HomeMy WebLinkAbout915464 ........ 7ill¡I~r[lli[;: RECEIVED 1/26/2006 at 2:04 PM RECEIVING # 915464 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 448 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY MEMORANDUM OF SALE This is a MEMORANDUM OF SALE, made and entered into effective the 7th day of OCTOBER ,2005, by and between Thomas L. Thrash, whose mailing address is P. O. Box 543, Big Piney, Wyoming 83113 (hereinafter referred to as "Seller" ) and Saxum Industries, Inc.,a North Carolina Corporation,whose mailing address is P; O. Box 8546 Asheville, N. C. 28814, (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer). For the purchase price and upon the terms,covenants and conditions set forth in that Contract of Sale made and entered into e ffecti'V\.e the 7th day of October, 2005, on the terms / covenants and conditions of which are made a part hereof, Sellers have agreed to sell to Buyer, and Buyer has agreed to purchase from Seller, the following described real property located in Lincoln County/ State of Wyoming/ which is more particularly described as follows: TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH¡RANGE,lI4 WEST OF THE. 6th P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SECTION 17. '1l.þ' 1/ v T0~ATHER WITH all improvements, appurtenan~es, water and water rights,ditch and ditch rights,re~ervoir and reservoir rights, there- unto appertaining;SUBJECT TO reservations and restrictions contained in the United States patents or otherwise'ofrecord, to easements and rights of way of record or in use/ to pri~r mineral reservations of record and to all other matters of public record; SUBJECT TO all covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements as recorded in the officeof the County Clerk for Lincoln County/Wyoming. , ) Buyer's rights under the Contract of Sale are subject to Seller's right to terminate said contract in accordance with its terms, in the event that Buyer defaults in the pe~formance of an~,e~ the terms or \ . conditions contained in said contract, which defadlt is not remedied in accordance with the terms of said contract." Seller and Buyer have executed this Memorandum of Sale for the purpose of making Buyer's contract rights a matter of legal record in the Office of County Clerck of Lincoln County/ Wyoming. IN W~TNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Memorandum of Sale the 14th day of December, 2005. Page 1 ~ "'f'\r ;.,; ,,I., 4 4 9 ,.j('......'\ !:"£1' 6~ ~ -. , > ' '_1 oJ.......'-JJ SELLER: ~. MJ~ It!:. L. Thrash BUYER: Saxum Industries, Inc. by: (~~h'p",~~_ William c.~n,pres. ---- State of '-County of Notary Public of said County and State, certify that ash personally appeared before me this.::RÇt7 day of 1200~, and acknowledged the due execution of the M:..,..~..:O:~;:~i.O~~::.::::~:~_...".... .~.~.. ~ >---. .,"'.:}i ~~ ~c ~.r JAMI£?AJNT£R'NOTARVPUBLIC.tI . '. - -.. 1, .' ':1 =. 1 COONTY Cf STATE f1 , UNCŒ.N \'ft~ '1':11 1 :.0.. a ....:~'~\~ - I ¡~.~ i r-:t-...... -, f~r .......'.:..-0-. State of North Carolina-County of Buncombe I, a Notary Public of said County and State, cer~i~ that W t-\~ iam "C. Johnson personally appeared before me th i s /7. ....è!~'.y ....Of. ~ ,2005, and acknowledge that he is the Pres.tq¢.ft~>ö·f:>'._ Saxum Industr ies, Inc. ,a North Carol ina corporat ion, ana'\':bettr9">;;'~ . .~ '..;) ~ . ...... ", authorized to do so, executed the forego ng 0 behalf'-O'f he. '.,~'i~ corporat ion as its act and deed, as Pres' d n . . :'J / ,~:~ ;_\:"," ;:~./ . ~ ~ ; .~. :~;.' "j j f-' ,f-C.~ . . -';' -,,:'~ Publ it-i: '.'" ."~{t, . ~. .... .1,)". ~,tt.''}'. . ,- ~ I)'" ~ ~ .1,1 .' ~J~tJ\;.\· ./,t' .f."-. ~.. ItJ - { ~ d-.ðO? . My commission expires: './~ Page 2 !;¡~;¡~1i~1~!~~¡¡:]'