HomeMy WebLinkAbout915497 "'~'.J~:=~~2'..'::.,~,,,,~~J.~'~~'~:],:":' .~~,'" "~....:..,, '......,.............,.... ¿, '...L1.-........~......."'........,..."..·~~··. '="'"_J:'., ..- oA'" ~i2~t...:i: .'..,.:.;.~ :_" ,~'i!:¡;h!';l.±JoI1=.r;:::,::';: ~,.:..;, :",:;: _, .. _,' ~,!:!';'¡'¡:.~.' ,':: 000529 .Re£ording requested by: Well.s FaIgo Bank, .N.A. When recorJled .return :to: Wells FaIgo Bank, N.A. :P.O. BOX 31:5:5ì BILLINGS, MT 5910ì DOCUMENì MANAGEMENT RECBVED112712006 Bt 10:45 AM RECEIVING# 915497 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 529 .JEANNE WAGNER l...INCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY State ofWyOlUÜl¡; ~CE~:200535ìì300D46 SpKe Above ThlsI...iDe.For :ReconIJng:n.t. ACCODNT~: 0654-654-21 62B24-1~9B MORTGAGE (WithFutureAdvl1Il.Ce Clause) ~ DATE AND PARTIES. The rlate of this Mortgage ("Security 1nstrument") is 0 1 /D9/2006 .and the parties, !heir Bddresses.and tax iilenrific.arion numbers, if required., .are .as follows: MORTGAGOR: . ROLAND A. COLE AND MIC~L1E ELZINGRE-COlE, WHO ACQUIRED ìlìlE AS ROLAND A. COLE AND MIC~ElLE y, £LZINGRE-COLE, ~USBAND AND WIF£, AS ì£NANìS BY ì~E £NTIREìl£S (~ :0 Jf c.hec.kf'n, refer to the :ltt:lc.hed Þ.ililf"nilnm ll1corporatedl1erein,.for :lililirinnal Mortgagors their ¡;i1?1:1tnre5.and BCknOWIf'A f?11ent!:. LENDER.: Wells Fa:rgo Bank, N.A. P. O. BOX 31557 BILLINGS, MT 5910ì 2. CONVEYANCE. For good.and vBluable mn¡;iilP.11ùion, the :receipt.and J:ITfficiençy of which is 11clrnowledged., .and to secure the Secured Debt (defined below) .and Mortgagor'sperfnnn:lnœ under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grnnts, bargains, ronveys, mortgages.and wBml1l1:s toLender, with power of Bale, thefolloWÌIIg rle!:çnl>ed :property: LOìS 2 AND 3, BìAR VIEW .ES'TAìES, A PORìlON Of ì~E BW1/4NE1/4, SECTION 21, ì32N, R11~W, Bì~ P.M., WYOMING, ACCORDING ìO ì~ PLAì Of RECORD IN ì+Œ OFfiCE Of ì+Œ COUNìY CL£RK, LINCOLN COUNìY, WYOMING. The:propertyislocatedin LINCOLN at: 92 ~ ILL V IEW DR I VE AUBURN, .J¡r'B3111 .and :parcel :number of 32192 1 1 0 1 03 1 DO 1~etheT with Jill rights, e:l¡;emffl1t¡;, .appurten:lnœ!:, royalties, millP.rn 1 :rights, oil.and gas Iights, 1Ù1 water .and riparianIights, Llitches, .and water .stock.and 1Ù1 existing .and future improvements, 5t:ructures, TI1."Íl1TeS,.and replaœment¡¡ that.may.now or at.any time.in the future be part of the Ieal:estate described 1lbove (Jill referred to.as "Property"), 3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The 10tal princi¢ mnount secured by this Security 1nstrument at.any one time shall not :exceed.$ 20, ODD . DO . This limit:lrinn of .amount does .not include interest .and other fees .and .charges v1ili.dly .made pursuant to this Security 1nstrument, Also, this limit:lrinn does not .apply to .adv.ances .made under the terms of this Security 1nstnunent toprotectLender'.s security.and toperfonn.any of the œvenants C'Æ\llt:linedin this Security 1nstrument. 4. BE CUBED DEBT AND .J'UTUHE.ADVANCES. Therenn '"SecuredDebf' is ilefillf"A .as follows: ~\~~¡!;~mmm!!~I! [1 ," , '- '_';\;!;''';L':.i:.I.J:£i:Lt<:w:!'-CL1>:.d!.!.:::C;:.!'''--·' ,,~ ~'''";:,C:T'::'~'_'",,~' _.,._ .~"," ,__,~ '_':;-::"_"":L~':':::" ; ï,¡":,(ó';T" !.t.:.t.t:~f.I"'.·,·,' . .:.,.- ,:'.:¡ ',M ,--,:;~¡.::tJi-L!..'!'~-,!; ;t:.'~'=!~~~~~<'¡:~~l.·_',~'~ '-,i:",j~,__, ,- ,,,.:- .'¡~ cf"'.!~£'~i ,:..:.' _': --"'..;.!;.' ;,:,--,.- .'/.!,.;~':'~t;· 091.5437 C00530 A. Debt incurred under the tenns of the promissory note, Ievolving line of credit, contract, guaT<mty or other evidence of debt dated 0 1/09 /2006 together with.all amennments, extem:ions, monifir:ations.and reD.eWIDs, .and.having.a maturity date of 01/09/2046 13, All future .advances from Lender to Mortgagor under .such evidence of .debt. All future advances.are.seemed lIS jf made on the date of this Security Jnst:mment. Nothing in this Security Agreement.shall constitute .a commitment to make annitional orfuturdrums or .advances which exceed the.amount5hown in Section 3, Any.such commitment:must be .agreed 10 in .a .separate writing, C, All sums .adv.anœd .and expensp's incurred by Lender for insuring, preserving, or otherwise protecting the Property .and its v.a1ue .and .any other sums .adv.anced .and expenses .incurred by Lender under the 1enns of this Security Instrument, 3. PAYMENTS. Mortgagor.agrees that.all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due.and in .accordance with the 1enns of the Secured Debt.and 1his Security Instrument. 6. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. With Iegard to 1lIlY other mortgage, deed of trust, .security .agreement or other lien liocument that.created.a prior .security interest or eIlCllIIÙn'1lIl on the Property, Mortgagor .agrees: A. To make.all payments when due.and to perfunn or comply with.all cov.enants, ]3, To promptly .deliver to Lender 1lIlY notices that Mortgagor Ieceives from the.holder. C. Not to .allow <my monifir:ation or extension of, nor to request 1lIlY future .advances under 1lIlY note Dr .agreement 5eCllTed by the lien.document withoutLender's prior written (".onSe11.t. 7. CLAIMS AGAINST TTILE. Mortgagor will pay .all taxes, ilsse~~ent~,1iens, p.nr:nmhrnnr:es, lease payments, ground Ients, utilities, .and other charges Ie1ating to the Property when 1iue. Lender may Iequire Mortgagor to provide to Lender copies of .all .notices that.such amOllnt~.are due.and the Ieceipts evidencing Mortgagor's payment. Mortgagor will defend 1it1e to the Property Bgainst 1lIlY claims that would llnpair the lien of the Security 1nstrument. Mortgagor .agrees to .assign to Lender, lIS requested by Lender, 1lIlY rights, claims or nefen~es Mortgagor may .have BgaÏnst parties who supply labor or materials to maintain or improve the Property. 8. DUE ON.sALE OR-ENCUMBRANCE. Upon .sale,1mI1sf'er, hypothf"r.ation, .assignment or encumbnmœ, w.hether voluntmy, involuntmy, Dr by operation of law, of.all or 1lIlY part of the Property or .any interest therein, then.at its sole option, Lender may, by written .notice to Mortgagor, declare .all oh1i17ltions 5eCllTed hereby immeniately 1iue .and pay.able, except 10 íhe extent that .such .aœeleration for.and in such particular ciIannstances where exercise of .such 11 right by Lender is prohibited by law... 9. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALIERATIONS AND JNSPECTION. Mortgagor willlœep the Property in good conilition .and make .all IepairS that.are reasonably -nece~~ary, Mortgagor.shall not commit or .allow 1lIlY waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property, Mortgagor will Jœep the Property free of noxious weeds .and grasses. Mortgagor .agrees that the nature of íhe OCCllpIDlCy .and use will.not sub¡:tantially .change without Lender's prior written consent, Mortgagor will not permit 1lIlY .change in .any 1iœnse, Iestr.ictive covenant Dr easement without Lender's prior written consent. Mortgagor will notify Lender of .all nemann~, proœP.ilin.ßs, .claims,.and.actions Bgainst Mortgagor,.and of.any loss or damage to the Property, Lender or Lender's .agents .may, .atLender's option, enter the Property .at 1lIlY Tf'-3~onahle 1ime for íhe pmpo.se of inspecting the Property. Lender .shall give Mortgagor notice .at the 1ime of or before <m inspection .specifying .aIeasonable pmpo.se for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property.shall be entiIely for Lender's benefit.and Mortgagor will in no Wl1Y rely on Lender' s inspection, 10. A.UTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Mortgagor fIDls to perform 1lIlY liuty or 1lIlY of the covenants contained in this Security 1nst:ruInen:t, Lender may, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed, Mortgagor .appoints Lender lIS .attorney in:fl1ct to sign Mort~or's name or pay.any .amount -nece"~ary for pmnrmanr:e, Lender's right to perfonn for Mortgagor .shall not .create.an ohlißatíon to perform, .and Lender's failure to perform will not:precludeLender from exercising.any of Lender's other :rights under the law or 1his .5ecurity Instrument, If 1lIlY construction on the Property is lliscontinlled or not carried on in .a Ieasonable "TTUlTlner, lender may :taJœ.all .steps -neC':f'C;~:!ry to protect Lender's .security interest in the Property, inr:lllilin.e completion of the construction, 11. ASSIGNMENT OF TEASES AND RENTS. Mortgagor .irrevocably,grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages.and wllmlIlts to Lender lIS :!clclitional .security .all the right, title.and 1O.any .and.all p.xi.mTll or future.leases, ~lIhlf".ases,.and.any other written or verbal.agreemP.11t~ for the use.and oc~lIpancy of 1lIlY portion of the Property, inr:lllnin.e <my extensions, ren.ewIDs, monifir::!tions or substitntion~ of .such .agreement!; (all Ieærred 10 lIS "'Leases") .and Ients, issues.and profits (all Ieærred to lIS ""Rents"). Mortgagor will promptly provide Lender with 1rue .and correct r:opies of .all existing .and future Leases, Mortgagor may collect, Ieceive, enjoy.and use íhe Rents so long lIS Mortgagor is not in default under the tenns of this Security 1nstrument, Mortgagor .agrees that 1his a~~ifJ1ment is immf'niately effective between the parties to this Security 1nsttument. Mortgagor .agrees that 1his a~~i.enment is effective lIS to 1hird parties when Lender 1akes affirmative .action prescribed by Jaw, .and that 1his .assignment will Iemain in effect.during 1lIlY Iedemption period until the Secured Debt is !;ati rned, Mortgagor.agrees thatLender may :taJœ .actual possession of the property without the m:cessity of commenr:in,e Jega1.action .and that .actual pO~!œ~~ion is ( æmen to oa:m when Lender, or its .agent, -notifie~ .Mortgagor of default.and nemanns that 1lIlY tenant pay all future Rents .directly to Lender. On Ieceiving notice of .default, Mortgagor willendor.se .and .deliver to Lender 1lIly payment of Rents in Mortgagor's po~se~sion .and will Ieceive 1lIlY Rents in trust Sor .Lender .and will not comminØe the Rents with 1lIlY other:funds, Any.amounts rol1ecten will be.applied lIS provided in this Security Instrument, Mortgagor wIDIants that.no .default exists under EQ150B (l012003) ~ " ¡:,',; :;":¡'''''"1:1:¡ :;:r _~, cc..::;,'. :;' ."<"-'-""'.':'':'';~~,:- ""·.·.·..·~4~·.·;· ·..·.; --'-"..,~.!!.'.h!:!:-,...::.:~:..:~·:'C;..l-:',...-'¿,,:,'_·,',· .',i'L',i<~':,·I-.'.;":'·":"" ! .4 ' ;{ ',....~¡. C" 1'3.9~ (J.::J.L.J"i: II cnn531 \..,J .' the Leases or MY appliC"~hle landlordltenant Jaw. Mortgagor 1ÙSO .agrees 10 m:lint:lin .and require my tenant 10 L:omply with the 1ermS of the Leases .and appl ir::lhle law. 12. LEASEHOLDS; CONDOMINIIJMS; PLANNED lJJUT DEVELOPMENTS. Mortgagor.agrees 10 L:omp1y with the provisions of MY lease jf this Security l11!;tmmp.nt is on 11 If'~!;p.hold. If the property is 11 unit in 11 Condomininm Project or js part of 11 Planned Unit Development ("PIID"), Mortgagor .agrees 10 the following: A. Obligations. Mortgagor 5hall perform .all of Mortgagor'5 oh1i1?ltlom: :under the Com;titnp.nt Dor.nmp.nt". The "Constituent Documents" .are the: (i) Dec1anúion or my other dor.nmp.nt which creates the Connomininm Projects or POO .and MY l1omeowners IJ""or.1:1tion or equivll1ent entity ("Owner5 Þ."s~i:ltlon"); (ii) by-Jaw5; (iii) rode ofregnl:1tiom:;.and (iv) other equivalent lÏor.nmp.nts, Mortgagor 5hall promptly pay, when.due, .all Liues .and :I ""P."rnlp.nt" IDlposed pl.lTSlliIDÌ 10 the Constituent Dor.nmP.11t" . -D. B.azard 1nJUrJm.Ce. 50 long AS the Owner5 Þ.!;!;oci:ltlon maintains, with 11 Unp.T¡¡lly .accepted immrnnr.e auTier, 11 "master" or "blanket" policy on the Condomininm Project or POO which is ~:ltl¡;f:lM01Y 10 Lender .and which provides immT:lI1r.e L:overage in the mnounts, for the periods, .and against the llazards Lender requires, indnnine fue .and llazards inçlm1p.rlwithin the term "extp.nðp.n L:oveœge," then Mortgagor'5 obligation:under Section 1910 m:lil1t:lin llazard insurID1Ce .coveœge on the Property js dæmp.rI ~:lti!dip.n 10 the extent that the required L:oveœge is provided by the Owner'5 þ'~sor.1:1tlon policy. Mortgagor 5hall give Lender prompt notiœ of MY lapse in Iequired llazard immrnTlœ .coveœge. 1n the event of 11 Æstribution of llazard insurID1Ce proceeds in lien of restoration or Iepair following a loss 10 Property, wl1ether 10 the unit or 10 common p.lp.mp.nt", MY proceeds payable 10 Mortgagor .are l1ereby assigned.and 5hall be paid to lender for llpplir:::ttion 10 the 51lD1S 5eCllTed by this Security 1nstmment, with my excess paid 10 Mortgagor. C. Flood 1nJUrJm.Ce. Mortgagor.agrees to m:lint:lin flood immrnnr.ej'or the life of the Secured Debt which is acceptable, .as to fonn, mnount.and extent of .coveœge 10 Lender. D. Pnblic Liability 1nJUrJm.Ce. Mortgagor 5hall take such.actions AS may be reasonable 10 insure that the Owners Assor.1:1tion m:lint:lin" 11 public liabilityinsurID1Ce policy ACCeptable in fonn, mnount, .and extent of L:oveœge 10 Lender. E. CnndPDlnatinn, The proceeds of MY award or claim for rl:lm:lßp.". Direct or mnsequentia1, payable 10 Mortgagor in .connp.r.tlon with MY connP.1T1mtlon or other 1aking of ll11 or MY part of the Property, wl1ether of the unit or of the L:ommon ~lp.mp.nt", or for llIlY .conveyID1Ce in lieu of .connp.mn:ltlon , .are l1ereby :I"!;iz¡1f'A .and 5hall be paid to Lender. Such proceeds 5hall be llpplied by Lender 10 the SIJIIlS 5eCllTed by the Security 1nstrument.as provided in Section 18, F. T pndpr'ß Prior Coment. Mortgagor 5hall not, acept After notiœ to Lender .and with Lender'l; -prior -written .coment, rither partition or 5Ubdivide the Property or.consent 10: (i) the :lh:lnnonmP.11t or 1t'mnin:ltlon of the Connomininm Project or -PUD, except for :lh:lnnnnmp.nt or 1f'mT1in IJtl on Iequired by Jaw in the r:ase of 5lIbstantialliestruction byfue or other aISUalty or in the r:ase of 111aking by 1;onrlp.mn:ltlon or P.1T1inp.nt dom:lin; (ii) my :.mp.nnmP.11t 10 lUly provision of the ConstituentDocnmp.n~jf the provision is for the t:XpTe5S benefit of Lender; (ill) 1f'mT1in:ltlon of profp'!::"ion:ll m:lnwmp.nt .and :I",mmptlon of -Sclf- m:ln:lfr111P.11t by the Owners Assod:ltlon; or (iv) MY ACtion which would llave the .effect of Ip.nnp.TÌnß the public liability insurID1Ce .coverage m:lint:linf'.d by the Owners Association unacceptable 10 Lender. G. 'Rpmpdip~, lfMortgagor rloesnot pay connomininm or -PUD Liues.and :I""p'''rnlp.nts when liue, then Lender may pay 1hem, Any mnounts LlisburBed by Lender:under1hi5 5ec1ion5ha11 become :lnnition:llliebt of Mortgagor 5ecUl'ed by1hi5 5ecurity Instrument. Unless Mortgagor llJ1dLender .agree to other1ermS of payment, these mnounts 5hall bear interest from the.date of Llisbur5eDleDt At the Secured DebtIate.and 5hall be payable, with interest, uponnotiœ fromLender 10 Mortgagor requesting payment. 13. DEFADL'T. Mortgagor will be in 1lefanlt if MY party ohli1?ltf'n on the Secured Debt fails 10 :make payment when liue, Mortgagor will be in 1lefanlt jf a breach 0CCUT5 :under the 1ermS of this Security Instrument or MY other rlor:nmP.11t executed for the pmpose of cre.ating, sp.C':IITÌnß or ,guarantying the Secured Debt. A good :faith belief by Lender that Lender At MY 1ime is insecure with Iespect to llIlY person or:entity oblif;:ltf'n on the Secured Debt or that the prospect of MY payment or the value of the Property is impaired 5ha11lllso .com;ritllt~ m ~ of .default. 14. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In 50IJle im:t:lnœs, .fedenù.and state Jaw will Iequire Lender 10 provide Mortgagor withm>tiœ of the right 10 cure or other notices.and may ~!:t:lhli"h 1ime ~r:hf'n111p." for foreclosure .actions, Subject to these limit:ltlons, jf MY, Lender may acœlffl"::ttp.1he Secured Debt.and foreclose 1hi5 Security 1nstrument in 11 manner provided by law jf Mortgagor js in 1lefanlt. At the option of Lender, ll11 or MY part of the .agreed fees.and charges,,accrued interest.and principa15hall become immp.ni:'ltp.ly liue .and payable, lifter giving notice jf Iequired by law, npon the occurrence of a .default or Mytime thereafter, In :lnnitlon, Lender 5hall be~ntltlp.c 10 ll11 the Ip.mf'.rIip.s provided by Jaw, the 1ermS of the Secured Debt, this Security 1nstrument.and MY related llocnmp.nts,indJlni11£ without limit:ltlon, the power 10 5cl1the Property, All Tp.mp.nip." Me liistinct, cnm111:1tlve.and not exclusive, llJ1d the Lender is p.ntltlf'A 10 ll11 Ip.mf'Aies provided At Jawor equity, whether or not expressly -Set forth, The .acceptance by Lender of llIlY 5UDl in payment or part:ia1 payment on the Secured Debt after the h:ll:lnœ is liue or js llCCelerat.ed or After foreclosure ])TOC'.ifiliTlfi".are1iled 5hall not L:om;titntp.11 wllÍver ofLender'5 right 10 require rompletel:UTt: of MY P.YÍ!:tÍ11£ .default. By not:exercising MY remedy on Mortgagor'5 .default, Lender rloes not wllÍve Lender'5 right to later amBiderthe event l1.default jf it 1;ontlnl1p.!, or llappens Again. ;.-~:» ~"~._;J :'*ij~~t~iH~~;. ~~i;~!f!filikJ t~\~fiml;I~1!;~tm~i¡ì ".,,,,,..."'....,.."'''-'. '0 ',,: ~'--'~ _' ~" -~';..;. '..:..., ,~.'"'..._."...,..,', "-<cc,·,o;.::a;r..,:",:i;,;t.... "'''-'''''-'''''.;,::&.:",_,; u~~5497 COC532 .15. .EXPXNSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATTORNEYS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. Except wl1en JJrohibited by Jaw, Mortgagor agrees 10 pay.all of Lender's expenses jf Mortgagor breaches .any covenant .in this Security Jnstrumen.t, Mortgagor will.also pay on n~m~mn ..any 1UIlOunt.incurred by Lender for immrinß. inspecting, preserv.ing or otherwise protecting the PIOperty .and Lender' ii .security .interest. These expenses will bear ..interest from the .date of the payment until paid .in full at the Jrighest .interest rate .in effect 115 provided .in the terms of the Secured Debt. Mortgagor agrees to pay all costs .and expenses .incurred by Lender.in collecting, enforcing or protecting Lenders' rights .and remedies under this Security Instrument. This 1UIlOunt may include, but is J10t limited to, .attorneys' fees. court costs, .and other legal expenses. This 1UIlOunt 1loes not include lI1tomeys' fees for a salaried employee of the Lender, Tlris Security Jnstrumen.t .shall remain .in effect until released. Mortgagor agrees to pay for .any recordation costs of 5UCh release, 16.ENVlRONMENTALLAWSAND JlA7AllDOUS SUBSTANCES. Asused.in1his sectinn, (l)Envirnnmp.ntalLaw.means, without limitation, the ComprehensiveEnvirnnmp.nt::ll ~onse, CnmpP.m::ltion .and Liability Act (CERCLA.41 U.S,C. 9601 et .seq,), .and.all other feder.al, .state .and 10callawii, regnl::1tinn", ornin::lnr.es, court orders, .attorney genenù opinions or .interpretive letters concerning the public J1ea1th, .safety, welfare, environment or a .hazardous .substance; .and (1) &zardous Substance means ..any toxic, :radioactive or .hazar1lous m::ltmfl1, waste, pollutant or cont::lmin::lnt which .has cl1anu::teristics which render the .5nbstflnce .dangerous or potentially .dangerous to the public J1ea1th, .safety, welfare or envirnnmp.nt, The 1erm ;nc1nn~". without limit::ltinn, ..any substances rlefined 115 ".hazar1lous IDateria1," .'toxic .substances,~' ".hazardous w1lSte" or "l1azar1lous .subiitanœ" .lli1der .any Envirnnm~nt::llLaw. Mortgagor represents, w.ammts.and agrees that: A. Except 115 previously ni~ln!:p.n .and .acknowledged.in writing to Lender, no&zardous Snh!i:t::lnr.e is or will be IO~::Itp.ci, 5tored or released on or .in the FIoperty, Tlris restriction 1loes not llpply to .smalllln::lntitip." of Hazardous Substances !hat.are generally recognized to be appropriate for the.nonnal use.and m::lintp.n::lnr.e of the Property. ]3, Except liS previously ni"dn"{"-eJ.and .acknowledged.in writing to Lender, Mortgagor.and evexy tenant .have been, .are, .and .shall remain.in full cnmpli::lnœwith.any applicable Envirnnment::lILaw. C. Mortgagor .shall immf'lii ::It~ly J10tify Lender II a release or 1hreatened release of a Hazardous Sub5tance occurs on, .lli1der or wout the Property or there is a violation of any Envirnnmp.nt::ll Law conc~ming the Froperty. 1n iiuch an event, Mortgagor .sha1l take.all necp.",mry rp.mf'.ði fll .action .in .accnrn::lnr,e with.any Environmp.nt::ll Law. D. Mortgagor .shall imm~ni::ltp.ty J10tify Lender .in writing liS soon .as Mortgagor.has reason to believe there is..any pending or thrp.flt~neci .investigation, .claim, or procep.niT\ß Iclating to the Ielease or thrf':::It~nedrelease of .any Hazar1lous Subst.aDce or the violation of..any Environplp.nt::ll Law, J.7. CONDEMNATION. Mortgagor will give Lender prompt notice of.any pending or thrf'Jltp.np.n .action, by private or public :entities to JJurd1ase or1Bke..any or.all of the Property through cnnnp.mn::ltinn, f':minP.ntnnm::lin, or.any other:means, Mortgagor ..authorizes Lender to .intervene.in Mortgagor' mune in ..any of the .above described .actions or claims, Mortgagor.assigns to Lender the proceeds of..any .aw.ard or claim for .damages connected with a connp.mn::ltinn or other 1aking of.all or any part of the Property. Such proceeds .shall be considered payments .and will be applied .as provided .in this Security lnstrument, Tlris .assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of..any prior mortgage, .deed of trust, .security agreement or other lien .document, 18.INSURAN CE. Mortgagor.shall.keep Property insured.against loss by:£re, flood, theft.and other l1azards .and risks reasonably .associated with the Froperty .due to its type.and 1~::Itinn, This immT::Inr.e.shall be m::lint::linf'.d in the 1UIlOunts.and for the periods that.Lender requires, T.he ;mmrnnœ carrier providing the ;mmT::Inr,e .shall be .chosen by Mortgagor .subject to Lender'ii approv.al, which.shall not be unreasonably withheld, Jf Mortgagor fails to m::lint::lin the coverage described wove, Lender may,llt .Lender'ii option, obtain coverage to prot.ectLender'ii:rights .in the FIoperty .according to the terms of this Security Jnstrumen.t. All im;llrnn~e policies .and renew.als .shall be .acceptable to Lender .and shall include .a .standard ·'mortgage clause" .and.. where .applicable, ""loss payee clause,~'Mortgagor .sha1l imm¡:>.ñiMp.ly notify Lender of f:::Incp.lIation or termination of the insurance. Lender .shall.have the Iight to l10ld the policies .and renewals. JfLender requires, Mortgagor .shall ;mmp.ni::ltp.ly give to Lender .all receipts of paid prfflTlillm" .and renew.al notices, Upon loss, Mortgagor shall give immf'.ñiMp. notice to the ;n"lIT::Inr.P. carrier .and.Lender. Lender may make proof oflossllJ1Otmade immp.clilltp.ly by Mortgagor, Unless otherwise agreed.in writing, .all ;mmrnnr.e proceeds .sha1l be applied to the restonúion or repair of the Property or to the Secured Debt, w.hether or not then .due, .at.Lender 'ii option. Any llpplication of proceeds to principal.shall not extend or postpone the .due.date of the ¡;r.hf'nlllp.Ò payment nor cl1ange the 1UIlOunt of ..any payment. Any excess will be paid to Mortgagor. Jf the Property is .acquired by Lender, Mortgagor's right 10 any insurance policies .and proceeds rp.¡;n ltinß from .damage to the Property before the .acquisition.shall pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debt ;mmp.ni::lte1y before the .acqllÌ5ition, 19. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise JJrovided.in a.separate agrf':em~nt, Mortgagor -will:not be required to pay toLender:funds for taxes.and immrnnce mescrow. 20. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Mortgagor will provide 10 Lender upon request, any fin::lnci::ll ¡;;t::ltp.mp.nt or infC1TlTl::ltinn Lender may .deem reasonably TleN'''''::Iry. Mortgagor agrees to .sign, .deliver, .and.:file .any ::Innition::ll .documents or .certifi~tinm that Lender may consider Tlecp."¡;::Iry to perfect, continue, .and preserve Mortgagor's obligations .lli1der 1his Security Jnstrumen.t.and Lender' iilien .status on the Property. 21. JOINT AND .INDIVIDUAL T ,TA BIT ITY; CO-SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS .BOUND. All duties .lli1der 1his Security Jnstrumen.t are joint .and .indivliiual. JfMortgagor 5Ìgns 1his Security Jnstrumen.t but 1loes J10t sign .an evidence of .debt, EQ150D (1OL2003) ~ .- -, --,-"" '''_:'''' '4U""" .',', ,':"';"'''''C..' <~"~.,, .. . ,'.'.-.......:,.....:." :---'-..~.;J.'J<¡:.;Li'"i....":;r¡_.c..,'''''__,''''-.:...·,~,:~C,·,,:',..,:! .' -_t.",~,~.':',; '_....;~"':_, '; ,'~,-.:..'.,.",.'<!".I..~'~ ." üS1-5497 Mortgagor 1loes 50 only 10 mortgage Mortgagor'.s .interest in the Property 10 5eClITe payment of the Secured Debt æui Mortgagor lioes not agree to be per.sonally liable on the· Secured Debt. 1£ this Security 1nstnnnent 5eClITes 11 gwmmty between Lender æui Mortgagor, Mortgagor agrees to waive MY rights 1luú may prevent Lender from hTÎTl~T\ß MY .action or claim Rgainst Mortgagor or IDlY pmty indebted under the obligation, Tl1ese rights may include, but Me not limited to, MY .anti-cl~fir.ieTlcy or one-.act:ion lRw.s. Mortgagor agrees that Lender mui MYpmty to 1his Security Tm;trnm~Tlt may extend. modify or make MY clumge in the terms of 1his Security 1nstnnnent or MY evidence of Liebt without Mortgagor'.s consent. Such 11 clumge will not re1eRse Mortgagor from the terms of this Security 1nstnnnent. The.duties æui benefits of this Security 1nstrument 51uùl bind mui benefit the .successors mui 1iSSigns of Mortgagor æui Lender, 22. APPLICABLE LAW; SEVRRABTI JTY; INTERPRETATION. Tlris Security 1nstnnnentis govt:rned by the lRws of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located, except to the extent otherwise required by the hws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locmed. Tlris Security 1nstrument is complete æuiDùly iTltf'£T::Iff'.rl, This Security 1nstnnnent may not be ::Im~T1C:¡ed of moilifi~d by ornl agreement, Any.section in this Security Instnunent. ;¡tt::l~hm~Tlts, or IDlY agreement rclRted to the Secured Debt iliat conflicts with Appli~::Ihle hw will not be effective, unless 1luú hw -expressly or impli~illy pemrits the v1lriations by written agreement. 1£ MY .section of this Security 1nstrument QUlIlOt be enforced a~cnTiliTlZ to its terms, that.section will be severed æui will not 4ffect the enforceability of the ]'P.1TI;¡iTlileT of this Security 1nstrument, \Vhenever used, the ¡;-jTl~ll::¡T 51uùl include the phmù æui the phmù the ¡;;iTl~Il::lT. The CRptions æui hf'.:IiliTlߣ' of the sections of this Security 1nstnnnent Me for con~Tlip.Tlce only æui Me not·to be used to IDterpret or rlefine the terms of this Security 1nstnnnent. Time is of the essence in this Security 1nstnnnent. 23. NOTICE. UDless otherwise required by hw, MY 1lOtice .shall be pyen by rlelivering it or by m::liliT\ß it by fust.clRss mail to the 11ppropœte pmty's mldress on page 1 of this Security Instnunent. or AS .shown in Lender's records, or to lIDY other Address ilp.~i17'::Itp.ci ill writing. 24. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohihit~ð by hw, Mortgagor waives IDly:right rf'£,miiTlf the m;¡T~h;¡11iTlf oflien$ æui ASSets, æui hereby T~lf'.:I¡;-jTlf llI1d waiving.all rights under llI1d by virtue of the hom~ap.::¡d exemption hws of1his mte, 25. OTHER TERMS. 1£che~kp.iI, thefollowingMelipplil'.:Ihlp. to this Security 1nstnnnent: ill Line of Credit. The Secured Debt iTl~lncie¡: A revolving line of credit :provision. Although the Secured Debt may be reduced to A.zerO h::ll::lTl~e, 1his Security 1nstrument will rem&n in clfect until released, @ Construction Loan. This Security 1nstnnnent 5eClITes IDl ohliZfltiQTl incurred for the construction of lID improvement on the Property. EiÃJ Fixture Filing. Mortgagor gmnts to Lender A 5eCU1Ìty .interest in.all goods 1luú Mortgagor owns now or in the future æui that Me or will becomeiixtures rclates to the Property, Tlris Security 1nstrument ¡;nffiœs AS A iimlT1~iTlf .st::lff'mp.Tlt æui lIDY carbon, photogrnphic or other reprnilnMinTl may be :filed of record for pmposes of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. ~ Additional Tenus.· ~6. BIDERS. 1£ ~hp.~ked, the following Me lipplk:¡h1e to this Security Instrument. The .covenants mui Agrrem~Tlt~ of each of the :riders ~hp.~kf'ii below Me.incorponú:edIDtoæui5uppl~m~Tlt æui1m1eI1d the terms of this Security Instrument, JmJ Third PllIty Rider JmJ T p';¡!::f'hnlil Rider m Other N/A SIGNATURES: By ¡¡ifJIÍT1f below, Mortgagor agrees to the terms æui .covenants cnTlt;¡;Tleci in 1his Security 1nstrument æui in lIDY :rttfl~hmP.T1t8. Mortgagor.also .acknowledges receipt of 11 copy of 1his Security Instrument on the .date .stùed on page 1, F- ~ ~--- RÆ A CDLf MIC~~;~ C00533 Mortgagor ~~ Dme Mortgagor I ~--C:(Q Dllte Mortgagor Dllte Mortgagor Dllte Mortgagor Dllte Mortgagor Dllte :EQ150E (1012003) ~~:::~?~;¡~i~~:N~i~d ~I¡' 1\ !¡:'I.~t¡'" i~t~,' .'~~ !:i~;:';i .!K::¡~'~·;';Ltp :::::::*::~::m:¡;::: : ':~~:%::~:::;:::;::~ ·,:,'·,f,f.I.t..!;.""""",;"" , ".'I-.I,·...I...L:..·,·.',.,·, ., <.: ~ r:::- "'.1 0""-' U.J.cL~'-iJ I' ACKNOWLEDGMENT: (Individual) STATE OF ~ C>ŸYlÅ VI....Q . ) CODNTY OF L VLc.o I n The foregoing instrument was .acknowledged before.me by L/~ A 1his c¡ liayof -5.~'f ..' 2DOto ~L (5' of Offu:er) ~y PL-Lb./I· C- (Title of Offu:er) My Cnmmi"~Ol1:Expires: N CTlJ~ 2z Zt>ÖC¡ ,~~.-:''-,'...;~.::1,:.:=_ C00534 C f)l~ KALONI HALL - NOTARY PUBLIC COO. NTYOF &\ STATE OF .LINCOlN _ WYOMING MY COUMISSION EXPI~1Jßt..22..2000 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: (Individual) STATE OF W1cnn; ~ COUNTY OF L ì V\..C..ð I VI ihe:foregoillgmstTllm~ntwasllCknowledgedbefore.meby VY\ i~.p 1I~ ~ E/2..i ~ rt:.~ C-o ~, 1his tq liayof :r~ . .. ) ðD(P 1 --;r::;"Zu (~Officer) ,AI o+ó-v--¡ P~I ¡ c.. (Title of Officer) I MyCnmmi""inn:Expires: NoV~£JV 22, ¿DD'=¡ :EQ150F (1012003) KAlONI tIALl- NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF 6) STAlE OF .JJNCOlN WYOMING (5cal) MY COUMISSJON EXPIRES NOV,22.2OO /