HomeMy WebLinkAbout915447 ,. 01/18/2006 16:05 0000000 , .:J;_,:, '. ,~_ :~~. ~~ W<IÍ\i, , PAHRUMP NV PAGE 01/03 .' , . .. 000409 ReCORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RE;CORDED MAIL TO: IÎ'\ t\ *:J i+ ~o e'" "P. D, ßO..f. 3c:RS" \)A~ R.,1.t.."",p, f\J¡). "I190"¡ J RECEIVED 1/25/2006 at 10:53 AM RECEIVING # 915447 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 409 JEANNE WAGNER ..~,~~N~OLN ~~UNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ ~ MODIFICATION AGREEMENT AND SUPPLEMENT TO MORTGAGE This agreement Is made as of J~nuary 17, 2006 by KEVIN M. PAUL. AND EKO PAUL, HUSBAND AND WiFE, OF P,O. BOX 1387. AFTON, WY.,83110, (herein collectively called /lMortg2gQfI) and MARY HVDE of P.O. Box 3095, PAHRUMP, NY, 89041, herein oalled Mortgagee. ~) J Factual Backctround WHEREAS: Mortgagor and Mortgagee entered into a certain Mortgage instrument securing' a promissory note: dated February 17, 2003, made payable to Mortgagee in the principal amount of Two Hundred and Forty Thousand and 0. ~Q.. 1)Ct¿Î 00/100 Dollars ($2.40,000.00) which Mortgage was recorded on February 18. ~,O\ '0 2003 ~$ Document No.887878 of Official Records In the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereinafter referred to as (the t Mortgage~), The Mortgage encumbers property 521 N. WaShington located in the City of Afton, I.inooln County, Wyoming as more particularly desoribed as (the "Original Legal Description"), to wit: Part of Section 19, T32N R118W ofthe 6th P.M., L.inooln County, Wyoming, desoribed as follows: See Attached L.egal Descrlptlo.n WHEREAS1 the Parties to this agreement wish to modify the original maturity date ön the Mortgage and Promissory Note, which read to be the 1ST day of March. 2008, to now be the 1ST day of March. 2009. -( ;::::;::~::~::::*'-'i t;:1::!:::::~:::~:1::::' "'1/18/2",~:;¡;";;;;i7'--;-:" tJ tJ ~:~~;~::mH:¡!:;;;'.;~}:;Ø5 0000000 , ti:;:;:¡>.'.'N,......., ". !;:'W"N:~:':':': AHRUMP NV t.~¡·.,:·>,;·~:~~:, m:::7:;:;;:;¡;¡;;;;l;if :::.,;;:",.';!."H¡'¡!t GE /!;:~;_,j~~l¡~ H; ~:~l;~ 02/03 O~1.54Ll7 {;n041 ...·u ' .1.0 8.Qreement This agreement does not constitute the creation of a new debt nor the extinguishment of the debt evidenced by said Note, nor does it in any way affect or impair the l1en of said Peed of trust, which Mortgagee acknowledges to be a valid and existing first lien against the real property described in the Legal Description. The Deed of Trust Is agreed to continue in full force and effect, and the same shall so continue until fully satisfied. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, this agreement shall not affect nor impair any representation in regard to any warranty of title heretofore made by the Mortgagee, all of which shall remain in force and inure to the benefit of the Beneficiary and any insurer of the title to the property described in the Revised Legal Description or the lien of the Deed of Trust thereon. The word "NoteR as used herein, shall be construed to mean note, bond, extension or modification agreement or other Instrument evidencing the indebtedness herein referrad to. and to Includé such instrument whether originally made and delivered to the Beneficiary or assigned and/or endorsed to the Beneficiary; and the word "Deéd of Trust" shall be construed to mean Deed of Trust, mortgage, loan deed. or othsr instrument securing the indebtedness herein referred to, and to include such instrument securing the Indebtedness herein referred to. and to Include such Instrument. whether originally made and delîvèred to the Beneficiary as beneficiary, or made and delivared to some other beneficiary and purchased by the Beneficiary and now owned by virtue of any assignment to it. The "Mortgagee" referred to herein may be an original meker of the Note or any person obligated thereon by endorsement, assumption of debt, ·or otherwise. Mortgagee shall pay all costs of the modmcation made hereby, to include without limitation, recording fees, as well as the cost of an endorsement to Benefic.;iary's policy of title Insurance, insuring the continued first priority lien of the Deed of Trust subsequent to the recordation of this Agreement. Except as hereby eXpressly modified, all the tarrns, covenants, conditiof1$ and provisions of the hereinabove described Deed of Trust shall remain In full force and effect. Thi$\ Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective successors. heirs and assigns. THS BALANCE OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 '.I.ll.ta-;: - ---~- 01118/2006 16: 05 0000000 PAHRUMP NV PAGE 03/03 . ,. I .1 .... ;'.:.. 031.5447 C00411 Wrtness our hands 1his fi day of Jst'luary, 2006 ·~MV~ ~ ' \ Kevin M. Paul ' 6o~~ Eko Paul State of wyoming CountY of Lincoln "" / ~ ~. On Ja..,,"A&!4 Z3~eforeme.Dt:l~ -+rCi.~ .' ;t 1 ir....0 m~ (e.g., 'J,,,,, -, -,PuOIiC") personally appeared I .~' L ',' . Name{s) of SIw1e s) ¿~rSOnaIlY known to me-OR-Q" proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person (s) whose name (9) Js/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to mé that he/she/they executed 1he same 111 hislherltheir authorized capaoitY (ies), and thåt by hislherltheir slgnature(s) on the instrurnentthe person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the p$rson($) .acted, executed the instrument. . ~ESSmy. ~ , L) ~ +N 5igT1;3t&t8 of NolBry Puþ ç 3 TOTAL P. Ø3 [;;¡:¡m¡¡¡¡~¡¡¡~¡;¡:;