~ ~I{"~,þ";.fft,."'.!·<f;lfil·t' "!)I' "'.tj~"~.h~...~'t'ttþk"lS'·~ 2~Th. is a.pp.li.caiionlo.fferJlèase. '.S.....for:. (~., "~ckonly;()n.d~.., ..p,~UG,POMJ\lN,LANP..S. .','..:::.. . ·':,::::~.:·,::.;:;.i:~::£tì~~Ç9Yj~:~tt~~~i~~~~~¡;-'~:~~·¡pi~~~s,t,;:: ·~r::;:~:;;~,):·: ... .! '--~ ~, ~,~;.;. xh:.' ...;,¡, :'",:~":;¡:f~:'::¡;:'';.\''';"¿' ,k~~ ,,:,;;,;:~.j" ~<i~~"'-".<~';"··': ,: -' ·,ï,'. ,.,. . . l¡.~~0i~~¡~~;~Ji1:~*·::;I~~~:!~~o~~ :~~~2 ;~,. '" BOOK: 610 PAGE: 298 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY '", ., ,'" :.~,~~/~, '-.-'~" \ Amount remÎllèd: Rent8J fee $ To~ à¿¡:~s åppliedfo.~· Total $ ',..", , '",~ ÍX>NO'i WRîrE BELO~ 'QIl$i.îNE . ,e~·" 'r!" Po' 3 '. Land inclLldedi~ le,aSl::. . ',".' . ,,',.,;.. " ,A.'.:.·····.....i.'.,. A'::':" .,", T. Ol90N Set:. R, . llSOW Meridian 06th Stat~ wy . County ,,"':" Lincoht '.. J 020 . ALL~ o3ð" Lars '1-4; 030 . E2.E2W2~, 032 ALL~ "', ~ ' J' ;..1 '1'. ...".. 1. .' '.,', . " " 1'i.tala:cresin I~ ~921..19()· R~nia:i retÁÎ~ed $ ?..RR1,,()ð ;. ;', This.lease is issûed grånting the exclusive ri¡¡httodÌillfot;.'I1Ìinè.·ext:ract. remove anddispo~è: of a:llth,,'òi! and gas (&cepï¡,.Úun.)in the lands'described in ltem'3togethet with the right to b~ÎId and maintain necessary improvements thereupon for the tenn' indicated· below, subject ·to renew¡¡J or. extension in accordance with the appropriate leasing authority. Rights granted are subject to applicable laws, the tenns, conditions, and attached stipulations of this iease. the Secretary of the Ïntèrio't's'regulations and fonna! orders in effect às of lease issuance. and to regulations and fonna! orders hereafter promulgated when not.iJiçpnsistent withlç¡¡se rights gr!lilted oUJ1!\Çilk provisions of.this .I~.,;. ", '. NOTE: This lease Is Issued to tbe high bidder pursuallt to his/her duly executed bid or nomination form submilled under 43 CFR 3120 and Is subject to the provlsiOll5 of tbat bid or. nomination and those specified on this form. . Type and primary ten'll of lease:'" !'~:~j~l~:, '.' {'} j~ß:,;;;i~{~. {<¡:' o Noncompetitive lease (ten years) fCnntinupd nn r,-vpr;çp) return recoNled document to: Burnett Oil Company - Land Dept. Burnett Plaza - Suite 1500 801 Cherry St. - Unit #9 17nrt \Xfnrth TV ..,.1:11\") ;(001 EFFECTIVE' DATE OF LEASE OCT 2'0 2005 NOV.O 1 2005 (Date) . IX Competitive lease (ten years) o Other " i4j~·, ,. 11 ,,'2,rf\"2, ....,j_J X _'öo I:nD I ~l"t\,... 1;lj~:¡:~';':.;',' '~::::;i:::~~~:(~ ' 4. (a) Undec;igned certifies that (1) offeror is a citizen of tbe United States; an association of such citizens; a municipality; or a corporatioo organized under the laws of the UniicdS~ or of any State or Tenitory thereof; (2) all parties bolding an interest in the offer an: in compliance with 43 CFR 3100 and the leasing authorities; (3) offero~s chargeable irite~ts, direct and indirect, in eacb public domain and aC<JllÎred lands separately in the $ame State do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas leases (of wbiCh up to 200,000 aa-es may be in oil and gas options~ or 300,000 acres in leases in eacb leasing District in Alaska of wbicb up to 200;000 acres may be in options, (4) offe(Or is not considered a minor under the laws of the State in whicb the lands covered by this offer are located; (5) offeror is in compliance with qualifiC<ltions concerning Federal caallease boldings provided in sec. 2(aX2XA) of the Mineral Leasing Act; (6) offeror is jn complianœwith reclaa1atioo requirements for all Federal oil and gas lease boldings as required by sec. 17(&) of the MioeralLeasing Act; and (1) offeror is not in violation of sec. 41 of the Act. (b) Undersigned agrees that signature to this offer constitutes acceptance of this lease, including alllerms, conditions, and stipulati""'! of which offeror bas been given notice, and any amendment or separ.i1e lease that may include any land described in this offer open to leasing at the time this offer waS. filed but omitted for'àr¡y·.reas"; fiom this lease. The offeror further ;agrees tþatthis offer cannot be withdrawn, either in whole or in part, unless the withdrawal is received by the proper Bl.M State Office before this lease, an amendment..to this lease, or a separate lease, whichever coven; the land described in the withdrawal, bas been signed on behalf of the United States. This offer will berejeded and will afford offeror DO priority if it is Dot properly completed and executed In accordance with the regwatioos, or if it is DOt acclHDpanied by the required paymeDts. 18 U.s.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any penon ~~ and willfuUy to make to any Departmeøt or "IIeDCY of tile United States any faise, fictitious or frauduieDt statemeDts or repraeDtatioDs as to any matter withiD its j8sLåø . C 0'21' Duly executed this day of , 19 _ . . '(Signature of Lessee or Attorney-in-fact) See. 1. Rentais-Rentais shall be paid to proper office of lessor in advance of each lease year. ADnual rentai rates per acre or fraction thereof are: (a) NonconÌÌ>etitive lease $1.50 for the first 5 years; thereafter $2.00; (b) Competitive lease, $1.50; for the first 5 years; thereafter $200; (c) Other, see attaclunem, or as specified in regulations at the time this lease is issued. If this lease or a portion thereof is committed to an approved cooperative or unit plan which .includes a well capable of producing 1eascd resources, and the plan contains a provision for .aUocation of production, royaJlies shall be paid on the production allocated to this lease. However. annual rentals shall continue to be due al the rate specified in (a), (b), or (c) for those lands oot within a participating area. Failure to pay annual rentai, if due, pn' or before the anniversary date of this lease (or nexl official working day if office is closed) ,shall automatically tenninate this lease by operation of law. Rentais may be waived, reduced, or suspended by the Secretary upon a sufficiem showing by lessee. See. 2. Royaities-Royalties shaiI be paid to proper office of lessor. Royaities shaiI be computed in accordance with regulations pn production removed or sold. Royalty rates are: (a) Noncompetitive lease, 12'1,%; (b) Competitive lease, i2 'I, %; (c) Other, see anacbmem; or as specified in regulations at the time this lease is issued. Lessor reserves the right to specify whether royaity is to be p&id in vatue orin kind, and the right to establish reasonable minimum vaiues on products after giving lessee notice and an opportunity to be heard. When paid in vatue, royalties shall be due and payable on the last day of the month following the month in which prnduction occurred. When paid in kind, production sbaIi be delivered, un1ess otherwise agreed to by lessor, in merchantable condition on the premises where produced without cost to lessor. Lessee shall not be required 10 hold such production in storage beyond the Ja,st day of the month following the month in which production occurred, nor sballlessee be held liable for loss or desuuction of royaity oil or other products in storage from causes beyond the reasonable control of lessee. Minimum royaity .in lieu of rentai of not less than the rentai which otherwise would be required for that lease year shall be payable at the end of each lease year beginning on or after a discovery in paying quantities. This minimum royalty may be waived, suspended, or reduced, and the above royaity rates may be reduced, for all or portions of this lease if the Seeretary determines that such action is necessary to encourage the greatest ultimate recovery of the leased resources, or is otherwise justified. An interest charge sbail be assessed on late royalty payments or underpayments in accordance with the Federal Oil and Gas Royaity Management Act of 1982 (FOGRMA) (30 V.S.C. 1701). Lessee shall be liable for royalty payments on oil and gas lost or wasted from a lease site when such ioss Or waste is due to negligence on the part of the operator, or due to the failure to comply with any rule, regulation, order, or citation issued under FOGRMA or the leasing authority . See. 3. Bonds-A bond shall be fùed and maintained for lease operations as required under regulations. See. 4. Diligence, rate of development, unitization, and drainage-Lessee shaiI exercise reasonable diligence in developing and producing, and shall prevent unnecessary damage to, loss of, or' waste of leased resources. Lessor reserves right to specify rates of development and ,production in the public interest and to require lessee to subscribe to a cooperative or unit plan, within 30 days of notice, if deemed necessary for proper development and operation of area, field, or pool embracing these leased lands. Lessee shall drill and produce wells necessary to protect 1eascd lands from drainage or pay compensatory royaity for drainage in amount determined by lessor. See. 5. Documents, evidence, and inspection-Lessee shall fùe with proper office of lessor, not later than 30 days after effective date thereof, any contract or evidence of other arrangemem for saie or disposal of production. At such times and in such form as iessor JD¡Iy prescribe, lessee shall furnish detailed statements showing amounts and quaiity of all products removed and sold, proceeds therefrom, and JIIIlouot used fOf production purposes or unavoidably lost. Lessee may be, required to provide plats and schematic diagrams showing developmeni work and .improvements, and reports with respect to parties in interest, expenditures, and depreciation costs.ln the form prescribed by iessor, lessee sbaIi keep a daily drilling record, a log, information on weil surveys and tests, and a record of subsurface investigations and furnish copies to lessor when required. Lessee shall keep open at all reasonable times for inspection by any authorized officer of lessor, theJeased premises and all wells, improvements, machinery, and fixtures II¥:reon, and ail books, accounts, maps, and records relative to operations, surveys. or investigations on or.in the leased lands. Lessee sbaIi.maintain copies of.aU contracts, sales agreements, JICCQUDtÍJIg records. and documentation such;asbillings, invoices, or similar' documentation that supports.. q '" .,.4 .' LEASÈ'TERMS costs claimed as manufacturing, pr~paration, and/or transportation costs. All such records shall be maintained in lessee's áccounting offices for future audit by lessor. Lessee shall maintain reqUired records for 6 years after they are generated or, if an audit or investigation is underway, until released of the obligation to maintain such records by lessor. During existence of this iease, infórmation obtained under this section sbaIi be closed to inspection by the public in accordance with the Freedom'of Jnformation Act (5 U.S.C. 552). See. 6. Conduct of operations-Lessee sbaIi conduct operations in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts to the land, air, and water, to culturai. biological. visuai, and other resources, and to other land useS or users. J.issee shall take reasonable measures deemed necessary by lessor to accomplish the intent of this section. To the extent consistent with lease rights granted, such measures may include, but are not limited to. modification to siting or design of facilities, timing of operations. and specification' of interim and fInal reclamation measures. Lessor reserves the right to continue existing uses and to authorize future uses upon or in the leased lands, inciuding the approvai of easements or rights-<>f-way. Such uses shall be conditioned so as to prevent unnecessary or unreasonable interference with rights of lessee. . Prior to disturbing the surface of the leased lands, lessee sball contact lessor to be apprised of procedures to be followed and mndiflcations or reclamation measures that may be necessary. Areas to be disturbed may require inventories or special studies to determine the extent of impacts to other resources. Lessee may be required to complete minor inventories or sbort term special studies under guidelines provided by lessor. If in the conduct of operations, threatened or endangered species. objects of historic or scientific interest. or substantial unanticipated environmentai effects are observed, lessee shall immediately contactlessor. Lessee shall cease any operations that would result in the destruction of such species or objects. Sec. 7. Mining operations-To the extent that impacts from mining operations would be substantially different or greater than those associated with normal drilling operations. lessor reserves the right to deny approval of such operations. Sec. 8. Extraction of helium-Lessor reserves the option of extracting or having extracted helium from gas production in a manner specified and by means provided by lessor at 00 expense or loss to lessee or owner of the gas. Lessee shaiI include in any contract of sale of gas the provisions of this sectipn. Sec. 9. Damages to property-Lessee shall pay lessor for damage to lessor's improvemeuts. and sbaIi save and bold lessor JwmJess from all claims for damage or hann to persons or property as a result of lease operations. See. 10. Protection of diverse interests and equal opponunity-Lessee sbaIi: pay when due all taxes legally assessed and levied under laws of the State or the United States; accord all employee¡ complete freedom of purchase; pay all wages at least twice each month in lawfuimoney of the United States; maintain a safe working environment in accordance with standard industry practices; and take measures necessary to protect the health and safety of the public. Lessor reserves the right to enSure that production is sold at reasonable prices and to prevent monopoly. If lessee operates a pipeline, or owns controlling interest in a pipeline or a company operating a pipeline. which may be operated accessible to oil derived from these leased lands, lessee shall comply with section 28 of the Minerai Leasing Act of 1920. Lessee sball conlply with Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended, and regulations and relevant orders of the Seeretary of Labor issued pursuant thereto. Neithtr lessee nor lessee's subcontractors shall maintain segregated facilities. See. Ii. Transfer of lease interests and reiinquishment of lease-As required by regulations, lessee shall iiie with lessor any assignment or other transfer of an inter,;st in this lease. Lessee may relinquish this lease or any legal subdivision by fùing in the proper office a written relinquishment. which sbaIi be effective as of the date offùing, subject to the continued obligation of the lessee and surety to pay all accrued rentais and royaities. See. 12. Delivery of premises-At such time as all,o~ponionsofthis lease ar<: 1'ttumcd tolc:ssor, lessee shall place affected wells in condition for suspension or abandomnent, reclaim the land as specified by lessor and, within a reasonable period of time. remove equipment and improvements oot deemed necessary by lessor.for preservation of producible wells. See. i3. Proceedings in case of default-lf lessee fails to comply with any provisions of this iease. and the noncompliance continues for 30 days after written notice thereof, this lease sball be subject to cancellation unless or until the leasehold contains a well capable of production of oil or gas in paying quantities. or the lease is committed 10 an approved cooperative or unit plan or communitization agreement which contains a well capable of production of unitized 5Úbsrances in paying quantities. This provision shall not be consuued to prevent the exercise by lessor of any other legai and equitable remedy. including waiver of the default. Any such remedy or waiver shall not prevent later cancellation for the same defaDJ!iJ>Ccurring at any other . time. Lessee shaiI be subject to applicable provisions and penalties of FCXìRMA (30 U.S. C. 170 I). See. 14. Heirs and successors-in-u:.terest-Each obligation of Ìhis leaSe thall extend 'tdand be ,'binding µpon, and every benefit hereof shall inure-totheheirs,:.executors, administrators, sÌ1CÇessors, benefIciaries. or JlSsignees of the respective parties hereto. ím¡¡¡¡¡¡jili~¡¡¡¡m: )~'? ' ~,.;.. , saB ,.~ ~ - .',,·,·.:..~.~.'..n·, -~ ' . i~/ ~. r~. --:}k ,.-i#'-'-'~> ,~ >, . J ~:r'.. ":.,..",....".'-~,.'9:-..;c,~:;'."',;.... I j ) 1JNITEDSTA--;Œs ., '.f. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR .BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT , COMPETITIVE OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES LEASE BID 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 351-359; 30 U.S.C. :1001-1025;42 U.S.C. 6508 ~o... ~~~~¡;::(.; :¡:i;jat~:;:!;;:;;;l;:: i[~)i~i~¡;f~~ ,'" ·.·.'o·.'.~I:,I.·J:t',·..: . ';,' '1''',' --'- '.;":;~;':' ~v y~w 1 6,4'fj .1 J FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004-0074 .Bxpires:May3l,2000 09 5403 The appropriate regulations Applicable to this bid.are: (I) for oiland gas leases-43 CFR3120; (2) for National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) leases-43 CFR 3132; And (3) for Geothermal resources leases-43 CPR 3220. (See details concerning lease qualifications on reverse) I CERTIFYTHAT 1 have read andlUIl in compliance with, and not in violation of, the lessee qualification requirements under the applicable regulations for this bid. 1 CERTIFYTHA T this bid is notin vioÙition of 18 U.S. C. 1860 which prohibits unlawful combination or intimidation of bidders. Ifurther certify that this bid was Arrived .at independently and is tendered without collusion with any other bidder for the purpose of re,stricting competition, IMPORTANT NOTICE: Execution of this form, where the offer is the high bid, constitutes a binding lease offer, including all applicable terms and co ru:I .itions . Fail ..urt:t.ocomPlY W.Ï1.h. the APPliC. ab.le 1. aw.s and regUl.a.Ìl. 'ons under which this b. idis~. t2resul....tionOfthebid~. a.. r elt eof .all monies submitted. ( J'A . · f _ " " '" " ' " . .1: '"\.. ,,;,,'''.',i:'' ".~. ".;P:--,,>;;i: .:~,.i-'¡'I~~'"'.w"" " .... 6;<¡)¡-",~yp~~··· ... .. .. ..~."-,=~~"._ ' Ç'?f'1? S. Fú l-h~ Address of Lessee VI!) T (? () State PARCEL NUMBER THE BID.JS FOR (Check one): .rn4'".and Gas P.arcelNumber ·I---~/ ... 0 Geothermal P.arcelNumber Name of Known Geothermal Resoúrce Area (KGRA) 91) "14 £CJrJ() j) City WP:Y f?OIl J -~7 J 9 -Zip Code C0031'0 State Date of sale ,J " 7/ OJ--- AMOUNT OFBID (See Instructions below) PAYMENT SUBMITffiD WITH BID , TOTAL BID INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR OIL AND GAS BID .(Expspt NPR-A) 1. Separate bidforeach pArcel is requir-ed.Identify parcel by the parcel ,.c,...-.". number assigned ID the Notice of CQmpetiiive Lease Sale. ' 2. Bid must be ACcompanied by the national minimnm acceptable bid, the first year'STentaland the administrative fee. The remittance must be in the form specifIed in 43 CPR 3103.1-1. The remainder of thej bonus bid,ifany,must be submitted to the proper BLM offIce within 10 worfing.dlys.after the 1a$Uiay of the oral.auction.Failure to. submit the remainder o.fthe bonus bid witbinlO working days will result in rejection of the bid offer,and Iorfeitureof alImonies paid. 3. Ifbidder is not the sole party in interest in the 1easefor which the bid is submitted, all other parties in interest may berequired to furnish evidence of their qualifications upon written req uestby the authorized officer. . .' , 4. This bidmay be-executed (signed) befõkfhe orJilà~ion.lf signed before the oral ß.Uction, this form cannot be modifieawithout being executed again. 5. In view of the above requirement (4), bidder may wish to leave AM OUNT OF BID section blank so that final bid lUIlOunt may be either completed by the bidder or the Bureau of Land Management at the oral .auctio.n. INSTRUCTIONS FOR GEOTHERMAL OR NPR~A OIL AND GAS BID " ., 1. Separate bid for each parcel is required. Identify parcel by the number assigned to a tract. 2. Bid must be accompanied by one-.f1fth of the totallUIlount of bid. The remittance must be in the form specified in 43 CFR 3220A fora Geothermal Resources bid and 3132.2 for a NPR-A lease bid. 3. Mark envelope Bid for Geot.llermal Resources Lease in (Name of KGRA) or Bid for NPR-A Lease, as appropriate. Be sure correct parcel number of tract on which bid is submitted and date of bid opening are noted plainly on envelope. No bÎd may be modified or withdrawn unless such modification or withdrawal is received prior to time fixed for opening of bids. .' "c .', .. ..¿:;:) t /~:. , 4. Maj~ ,j)r deliver ¥ t? the ~er BLM office or place indicated in the N cftJi:f9,f C01'f:JJt~ve ,µ~~l ~f¡/" / r1 I) 1./1u//r",~<:#/¡7 ~/U- 5.;1 bidder isnot $e ~l( party\ïn.mterestID the lease for which bid is -,submitted, .all oÍÞèr parties in interest may be required to furnish V' evidence of their qualifications upon written requestby the authorized officer. .. . . _ < Title 18 U.s.C.secJk¡~:òoi ~ T~-~ U.s.c, SectiOll12l2 make jt a.crimdor JlDY personJrnowmgly ADd willfully to make to .any depæ1ment or .agency of the United Slates .any false, fictitious, otfriwduIerifiaatementsor representations 1IS lOJlDymatter within its jurisdiction. I.. (Continued on rever~e) .;¡'i.'Jt;I" ,"; {( ,... I ) ._,f" OPTlDNALUSE"CnPY :Form 3000--2 (Juív 1997) ',. ,';.~.;I:.;...;.j',':·", ';',', ,', '¡;. "',/";1:,\,:, ,,';~.;,1 ,', ";',,:' ',' '·,·,r:·;·:·:·;-.Mj!,..·, . ·'ø'····· "", ""'.' '. ." " œ15." ,··'":\·....:,,--..'J.'&G..:t:-~~ ~:-.::, ":':,I>:~':"-':-',' :.~.~,t~: ~.~~~,":' ........~;~,~(.. '" - . ...00301 QUALIFICATIONS . For leases that may be issued as a, result of this sale under tIJ.e Minefal Leasing Act (The Áct) of 19W, as amended; the oral bi~er must: (I) Be a citizen of the United States; an associatión (includìn'g partnerships and trusts) of such citizens; a municipality: or a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State or Territory thereof; (2) Be in compliance with acreage limitation requireÍ'nentswherein the bidder's interests, direct and indirect, in oiIand gas leases in the State identified do nOt exceed 246,080 ~creseach in public domain or acquired lands including acreage covered by this, bid, of which l\o,t more than 200,000 acres are under options. If this bid is submitted for lands in Alaska, the· bidder's holdings il! each of the Alaska leasing distriCts do not exceed 300,000 acres, of which no more than 20Ø,OOO acres are under options in each district; (3) Be in compliance with Federal coal lease holdings as provided in sec. 2(a)(2)(A) of the Act; (4) Be in compliance with reclamation requirements f9r, all Federal oil and gas holdings as required by sec. 17 of the Act; (5)1'{c)tbe \n violl;ltion of sec. 41 of the Act; and (6) Certify thai all patties In interest in this bid are ín compliance with 43 CFR Groups 300P¡¡'µ9 ~lqP and the leasing authorities cited herein.' '.. ,: " , ''', c' ::- ~. .' i, ~ , . - .'. -~-'. .-- - - '.. " ! " The Privacy. Act of 1974 arid theregulation)n 43 CFR 2,48(d) provide that you be funiished the following information in connection with information required by this bid for a Competitive Oil and Gas or Geothermal Re~~urces,Le'ase, . , . AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.c. 181 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 351-359; 30 U,S.C. . 1001-1025; 4'2 U.S.c. 6508 . PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: Theiriformâtibn is to be Used to procèss your bid. ". ": i- For leases that may be issued as a result of this sale under the. Geothermal Steam Act of 1970, as amended, the þidder must: (I) Be a citizen of the United States; an association of such citizéhs; a municipality; or a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State or Territory thereof; and (2) Be in compliance with acreage limitation requirements wherein the bidder's interests, direct and indirect, do not exceed 5 I ,200 acres; and (3) Certify that all parties in interest in this bid are in compliance with 43 CFR Group 3200 and the leasing authority cited herein. For leases that may be issued as a result of this sale under the Department of the Interior Appropriations Act of 19ß1, the bidder must: (I) Be a citizen or national of the United States; an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; a' private, P4blicor municipal corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any ~tate or Territory thereof; an association of such citizens, nationals, resident aliens or private, public or municipal corporations, and (2) Certify that all parties in interest in this big are in compliance with 43 CFR Part 3130 and th~ leasing iiUt~oríties cited herein. NOTICE ROUTINE USES: (I) The adjudication of the bidder's right to the resources for which this bid is made. (2) Documentation for public information. (3) Transfer to appropriate Federal agencies when comment or concurrence is required prior to granting a righHn1>ublic lands or resources. (4)(5) Informiltion from the record 'and I or the record will be transferred to appropriate Federal, State, local or foreign agencies, when relevant to,~ivil, criminal !>uegu.latory investigatio.ns or prqsecu~ tions. '.... ...' '" ~. . EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Disclosure of the information is voluntary. If all the information is not provided, your bid may be rejected. ".' '., ,,' t ,'. . '" The P¡lperwork Reduction Act ofl995 (44U.S.C: 3501 et Seq,) re,qi.Jire~ µsto inform you that: This information is being collected in accordance wîth 43 CPR 3120, 43CFR 3130, or 43 CPR 3220.. This information willbè used to determine die bidder submitting the highest bid. Response to this request is required to obtain a benefit.. , , ':í ,:. 'I,' .,'!', ' , , BIM would like you to lçnow ~at you do not have to respond to this or any other Federal agency-sponsored information cOllec'ion unless it displays a currently valid OMB conlrol nwnber. . BURDEN HOURS STATEMENT Public reporting burden fer this form is estimated to average 2 hours per response including the time fer reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data. and completing aIld reviewing the form. Direct comm-enlS r'egárding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau Clearance Officer (WO-630), 1620 L Street, Washington, D.C. 20036 and the Office of Management and Budget, Desk Officer for the Interior Department, Office of ReguJatory Affairs (1004-0074), Washington, D.C. 20503. " ''',:t' , .~,::.: " " ., .. -- I~ ~" ," tì Î "J'" 0 ,~ \; '-, \.I "", 0"""1\- ........ ~'..... ~. '. ",...11' .~~...¡ ,,"'" ~. '\j ~~I ,:':'-,.:Z; 't I .:;. ""'-' -'\ ,.¡:.,¿,~, " ..\. "...."\ 'f \,...~ -i _:. ~POOlj~ :'~_,~;'-·-,:r:~,:w:!.W.::~"œŒr1_~iU!,;~~1t~1.i,.w.,'"Q¡"~~~''''''''IURtJ(itGU,-t;':L~~~..:!!~15Ii~'-~':':·~" .;J";,,~,·",·C:æ..eg~~~\~i!~ðr."!f""'~~¡:'1i~J,~"~A'!::~':ofl~·'£'!1ItJWf~Aðti~~~~~;)~,r:il!j"I';-ii./ti1:.~'4u."~~;'~"'~*,~~~~,~,~!'\;'i,:".~;:'::'1~;(tf.';'~'~:~¡~:!!;.'itl'.:'~ 0915'-103 . WYW164013 C00302 J\1UL TIPLE MINERAL DEVELOPJ\1ENT STIPULATION Operations wiJ] not be apprdved which, in the opinion of the authorized officer, would unreasonably interfere with the orderly development and/or production from a valid existing mineral lease issued prior to this one for the same lands. THIS STJPULA TION APPLIES TO ALL PARCELS '. :'t ,¡ '..~, H 'I OJ . ....-' ,'- " . -, , :,':: " '\\,', ,,~ : '.. :.~ ~~:,' ." ", ,.' , .. r~~j¡ : '_,.."'·,.,''',~_IIIaio1LJa.;........,.,-..~,.....,.,· ""'···,,·'<.-:!r~~\::_~":'""',...J!.....I"IU;.¡~·~~·I'~~3'!.:, .,: ""~·..:~.."!"'U"";~,'hI,t.tiIad.LlJ4d-,t:U.1~·~·,:·...- ·r"..','· ,·~,·,.;'f~¥~~ _'!~¡..".w.!'Þ'¥<!'1"-><~·--,""' "IU.~,:,~'¿'.......;.,.~-':'¡fÞtl¡'.;O!-c"01i.",\--I."~'.Jr:~'.i':'=;"I:r~:,-.-'¡:"P ""':.,~.... 091.5403 WYW164013 LEASE NOTICE NO.1 C00303 Under Regulation 43 CFR 3101.1-2 and terms of the lease (BLM Form 3100-11), the authorized officer may require reasonable measures to minimize adverse impacts to other resource values, land uses, and users not addressed in lease stipulations at the time operations are proposed. Such reasonable measures may include, but are not limited to, modification of siting or design of facilities, timing of operations, and specification of interim and final reclamation measures, which may require relocating proposed operations up to 200 meters, but not off the leasehold, and prohibiting surface disturbance activities for up to 60 days. The lands within this lease may include areas not specifically addressed by lease stipulations that may contain special values, may be needed for special purposes, or may require special attention to prevent damage to surface and/or other resources. Possible special areas are identified below. Any surface use or occupancy within such special areas will be strictly controlled or, if absolutely necessary, prohibited. Appropriate modifications to imposed restrictions will be made for the maintenance and operation of producing wells. 1. Slopes in excess of 25 percent. 2. Within 500 feet of surface water and/or riparian areas. 3. Construction with frozen material or during periods when the soil material is saturated or when watershed damage is likely to occur. 4. Within 500 feet ofInterstate highways and 200 feet of other existing rights-of-way (i.e., U.S. and State highways, roads, railroads, pipelines, powerIines). 5. Within 1/4 mile of occupied dwellings. 6. Material sites. GUIDANCE: The intent of this notice is to inform interested parties (potential lessees, permittees, operators) that when one or more of the above conditions exist, surface disturbing activities will be prohibited unless or until the permittee or the designated representative and the surface management agency (SMA) arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts. This negotiation will occur prior to development and become a condition for approval when authorizing the action. Specific threshold criteria (e.g., 500 feet from water) have been established based upon the best information available. However, geographical areas and time periods of concern must be delineated at the field level (i.e., "surface water and/or riparian areas" may include both intermittent and ephemeral water sources or may be limited to perennial surface water). The referenced oil and gas leases on these lands are hereby made subject to the stipulation that, the exploration or drilling activities will not interfere materially with the use of the area as a materials site/free use permit. At the time operations on the above lands are commenced, notification will be made to the appropriate agency. The name of the appropriate agency may be obtained from the proper BLM Field Office. THIS NOTICE APPLIES TO ALL PARCELS :::¡i¡m~m¡¡¡j¡:W¡: J~~;í ; ':'i.:O;~;r¡_;~':I~ ;:::~:::'::~:::~:~.'!:: '.·.·.·t....~.!'.......,.:. "~I·.:;Ii;t: :U·:;;,',; ',' ·;I,I;¡.,';,;· ,'I",' ',,'~" :1!.;~::1:.~::~' .'---,,- , ' ':i:";'7..~·~":·:;' I, ,,',., '.' ""·I'l·.·M!t:f~.~6,;<'~·" .. " ':':';;~~'t}/f,m;~:X', :;,'-': ,:fC: .'~':' '.:",',' '~';'-:~1)';':'::,', " '} ',: 1Ii:1I' ,1 i'¡1,~ 7¡ttJ m:I.~ili'!!!i.·f;';~"',I.~:;, '1·I.i~ !l:".; .;¡ j¡:oì' ~o~,'; ';' ' : WYW164013 0915403· LEASE NOTJCE NO.2 C00304 BACKGROUND: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), by including National Historic Trails within its National Landscape Conservation System, has recognized these trails as national treasures. Our responsibility is to review our strategy for management, protection, and preservation of these trails. The National Historic Trails in Wyoming, which include the Oregon, California, Mormon Pioneer, and Pony Express Trails, as well as the Nez Perce Trail, were designated by Congress through the National Trails System Act (P.L. 90-543; ]6 U.S.C. 1241-1251) as amended through P.L. 106-509 dated November 13,2000. Protection of the National Historic Trails is normally considered under the National Historic Preservation Act (P.L. 89-665; ] 6 U.S.c. 470 et seq.) as amended through 1992 and the National Trails System Act. Additionally, Executive Order 13195, "Trails for America in the 2151 Century," signed January 18, 2001, states. in Section 1: "Federa] agencies will...protect, connect, promote, and assist trails of all types throughout the United States. This will be accomplished by: (b) Protecting the trail corridors associated with national scenic trails and the high priority potential sites and segments of national historic trails to the degrees necessary to ensure that the values for which each trail was established remain intact." Therefore, the BLM will be considering all impacts and intrusions to the National Historic Trails, their associated historic landscapes, and all associated features, such as trail traces, grave sites, historic encampments, inscriptions, natural features frequently commented on by emigrants in journals, letters and diaries, or any other feature contributing to the historic significance of the trails. Additional National Historic Trails will likely be designated amending the National Trails System Act. When these amendments occur, this notice will apply to those newly designated National Historic Trails as well. STRATEGY: The BLM will proceed in this objective by conducting a viewshed analysis on either side of the designated centerline of the National Historic Trails in Wyoming, except, at this time, for the Nez Perce Trail, for the purpose of identifying and evaluating potential impacts to the trails, their associated historic landscapes, and their associated historic features. Subject to the viewshed analysis and archaèological inventory, reasonable mitigation measures may be applied. These may include, but are not limited to, modification of siting or design of facilities to camouflage or otherwise hide the proposed operations within the viewshed. Additionally, specification of interim and final reclamation measures may require relocating the proposed operations within the leasenold. Surface disturbing activities will be analyzed in accordance withthe National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91- 190; 42 U.S.c. 4321-4347) as amended through P.L. 94-52, July 3,1975 and P.L. 94-83, August 9,1975, and the National Historic Preservation Act, supra, to determine if any design, siting, timing, or reclamation requirements are necessary. This strategy is necessary until the BLM determines that, based on the results of the completed viewshed analysis and archaeological inventory, the existing land use plans (Resource Management Plans) have to be amended. The use of this lease notice is a predecisional action, necessary until final decisions regarding surface disturbing restrictions are made. Final decisions regarding surface disturbing restrictions wiJI take place with full public disclosure and public involvement over the next several years if BLM deterDÚnes that it is necessary to amend existing land use plans. GUIDANCE: The intent of this notice is to inform interested parties (potential lessees, permittees, operators) that when any oil and gas lease contains remnants of National Historic Trails, or is located within the viewshed of a National Historic Trails' designated centerline, surface disturbing activities will require the lessee, pennittee, operator or, their designated representative, and the surface management agency (SMA) to arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts. This negotiation will occur prior to development and become a condition for approval when authorizing the action. THIS NOTICE APPLIES TO ALL PARCELS l~'~'~¡"; , ,fi-" .','.<:~·,·oOo'o'U..~U'.·.·,¡'.'.~.·,·.'.~,·.'.', ',1;!fi-.·~0; ':'Í~S~':;;:~':"'~~:i::;:I:J:i~ ':':'"", ~~'i:..~~'~' :.:!.h'! ",' :. "'.',~,·o!~.o!.~~""·''''·¡:;,';'·I:''' ,', ,,!,.,-¡t.:~~{',IÒ'.i~~ !t;¡¡¡!¡..:!!tI~~"i,!,;~~;jl"';¡~Ji~~..-,,; ',,:..' ';'~' """~'·.:('IJ'~~;':I,'.;41'''':¡:i,' , '"o:"'lh;~"i·~' ;....;-.. ...y.:~:... J 0915403 ;VYW164013 SPECIAL LEASE STIPULATION C00305 This lease may be found to contain historic properties and/or resources protected under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), American Indian Religious Freedom Act, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, E.O. 13007, or other statutes and executive orders. The BLM will not approve any ground disturbing activities that may affect any such properties or resources until it completes its obligations under applicable requirements of the NHP A and other authorities. The BLM may require modification to exploration or development proposals to protect such properties, or disapprove any activity that is likely to result in adverse effects that cannot be successfully avoided, minimized or mitigated. TIllS STIPULATION APPLIES TO ALL PARCELS ::i~~!~~I::¡:::;ì P.. 'I ¡....i~.t.. ~ ,,;.Î. ~~~.,," J~!~~ : :::~;:r.~~~:':.::~::j I~;~:~~:r.:*::~:~:;j ~7;~~t~~~~t~~~ "¡"_'. (,; .,... .:;0," ,",:~.r""""*,]¡ \'Wü.I:;¡':',""'_"·"',I;_":"~""""":J"':~"'aos~'-''''''·''-:;· ~.,' ,t,., ,',:',..-¡,,,,:, ""h,' :.a~";:,.,";'. !I>.. ':J"';"~"!' ',·".DU:.a..:r.-...',.,. - "'! :·.~',k:'?1io\iI;U.""~~c!.!.¡'%.v.....<'!~~'J>,!1~,~. ~:~'~....."";·,_. ,': .,' ;';':',. ".'...i':.~....) ",":'..' ::'.','-"-' ;", .' '..'....I~ ',..,..~.;'~.~.~"I,',·. 09j~}5l\03 C00306 WYW164013 TIMING LIMITATION STIPULATIONS - TLS No surface use is allowed during the following time period(s).This stipulation does not apply to operations and maintenance of production facilities. . (1) Mar 15 to Ju115; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of (reasons): (3) protecting Sage Grouse nesting habitat. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) f~ !!~ : ':,·.·,,;·;¡;.....;:.o.I::,.., I", ..! ,'~:,'.'", ,', ,', '~'''.7':'' . ·,:,:I·;·I~:.~.'.......·.·, "'''',,~..:'::::'-~ :"'. :,,' ;,i.""~--.:,';,: ':·!,'I·'1oC-:¡:'J··'I',i¡'"':; ',~,. ';,.i,:.;.....:.;·:.... ,..,':' , 0915403 C00307 WYW164013 CONTROLLED SURFACE USE STIPULATION - CSU Surface occupancy or use is subject to the following special operating constraints. (1) Surface occupancy or Use within 1/4 mile of a Sage Grouse strutting/dancing ground will be restricted or prohibited unless the operator and surface managing agency arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of: (3) protecting Sage Grouse breeding habitat. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) .:.:;:I:'N·:·:,:,:,:;. 1"1I"'.IIj"'if.".f.~ 'J ,:Ij'~:@:~~:.l:¡',~ii .¡, J<~.; ~~: ¡ ~ii~ii¡~mm;¡¡~;~ j '-_"' :,':''-'' ';"",~.:J..:;t:-':'l;t:t:O.!.·Y-l.!.:.~¡,,1.'co',:f."æ.~..'.::.!.'"~~~.~;:1rT,~;~"\¡:::'.r;,~,,' ..·'...:4"7;1.r~i:;h.. ,,", ,:, ,',j ". ""I~'·"í' ,':·~':"'~..Q;'n^"".'" ., '~; "~;"~'~'*'¡~o1f~""''''''''~~4.''~ ':õ~::.-:,-.~,,''''!;~';'''' :;·;""'·""";"·i·;·.'!~t';';:1-~;:..r.:.:1.i;'::::::f'_¡':',·' ';'1'¡'~.';"..'¡'.~.!.j,:,: ,.,' 0911-5403 WYW161,.013 C00308 NOTICE TO LESSEE Provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) of 1920, as amended by the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of1976, affect an entity's qualifications to obtain an oil and gas lease. Section 2 (a) (2) (A) of the MLA, 30 V.S.C. 201 (a)(2)(A), requires that any entity that holds and has held a Federal coal lease for 10 years beginning on or after August 4, 1976, and who is not producing coal in commercial quantities from each such lease, cannot qualify for the issuance of any other lease granted under the MLA. Compliance by coal lessees with Section 2(a)(2)(A) is explained in 43 CFR 3472. In accordance with the terms of this oil and gas lease, with respect to compliance by the initial lessee with qualifications concerning Federal coal lease holdings, all assignees and transferees are hereby notified that this oil anå gas lease is subject to canceJIation if: (1) the initial lessee as assignor or as transferor has falsely certified compliance with Section 2(a)(2)(A), or (2) because of a denial or disapproval by a State Office of a pendin~ coal action, i.e., anns-Iength assignment, relinquishment, or logical mining unit, the iniriallessee as assignor or as transferor is no longer in compliance 'With Section 2(a)(2)(A). The assignee, sublessee or transferee does not qualify asa bona fide purchaser and, thus, has no rights to bona fide purchaser protection in the event of cancellation of this lease due to noncompliance with Section 2(a)(2)(A). Information regarding assignor, sublessor or transferor compliance with Section 2(a)(2)(A) is contained in the lease case file as weJI as in other Bureau of Land ManaQementrecords available throucl1 the State - - Office issuing this lease. .~.~~: