HomeMy WebLinkAbout915512 '...~'...o;l~.:.!.;,.',',.,>_,,',',. ..'". ·-,,',,"",',·,..-·"i·,', ',' ....', <~',.,', ..,','>'<!),,:' "....I".2<-=',!~.,~,.., ~...:, ' ':,'. :¡;"::':':'"i: :.':O~-6·,........¥,":''II:..i ·¡~','~".o:~~-.,,,,I.U"'!""'·":-O-r_'''''''~'''.'''':(j-'~'''',,,,,''·'' ';;:\;' "',' "< .:--...;".".,.,.", ',','," , :.," """;':;,..',.",t:.,,,.,.,.,,; 000543 When Recorded, Mail to: Bank of Star Valley PO Box 8007 ACton, WY 83110 Attn,: SHIPPING DEPT./DOC. CONTROL Order No.: RECEIVED 1/27/2006 at 1:50 PM RECEIVING # 915512 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 543 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, BANK OF STAR VALLEY, hereby assigns to ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION that certain Mortgage, together with the indebtedness secured thereby, which Mortgage is dated January 18.2006 , was executed by Lucas Peavler. a sinele man as mortgagors, to The Bank of Star Valley, as mortgagee, was recorded on January 24. 2006 , ~ at Page ~ Instrument Number 915434 , situated in said county described as follows: . in Book ~1 "') .~ SEE ATTACHED "EXHIBIT A" FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION .../ Dated January 26. 2006 . BANK OF STAR VALLEY BY~¿ ~. Its -~ VICE PRESIDENT STATE OF WYOMING } } ss } COUNTY OF LINCOLN On 26th day of January, 2006 , personally appeared before me Charles Clineer who being by me duly sworn, did say that _he_is the Vice President. of THE BANK OF STAR VALLEY, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of a resolution of its oard of Directors, and said Vice President acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same. My Commission Expires: Residing at: ~- /-aoo1 ..1{fon. /ý~ / ÇL/'J MINDY LYMAN . Nota¡y Public County at linCOln State ,or Wyomlnil My Commission Expires:; _1_ ~ usaassn ~'+:'!;'i':'~ ~~'.'.'.'. -;;.+~\" .v,~,) I:¡'~~;:""~'~;'~ F.;~:::*~:::r:~i:::i, ~2:!;:;i ~~~'~~~: ' ' ~ ï.~~:~î~¡1 t·~,~ ~'~1.~~~ ,..- ............-.'".. , . , -, '~.-.,".'.....'h ,....''',~.,'' " ,,'........-..,,'.,. .,.,~,.,.,."'.'.."..,......--:~".;,...'..,... -·'¥,',,·,··,'''...,·nt·<'.''...,.,.,.'''...,',.._....,..·.'..',':..,....."_., . O~1.551.Z . ,.. . . 000544 A portion of that tract of record referred to as Parcel # 1 in that certain Quitclaim Deed dated January 15. 1996 and recorded in the office of the Lincoln" County Clerk in Book 381 PRo Page 72, Recording No. 816519. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Parcel #1, said corner being 30 rods West of the NE corner of Section 35. T32N, R119W of the 6th PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence West along the North boundary of said Parcel # 1, 100 feet; thence South parallel to the East boundary line of said Parcel # 1. 120 feet; thence East parallel to the North boundary line of said Parcel # 1. 100 feet. more or less, to the East boundary line of said Parcel # 1; thence North along said East boundary line. 120 feet. more or less. to the point of beginning. For information purposes only. the propeliy address is purported to be: Land Title Company 11020 Highway 238 Afton, Wyoming 83110 Land Title CompailY Underwriter - Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company Commitment Schedule A Page I of2