HomeMy WebLinkAbout915460 ... 50647 (01) RECEIVED 1/26/2006 at 1:59 PM RECEIVING# 915460 BOOK: 610 PAGE:444 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: N.ame: Address: Keith Chauncey PO Box 4561 Jackson, \Vì{83001 QUIT CLAIM DEED Kfith Chauncey mId Wendy Rasmussen, Jrusillmd mId wile GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, heIeby QUIT CLAIM(S) 10 Keith Chauncey.and Wendy Rasmussen, JrusbmId.and wife, .as -tenant" by the entireties GRANTEE(S), of PO Box4561, Jackson, \Vì{ 83001, for mId in consideration ofthe.sll1D. of One Dollar .and other good mId valuable consideration, 1he following described real estate, .situate m Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, .hereby Iele.asing 1i11d w.a.iving.all rights under mId by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, 10 wit: L0122, Riverview Meadow.s Addition 10 the Town of Alpine within the S£l/4 of Section 30, T37N,R1l8W, llCcording10 tbatplatfiled July 2,1993 .as lnstrument No. 767416. Subject to reserv.ations mId Iestrictions contained m the United States Patent .and to easements .and Iights-of-way of record or in use. Together with .alllinprovements mId appurtenances thereon. -wITNESS, the band of.said gnmtor this 24th !lay of January, 2006. 1-.V STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Teton ) ).ss. ) On this 24th !lay of January, 2006, before me, the undersigned, a No1ary Public, in mId for .said State, personally appeared Keith Chauncey.and Wendy RasmussenJrnown 10 me, mId or identified 10 me on the b.asis of .satisfactory evidence, to be the per.son(s) who.se name.s .are .sub.scribed to the within instrument.and llCknowledged to me that they executed the .same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFF1ClAL SEAL. No1ary Pub c: My commission expire.s .LAURIE COE· NOTARY PUBUC County of ~ State of Teton ~ Wyoming My Commission Expires 9/1212007 Land Title Company File NJlD1ber: 50647 Quit Oaim Deed (Individual) PJI,ge 1 of I t~;1~t~1;\fm~dd~ :::r~*~~::::::::::;; ~:!;~~ili, !~E[~iti~i::ii~¡~il ;j~;~