HomeMy WebLinkAbout915404 RECEIVED 112312006 IIt4:07 PM RECEIVING # 915404 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 309 .JEANNE WAGNER ~j~~OLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY CQ0309 -- WARRANTY DEED THIS IND.ENTIlRE, =made the rlay of JmIUaIy, 2006 by .and between the PETERNAL RANCHES, LLC, .a limited liability CompIDlY or£3Tl17p.d .and -existing li11der .and by vll1:ue of the laws of the State of Wyoming, the GRANTOR.and COLE W. JACKSON AND lITLRRN F. JACKSON, Husband BIld Wne .as Tp.mmt~ by the Entireties, whose .addœss is 1434 CoulsonAvenne, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 .as Gnmtee, WITNESSETH: That the :gr.antor, for.and in considerntion of the .sum of T-e:n DollarB ($10.00).and other good .and v:! lmh1e com:kleration in.hand paid, the receipt wbereof is .her-eby .acknowledged, doeB, by these pr-esents, grant, bargain,.se1l, CONVEY AND WARRANT:unto the .said Gnmtee .all1hat œrtain 1ract, lot, piece, .and parcel of land.situaterl in!he County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, .and Described.as followB 1o-wit: A:par.ce1 of land located in Bection 17, TI.2N 1U16W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more :particuIarly deBCribed.as followB: 7 "' 1 ~ ,10 All of1hose :portions of Resurvey Lot 43, Lot 4, the NWl,4SElA .and the NEl,4SWI,4 of .said Section 17 located northerly of .said Northerly right-of...;way boundary of State ffighway 233. SUBJECT, .however, 10.all reserv.a1Ïons, restrictions, :protective cov-enants, ~tions, p.a~ent!õ: .and Iights-of-way of Iecord, in.sight, or in lISe. IN WITNESS WHFRROF, the Grantor bas caused theBe :presents 10 beBigned by its duly .authorized officer, the rlay .and year :first .above written. PEIERNAL :RANCHES, LLC State of Wyoming ) )SB. County of .lincoln ) On 1his)o rlay of JmIUaIy, 2006, before me :personally .appeared.Kelly P. Thoman 10 me :personally lmown, who, bcing by me duly BWOm, did BaY 1hat .she is Managing Member of .Petemal :R:!TIches, LLC,a "Utah 1 :imitp.d Liability Company, .and .acknowledged .said instrument 10 be the fr-ee .act .and deed of .said 'limited liability Com:pIDlY. ]jy~p~ . Xc y P. ~ Managing Member WitneSB my .hand.and official Beal. My Comml!õ:sionThqrir-e.s ID-J-ðl ,- -, """:"'~"-'-~' , .; irmo;;o::'~Ô'AAY;:i ..~~~~ f:!¡¡:::ii:;~i:i::::::~ ~!~fÒ?~!~j1~~:.~¡