HomeMy WebLinkAbout915438 ,I '.'.:,'.'.'...,..,.. ':".' '.. .,;r';':"~;; '~7,"''';':'," "';". ; .':'~' ...~.:-: ":' ·')õ";'¡:',;''',';'"7.,.7¡;j;j'r-;; ';'. .~} 1···. "'", 8§l' ~ ç~ ¿,." d ~)i~ S ~i1 1,.) ~ r9 ~;; t;lj '""oJ ""~M' ...M .I-~ fo" ..I~~; ~. . J q.) q i i:t .8 } ~c.; ~,~ .,..~ 1'~ ~' "" ~) ¡,;~ .:1. Cff} fþ ~f .... '!l\il -d,: 'f roc .~;.¡! ~.'" RECEN~1~)j:: ,:i¡~t 2:34 PM RECEIVING # 915438 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 397 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wY 0397 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOWN ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That KATHY WARE of the ;,County of Li.I~coln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and(bOI100's (~lO.OO) and other good and valuable consideration to tµem. inhao.d paid by . -' ,·:=·,-.;;....7 ...:.'£~~)nri~~~~~:..~,j¡<~,~~'.---:------ . whose address is;P .ö·.,Boi·13613 r'la~kson, Wy 83002 . . '" ",",o', . ',' ,'Jc The receipt whereof is hereby confessed and(tiJlrnQ,wledged,have"remised, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, execut.ors and administrators, remise, release and torever quitcìáiÍn upto¡the said BRIAN WARE, a married person heirs and assigns, forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as I have, ought to have in or to all the following descriqed premises, to-wit: Any interest I might have by virtue of Memorandum of Agreement recorded December 28, 2001 in Book 479PR on page 695 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk on the following described land: Lot 12 of the Three Rivers Meaclowsj~~.tates Subdivision "A", to the Town of Alpine, Lincoln County ,Wyoming as described on the:official plat thereof. ',:~;,":7 ~;"'. , . :~', : Hereby releasing a~d waiving all rights uqdf::f:~lld.by virtue of the ~omesteàcl exemption laws of the Stat"e: of'ÙYyofi1ing. . . '.,~ ~ ", ' :,.,' :" .. TO ÌIA. ¥EA*h+o H\~f.n~:;~g ~¡~;;;ii~ iÎmo n;~ ~(}-~ J- --: heirs and. assigns, to his and their own prop,e¿t)~¡~~~:ancl behoof forever. S9that neitherJ.o.oraI).y·other person in my name or behalf shall or will hereàfter claim or demand any right to title to the preµ1ises or any part thereof, but they and everyone of thelJl shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. . .'.:j"¡'.f.!'." ( ) Dated this . . Myðf Dcœmber,,:¿~.. ..... , fj ~ ~\ ý- <1'<(96'7'" .~.¡¿. uJiw J Kathy Ware "1"". State of Wyoming ) )ss. ) ..~I County of !ULyÞÎ- ZØo r' . , ,..~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: c;J pt/à r: ,~ _.J.. .';.......~.,..,:.,.:':..: '-:.;,':;o;:.;:-¡,:.;¡;. .' ....... ". 1;·j