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Lower Valley Energy, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, does hereby stipulate and
agree that the Easement created by that instrument dated September 13, 1954,
and recorded on the 16th day of August, 1956, in Book 18 of Public Records, page
225, No. 222929, in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, and attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Easement"), is hereby partially
vacated as follows:
Lower Valley Energy, Inc. vacates said Easement to the extent that it
burdens that real property commonly 'known as the Alpine Meadows
Subdivision, according to that plat recorded August 23, 2005 as Plat No.
··206-A in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Kemmerer, Wyoming,
and more particularly described in Exhibit B hereto (the "Property").
Lower Valley Energy, Inc., for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of
which being hereby acknowledged, does hereby release, convey and quitclaim to
the now current owner of the Property described on Exhibit B any and all right,
title and interest in and to the said Easement on the Property, it being the intent
hereof to vacate, discharge and render null and void the Easement with respect
to the Property, said partial vacation of the Easement to be effective as of the date
hereof. The Easement remains in full force and effect as to q¡l lands not
included in the legal description of the Property on Exhibit B hereto.
-) ~1
IN WITNESS WHE~F, the parties have hereunto set their hands to be
effective as of this J..o day of January, 2006.
STATE OF ~j $s.
Lower Valley Energy, Inc.
.~y.. r
By:~ ~
Its: fj; I' ,-,tar¿ 0 t- ç ~ <;;~ Co':""; ~ j
RECEIVED 1/23/2006 at 4:49 PM
RECEIVING # 915416
BOOK: 610 PAGE: 355
______~~:_~_~~~~~~~_~~:~K, KEMMERER, wY
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/J '. . The foregoing inst~w:n~nt was acknowledged
p~¡;¿ /c::n~this ;;J.O~- day of January 2006.
me by
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission ExpiresðJ~~
County of A State of
Teton V I"jJ
My CommIssIon expires oJ>"
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Any rigbts of hom..t....d or other inter..t the undersiened In~)' h.,.." inconsistent with Ibo rigbts borcinabove con-
felTed an: hereby ,,·.iyed ond relinquished 10 lb. exlent n.,."ssU)' 10 pcmút U'e r... .njoymenl or 'aid righls and to thol
f!:!tC'nt only, ..'
IN WI'l'NESS wm:rlEm' the unc!<:..lgned ha.. ..1 Iheir hand. ~':JI. Ihis ./Æ day o~ ~.~, A. D. 19.Œ
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~,....::... ~.<;:,;:.~..,,~,:,>.., '" Notary Public
My CcolriiniŠti!Òn expires ' . ' _--=--~. ~__
nu undenigned CO\"CJl:I,nt. UI:I:' ill..")' are the Qwncn of the alJo~l:-dcsc.-ibC!d 1anda ;and that the Rid ]and$ are free and.
d.ar or encumbrall." and nens or whalsoc\'er cbaracltr except those beld b¡' lhe ronowlne persons, lo.wit:
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:um (0 ~onslruct. rcr:onstrudo rcpJ:aso, r~p.air. opl:r.:atc And malnt&Ìn on the above cJcsm\x..d lands ;;and:or 10 Dr upon aU
,.tr&:f,.°u, road:¡¡ 0: hi,:bw~rs øbuUina: said lands. ;an olectric lransmisslon andIor distribution lina or Jl)'slcm, to ruL and trir:t
tre.. a"d .hrubbery J"".ted wilbln _~ fcet or the oonlor line of said Unu or systc"" nf lhat moy Inlerre.. with
or UU'\!.1tcn to endnh¡:cr tht: opcruUon And m.1fntenance or Aid line or ayshtm. and 10 Uccn!i:i,', pcrnlìll orolhf~nY¡sc agree
to Ih. Joint.... or occupnncy ot Ihe line or sy.lem by any olher person, associatinn Of corporation for clcclrificaUon or
telephone PUll'OSC,.J.
"lb. undersigned a,roe Ihal all poles, wIres and other facilities, in.talled on tlte above c!cserib.:d ¡oncls at the CorporaUon',
expcnsll!'. shan rcmain the prÇJperty ol'lhe Corpor.1tion. rcmoYõlhle :It the option of lhe CorporulioD,
The Corporation a¡:r... to pay to the underslened for tlte priví\e~cs herein gran"-d when said line or system bas bccu
cOIn;>!cl.l)' collstruc!ed. ... rollow"
s....LS ,þ.. ror <'Oeb pole IUId oeeb ancbor Ioenled In erop lond.
s--1If" ~ _ ror neb pole and each anchor loca:c.J in ""culli..led land.
$_ ' 3 ., -__ lor ~.;c::h pol. :and each anchor Jocu.led along fence line..
I Right-OE-Way £osemen~
PI, ......
\ KNOW ALL f.!EN DY THESE PRESENTS: That we, lhe undersl;n.'" r
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.lk~.Lc::/j CI,·...ocy ~----(, ~11...4 C... '4 ~. , ._____
loA.. 1:1Od .ncl valuolllc col1sider:ttion. the receipt whenof is berebv acknowledccd. do hereby ernnt unto LOW.~n VAt...
\ .
U:'I:, POWEll AND LICUT, mc, a cooperativo corporalion. (h....lnorler ...ned Ibe Corpornlionl, whose p""t omee aeldn,..
Is ri.,eðom, Wyominr.. and 10 its successors or assigns. the perpetual rlChl 10 enler upon tbe lands of Ihe unelersigned.
'il""l~ In the County of _~.!_:,!, CoO /'>-T. , Slale ot ~.c;>......,. ..,: anel more particular:y
dc.'eribè, os. foU"",.: OJ. ' L. '
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Said parcel ENCOMPASSES an area of 104.89 acres more or less.
THENCE along the north line of the SW1/4SW1/4 of said Section 20, N89°58'35"E, 1315.50
feet to the southwest 1/16 comer of said Section ZO where is found a monument as described in a
Wyoming Comer Record on fùe in said Office;
THENCE departing said north line and following the east line of that parcel of record
described in Book 457 of Photostatic Records, Page 639 on fùe in said Office, Sooo06'33"E,
1029.36 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter steel rebar with an aluminum cap inscribed "RLS 164";
THENCE along the north line of that parcel of record described in Book 457 of Photostatic
Records, Page 1 J 4 on file in said Office, S89°57'51 "E, 704.25 feet more or less to an intersection
with the westerly right-or-way line of U.S. Highway 26 where is found a 5/8 inch diameter steel
rebar with an aluminum cap inscribed "RLS 164";
THENCE along said westerly right-of-way line, S08°0S'28"E, 419.61 feet to a 5/8 inch
diameter steel rebar with an aluminum cap inscribed "RLS 164";
THENCE departing said westerly right-of-way line and following the south line of said parcel
of record described in Book 457 of Photostatic Records, Page 114, S89°58'43"W, 762.87 feet to a
5/8 inch diameter steel rebar;
THENCE along said east line, SooòIZ'03"W, 969.38 feet more or less to an intersection with
the northerly Palisades Reservoir Take Line where is found a 5/8 inch diameter steel· rebar with
an aluminum cap inscribed "PLS 6441";
THENCE along said Palisades Reservoir Take Line through the following courses,
N88°11'31"W, 648.39 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter steel rebar with an aluminum cap inscribed
"RLS 164";
N82° I 9'49"W, 671.32 feet to an aluminum pipe with an aluminum cap inscribed "RLS 164";
N63°4S'42''W, 581.96 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter steel rebar with a plastic cap stamped "PLS
THENCE departing said Palisades Reservoir Take Line, along the west line of that parcel of
record described in Book 461 of Photostatic Records, Page 454 on file in said Office,
NOooOI'44"E, 2052.29 feet more or less to an intersection with the north line of the SElI4SE1I4
of said Section 19;
THENCE along the north line of said SEl/4SE1I4, S89°3Z'42"E, 519.89 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING at the south 1/16 comer common to said Sections 19 and 20 where is found a
monument as described in a Wyoming Comer Record on fùe in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
CouOly, Wyoming;
A parcel of land located in the SE1I4SE1I4 of Section 19, the SW1I4SW1I4 and SE1I4SW1I4 of
Section ZO, the N112NW1I4 of Section 29, and the NE1I4NE1I4 of Section 30, T37N, R 118W,
6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, further described as follows:
"~'11 ;'
:1:··. :<"